Chapter 2: Project Structure

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Source Code

3 branches

All source codes used in this tutorial are available on [github]. Because our example application has 3 different configurations, our source code is divided into 3 branches: master, chapter 9, and chapter 10.

The mater branch contains the examples from chapter 3 to chapter 8. The other two branches contains examples of the chapter which their branch name indicate.

You can click the "ZIP" icon to download the current selected branch as a zip file.

Run Example Application

After you download the source code, you will find it is a Maven[1] project with jetty plugin configured. Therefore, if you have Maven, you can run the example application with a simple command[2]. Navigate to the root folder of your downloaded source code, say it's "tutorial" and type the command:

mvn jetty:run

Then visit the URL http://localhost:8080/tutorial/index.zul (Assume the source code's folder name is "tutorial".), and you should see the screen below.

Project Structure

The image below shows the project structure of the example application.

We name the source code packages according to each chapter and each package contains those classes used in the example of that chapter. Some common classes are separated to an independent package as they are used in multiple chapters. The classes under org.zkoss.tutorial.entity.* are entity class. We also define some business interfaces under org.zkoss.tutorial.service.* and different chapters have different implementations.

For those ZUL pages, we put them in an independent folder for each chapter under src/main/webapp/. You will find the folder for each chapter contains a readme.txt, a brief description file which describes the goals of each chapter's example.
