Class HtmlBasedComponent

    • Field Detail

      • _zclass

        protected java.lang.String _zclass
        The ZK CSS class.
    • Constructor Detail

      • HtmlBasedComponent

        protected HtmlBasedComponent()
    • Method Detail

      • getLeft

        public java.lang.String getLeft()
        Returns the left position.
      • setLeft

        public void setLeft​(java.lang.String left)
        Sets the left position.

        If you want to specify right, use setStyle(java.lang.String) instead. For example, setStyle("right: 0px");

        left - the left position. Remember to specify px, pt or %.
      • getTop

        public java.lang.String getTop()
        Returns the top position.
      • setTop

        public void setTop​(java.lang.String top)
        Sets the top position.

        If you want to specify bottom, use setStyle(java.lang.String) instead. For example, setStyle("bottom: 0px");

        top - the top position. Remember to specify px, pt or %.
      • getZIndex

        public int getZIndex()
        Returns the Z index.

        Default: -1 (means system default;

      • setZIndex

        public void setZIndex​(int zIndex)
        Sets the Z index.
      • getZindex

        public int getZindex()
        Returns the Z index. It is the same as getZIndex().
      • setZindex

        public void setZindex​(int zIndex)
        Sets the Z index. It is the same as setZIndex(int).
      • getHeight

        public java.lang.String getHeight()
        Returns the height. If null, the best fit is used.

        Default: null.

      • setHeight

        public void setHeight​(java.lang.String height)
        Sets the height. If null, the best fit is used.
      • setHeight0

        protected void setHeight0​(java.lang.String height)
        Internal Use Only.
      • getWidth

        public java.lang.String getWidth()
        Returns the width. If null, the best fit is used.

        Default: null.

      • setWidth0

        protected void setWidth0​(java.lang.String width)
        Internal Use Only.
      • setWidthDirectly

        protected void setWidthDirectly​(java.lang.String width)
        Sets the width directly without sending back the result (smart update) to the client
      • setHeightDirectly

        protected void setHeightDirectly​(java.lang.String height)
        Sets the height directly without sending back the result (smart update) to the client
      • setLeftDirectly

        protected void setLeftDirectly​(java.lang.String left)
        Sets the left directly without sending back the result (smart update) to the client
      • setTopDirectly

        protected void setTopDirectly​(java.lang.String top)
        Sets the top directly without sending back the result (smart update) to the client
      • setZIndexDirectly

        protected void setZIndexDirectly​(int zIndex)
        Sets the z-index directly without sending back the result (smart update) to the client
      • setHflexDirectly

        protected void setHflexDirectly​(java.lang.String hflex)
        Sets the hflex directly without sending back the result (smart update) to the client
      • setVflexDirectly

        protected void setVflexDirectly​(java.lang.String vflex)
        Sets the vflex directly without sending back the result (smart update) to the client
      • getTooltiptext

        public java.lang.String getTooltiptext()
        Returns the text as the tooltip.

        Default: null.

      • setTooltiptext

        public void setTooltiptext​(java.lang.String tooltiptext)
        Sets the text as the tooltip.
      • getZclass

        public java.lang.String getZclass()
        Returns the ZK Cascading Style class for this component. It usually depends on the implementation of the mold (AbstractComponent.getMold()).

        Default: null (the default value depends on element).

        setZclass(java.lang.String)) will completely replace the default style of a component. In other words, the default style of a component is associated with the default value of getZclass(). Once it is changed, the default style won't be applied at all. If you want to perform small adjustments, use setSclass(java.lang.String) instead.

        See Also:
      • setZclass

        public void setZclass​(java.lang.String zclass)
        Sets the ZK Cascading Style class for this component. It usually depends on the implementation of the mold (AbstractComponent.getMold()).
        zclass - the style class used to apply to the whole widget.
        See Also:
        setSclass(java.lang.String), getZclass()
      • getSclass

        public java.lang.String getSclass()
        Returns the CSS class(es).

        Default: null.

        The default styles of ZK components doesn't depend on the value of getSclass(). Rather, setSclass(java.lang.String) is provided to perform small adjustment, e.g., only changing the font size. In other words, the default style is still applied if you change the value of getSclass(), unless you override it. To replace the default style completely, use setZclass(java.lang.String) instead.

        See Also:
      • setClass

        public void setClass​(java.lang.String sclass)
        Sets the CSS class. This method is a bit confused with Java's class, but we provide it for XUL compatibility. The same as setSclass(java.lang.String).
      • addSclass

        public void addSclass​(java.lang.String cssClass)
        Add the CSS class(es) to a component's sclass property if the component doesn't have this cssClass.
        cssClass - One or more space-separated CSS className to be added to the component's sclass property.
      • removeSclass

        public void removeSclass​(java.lang.String cssClass)
        Remove the CSS class(es) from a component's sclass property if the component has this cssClass. If the component doesn't have the CSS class sclass, do nothing. If no class names are specified in the parameter, all classes will be removed.
        cssClass - One or more space-separated CSS className to be removed from a component's sclass property.
      • removeSclass

        public void removeSclass()
        Remove all CSS classes from a component's sclass property.
      • getStyle

        public java.lang.String getStyle()
        Returns the CSS style.

        Default: null.

      • setStyle

        public void setStyle​(java.lang.String style)
        Sets the CSS style.
      • setDraggable

        public void setDraggable​(java.lang.String draggable)
        Sets "true" or "false" to denote whether a component is draggable, or an identifier of a draggable type of objects.

        The simplest way to make a component draggable is to set this attribute to true. To disable it, set this to false.

        If there are several types of draggable objects, you could assign an identifier for each type of draggable object. The identifier could be anything but empty.

        draggable - "false", "" or null to denote non-draggable; "true" for draggable with anonymous identifier; others for an identifier of draggable.
        Notice that if the parent is DragControl and draggable is null, then it means draggable.
      • getDraggable

        public java.lang.String getDraggable()
        Returns the identifier of a draggable type of objects, or "false" if not draggable (never null nor empty).
      • setDroppable

        public void setDroppable​(java.lang.String droppable)
        Sets "true" or "false" to denote whether a component is droppable, or a list of identifiers of draggable types of objects that could be dropped to this component.

        The simplest way to make a component droppable is to set this attribute to true. To disable it, set this to false.

        If there are several types of draggable objects and this component accepts only some of them, you could assign a list of identifiers that this component accepts, separated by comma. For example, if this component accepts dg1 and dg2, then assign "dg1, dg2" to this attribute.

        droppable - "false", null or "" to denote not-droppable; "true" for accepting any draggable types; a list of identifiers, separated by comma for identifiers of draggables this component accept (to be dropped in).
      • getDroppable

        public java.lang.String getDroppable()
        Returns the identifier, or a list of identifiers of a droppable type of objects, or "false" if not droppable (never null nor empty).
      • focus

        public void focus()
        Sets focus to this element. If an element does not accept focus, this method has no effect.
      • setFocus

        public void setFocus​(boolean focus)
        Sets focus to this element. It is same as focus(), but used to allow ZUML to set focus to particular component.
        <textbox focus="true"/>
        focus - whether to set focus. If false, this method has no effect.
      • setVflex

        public void setVflex​(java.lang.String flex)
        Sets vertical flexibility hint of this component.

        Number flex indicates how this component's container distributes remaining empty space among its children vertically. Flexible component grow and shrink to fit their given space. Flexible components with larger flex values will be made larger than components with lower flex values, at the ratio determined by all flexible components. The actual flex value is not relevant unless there are other flexible components within the same container. Once the default sizes of components in a container are calculated, the remaining space in the container is divided among the flexible components, according to their flex ratios.

        Specify a flex value of negative value, 0, or "false" has the same effect as leaving the flex attribute out entirely. Specify a flex value of "true" has the same effect as a flex value of 1.

        Special flex hint, "min", indicates that the minimum space shall be given to this flexible component to enclose all of its children components. That is, the flexible component grow and shrink to fit its children components.

        flex - the vertical flex hint.
        See Also:
        setHflex(java.lang.String), getVflex()
      • setVflex0

        protected void setVflex0​(java.lang.String flex)
        Internal Use Only.
      • getVflex

        public java.lang.String getVflex()
        Return vertical flex hint of this component.

        Default: null

        vertical flex hint of this component.
        See Also:
      • setHflex

        public void setHflex​(java.lang.String flex)
        Sets horizontal flex hint of this component.

        Number flex indicates how this component's container distributes remaining empty space among its children horizontally. Flexible component grow and shrink to fit their given space. Flexible components with larger flex values will be made larger than components with lower flex values, at the ratio determined by all flexible components. The actual flex value is not relevant unless there are other flexible components within the same container. Once the default sizes of components in a container are calculated, the remaining space in the container is divided among the flexible components, according to their flex ratios.

        Specify a flex value of negative value, 0, or "false" has the same effect as leaving the flex attribute out entirely. Specify a flex value of "true" has the same effect as a flex value of 1.

        Special flex hint, "min", indicates that the minimum space shall be given to this flexible component to enclose all of its children components. That is, the flexible component grow and shrink to fit its children components.

        flex - horizontal flex hint of this component.
        See Also:
        setVflex(java.lang.String), getHflex()
      • setHflex0

        protected void setHflex0​(java.lang.String flex)
        Internal Use Only.
      • getHflex

        public java.lang.String getHflex()
        Returns horizontal flex hint of this component.

        Default: null

        horizontal flex hint of this component.
        See Also:
      • getRenderdefer

        public int getRenderdefer()
        Returns the number of milliseconds before rendering this component at the client.

        Default: -1 (don't wait).

      • setRenderdefer

        public void setRenderdefer​(int ms)
        Sets the number of milliseconds before rendering this component at the client.

        Default: -1 (don't wait).

        This method is useful if you have a sophisticated page that takes long to render at a slow client. You can specify a non-negative value as the render-defer delay such that the other part of the UI can appear earlier. The styling of the render-deferred widget is controlled by a CSS class called z-renderdefer.

        Notice that it has no effect if the component has been rendered at the client.

        ms - time to wait in milliseconds before rendering. Notice: 0 also implies deferring the rendering (just right after all others are rendered).
      • getAction

        public java.lang.String getAction()
        As of release 10.0.0, using setClientAction(String) instead.
        Returns the client-side action (CSA).

        Default: null (no CSA at all)

      • getClientAction

        public java.lang.String getClientAction()
        Returns the client-side action (CSA).

        Default: null (no CSA at all)

      • setAction

        public void setAction​(java.lang.String action)
        As of release 10.0.0, using setClientAction(String) instead.
        Sets the client-side action (CSA).

        Default: null (no CSA at all)

        The format:
        action1: action-effect1; action2: action-effect2

        Currently, only two actions are show and hide. They are called when the widget is becoming visible (show) and invisible (hide).

        The action effect (action-effect1) is the name of a method defined in zk.eff.Actions, such as show: slideDown; hide: slideUp

        You could specify the effects as follows:
        show: slideDown({duration:1000})

        Security Tips: the action is not encoded and it is OK to embed JavaScript, so, if you want to allow users to specify the action, you have to encode it.

        Note for developers upgraded from ZK 3: CSA's format is different and limited. In additions, it is part of HtmlBasedComponent.

      • setClientAction

        public void setClientAction​(java.lang.String action)
        Sets the client-side action (CSA).

        Default: null (no CSA at all)

        The format:
        action1: action-effect1; action2: action-effect2

        Currently, only two actions are show and hide. They are called when the widget is becoming visible (show) and invisible (hide).

        The action effect (action-effect1) is the name of a method defined in zk.eff.Actions, such as show: slideDown; hide: slideUp

        You could specify the effects as follows:
        show: slideDown({duration:1000})

        Security Tips: the action is not encoded and it is OK to embed JavaScript, so, if you want to allow users to specify the action, you have to encode it.

        Note for developers upgraded from ZK 3: CSA's format is different and limited. In additions, it is part of HtmlBasedComponent.

      • getTabindex

        public int getTabindex()
        Returns the tab order of this component.

        Default: 0

      • getTabindexInteger

        public java.lang.Integer getTabindexInteger()
        Returns null if not set.
        the tab order of this component
      • setTabindex

        public void setTabindex​(java.lang.Integer tabindex)
        Sets the tab order of this component. Removes the tabindex attribute if it's set to null.
        tabindex -
      • evalCSSFlex

        public boolean evalCSSFlex()
        Get whether css flex is enabled or not
        css flex is enabled
      • clone

        public java.lang.Object clone()
        Description copied from interface: Component
        Clones the component. All of its children and descendants are cloned. Also, ID are preserved.
        Specified by:
        clone in interface Component
        clone in class AbstractComponent
        the new component. Notice that it doesn't belong to any page, nor desktop. It doesn't have a parent, either.