Class GenericAutowireComposer<T extends Component>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, EventListener, SerializableEventListener, ComponentActivationListener, ComponentCloneListener, Composer<T>, ComposerExt<T>
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class GenericAutowireComposer<T extends Component>
    extends GenericComposer<T>
    implements ComponentCloneListener, ComponentActivationListener

    A skeletal composer that you can extend and write intuitive onXxx event handler methods with "auto-wired" accessible variable objects such as implicit objects, components, and external resolvable variables in a ZK zuml page. This class will registers onXxx events to the supervised component and wire all accessible variable objects to this composer by calling setXxx() method or set xxx field value directly per the variable name. Since 3.0.7, this composer has wired all implicit objects such as self, spaceOwner, page, desktop, session, application, componentScope, spaceScope, pageScope, desktopScope, sessionScope, applicationScope, and requestScope, so you can use them directly. Besides that, it also provides alert(String message) method, so you can call alert() without problems. Since 3.5.2, the composer itself would be assigned as an attribute of the supervised component per the naming convention of the component id and composer class name or of component id and "composer". e.g. If the component id is "mywin" and the composer class is org.zkoss.MyComposer, then the composer can be referenced by the variable name of "mywin$MyController" or "mywin$composer". Notice that the '$' separator can be changed to other character such as '_' for Groovy or other environment that '$' is not applicable. Simply extends this class and calling GenericAutowireComposer(char separator) constructor with proper separator character.

    Alternatives: in most cases, you don't extend from GenericAutowireComposer directly. Rather, you can extend from one of the following skeletons.

    It supports the autowiring based on Java annotation and a CSS3-based selector. If you don't know which one to use, use SelectorComposer.
    It supports the autowiring based on naming convention. You don't need to specify annotations explicitly, but it is error-prone if it is used properly.

    Notice that since this composer kept references to the components, single instance composer object cannot be shared by multiple components.

    The following is an example. The onOK event listener is registered into the target window, and the Textbox component with id name "mytextbox" is injected into the "mytextbox" field automatically (so you can use mytextbox variable directly in onOK). The "value" property of "mytextbox" is assigned with composer's getTitle(), i.e. "ZK".

     public class MyComposer extends GenericAutowireComposer {
         private Textbox mytextbox;
         public void onOK() {
             mytextbox.setValue("Enter Pressed");
         public String getTitle() {
             return "ZK";
     <window id="mywin" apply="MyComposer">
         <textbox id="mytextbox" value="${mywin$composer.title}"/>

    Since 5.0.8, you could name the composer by specify a custom attribute called composerName. For example,

     <window apply="MyComposer">
     <custom-attribute composerName="mc"/>
         <textbox id="mytextbox" value="${mc.title}"/>
    See Also:
    ConventionWires, Serialized Form
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      protected char _separator
      The separator used to separate the component ID and event name.
      protected WebApp application
      Implicit Object; the web application.
      protected java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> applicationScope
      Implicit Object; a map of attributes defined in the web application.
      protected java.util.Map<?,​?> arg
      Implicit Object; the arg argument passed to the createComponents method.
      protected java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> componentScope
      Implicit Object; a map of attributes defined in the applied component.
      protected Desktop desktop
      Implicit Object; the desktop.
      protected java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> desktopScope
      Implicit Object; a map of attributes defined in the desktop.
      protected Execution execution
      Implicit Object; the current execution.
      protected Page page
      Implicit Object; the page.
      protected java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> pageScope
      Implicit Object; a map of attributes defined in the page.
      protected java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String[]> param
      Implicit Object; the param argument passed from the http request.
      protected java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> requestScope
      Implicit Object; a map of attributes defined in the request.
      protected T self
      Implicit Object; the applied component itself.
      protected Session session
      Implicit Object; the session.
      protected java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> sessionScope
      Implicit Object; a map of attributes defined in the session.
      protected IdSpace spaceOwner
      Implicit Object; the space owner of the applied component.
      protected java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> spaceScope
      Implicit Object; a map of attributes defined in the ID space contains the applied component.
    • Constructor Summary

      Modifier Constructor Description
      protected GenericAutowireComposer()
      The default constructor.
      protected GenericAutowireComposer​(char separator)
      Constructor with a custom separator.
      protected GenericAutowireComposer​(char separator, boolean ignoreZScript, boolean ignoreXel)
      Constructors with full control, including separator, whether to search zscript and xel variables
    • Field Detail

      • self

        protected transient T extends Component self
        Implicit Object; the applied component itself.
      • spaceOwner

        protected transient IdSpace spaceOwner
        Implicit Object; the space owner of the applied component.
      • page

        protected transient Page page
        Implicit Object; the page.
      • desktop

        protected transient Desktop desktop
        Implicit Object; the desktop.
      • session

        protected transient Session session
        Implicit Object; the session.
      • application

        protected transient WebApp application
        Implicit Object; the web application.
      • componentScope

        protected transient java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> componentScope
        Implicit Object; a map of attributes defined in the applied component.
      • spaceScope

        protected transient java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> spaceScope
        Implicit Object; a map of attributes defined in the ID space contains the applied component.
      • pageScope

        protected transient java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> pageScope
        Implicit Object; a map of attributes defined in the page.
      • desktopScope

        protected transient java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> desktopScope
        Implicit Object; a map of attributes defined in the desktop.
      • sessionScope

        protected transient java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> sessionScope
        Implicit Object; a map of attributes defined in the session.
      • applicationScope

        protected transient java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> applicationScope
        Implicit Object; a map of attributes defined in the web application.
      • requestScope

        protected transient java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> requestScope
        Implicit Object; a map of attributes defined in the request.
      • execution

        protected transient Execution execution
        Implicit Object; the current execution.
      • arg

        protected transient java.util.Map<?,​?> arg
        Implicit Object; the arg argument passed to the createComponents method. It is never null.
      • param

        protected transient java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String[]> param
        Implicit Object; the param argument passed from the http request.
      • _separator

        protected char _separator
        The separator used to separate the component ID and event name. By default, it is '$'. For Groovy and other environment that '$' is not applicable, you can specify '_'.
    • Constructor Detail

      • GenericAutowireComposer

        protected GenericAutowireComposer()
        The default constructor.

        It is a shortcut of GenericAutowireComposer('$', !"true".equals(Library.getProperty("org.zkoss.zk.ui.composer.autowire.zscript")), !"true".equals(Library.getProperty("org.zkoss.zk.ui.composer.autowire.xel"))).

        In other words, whether to ignore variables defined in ZSCRIPT and XEL depends on the library variables called org.zkoss.zk.ui.composer.autowire.zscript and org.zkoss.zk.ui.composer.autowire.xel. Furthermore, if not specified, their values are default to false, i.e., they shall not be wired (i.e., shall be ignored)

        If you want to control whether to wire ZSCRIPT's or XEL's variable explicitly, you could use GenericAutowireComposer(char,boolean,boolean) instead.

        Version Difference

        ZK 5.0 and earlier, this constructor is the same as GenericAutowireComposer('$', false, false)
        In other words, it is default to wire (i.e., shall not ignore).

      • GenericAutowireComposer

        protected GenericAutowireComposer​(char separator)
        Constructor with a custom separator. The separator is used to separate the component ID and event name. By default, it is '$'. For Groovy and other environment that '$' is not applicable, you can specify '_'.

        It is a shortcut of GenericAutowireComposer('$', !"true".equals(Library.getProperty("org.zkoss.zk.ui.composer.autowire.zscript")), !"true".equals(Library.getProperty("org.zkoss.zk.ui.composer.autowire.xel"))).

        In other words, whether to ignore variables defined in ZSCRIPT and XEL depends on the library variables called org.zkoss.zk.ui.composer.autowire.zscript and org.zkoss.zk.ui.composer.autowire.xel. Furthermore, if not specified, their values are default to false, i.e., they shall not be wired (i.e., shall be ignored)

        If you want to control whether to wire ZSCRIPT's or XEL's variable explicitly, you could use GenericAutowireComposer(char,boolean,boolean) instead.

        Version Difference

        ZK 5.0 and earlier, this constructor is the same as GenericAutowireComposer('$', false, false)
        In other words, it is default to wire (i.e., shall not ignore).

        separator - the separator used to separate the component ID and event name. Refer to _separator for details.
      • GenericAutowireComposer

        protected GenericAutowireComposer​(char separator,
                                          boolean ignoreZScript,
                                          boolean ignoreXel)
        Constructors with full control, including separator, whether to search zscript and xel variables
        separator - the separator used to separate the component ID and event name. Refer to _separator for details.
        ignoreZScript - whether to ignore variables defined in zscript when wiring a member.
        ignoreXel - whether to ignore variables defined in variable resolver (Page.addVariableResolver(org.zkoss.xel.VariableResolver)) when wiring a member.
    • Method Detail

      • doAfterCompose

        public void doAfterCompose​(T comp)
                            throws java.lang.Exception
        Auto wire accessible variables of the specified component into a controller Java object; a subclass that override this method should remember to call super.doAfterCompose(comp) or it will not work.
        Specified by:
        doAfterCompose in interface Composer<T extends Component>
        doAfterCompose in class GenericComposer<T extends Component>
        comp - the component has been composed
      • alert

        protected void alert​(java.lang.String m)
      • willClone

        public java.lang.Object willClone​(Component comp)
        Internal use only. Call-back method of CloneComposerListener. You shall not call this method directly. Clone this Composer when its applied component is cloned.
        Specified by:
        willClone in interface ComponentCloneListener
        comp - the clone of the applied component
        A clone of this Composer.