Collaboration Edit

From Documentation
Revision as of 06:21, 6 August 2013 by Hawk (talk | contribs)

Available in ZK Spreadsheet EE only


Spreadsheet can support Collaboration Edit automatically as long as two or more Spreadsheet components share a common book model with proper scope. One user's edit will automatically reflect to other users' spreadsheet and each can also see others current selection. Each user's selection box is painted on different color.


Here we demonstrate an example application that loads a book and shares it in "application" scope. A use can click a book name in the list to open it in the Spreadsheet. If two users open the same book and they are both actually editing on the same book model instance. One user's edit will immediately reflect on another user's Spreadsheet.

The screenshot below is what the user, Paul, sees and he can also see another user's (John) current selection (purple box).


Another user, John, can also see Paul's current selection (blue box) in his spreadsheet.


To enable this, just call setShareScope() like:

public class CoeditComposer extends SelectorComposer<Component> {

	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
	private Spreadsheet ss;
	private Listbox availableBookList;
	static private final Map<String,Book> sharedBook = new HashMap<String,Book>();

	@Listen("onSelect = #availableBookList")
	public void onBookSelect(){
		String bookName = availableBookList.getSelectedItem().getValue();
		Book book = loadBookFromAvailable(bookName);
	private Book loadBookFromAvailable(String bookname){
		Book book;
		synchronized (sharedBook){
			book = sharedBook.get(bookname);
				book = importBook(bookname);
				sharedBook.put(bookname, book);
		return book;
  • Line 22: When a user selects a book, we always return a shared Book object first if it exists.