Chapter 7: Navigation and Templating

From Documentation


It is easy for users to get lost in a web application because every application has different layout designs and navigation between functions also has lots of different style. One way to help users keep track of where they are is to use consistent design throughout an application, and ZK provides Templating to achieve this. Traditionally, a user usually visits another page to switch another function of an application, a.k.a page-based navigation. In ZK, we can have another choice to design the navigation as desktop-based.

In this chapter, the example application we are going to build looks as follows:

The sidebar is used for navigation control. The lower 4 items lead you to different functions and they only change the central area's content. All other areas keep unchanged to form a consistent layout style among functions.


Because of web pages can be designed in all kinds of layout, user could get lost easily. To prevent this, you had better keep a consistent design style in your application. In our example application, we want to keep the header, the sidebar, and the footer unchanged whatever function a user chooses. Only the central area switches its content according to the function chosen by users from the sidebar.

Copying from one zul to another to keep the design consistent is hard to maintain. Fortunately, ZK provides a Templating technique that let you define a template zul and apply it to multiple zul pages afterward. All zul pages that apply the same template zul have same layout, so change the template zul can change the layout of all pages once.

The steps to use templating are:

  1. Create a template zul with anchors defined
  2. Apply the template in the target zul with zul fragments defined

Then when you visit the target zul page, ZK will insert those fragments to corresponding anchors upon anchor names and combine them as one page.

Create a Template

Creating a template is nothing different from creating a normal zul, but you should define one or more anchor by specifying annotation @inser() at self. You can give any name to identify an anchor that will be used to insert a zul fragment with the same anchor name later.


	<borderlayout hflex="1" vflex="1">
		<north height="100px" border="none" >
			<include src="/chapter3/banner.zul"/>
		<west width="260px" border="none" collapsible="true" splittable="true" minsize="300">
			<include src="/chapter7/pagebase/layout/sidebar.zul"/>
		<center id="mainContent" autoscroll="true" border="none" self="@insert(content)">
		<south height="50px" border="none">
			<include src="/chapter3/footer.zul"/>
  • Line 9: Define an anchor with name content

Apply the Template

After creating a template zul, we can apply it in another zul with directive <?init class="org.zkoss.zk.ui.util.Composition" arg0="template_path"?>. This directive tells ZK this page use the specified template. Then we also have to define zul fragments that are insert to the anchor in the template zul with annotation @define(anchorName) at self attribute. The anchorName you specify should correspond to one of anchors defined in the template zul.


<?link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/style.css"?>
<?init class="org.zkoss.zk.ui.util.Composition" arg0="/chapter7/pagebase/layout/template.zul"?>
	<include self="@define(content)" src="/chapter7/pagebase/home.zul"/>
  • Line 2: Tell ZK that we want to use a template zul for current page and give the path of template zul.
  • Line 4: The anchor name content correspond to the anchor name defined in the template zul in previous section.

After above steps, ZK will attach those components in /chapter7/pagebase/home.zul to be the children of <center> in /chapter7/pagebase/layout/template.zul

Page-based Navigation

Desktop-based Navigation