Uses of Class

Packages that use WrongValueException
org.zkoss.bind.impl Core Implementation for ZK Bind 
org.zkoss.zhtml ZHTML component set. 
org.zkoss.zhtml.impl Classes used to implement ZHTML component set. 
org.zkoss.zk.ui Interfaces of the common user-interfaces, such as Page and Component
org.zkoss.zk.ui.ext Additional Interfaces that might be implemented by special components, such as AfterCompose
org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys Internal interfaces of user interfaces and factories (behind the scene). 
org.zkoss.zkex.zul Zul Extension library. 
org.zkoss.zkmax.zul Components and UI utitilies available in ZK EE. 
org.zkoss.zml The ZK XML Component Set. 
org.zkoss.zul ZUL component set that are used for HTML-based clients. 
org.zkoss.zul.ext Interfaces that might be implemented by ZUL components. 
org.zkoss.zul.impl Classes used to implement ZUL Component Set (implementation only). 

Uses of WrongValueException in org.zkoss.bind.impl

Methods in org.zkoss.bind.impl that return WrongValueException
 WrongValueException[] WrongValuePropertyImpl.getWrongValueExceptions()

Uses of WrongValueException in org.zkoss.zhtml

Methods in org.zkoss.zhtml that throw WrongValueException
 void Textarea.setDynamicProperty(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value)
 void Raw.setTag(java.lang.String tagname)
 void Input.setValue(java.lang.String value)
          Sets the vallue of this input.

Uses of WrongValueException in org.zkoss.zhtml.impl

Methods in org.zkoss.zhtml.impl that throw WrongValueException
 void AbstractTag.setDynamicProperty(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value)
          Sets the dynamic property.

Uses of WrongValueException in org.zkoss.zk.ui

Subclasses of WrongValueException in org.zkoss.zk.ui
 class ArithmeticWrongValueException
          For ArithmeticException wrong value wrapper.

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui that return WrongValueException
 WrongValueException[] WrongValuesException.getWrongValueExceptions()
          Returns all the exceptions (never null).
 WrongValueException AbstractComponent.onWrongValue(WrongValueException ex)
          Notifies that an WrongValueException instance is thrown, and getComponent() is this component.

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui with parameters of type WrongValueException
 WrongValueException AbstractComponent.onWrongValue(WrongValueException ex)
          Notifies that an WrongValueException instance is thrown, and getComponent() is this component.

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui that throw WrongValueException
 void HtmlNativeComponent.setDynamicProperty(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value)
 void HtmlMacroComponent.setDynamicProperty(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value)
 void HtmlNativeComponent.setTag(java.lang.String tag)
          Sets the tag name.

Constructors in org.zkoss.zk.ui with parameters of type WrongValueException
WrongValuesException(WrongValueException[] wrongValueExs)
          Constructs a multiple wrong value exception.

Uses of WrongValueException in org.zkoss.zk.ui.ext

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.ext that throw WrongValueException
 void DynamicPropertied.setDynamicProperty(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value)
          Sets a property with the specified name and value.
 void DynamicTag.setTag(java.lang.String tagname)
          Sets the tag name.

Uses of WrongValueException in org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys that return WrongValueException
 WrongValueException ComponentCtrl.onWrongValue(WrongValueException ex)
          Notifies that an WrongValueException instance is thrown, and getComponent() is the component causing the exception.

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys with parameters of type WrongValueException
 WrongValueException ComponentCtrl.onWrongValue(WrongValueException ex)
          Notifies that an WrongValueException instance is thrown, and getComponent() is the component causing the exception.

Uses of WrongValueException in org.zkoss.zkex.zul

Methods in org.zkoss.zkex.zul that throw WrongValueException
 void Fisheyebar.setAttachEdge(java.lang.String attachEdge)
          Sets the attach edge.
 void Fisheyebar.setItemHeight(int itemhgh)
          Sets the item height of Fisheye.
 void Fisheyebar.setItemMaxHeight(int itemmaxhgh)
          Sets the item maximal height of Fisheye.
 void Fisheyebar.setItemMaxWidth(int itemmaxwd)
          Sets the item maximal width of Fisheye.
 void Fisheyebar.setItemPadding(int itemPadding)
          Sets the item padding of Fisheye.
 void Fisheyebar.setItemWidth(int itemwd)
          Sets the item width of Fisheye.
 void Fisheyebar.setLabelEdge(java.lang.String labelEdge)
          Sets the label edge.
 void Fisheyebar.setOrient(java.lang.String orient)
          Sets the orientation of Fisheye.

Uses of WrongValueException in org.zkoss.zkmax.zul

Methods in org.zkoss.zkmax.zul that throw WrongValueException
 void Tablechildren.setColspan(int colspan)
          Sets the number of columns to span this header.
 void Tablelayout.setColumns(int columns)
          Sets the number of columns.
 void Cardlayout.setOrient(java.lang.String orient)
          Sets the orient.
 void Scrollview.setOrient(java.lang.String orient)
 void Tablechildren.setRowspan(int rowspan)
          Sets the number of rows to span this header.
 void Chosenbox.setTabindex(int tabindex)
          Sets the tab order of the input node of this component.

Uses of WrongValueException in org.zkoss.zml

Methods in org.zkoss.zml that throw WrongValueException
 void XmlNativeComponent.setDynamicProperty(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value)
 void XmlMacroComponent.setDynamicProperty(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value)
 void XmlNativeComponent.setTag(java.lang.String tag)
          Sets the tag name.

Uses of WrongValueException in org.zkoss.zul

Methods in org.zkoss.zul with parameters of type WrongValueException
 void CustomConstraint.showCustomError(Component comp, WrongValueException ex)
          To display the error message in a custom way.

Methods in org.zkoss.zul that throw WrongValueException
protected  java.lang.Object Timebox.coerceFromString(java.lang.String value)
protected  java.lang.Object Textbox.coerceFromString(java.lang.String value)
          Coerces the value passed to Textbox.setValue(java.lang.String).
protected  java.lang.Object Spinner.coerceFromString(java.lang.String value)
protected  java.lang.Object Longbox.coerceFromString(java.lang.String value)
protected  java.lang.Object Intbox.coerceFromString(java.lang.String value)
protected  java.lang.Object Doublespinner.coerceFromString(java.lang.String value)
protected  java.lang.Object Doublebox.coerceFromString(java.lang.String value)
protected  java.lang.Object Decimalbox.coerceFromString(java.lang.String value)
protected  java.lang.Object Datebox.coerceFromString(java.lang.String value)
 double Doublespinner.doubleValue()
          Returns the value in double.
 double Doublebox.doubleValue()
          Returns the value in double.
 double Decimalbox.doubleValue()
          Returns the value in double.
protected  java.lang.Object Spinner.getTargetValue()
 java.util.Date Timebox.getValue()
          Returns the value (in Date), might be null unless a constraint stops it.
 java.lang.String Textbox.getValue()
          Returns the value.
 java.lang.Integer Spinner.getValue()
          Returns the value (in Integer), might be null unless a constraint stops it.
 java.lang.Long Longbox.getValue()
          Returns the value (in Long), might be null unless a constraint stops it.
 java.lang.Integer Intbox.getValue()
          Returns the value (in Integer), might be null unless a constraint stops it.
 java.lang.Double Doublespinner.getValue()
          Returns the value (in Double), might be null unless a constraint stops it.
 java.lang.Double Doublebox.getValue()
          Returns the value (in Double), might be null unless a constraint stops it.
 java.math.BigDecimal Decimalbox.getValue()
          Returns the value (in BigDecimal), might be null unless a constraint stops it.
 java.util.Date Datebox.getValue()
          Returns the value (in Date), might be null unless a constraint stops it.
 int Spinner.intValue()
          Returns the value in int.
 long Longbox.intValue()
          Returns the value in int.
 int Intbox.intValue()
          Returns the value in int.
 int Doublebox.intValue()
          Returns the value in integer.
 int Decimalbox.intValue()
          Returns the value in integer.
 long Longbox.longValue()
          Returns the value in long.
 long Doublebox.longValue()
          Returns the value in long.
 long Decimalbox.longValue()
          Returns the value in long.
 void Paging.setActivePage(int pg)
          Set the active page Note: In server side, active page starts from 0.
 void Tabs.setAlign(java.lang.String align)
          Sets the alignment of tab.
 void Audio.setAlign(java.lang.String align)
          Sets the alignment: one of top, texttop, middle, absmiddle, bottom, absbottom, baseline, left, right and center.
 void Audio.setBorder(java.lang.String border)
          Sets the width of the border.
 void Splitter.setCollapse(java.lang.String collapse)
          Sets which side of the splitter is collapsed when its grippy is clicked.
 void Cell.setColspan(int colspan)
          Sets the number of columns to span.
 void Auxheader.setColspan(int colspan)
          Sets the number of columns to span this header.
 void Slider.setCurpos(int curpos)
          Sets the current position of the slider.
 void Button.setDir(java.lang.String dir)
          Sets the direction to layout image.
 void A.setDir(java.lang.String dir)
          Sets the direction to layout with image.
 void Applet.setDynamicProperty(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value)
 void Timebox.setFormat(java.lang.String format)
          Sets the date format.
 void Datebox.setFormat(java.lang.String format)
          Sets the date format.
 void Box.setHeights(java.lang.String heights)
          Deprecated. As of release 5.0.0, use Cell instead.
 void Menuitem.setHref(java.lang.String href)
          Sets the href.
 void Slider.setMaxpos(int maxpos)
          Sets the maximum position of the slider.
 void Include.setMode(java.lang.String mode)
          Sets the inclusion mode.
 void Fileupload.setNumber(int maxnum)
          Deprecated. As of release 5.0.0, replaced with Button.setUpload(String)
 void Toolbar.setOrient(java.lang.String orient)
          Sets the orient.
 void Tabbox.setOrient(java.lang.String orient)
          Sets the orient.
 void Slider.setOrient(java.lang.String orient)
          Sets the orient.
 void Separator.setOrient(java.lang.String orient)
          Sets the orient.
 void Radiogroup.setOrient(java.lang.String orient)
          Sets the orient.
 void Menubar.setOrient(java.lang.String orient)
          Sets the orient.
 void Button.setOrient(java.lang.String orient)
          Sets the orient to layout image.
 void Box.setOrient(java.lang.String orient)
          Sets the orient.
 void Slider.setPageIncrement(int pginc)
          Sets the amount that the value of Slider.getCurpos() changes by when the tray of the scroll bar is clicked.
 void Paging.setPageIncrement(int pginc)
          Sets the number of page list icon when mold is "os"
 void Tree.setPageSize(int pgsz)
          Sets the page size, aka., the number items per page.
 void Paging.setPageSize(int size)
          Sets the items to show in each page
 void Tree.setRows(int rows)
          Sets the rows.
 void Textbox.setRows(int rows)
          Sets the rows.
 void Listbox.setRows(int rows)
          Sets the rows.
 void Cell.setRowspan(int rowspan)
          Sets the number of rows to span.
 void Auxheader.setRowspan(int rowspan)
          Sets the number of rows to span this header.
 void Tree.setSeltype(java.lang.String seltype)
          Sets the seltype.
 void Listbox.setSeltype(java.lang.String seltype)
          Sets the seltype.
 void Area.setShape(java.lang.String shape)
          Sets the shape of this area.
 void Treecol.setSortDirection(java.lang.String sortDir)
          Sets the sort direction.
 void Listheader.setSortDirection(java.lang.String sortDir)
          Sets the sort direction.
 void Column.setSortDirection(java.lang.String sortDir)
          Sets the sort direction.
 void Row.setSpans(java.lang.String spans)
          Deprecated. As of release 5.0.0, use Cell instead.
 void Selectbox.setTabindex(int tabindex)
          Sets the tab order of this component.
 void Listbox.setTabindex(int tabindex)
          Sets the tab order of this component.
 void Checkbox.setTabindex(int tabindex)
          Sets the tab order of this component.
 void Button.setTabindex(int tabindex)
          Sets the tab order of this component.
 void A.setTabindex(int tabindex)
          Sets the tab order of this component.
 void Paging.setTotalSize(int size)
          Sets total size of items
 void Textbox.setType(java.lang.String type)
          Sets the type.
 void Button.setType(java.lang.String type)
          Sets the button type.
 void Decimalbox.setValue(java.math.BigDecimal value)
          Sets the value (in BigDecimal).
 void Timebox.setValue(java.util.Date value)
          Sets the value (in Date).
 void Datebox.setValue(java.util.Date value)
          Sets the value (in Date).
 void Doublebox.setValue(double value)
          Sets the value (in double)
 void Doublespinner.setValue(java.lang.Double value)
          Sets the value (in Double).
 void Doublebox.setValue(java.lang.Double value)
          Sets the value (in Double).
 void Spinner.setValue(java.lang.Integer value)
          Sets the value (in Integer).
 void Intbox.setValue(java.lang.Integer value)
          Sets the value (in Integer).
 void Longbox.setValue(java.lang.Long value)
          Sets the value (in Long).
 void Textbox.setValue(java.lang.String value)
          Sets the value.
 void Captcha.setValue(java.lang.String text)
          Sets the text value to be shown as the distortion captcha.
 void Box.setWidths(java.lang.String widths)
          Deprecated. As of release 5.0.0, use Cell instead.
 short Doublebox.shortValue()
          Returns the value in short.
 short Decimalbox.shortValue()
          Returns the value in short.
 void SimpleSpinnerConstraint.validate(Component comp, java.lang.Object value)
 void SimpleDoubleSpinnerConstraint.validate(Component comp, java.lang.Object value)
 void SimpleDateConstraint.validate(Component comp, java.lang.Object value)
 void SimpleConstraint.validate(Component comp, java.lang.Object value)
 void Constraint.validate(Component comp, java.lang.Object value)
          Verifies whether the value is acceptable.

Constructors in org.zkoss.zul that throw WrongValueException
Bandbox(java.lang.String value)
Combobox(java.lang.String value)
Combobutton(java.lang.String value)
Datebox(java.util.Date date)
          Constructor with a given date.
Decimalbox(java.math.BigDecimal value)
Doublebox(double value)
Doublebox(java.lang.Double value)
Doublespinner(double value)
Intbox(int value)
Longbox(int value)
Longbox(long value)
Spinner(int value)
Textbox(java.lang.String value)
Timebox(java.util.Date date)

Uses of WrongValueException in org.zkoss.zul.ext

Methods in org.zkoss.zul.ext that throw WrongValueException
 void Pageable.setActivePage(int pg)
          Sets the active page (starting from 0).
 void Paginal.setPageIncrement(int pginc)
          Sets the number of page anchors shall appear at the client.
 void Pageable.setPageSize(int size)
          Sets the number of items per page.
 void Paginal.setTotalSize(int size)
          Sets the total number of items.

Uses of WrongValueException in org.zkoss.zul.impl

Methods in org.zkoss.zul.impl that return WrongValueException
 WrongValueException InputElement.onWrongValue(WrongValueException ex)
protected  WrongValueException InputElement.showCustomError(WrongValueException ex)
          Shows the error message in the custom way by calling (CustomConstraint.showCustomError(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component, org.zkoss.zk.ui.WrongValueException), if the constraint implements CustomConstraint.

Methods in org.zkoss.zul.impl with parameters of type WrongValueException
 WrongValueException InputElement.onWrongValue(WrongValueException ex)
protected  WrongValueException InputElement.showCustomError(WrongValueException ex)
          Shows the error message in the custom way by calling (CustomConstraint.showCustomError(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component, org.zkoss.zk.ui.WrongValueException), if the constraint implements CustomConstraint.

Methods in org.zkoss.zul.impl that throw WrongValueException
protected  void InputElement.checkUserError()
          Checks whether user entered a wrong value (and not correct it yet).
protected abstract  java.lang.Object InputElement.coerceFromString(java.lang.String value)
          Coerces the value passed to InputElement.setText(java.lang.String).
protected  java.lang.Object InputElement.getTargetValue()
          Returns the value in the targeting type.
 java.lang.String InputElement.getText()
          Returns the value in the String format.
 void MeshElement.setActivePage(int pg)
          Sets the active page (starting from 0).
 void InputElement.setCols(int cols)
          Sets the cols.
 void FormatInputElement.setFormat(java.lang.String format)
          Sets the format.
 void MeshElement.setPageSize(int pgsz)
          Sets the page size, aka., the number rows per page.
 void InputElement.setTabindex(int tabindex)
          Sets the tab order of this component.
 void InputElement.setText(java.lang.String value)
          Sets the value in the String format.
static int[] Utils.stringToInts(java.lang.String numbers, int defaultValue)
          Parse a list of numbers.
protected  void InputElement.validate(java.lang.Object value)
          Validates the value returned by InputElement.coerceFromString(java.lang.String).

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