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The model is the data an application handles. Depending on the application requirement, it could be anything as long as your controller knows it. Typical objects are POJOs, beans, Spring-managed beans, and DAO. Examples of manipulating the model in the controller were discussed in the previous sections.

In this section and subsections, we will focus on the model that ZK components support directly without custom glue logic. For example, implementing ListModel to control the display of Listbox and Grid, and ChartModel to control Chart.

In addition to implementing these models, you could use one of the predefined implementation such as SimpleListModel and SimplePieModel. For detailed description, please refer to the following sections.

Model-Driven Rendering

Those ZK components (e.g. Listbox, Grid, Tree) that allow you to set model properties support model-driven rendering, which means they create (render) their child components upon a model object (e.g. ListModelList). Hence, you can assign a ListModelList to a Listbox, and it will render its Listitem upon the ListModelList with its renderer.

In this case, you have to control the component's rendering by manipulating its model objects. If you want to remove a Listitem, don't remove the Listitem object itself. You should remove the corresponding object in the ListModelList (remove()). Then Listbox will remove the Listitem accordingly. The same rule applies to adding, clearing, and replacing.

In one component's perspective, it also follows the MVC pattern:


  • Component (Controller)
  • ListModel (Model)
    • it stores your domain objects (the data could be Car, Person)
    • notify the component for data update when you call its method e.g. add(), remove(), clear()
    • ZK provides various default model implementation for various components, please refer to ListModel, TreeModel, GroupsModel
  • Renderer (View)
    • render/create child components and insert them into their parent component according to the request from the Component
    • each component has its own built-in renderer

How to Assign Model to UI

Depending on the requirements, there are a few ways to assign a model to a UI component.

Use Composer to Assign Model

A typical way is to use a composer to assign the model. For example, assume the UI component is a grid and we have a method called getFooModel returning the data to show on the grid, then we could implement a composer, say foo.FooComposer as follows:

public class FooComposer implements Composer {
    public void doAfterCompose(Component comp) throws Exception {

Then, you could assign it in ZUML as follows:

<grid apply="foo.FooComposer">

Use Data Binding

If you are using data binding, you can have the data binder to assign the model for you. For example, assume that you have a ListModelList persons, then:

<listbox model="@init(vm.persons)">

Use EL Expressions

EL is another common way to assign the model. For example, assume you have a variable resolver called foo.FooVariableResolver implementing VariableResolver as follows.

public class FooVariableResolver implements VariableResolver {
    public Object resolveVariable(String name) {
        if ("persons".equals(name)) //found
            return getPersons(); //assume this method returns an instance of ListModel 
        //... you might support more other variables
       return null; //not found

Then, you could specify it in ZUML as follows:

<?variable-resolver class="foo.FooVariableResolver"?>

<listbox model="${persons}">

The other approach is to use the function mapper. For example, assume you have an implementation called foo.CustomerListModel, then you could use it to drive a listbox as follows.

<?taglib uri="" prefix="c" ?>
<listbox model="${c:new('foo.CustomerListModel')}"/>

Use zscript

If you are building a prototype, you could use zscript to assign the model directly. For example,

	ListModel infos = new ListModelArray(
		new String[][] {
			{"Apple", "10kg"},
			{"Orange", "20kg"},
			{"Mango", "12kg"}
	<listbox model="${infos}"/>

Notice that, since the performance of zscript is not good and the mix of Java code in ZUML is not easy to maintain, it is suggested not to use this approach in a production system. Please refer to Performance Tips for more information.

Last Update : 2022/01/12

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