Reference to Java Beans

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Available in ZK Spreadsheet EE only


When showing data in Spreadsheet from backend, use Range API to set value cell by cell could be a tedious task. Hence, Spreadsheet allows you use EL (Expression Language) in cells and it resolves the name expressions to the back end Java beans automatically.

How Spreadsheet resolve a name in a cell

If a variable in cells equals Excel Defined Name[1] found in Excel file, ZK Spreadsheet will treat them as what it defines. If not, ZK Spreadsheet follows ZK's EL expression variable resolving mechanism. It first tries to find any matching zscript variables defined in the ZUL page. Then check ID of ZK fellow components. Then search in ZK components' attribute map. Finally ask variable resolvers defined in the zul page to retrieve the bean with named variable. If still none is found, it will return #NAME? as Excel's original behavior. Once variables are resolved, the associated getter are called and value returned in the cell.


Steps to use this feature.

  1. Implement a variable resolver class.
  2. Declare the variable resolver in ZUL pages or in system scope.

Then you can access JavaBeans like a formula, e.g. enter =myBean.myProperty in a cell.


Assume the application below has a sheet in protection, a user cannot modify any cells directly in the sheet. They can only update value via panel on the right side.


You can see from the formula bar, the content of B3 is an EL expresstion, =assetsBean.liquidAssets.

First, we implement a variable resolver class. You can refer to ZK_Developer's_Reference/UI_Composing/ZUML/EL_Expressions#Variable_Resolver for complete explanation. For simplicity, this resolver just get a static bean. In real case, it could be more complicated to get a bean.

public class MyBeanResolver implements VariableResolver {

	private static AssetsBean assetsBean = new AssetsBean();
	public Object resolveVariable(String name) throws XelException {
		if (name.equals("assetsBean")){
			// find the bean in your environment
			return assetsBean;
		return null;

Declare our MyBeanResolver in a ZUL page. (or you could make it a system level variable resolver which can be available in all pages.)

<?variable-resolver class="org.zkoss.zss.essential.advanced.MyBeanResolver"?>
	<window hflex="1" vflex="1" apply="org.zkoss.zss.essential.advanced.RefBeanComposer">
		<hlayout hflex="1" vflex="1">
			<spreadsheet id="ss" src="/WEB-INF/books/bean.xlsx" maxrows="200" maxcolumns="40"
				showFormulabar="true" showContextMenu="true" showToolbar="true" showSheetbar="true" 
				hflex="1" vflex="1" width="100%" >

When JavaBean Changes

In our example, the sheet is protected. Users can only change value from the panel on the right hand side. But Spreadsheet won't know the change of a bean unless you notify it. When you notify the Spreadsheet of changed beans, it will collect which cells are affected (i.e. those dependent cells with the specified bean names), and update them accordingly.

public class RefBeanComposer extends SelectorComposer<Component> {
	private Spreadsheet ss;
	private Doublebox liquidBox;
	private Doublebox fundBox;
	private Doublebox fixedBox;
	private Doublebox intangibleBox;
	private Doublebox otherBox;
	//initialize doublebox

	@Listen("onChange = doublebox")
	public void update() {
		//notify spreadsheet about the bean's change
		Ranges.range(ss.getSelectedSheet()).notifyChange(new String[] {"assetsBean"} );

	 * load user input to the bean.
	private void updateAssetsBean() {
		AssetsBean assetsBean = getAssetsBean();
	private AssetsBean getAssetsBean(){
		AssetsBean assetsBean = (AssetsBean)getPage().getXelVariable("assetsBean");

		return assetsBean;
  • Line 22: Notify whole book of one or more beans' change, all cells of whole book associated with changed bean will be updated.

  1. Defined Names is a name that represents a cell, range of cells, formula, or constant value.