
From Documentation
Revision as of 01:42, 11 January 2023 by Hawk (talk | contribs) (→‎Slidable)


  • Available for ZK:
  • http://www.zkoss.org/product/zkhttp://www.zkoss.org/whyzk/zkeeVersion ee.png

Since 6.5.0

A layout region may have a caption, which is specified by declaring a child component <caption>.

		<caption label="search" image="/img/live.gif"/>


Since 8.5.2 Default: true

Whether users can open or close the region. Require collapsible="true". Notice you need to click the icon on the title or on the splitter to open/close a region. Clicking a title slides a region instead of opening it.



Since 8.5.2 Default: true Whether users can slide (preview) the region when clicking on the title of the collapsed region. It opens the region like a drawer overlapping on the <center>, so it doesn't affect the size of <center> which is different from opening the region. Require collapsible="true".

Layout slidable.gif