Performance Meters

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Revision as of 07:13, 8 July 2022 by Hawk (talk | contribs)

PerformanceMeter is a collection of callbacks that the implementation could know when a request is sent, arrives or is is processed.


As shown above, T1-T5 identifies the following callbacks.


  • Server Execution Time: T3 - T2
  • Client Execution Time: T5 - T4
  • Network Latency Time: (T4 - T3) + (T2 - T1)

How it works

Notice that, when we make a connection to load a page for the first time, only Server Execution Time is available. T4 and T5 will be saved on the client-side and sent back along with the next request.

If you print the request ID and the method name, when zk calls a performance monitor. You will see a different log between loading a zul and sending an AU request.

Request a ZUL

If load a zul 3 times:

# first load zul
requestId1st - requestStartAtServer
requestId1st - requestCompleteAtServer

# 2nd load zul
requestId1st - requestReceiveAtClient
requestId1st - requestCompleteAtClient
requestId2nd - requestStartAtServer
requestId2nd - requestCompleteAtServer

# 3rd load zul
requestId2nd - requestReceiveAtClient
requestId2nd - requestCompleteAtClient
requestId3rd - requestStartAtServer
requestId3rd - requestCompleteAtServer

Register as a Listener

Once implemented, you need to register it as a listener in WEB-INF/zk.xml to make it work: (assume the class is called foo.MyMeter):


Last Update : 2022/07/08

Last Update : 2022/07/08

Copyright © Potix Corporation. This article is licensed under GNU Free Documentation License.