Description & Source Code

DoubleSpinner is a component featuring constrained Double in which users are allowed to spin the numbers by mouse clicking the up/down arrow.

		.z-green {
			font-weight: bold;
			color: green;
		.z-red {
			font-weight: bold;
			color: red;
		.profit_Forecast {
			font-size: 20px;			
	<!-- Product Entity -->
		class Product {
			private int id;
			private double price;
		 	private int quantity;
			public Product(int id,double price, int qua) {;
			public int getId() {
			public double getPrice() {
				return this.price;
			public int getQuantity() {
				return this.quantity;
		import java.util.*;
		import java.text.*;
		NumberFormat format = new DecimalFormat("#0.00");
		void calProfit(Doublespinner ds) {
			InputEvent ie = (InputEvent) event;
			Double newPrice = Double.parseDouble(ie.getValue());
			Product p = (Product)((Row)ds.getParent()).getValue();
				Double price = Double.parseDouble(((Label) page.getFellow("pri_" + p.getId())).getValue());
				Integer quantity = Integer.parseInt(((Label) page.getFellow("qua_" + p.getId())).getValue());
				Label profit_Label = (Label) page.getFellow("pro_" + p.getId());
			profit_Label.setValue(format.format((newPrice - price) * quantity));
			totalProfit = 0;
			for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {				
				totalProfit = totalProfit + Double.parseDouble(((Label)page.getFellow("pro_"+j)).getValue());
			tnp.setSclass(totalProfit > 0 ? "z-green" : (totalProfit < 0 ? "z-red" : ""));
	<grid id="prodcuts_grid">
			<column width="150px">Unit Price</column>
			<column width="150px">Inventory Quantity</column>
			<column label="Quoted price" width="150px">(+-0.1)</column>
			<column>Net Profit</column>
				List products = new ArrayList();
				int i = 0;
				products.add(new Product(i++,17.4,4372));
				products.add(new Product(i++,21.7,5138));
				products.add(new Product(i++,9.25,10243));
				products.add(new Product(i++,12.3,3425));
				products.add(new Product(i++,32.655,777));
				Double totalProfit = 0.0;
			<zk forEach="${products}">
				<row value="${each}">
					Products #${} Name
					<label id="pri_${}" value="${each.price}" />
					<label id="qua_${}" value="${each.quantity}" />
					<doublespinner id="quo_${}" value="${each.price}" hflex="1" step="0.1" onChanging="calProfit(self)" />
					<label id="pro_${}" value="0.00" hflex="1" />
			<footer span="2" />
			<footer>Profit Forecast :</footer>
				<label id="tnp" />
			<footer span="1">
				<button label="Submit">
					<attribute name="onClick"><![CDATA[
						 Map priceProposal = new HashMap();
						 priceProposal.put("total", format.format(totalProfit) );
						 Executions.createComponents("/widgets/input/doublespinner/submit.zul", null, priceProposal);


<window id="price_win" title="Price Proposal - Profit Forecast" 
border="normal" width="300px" action="show: slideDown;hide: slideUp">
		<div style="text-align:center">
			<label sclass="profit_Forecast" value="${} USD" />
			<button label="Confirm" hflex="1" onClick='alert("Done");price_win.detach()'/>
			<button label="Cancel" hflex="1" onClick="price_win.detach()" />