Uses of Class

Packages that use Desktop
_global_ The global namespace in JavaScript (i.e., the window object). 
zk ZK JavaScript extension and utilities 

Uses of Desktop in _global_

Methods in _global_ that return Desktop
static Desktop zk.stateless(String dtid, String contextURI, String updateURI, String reqURI)
          Declares the desktop is used for the stateless context.

Methods in _global_ with parameters of type Desktop
static void zAu.addAuRequest(Desktop dt, Event aureq)
          Add the AU request to the ajax queue.
 void jq.after(java.lang.Object content, Desktop desktop)
          Insert content after each of the matched elements.
 void jq.append(java.lang.Object content, Desktop desktop)
          Append content to inside of every matched element.
 void jq.before(java.lang.Object content, Desktop desktop)
          Insert content before each of the matched elements.
static String zAu.beforeSend(String uri, Event aureq, Desktop dt)
          Called before sending an AU request.
static String zAu.encode(int j, Event aureq, Desktop dt)
          Returns the content to send to the server.
static Array zAu.getAuRequests(Desktop dt)
          Returns all pending AU requests.
static boolean zk.load(String pkg, Desktop dt, Function func)
          Loads the specified package(s).
 void jq.prepend(java.lang.Object content, Desktop desktop)
          Prepend content to the inside of every matched element.
 jq jq.replaceWith(Widget widget, Desktop desktop, Skipper skipper)
          Replaces the match elements with the specified HTML, DOM or Widget.
static boolean zAu.sendNow(Desktop dt)
          Enforces all pending AU requests of the specified desktop to send immediately

Uses of Desktop in zk

Fields in zk declared as Desktop
 Desktop Widget.desktop
          The desktop that this widget belongs to (readonly).

Methods in zk that return Desktop
static Desktop Desktop.$(Object o)
          Returns the desktop of the specified desktop ID, widget, widget UUID, or DOM element.
static Desktop Desktop.sync(int timeout)
          Checks if any desktop becomes invalid, and removes the invalid desktops.

Methods in zk with parameters of type Desktop
protected  void Widget.bind_(Desktop dt, Skipper skipper, Array after)
          Callback when this widget is bound (aka., attached) to the DOM tree.
 Widget Widget.bind(Desktop dt, Skipper skipper)
          Binds this widget.
protected  void Widget.bindChildren_(Desktop dt, Skipper skipper, Array after)
          Binds the children of this widget.
protected  void Widget.insertChildHTML_(Widget child, Widget before, Desktop desktop)
          Inserts the HTML content generated by the specified child widget before the reference widget (the before argument).
protected  void Widget.replaceChildHTML_(Widget child, DOMElement n, Desktop dt, Skipper skipper)
          Replaces the DOM element(s) of the specified child widget.
 Widget Widget.replaceHTML(Object n, Desktop desktop, Skipper skipper)
          Replaces the specified DOM element with the HTML content generated this widget.
 Widget Widget.unbind(Desktop dt, Skipper skipper)
          Unbinds this widget.

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