Class ZScript

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ZScript
    extends java.lang.Object
    Represents a zscript content.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      ZScript​(java.lang.String zslang, java.lang.String content)
      Creates a zscript with the content directly.
      ZScript​(java.lang.String zslang, url)
      Creates a zscript with an URL that is used to load the content.
      ZScript​(EvaluatorRef evalr, java.lang.String zslang, java.lang.String url, Locator locator)
      Creates a zscript with an URL that is used to load the content.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.lang.String getContent​(Page page, Component comp)
      Returns the content of zscript.
      java.lang.String getLanguage()
      Returns the scripting language, or null if the default scripting language is preferred.
      java.lang.String getRawContent()
      Returns the raw content.
      static ZScript parseContent​(java.lang.String content)
      Parses the content into a ZScript instance.
      static ZScript parseContent​(java.lang.String content, int lineno)
      Parses the content into a ZScript instance.
      void setLanguage​(java.lang.String zslang)
      Sets the scripting language.
      java.lang.String toString()  
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • ZScript

        public ZScript​(java.lang.String zslang,
                       java.lang.String content)
        Creates a zscript with the content directly.
        zslang - the scripting language. If null, it is the same as Page.getZScriptLanguage().
        content - the zscript content
        See Also:
      • ZScript

        public ZScript​(java.lang.String zslang,
        Creates a zscript with an URL that is used to load the content.
      • ZScript

        public ZScript​(EvaluatorRef evalr,
                       java.lang.String zslang,
                       java.lang.String url,
                       Locator locator)
        Creates a zscript with an URL that is used to load the content.
        evalr - the evaluator used to evaluate
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if url or locator is null, or url contains EL and evalr is null.
    • Method Detail

      • parseContent

        public static final ZScript parseContent​(java.lang.String content)
        Parses the content into a ZScript instance.

        This method assumes the content is in the following format:

        For example, "javascript:var m = 0;" returns "javascript", while "var m = 0;" returns null.

        Note: if the language doesn't exist, null is returned. Reason: the above syntax may be conflict with some scripting languages.

        Note: no space is allowed.

        content - the content of zscript codes
      • parseContent

        public static final ZScript parseContent​(java.lang.String content,
                                                 int lineno)
        Parses the content into a ZScript instance.

        It is similar to parseContent(String) except it allows the caller to specify the line number of the first line of the content.

        content - the content of zscript codes
        lineno - the line number of the first line. Ignored if zero (or negative).
      • getLanguage

        public java.lang.String getLanguage()
        Returns the scripting language, or null if the default scripting language is preferred.
      • setLanguage

        public void setLanguage​(java.lang.String zslang)
        Sets the scripting language.
        zslang - the scripting language. If null, the default scripting language is assume.
      • getRawContent

        public java.lang.String getRawContent()
        Returns the raw content. It is the content specified in the constructor (ZScript(String, String). If URL is specified in the constructor, null is returned.

        On the other hand, getContent(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Page, org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component) will load the content automatically if URL is specified.

        the raw content specified in the constructor, or null if URL is specified instead.
      • getContent

        public java.lang.String getContent​(Page page,
                                           Component comp)
        Returns the content of zscript. If URL is specified, this method loads the content from it. If URL is an EL expression, it will be evaluated first.
        page - the page when this zscript is interpreted. Used only if this object is constructed with ZScript(EvaluatorRef, String, String, Locator).
        comp - the component when this zscript is interpreted. Used only if this object is constructed with ZScript(EvaluatorRef, String, String, Locator).
        UiException - if failed to load the content
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object