Custom Mold

From Documentation


You can customize a widget's appearance with CSS. But if its DOM structure doesn't fulfill your requirement, then you need to create a custom mold to render different DOM elements.

Create Mold js

Get Built-in Mold js

It's better to customize a mold based on the built-in mold js. All widgets' mold js are bundled with ZK jar files under the path:

[ZK_JAR] / web / js / [WIDGET_PACKAGE] / mold / *.js
  • [ZK_JAR]: could be zul.jar, zkex.jar, zkmax.jar
  • [WIDGET_PACKAGE]: a widget's package folder like java package e.g. the mold js of zul.messh.paging is at zul/mesh
  • *.js: file name is the widget name e.g. paging.js

Copy the built-in mold js to your project's same path and rename to a readable name, e.g. in a maven project, you need to put paging.js under:


Modify Mold

After mold js is ready, you can start to modify it. You can use Template literals to improve the readability (IE not supported).

Register Custom Mold

With a mold js, you still need to register this custom mold on the component. So you need to create a lang-addon.xml and register the custom mold.

Apply Custom Mold

Specify the mold name you register in lang-addon.xml on target component's mold attribute.

<paging mold="tooltip"/>

Last Update : 2022/10/28

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