The automatic-timeout Element

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Revision as of 06:00, 16 November 2021 by Hawk (talk | contribs)

The automatic-timeout Element


[Since 3.6.3]
[Default: false]

It specifies whether or not to automatically redirect to the timeout URI.

If false, it means a page will be redirected to the timeout URI, when a user takes some actions after the timeout.

In other words, nothing would happen (no redirect) if the user does nothing on the page.

If it is set to true, it is redirected as soon as timeout, no matter the user takes any action.

Notice that this setting is applied only to the specified device (<device-type>), so remember to specify the correct device. For example,

	<automatic-timeout/> <!-- the same as <automatic-timeout>true</automatic-timeout> -->

Please refer to ZK Developer's Reference/UI Patterns/Session Timeout Management for more information.

Page-level Automatic Timeout

If you want to specify whether or not to automatically timeout for particular pages, you can use the page directive.

Moreover, it is better to turn off the automatic timeout for the timeout page you want to redirect to (if the page is a ZUML page). For example,

<!-- my timeout page -->
<?page automaticTimeout="false"?>

Version History

Last Update : 2021/11/16

Version Date Content

Last Update : 2021/11/16

Copyright © Potix Corporation. This article is licensed under GNU Free Documentation License.