MVVM in ZK6:in Contrast to MVC"

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= Foreword =
= Foreword =
In the article: [[Small Talks/2011/November/MVVM in ZK 6 - Design your first MVVM page| MVVM in ZK 6 - Design Your First MVVM Page]], the author demonstrate how to build ZK application in MVVM patterns. It’s a big change from using a composer. The style of manipulating UI components in a composer is more like MVP (Model-View-Presenter) pattern, a variant of MVC. The composer plays the role as “Presenter” in MVP pattern. It handles events from users interaction, retrieves data from “Model”, and update the “View“ by manipulating UI components directly. In this article, we are going to build the same application, an item search application, as described in previous article, but using a composer.
In the article: [[Small Talks/2011/November/MVVM in ZK 6 - Design your first MVVM page| MVVM in ZK 6 - Design Your First MVVM Page]], the author demonstrates how to build ZK application in MVVM pattern. It’s a big change from using a composer. The style of manipulating UI components in a composer is more like MVP (Model-View-Presenter) pattern, a variant of MVC. The composer plays the role as “Presenter” in MVP pattern. It handles events from users interaction, retrieves data from “Model”, and update the “View“ by manipulating UI components directly. In this article, we are going to build the same application, an item search application, as described in previous article, but using a composer.
= Steps to Implement =
= Steps to Implement =

Revision as of 03:07, 9 December 2011

MVVM in ZK6-in Contrast to MVC


In the article: MVVM in ZK 6 - Design Your First MVVM Page, the author demonstrates how to build ZK application in MVVM pattern. It’s a big change from using a composer. The style of manipulating UI components in a composer is more like MVP (Model-View-Presenter) pattern, a variant of MVC. The composer plays the role as “Presenter” in MVP pattern. It handles events from users interaction, retrieves data from “Model”, and update the “View“ by manipulating UI components directly. In this article, we are going to build the same application, an item search application, as described in previous article, but using a composer.

Steps to Implement

Write a ZUL


<style> .z-listcell-cnt,{
<window id="searchWin" title="Search Storage Item" border="normal" width="600px"
	apply="" >
	<vbox hflex="true">
			Filter : 
			<textbox id="filterBox" value="*" instant="true"/> 
			<button id="searchButton" label="Search" />
		<listbox id="itemListbox" hflex="true" height="300px">
				<listheader label="Name"/>
				<listheader label="Price" align="center" width="80px" />
				<listheader label="Quantity" align="center" width="80px" />
		<groupbox id="detailBox" visible="false" hflex="true" mold="3d">
			<caption id="detailCaption" />
			<grid hflex="true" >
					<column width="120px"/>
					<row>Description <label id="descriptionLabel"/></row>
					<row>Price <label id="priceLabel" /></row>
					<row>Quantity <label id="quantityLabel" value="@bind(presenter.selected.quantity)" /></row>
					<row>Total Price <label id="totalPriceLabel" /></row>
  • The ZUL has little difference from the one in MVVM pattern, it just lacks of ZK bind annotation.

Create a Composer

public class SearchPresenter extends SelectorComposer<Component>{
	//the search result
	private ListModelList<Item> items;

	//the selected item
	private Item selected;
	//UI component
	private Textbox filterBox;
	private Button searchButton;
	private Listbox itemListbox;
	private Groupbox detailBox;
	private Caption detailCaption;
	private Label descriptionLabel;
	private Label priceLabel;
	private Label quantityLabel;
	private Label totalPriceLabel;

	public void doAfterCompose(Component comp) throws Exception {
		itemListbox.setItemRenderer(new ItemRenderer());
	protected SearchService getSearchService(){
		return new FakeSearchService();
	@Listen("onClick = button")
	public void doSearch(){
		items = new ListModelList<Item>();
	@Listen("onChange = #filterBox")
	public void changeButtonStatus(){
	@Listen("onSelect = listbox")
	public void selectItem(){
		selected = items.get(itemListbox.getSelectedIndex());
		//display item detail
  • The composer doesn't have lots of getter and setter, but has to declare lots of variables corresponding to UI components.
  • ZK bind saves lots of effort we make in public void selectItem() to display the detail of an item.
  • No need to implement Converter

Implement Listbox Rendering

public class ItemRenderer implements ListitemRenderer<Item>{

	static DecimalFormat priceFormatter = new DecimalFormat("$ ###,###,###,##0.00");

	public void render(Listitem item, Item data){
		Listcell nameCell = new Listcell();
		Listcell priceCell = new Listcell();
		Listcell quantityCell = new Listcell();
		if (data.getQuantity()<3){


Because ViewModel doesn’t hold references to ZK components, after requirements and functions are confirmed. UI designers and programmers can work in parallel. This pattern is very suitable for “design by contract” approach. Even UI design is modified afterward. If the modification doesn’t change the contract (confirmed functions), it doesn’t affect programmer’s work. This approach reduces errors that are caused by frequent UI requirement change.

ZK MVVM forces developers to write presentation logic on ZUL with ZK Bind annotation. This pattern separates the responsibility of ZUL and ViewModel clearly. In MVC, developers have to write them in the composer. Because ZK Bind annotation can apply on the component’s attributes, developers can achieve many dynamically interaction effect by altering component’s attributes. It’s harder to maintain presentation logic in the composer but developers can gain more flexibility. For example, to disable search button when textbox is empty.

In MVVM: search.zul

<button label="Search" disabled="@load(empty vm.filter)" />


	@Listen("onChange = #filterBox")
	public void changeButtonStatus(){

It still need 2 variables for textbox and button component.

It’s also easier to maintain and understand a custom view layout that is written in ZUL using ZK Bind annotation than is implemented in a renderer class.


			<template name="model" var="item">
				<listitem >
					<listcell label="@load("/>				
					<listcell label="@load(item.price) @converter('formatedNumber', format='###,##0.00')"/>
					<listcell label="@load(item.quantity)" sclass="@load(item.quantity lt 3 ?'red':'')"/>	
  • Comparing to , it's more readable.

But it’s easier to write complex presentation logic in Java than in EL. For example, developers have to display quantity in different colors upon complex business logic,

public class ItemRenderer implements ListitemRenderer<Item>{

	public void render(Listitem item, Item data){
		//...other code		
		int quantity = data.getQuantity();
		if ( complexRule(quantity)){
			//set color 1
		}else if ( anotherComplexRule(quantity)){
			//set color 2
		}else {
			//set color 3
		//...other code	

Of course, if developers require more control on ZK components themselves like dynamically creating child components. It’s better to use the composer with auto-wired components.

In ZK MVVM, developers don’t have to declare variables for each ZK components. They manipulate components through ZK Bind annotation on component’s attributes. In MVC with composer, developers don’t need to provide lots of setter and getter. They change view content by manipulating ZK components themselves.

Developers can do unit test on ViewModel easily because it’s separated with ZUL while composers can only be tested through browsers.

Comparison Table

Coupling with Backend Loose Tight
Where Presentation Logic Locates ZUL Java
Controller Implementation A POJO A class that extends ZK's composer
How to Update UI Use ZK Bind annotation to notify the binder Manipulate UI components
Controller is unit testable Yes No


Adopting which pattern depends on developer’s context and requirement. If developers needs clear separation between view layer and its backend and to perform unit test on every layer of application, the MVVM suits this case. If developers prefer more flexibility and want to implement complex presentation logic, the MVC pattern suits this case.
