Using Spreadsheet JSP Tag"

From Documentation
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= Process AJAX Response =
= Process AJAX Response =
<source lang='javascript'>
//the method to handle ajax result from your servlet
function handleAjaxResult(result){
//process the json result that contains zk client update information
//use your way to hanlde you ajax message or error
//use your way handle your ajax action result
if(result.action == "check" && result.valid){
//create a form dynamically to submit the form data
var field,form = jq("<form action='submitted.jsp' method='post'/>").appendTo('body');
for(var nm in result.form){
field = jq("<input type='hidden' name='"+nm+"' />").appendTo(form);

Revision as of 08:12, 30 July 2013

Using Spreadsheet JSP Tag

Available in ZK Spreadsheet EE only


In this section, we will demonstrate how to make DOM elements interact with Spreadsheet in a JSP by JQuery.

  • scenario

Interaction between JSP and Spreadsheet


Using Spreadsheet Tag

<%@page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
<%@taglib prefix="zssjsp" uri=""%>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
		<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
		<title>Application for Leave</title>
	<button id="resetBtn">Reset</button>
	<button id="checkBtn">OK</button>
		<zssjsp:spreadsheet id="myzss" 
			width="800px" height="600px" 
			maxrows="100" maxcolumns="20"
			showToolbar="true" showFormulabar="true" showContextMenu="true" showSheetbar="true"/>

Book Provider

public class DemoBookProvider implements BookProvider{

	public Book loadBook(ServletContext servletContext, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse res) {
		Book book;
		try {
			URL bookUrl = servletContext.getResource("/WEB-INF/books/application_for_leave.xlsx");
			book = Importers.getImporter().imports(bookUrl, "app4leave");
		} catch (Exception e) {
			return null;

		//initialize the book model

Send AJAX Request

	<button id="resetBtn">Reset</button>
	<button id="checkBtn">OK</button>
		<zssjsp:spreadsheet id="myzss" 
			width="800px" height="600px" 
			maxrows="100" maxcolumns="20"
			showToolbar="true" showFormulabar="true" showContextMenu="true" showSheetbar="true"/>
	<script type="text/javascript">
	//jq is jquery name in zk, which version is 1.6.4 in sparedsheet 3.0.0 (zk 6.5.3 and later) 
		//register client event on button by jquery api 
	function postAjax(action){
		//get the necessary zk ids form zssjsp[component_id] 
		//'myzss' is the sparedhseet id that you gaved in sparedsheet tag 
		var desktopId = zssjsp['myzss'].desktopId; 
		var zssUuid = zssjsp['myzss'].uuid;
		//use jquery api to post ajax to your servlet (in this demo, it is AjaxBookServlet),
		//provide desktop id and spreadsheet uuid to access zk component data in your servlet 
		jq.ajax({url:"app4l",//the servlet url to handle ajax request 
  • zssjsp

Handle AJAX Request and Response

public class ForLeaveServlet extends HttpServlet{

	protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
			throws ServletException, IOException {
		//set encoding
		//json content type
		//parameter from ajax request, you have to pass it in AJAX request
		//necessary parameter to get ZK server side desktop
		final String desktopId = req.getParameter("desktopId");
		//necessary parameter to get ZK server side spreadsheet
		final String zssUuid = req.getParameter("zssUuid");
		final String action = req.getParameter("action");
		// prepare a json result object, it can contain your ajax result and
		// also the necessary zk component update result
		final JSONObject result = new JSONObject();
		// set back for client to check action result, it depends on your logic.
		result.put("action", action);
		// use utility class to wrap zk in servlet request and
		// get access and response result
		JsonUpdateBridge bridge = new JsonUpdateBridge(getServletContext(), req, resp,
				desktopId) {
			protected void process(Desktop desktop) {
				Spreadsheet ss = (Spreadsheet)desktop.getComponentByUuidIfAny(zssUuid);
				Book book = ss.getBook();
				Sheet sheet = book.getSheetAt(0);
				}else if("check".equals(action)){
		 * Generate ZK update result in given JSON object. An AJAX response
		 * handler at client side, zssjsp, will 'eval' this result to update ZK
		 * components.

		Writer w = resp.getWriter();

Reset Cells

public class ForLeaveServlet extends HttpServlet{
	//reset cells to default value
	private void handleReset(Sheet sheet, JSONObject result) {
		final String dateFormat =  "yyyy/MM/dd";
		//you can use a cell reference to get a range
		Range from = Ranges.range(sheet,"E5");//Ranges.range(sheet,"From");
		//or you can use a name to get a range (the named range has to be set in Excel);
		//set other cells...

Check Cells

public class ForLeaveServlet extends HttpServlet{
	//validate cell data of user input and return a JSONObject
	private void handleCheck(Sheet sheet, JSONObject result) {
		Date from = Ranges.rangeByName(sheet,"From").getCellData().getDateValue();
		Date to = Ranges.rangeByName(sheet,"To").getCellData().getDateValue();
		String reason = Ranges.rangeByName(sheet,"Reason").getCellData().getStringValue();
		Double total = Ranges.rangeByName(sheet,"Total").getCellData().getDoubleValue();
		String applicant = Ranges.rangeByName(sheet,"Applicant").getCellData().getStringValue();
		Date requestDate = Ranges.rangeByName(sheet,"RequestDate").getCellData().getDateValue();
		if(from == null){
			result.put("message", "FROM is empty");
		}else if(to == null){
			result.put("message", "TO is empty");
		}else if(total==null || total.intValue()<0){
			result.put("message", "TOTAL small than 1");
		}else if(reason == null){
			result.put("message", "REASON is empty");
		}else if(applicant == null){
			result.put("message", "APPLICANT is empty");
		}else if(requestDate == null){
			result.put("message", "REQUEST DATE is empty");
			//Option 1:
			//You can handle your business logic here and return a final result for user directly
			//Or option 2: return necessary form data, 
			//so client can process it by submitting that can be handled by Spring MVC or Struts
			result.put("valid", true);
			JSONObject form = new JSONObject();
			result.put("form", form);

			form.put("from", from.getTime());//can't pass as data, use long for time
			form.put("to", to.getTime());//can't pass as data, use long for time
			form.put("reason", reason);
			form.put("total", total.intValue());//we just need int
			form.put("applicant", applicant);
			form.put("requestDate", requestDate.getTime());
			//You can also store the book, and load it back later by export it to a file
			Exporter exporter = Exporters.getExporter();
			FileOutputStream fos = null;
			try {
				File temp = File.createTempFile("app4leave_", ".xlsx");
				fos = new FileOutputStream(temp); 
				exporter.export(sheet.getBook(), fos);
				System.out.println("file save at "+temp.getAbsolutePath());
				form.put("archive", temp.getName());
			} catch (IOException e) {
			} finally{
					try {
					} catch (IOException e) {
						//handle the exception

Process AJAX Response


	//the method to handle ajax result from your servlet 
	function handleAjaxResult(result){
		//process the json result that contains zk client update information 
		//use your way to hanlde you ajax message or error 
		//use your way handle your ajax action result 
		if(result.action == "check" && result.valid){
				//create a form dynamically to submit the form data 
				var field,form = jq("<form action='submitted.jsp' method='post'/>").appendTo('body');
				for(var nm in result.form){
					field = jq("<input type='hidden' name='"+nm+"' />").appendTo(form);