The embed Element

From Documentation



It specifies the content that shall be added to the output generated and sent to the client when rendering a desktop. The syntax of the content will depend on the client. For Ajax clients, it can be any tags that can be placed inside HTML <head>, such as <script>, <meta> and others.

This can be a way to include a javascript code snippet in all pages, e.g. a javascript patch or a custom widget javascript. For example, if you want to show the progress bar in the center of the browser window, you can specify the following:

 <script type="text/javascript">
     AU_progressbar = function (id, msg) {
         Boot_progressbox(id, msg, 0, 0, true, true);

You can specify multiple embed elements and their content be concatenated together.

Link to a JavaScript File

Notice that you need to specify your application context path in the source path. Becuase ZK directly puts the content into a response without any encoding.

        <script type="text/javascript" src="/myapp/zkpatch/lisbox_selectbugfixed.js"></script>

Version History

Last Update : 2022/06/28

Version Date Content

Last Update : 2022/06/28

Copyright © Potix Corporation. This article is licensed under GNU Free Documentation License.