Chapter 3: User Interface and Layout

From Documentation

Design the Layout

Building an application usually starts from building user interface, and building user interface usually starts from designing the layout. ZK provides various components for different layout requirements, and you can even configure a component's attribute to adjust layout details.

Layout Requirement


The image above is the target layout we are going to create and this kind of design is very common in web applications. The banner at the top contains application icon, title, and user's name at the right most corner. The footer at the bottom contains general information. The sidebar on the left contains 3 links that redirect you to 3 different URLs. The central area displays the current function.

ZK provides various layout components [1], and each of them has different styles. You can use a layout component alone or combine them together to build more complex layout. According the requirement mentioned, Border Layout[2] fits our requirement most since it has 5 areas: north, west, center, east, and south. We can use north as banner, west as sidebar, south as footer, and center as main function display.

Border Layout

Write a ZUL

To create a component in ZK, we need to use a XML-format language named ZUL and all files written in ZUL should have the file extension ".zul". First, Create a new text file with name index.zul, and type the following content:

Extracted from chapter3/index.zul

	<borderlayout hflex="1" vflex="1">
		<north height="100px" border="none" >
		<west width="260px" border="none" collapsible="true" splittable="true" minsize="300">
		<center id="mainContent" autoscroll="true">
		<south height="50px" border="none">
  • Line 2: Each XML tag represents one component, and the tag name equals the component name. The attribute "hflex" and "vflex" controls the horizontal and vertical size flexibility of a component. We set them to "1" which means Fit-the-Rest" flexibility. Hence, the Board Layout will stretch itself to fill all available space of whole page in width and height because it is a root component.
  • Line 3: The North is a child component that can only be put inside a Boarder Layout. You could also fix a component's height by specifying pixel value to avoid its height changing under different resolutions.
  • Line 6: Set collapsible to true allows you to hide the West area. Set splittable to true allows to adjust the width of West and minsize limits the minimal size of width you can adjust.
  • Line 9: Set autoscroll to true will decorate the Center with scroll bar when Center contains lots of information that exceed the its height.

You can view the result from your browser as below:


Craft User Interface with Components

Now we have a skeleton of the application, the next we need to do is to fill each area with components. In most cases, we can build a user interface by utilizing existing components.

In the banner, there are an image, title, and user name.


<div hflex="1" vflex="1" sclass="banner">
	<hbox hflex="1" vflex="1" align="center">
		<a href="">
			<image src="/imgs/zklogo.png" width="90px" />
		<div width="400px">
			<label value="Application Name" sclass="banner-head" />
		<hbox hflex="1" vflex="1" pack="end" align="end">
  • Line 1: There is only one component allowed inside North except Caption. Therefore, we can use a Div to enclose other components. The sclass, we can specify CSS class selector, and we will talk it later.
  • Line 2: The Hbox which is a layout component can arrange its child components in a row horizontally. It's align attribute controls the vertical alignment.
  • Line 3: The <a> creates a hyper link as same as HTML <a> element.
  • Line 4: The Image is also similar to HTML <img>.
  • Line 9: The pack controls the horizontal alignment. We specify "end" at both pack and end to make the text "Anonymous" display at the bottom right corner.
  • Line 10: Here we still don't implement authentication yet, so we use static text here.

For a sidebar, we want to arrange navigation items one by one vertically. There are more than one way to achieve this. Here, we use a Grid which is suitable for arranging child components in matrix layout.


<grid hflex="1" vflex="1" sclass="sidebar">
		<column width="36px"/>
			<image src="/imgs/site.png"/><a href="">ZK</a>
			<image src="/imgs/demo.png"/><a href="">ZK Demo</a>
			<image src="/imgs/doc.png"/><a href="'s_Reference">ZK Developer Reference</a>
  • Line 2:
  • Line 3:
  • Line 6:

Apply CSS

In addition to setting a component's attribute, we can also change a component's style by CSS. There are two attributes to apply CSS:

1. style attribute. Like style attribute on HTML element, you can directly write CSS syntax as the attribute's value.

<label value="Chapter 3" style="font-weight: bold;"/>

2. sclass attribute. You should specify a CSS class selector name as the attribute value.

<div sclass="banner">

To use a CSS class selector, you should define it first in a ZUL. There are 2 ways to define a CSS class selector.

1. <style> tag.

		.banner {
			color: white;
			padding: 5px 10px;

2. <?link ?> directive. It can link to a external style sheet which can apply to many pages.

<?link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/style.css"?>

Include a Separate Page


  1. ZK Demo Layout. Some layout are only available in PE or EE, please refer to Feature & Edition
  2. Border Layout Demo