Uses of Interface

Packages that use Desktop
org.zkoss.bind.tracker.impl Tracker Implementation for ZK Bind Requests and responsed used to communicate between client and server, called asynchronous updates. HTTP related classes used to do asynchronous updates. The responses of asynchronous updates (sent from server to client). 
org.zkoss.zk.device Device (such as Ajax browsers and mobile devices) relevant classes. 
org.zkoss.zk.ui Interfaces of the common user-interfaces, such as Page and Component
org.zkoss.zk.ui.http HTTP relevant utilities and servlets for implementing user interfaces (implementation only). 
org.zkoss.zk.ui.impl Implementation of user interfaces and factories (implementation only). 
org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys Internal interfaces of user interfaces and factories (behind the scene). 
org.zkoss.zk.ui.util Utilities to handle user interfaces. 
org.zkoss.zkex.ui.comet ZK comet implementation. 
org.zkoss.zkex.zul Zul Extension library. 
org.zkoss.zkex.zul.impl Classes used to implement ZUL Component extension Set (implementation only). AU utilities in ZK EE, such as the inaccessible widget block service. 
org.zkoss.zkmax.ui.comet ZK comet 2 implementation that is based on Servlet 3 asynchronous processing support. 
org.zkoss.zkmax.ui.util ZK EE utilities, such as utility to recycle desktops. 
org.zkoss.zkplus.databind The DataBinder used for binding ZK UI component and the backend data bean. 
org.zkoss.zkplus.embed Utilities to embed ZK components into the 3rd party framework. 

Uses of Desktop in org.zkoss.bind.tracker.impl

Methods in org.zkoss.bind.tracker.impl with parameters of type Desktop
 void BindUiLifeCycle.afterPageAttached(Page page, Desktop desktop)
 void BindUiLifeCycle.afterPageDetached(Page page, Desktop prevdesktop)

Uses of Desktop in

Methods in that return Desktop
 Desktop AuRequest.getDesktop()
          Returns the desktop; never null.

Methods in with parameters of type Desktop
<T extends Component>
AuRequests.convertToItems(Desktop desktop, java.util.List<java.lang.String> uuids)
          Converts the data of the specified request to a set of Component.
 java.util.List<AuRequest> AuDecoder.decode(java.lang.Object request, Desktop desktop)
          Returns a list of AuRequest by decoding the request.

Constructors in with parameters of type Desktop
AuRequest(Desktop desktop, java.lang.String cmd, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> data)
          Constructor for a general request sent from client.
AuRequest(Desktop desktop, java.lang.String uuid, java.lang.String cmd, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> data)
          Constructor for a request sent from a component.

Uses of Desktop in

Methods in that return Desktop
protected  Desktop DHtmlUpdateServlet.getDesktop(Session sess, java.lang.String dtid)
          Returns the desktop of the specified ID, or null if not found.
protected  Desktop DHtmlUpdateServlet.recoverDesktop(Session sess, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, WebAppCtrl wappc, java.lang.String dtid)
          Recovers the desktop if possible.

Methods in with parameters of type Desktop
 void UploadInfoService.DesktopInit.init(Desktop desktop, java.lang.Object request)

Uses of Desktop in

Constructors in with parameters of type Desktop
AuClientInfo(Desktop desktop)
          Contructs a client-info response with the specified desktop.
AuEcho(Desktop desktop)
          Contructs an echo response with the specified desktop.
AuEchoGlobal(java.lang.String evtnm, java.lang.String data, Desktop dt)

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type Desktop
AuEchoGlobal(java.lang.String evtnm, java.lang.String data, java.util.Collection<Desktop> dts)

Uses of Desktop in org.zkoss.zk.device

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.device with parameters of type Desktop
 void GenericDevice.sessionDidActivate(Desktop desktop)
 void Device.sessionDidActivate(Desktop desktop)
          Notification that the desktop, which owns this device, has just been activated (aka., deserialized) by the Web container.
 void GenericDevice.sessionWillPassivate(Desktop desktop)
 void Device.sessionWillPassivate(Desktop desktop)
          Notification that the desktop, which owns this device, is about to be passivated (aka., serialized) by the Web container.

Uses of Desktop in org.zkoss.zk.ui

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui that return Desktop
 Desktop Page.getDesktop()
          Returns the desktop that this page belongs to.
 Desktop Execution.getDesktop()
          Returns the desktop associated with this execution.
 Desktop Component.getDesktop()
          Returns the desktop of this component, or null if this component doesn't belong to any desktop.
 Desktop AbstractComponent.getDesktop()

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui with parameters of type Desktop
static void Executions.activate(Desktop desktop)
          Activates a thread to allow it access the given desktop synchronously.
static boolean Executions.activate(Desktop desktop, long timeout)
          Activates a thread to allow it access the given desktop synchronously, or until a certain amount of time has elapsed.
static void Executions.deactivate(Desktop desktop)
          Deactivates a thread that has invoked Executions.activate(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Desktop) successfully.
static void Executions.notify(Desktop desktop, java.lang.Object mutex)
          Wakes up a single event processing thread for the specified desktop that is waiting on the specified object.
static void Executions.notifyAll(Desktop desktop, java.lang.Object mutex)
          Wakes up all event processing theads for the specified desktop that are waiting on the specified object.
<T extends Event>
Executions.schedule(Desktop desktop, EventListener<T> task, T event)
          Schedules a task to run under the server push of the given desktop asynchronously.

Uses of Desktop in org.zkoss.zk.ui.http

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.http that return Desktop
static Desktop DesktopRecycles.beforeService(DesktopRecycle dtrc, javax.servlet.ServletContext ctx, Session sess, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, java.lang.String path)
          Called before serving a HTTP request.
 Desktop WebManager.getDesktop(Session sess, javax.servlet.ServletRequest request, javax.servlet.ServletResponse response, java.lang.String path, boolean autocreate)
          Returns the desktop of the specified request, or null if not found and autocreate is false, or it has been redirect or forward to other page.

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.http with parameters of type Desktop
static void DesktopRecycles.afterService(DesktopRecycle dtrc, Desktop desktop)
          Called after serving a HTTP request.
static void WebManager.setDesktop(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, Desktop desktop)
          Sets the desktop to the specified request.

Constructors in org.zkoss.zk.ui.http with parameters of type Desktop
ExecutionImpl(javax.servlet.ServletContext ctx, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, Desktop desktop, Page creating)
          Constructs an execution for the given HTTP request.

Uses of Desktop in org.zkoss.zk.ui.impl

Classes in org.zkoss.zk.ui.impl that implement Desktop
 class DesktopImpl
          The implementation of Desktop.

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.impl that return Desktop
 Desktop RequestInfoImpl.getDesktop()
 Desktop PageImpl.getDesktop()
 Desktop EventProcessor.getDesktop()
          Returns the desktop.
 Desktop AbstractExecution.getDesktop()
 Desktop SimpleDesktopCache.getDesktop(java.lang.String desktopId)
 Desktop SimpleDesktopCache.getDesktopIfAny(java.lang.String desktopId)
 Desktop AbstractUiFactory.newDesktop(RequestInfo ri, java.lang.String updateURI, java.lang.String path)

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.impl with parameters of type Desktop
 void SimpleDesktopCache.addDesktop(Desktop desktop)
 boolean UiEngineImpl.ceaseSuspendedThread(Desktop desktop, EventProcessingThread evtthd, java.lang.String cause)
 void UiEngineImpl.desktopDestroyed(Desktop desktop)
 java.util.Collection<EventProcessingThread> UiEngineImpl.getSuspendedThreads(Desktop desktop)
static boolean Utils.markClientInfoPerDesktop(Desktop desktop, java.lang.String key)
          Marks the per-desktop information of the given key will be generated, and returns true if the information is not generated yet (i.e., this method is NOT called with the given key).
 ServerPush AbstractUiFactory.newServerPush(Desktop desktop, java.lang.Class klass)
          Instantiates a server push of the given class.
 void UiEngineImpl.notify(Desktop desktop, java.lang.Object mutex)
 void UiEngineImpl.notifyAll(Desktop desktop, java.lang.Object mutex)
 boolean EventProcessingThreadImpl.processEvent(Desktop desktop, Component comp, Event event)
          Ask this event thread to process the specified event.
 void SimpleDesktopCache.removeDesktop(Desktop desktop)
 void PageImpl.sessionDidActivate(Desktop desktop)
 void PageImpl.sessionWillPassivate(Desktop desktop)
 void AbstractExecution.setDesktop(Desktop desktop)
 void PollingServerPush.start(Desktop desktop)

Constructors in org.zkoss.zk.ui.impl with parameters of type Desktop
AbstractExecution(Desktop desktop, Page creating)
          Constructs an execution.
EventProcessor(Desktop desktop, Component comp, Event event)
ExecutionCarryOver(Desktop desktop)
RequestInfoImpl(Desktop desktop, java.lang.Object request, Locator locator)
RequestInfoImpl(WebApp wapp, Session sess, Desktop desktop, java.lang.Object request, Locator locator)

Uses of Desktop in org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys that return Desktop
 Desktop RequestInfo.getDesktop()
          Returns the desktop, or null if not created yet.
 Desktop DesktopCache.getDesktop(java.lang.String desktopId)
          Returns the desktop for the specified desktop ID.
 Desktop DesktopCache.getDesktopIfAny(java.lang.String desktopId)
          Returns the desktop for the specified desktop ID, or null if not found.
 Desktop UiFactory.newDesktop(RequestInfo ri, java.lang.String updateURI, java.lang.String path)
          Creates an instance of Desktop.

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys with parameters of type Desktop
 void DesktopCache.addDesktop(Desktop desktop)
          Adds a desktop to this session.
 boolean UiEngine.ceaseSuspendedThread(Desktop desktop, EventProcessingThread evtthd, java.lang.String cause)
          Ceases the specified event thread.
 void UiEngine.desktopDestroyed(Desktop desktop)
          Called when a desktop is being removed.
 java.util.Collection<EventProcessingThread> UiEngine.getSuspendedThreads(Desktop desktop)
          Returns a collection of suspended event processing threads belonging to the specified desktop, or empty if no suspended thread at all.
 ServerPush UiFactory.newServerPush(Desktop desktop, java.lang.Class klass)
          Creates and initializes the server push of the given class and desktop.
 java.lang.String IdGenerator.nextComponentUuid(Desktop desktop, Component comp, ComponentInfo compInfo)
          Returns the next component UUID for the specified component, or null to generate the default UUID.
 java.lang.String IdGenerator.nextDesktopId(Desktop desktop)
          Returns the next desktop ID for the specified desktop, or null to generate the default ID.
 void UiEngine.notify(Desktop desktop, java.lang.Object obj)
          Wakes up a single event processing thread for the specified desktop that is waiting on the specified object.
 void UiEngine.notifyAll(Desktop desktop, java.lang.Object obj)
          Wakes up all event processing theads for the specified desktop that are waiting on the specified object.
static java.lang.String HtmlPageRenders.outSpecialJS(Desktop desktop)
          Generates the special JavaScript code, such as the application's name.
 void FailoverManager.recover(Session sess, Execution exec, Desktop desktop)
          Recovers the specified desktop.
 void DesktopCache.removeDesktop(Desktop desktop)
          Removes a desktop from this session.
 void PageCtrl.sessionDidActivate(Desktop desktop)
          Notification that the session, which owns this page, has just been activated (aka., deserialized).
 void PageCtrl.sessionWillPassivate(Desktop desktop)
          Notification that the session, which owns this page, is about to be passivated (aka., serialized).
 void ExecutionCtrl.setDesktop(Desktop desktop)
          Sets the desktop associated with this execution.
 void ServerPush.start(Desktop desktop)
          Stats and initializes the server-push controller.

Uses of Desktop in org.zkoss.zk.ui.util

Fields in org.zkoss.zk.ui.util declared as Desktop
protected  Desktop GenericAutowireComposer.desktop
          Implicit Object; the desktop.

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.util that return Desktop
 Desktop DesktopRecycle.beforeService(Execution exec, java.lang.String uri)
          Called when an user requests the content of a page.

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.util with parameters of type Desktop
 void UiLifeCycle.afterPageAttached(Page page, Desktop desktop)
          Called after a page is attached to a desktop.
 void Configuration.afterPageAttached(Page page, Desktop desktop)
          Invokes UiLifeCycle.afterPageAttached(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Page, org.zkoss.zk.ui.Desktop) when a compnent's parent is changed.
 void UiLifeCycle.afterPageDetached(Page page, Desktop prevdesktop)
          Called after a page is detached to a desktop.
 void Configuration.afterPageDetached(Page page, Desktop prevdesktop)
          Invokes UiLifeCycle.afterPageDetached(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Page, org.zkoss.zk.ui.Desktop) when a compnent's parent is changed.
 void DesktopRecycle.afterRemove(Session sess, Desktop desktop)
          Called after a desktop is removed.
 void DesktopRecycle.afterService(Desktop desktop)
          Called after the request is served.
 void Statistic.afterUpdate(Desktop desktop)
 void Monitor.afterUpdate(Desktop desktop)
          Called when an asynchronous updated has been processed.
 boolean DesktopRecycle.beforeRemove(Execution exec, Desktop desktop, int cause)
          Called when the client asks the server to remove a deskdop because of the user's navigating to other URL or refreshing the page.
 void Statistic.beforeUpdate(Desktop desktop, java.util.List<AuRequest> requests)
 void Monitor.beforeUpdate(Desktop desktop, java.util.List<AuRequest> requests)
          Called when an asynchronous updated is called (and not yet processed).
 void DesktopCleanup.cleanup(Desktop desktop)
          called when a desktop is about to be destroyed.
 void Statistic.desktopCreated(Desktop desktop)
 void Monitor.desktopCreated(Desktop desktop)
          Called when a desktop is created.
 void ExecutionMonitor.desktopDestroy(Desktop desktop)
          Called when a desktop is destroyed.
 void Statistic.desktopDestroyed(Desktop desktop)
 void Monitor.desktopDestroyed(Desktop desktop)
          Called when a desktop is being destroyed.
 void DesktopActivationListener.didActivate(Desktop desktop)
          Called when a session has just been activated (and its value has been deserialized).
 void DesktopSerializationListener.didDeserialize(Desktop desktop)
          Called when a desktop has de-serialized this object back.
 void ExecutionMonitor.executionAbort(Execution exec, Desktop desktop, java.lang.Throwable t)
          Called when the activation of the given execution is aborted.
 void ExecutionMonitor.executionActivate(Execution exec, Desktop desktop)
          Called when an execution is activated.
 void ExecutionMonitor.executionDeactivate(Execution exec, Desktop desktop)
          Called when an activated execution completes and is deactivated.
 void ExecutionMonitor.executionWait(Execution exec, Desktop desktop)
          Called when an execution fails to activate and then being waiting for activation.
 void DesktopInit.init(Desktop desktop, java.lang.Object request)
          Called when a desktop is created and initialized.
 void Configuration.invokeDesktopCleanups(Desktop desktop)
          Invokes DesktopCleanup.cleanup(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Desktop) for each relevant listener registered by Configuration.addListener(java.lang.Class).
 void Configuration.invokeDesktopInits(Desktop desktop, java.lang.Object request)
          Invokes DesktopInit.init(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Desktop, java.lang.Object) for each relevant listener registered by Configuration.addListener(java.lang.Class).
 void DesktopActivationListener.willPassivate(Desktop desktop)
          Called when a session is about to be passivated (and then serialize its value).
 void DesktopSerializationListener.willSerialize(Desktop desktop)
          Called when a desktop is going to serialize this object.

Uses of Desktop in org.zkoss.zkex.ui.comet

Methods in org.zkoss.zkex.ui.comet that return Desktop
 Desktop CometServerPush.getDesktop()
          Returns the desktop that this server push belongs to (never null).

Methods in org.zkoss.zkex.ui.comet with parameters of type Desktop
 void CometServerPush.start(Desktop desktop)
          Starts the server push.

Uses of Desktop in org.zkoss.zkex.zul

Methods in org.zkoss.zkex.zul with parameters of type Desktop
 ListModel<T> SimpleListModelSharer.getProxy(Desktop desktop)
          Get a proxy which is to be used in listbox or grid of a desktop.
 ListModel<T> ListModelSharer.getProxy(Desktop desktop)
          Get a proxy which is to be used in listbox or grid of a desktop.

Uses of Desktop in org.zkoss.zkex.zul.impl

Methods in org.zkoss.zkex.zul.impl with parameters of type Desktop
static void OperationThread.destroyWith(Desktop desktop)
          Terminate a OperationThread which is stored in desktop and clear it.
 void Operation.execute(Desktop desktop)
          Execute the operation.
 void Operation.failToExecute(Desktop desktop)
          Notify when 1.any Exception occurs when execute 2.thread is terminate by OperationThread.terminate() 3.desktop is not longer available
static OperationQueue OperationThread.getQueue(Desktop desktop)
          Get the OperationQueue of OperationThread, It is check is there any OperationThread exist in desktop.
 void OperationQueueListener.queueUnavailable(Desktop desktop)
          Notify the OperationQueue no longer available, it is usual invoked before the end of

Uses of Desktop in

Methods in with parameters of type Desktop
 void InaccessibleWidgetBlockService.DesktopInit.init(Desktop desktop, java.lang.Object request)

Uses of Desktop in org.zkoss.zkmax.ui.comet

Methods in org.zkoss.zkmax.ui.comet with parameters of type Desktop
 void CometServerPush.start(Desktop desktop)

Uses of Desktop in org.zkoss.zkmax.ui.util

Methods in org.zkoss.zkmax.ui.util that return Desktop
 Desktop DesktopRecycle.beforeService(Execution exec, java.lang.String uri)

Methods in org.zkoss.zkmax.ui.util with parameters of type Desktop
 void DesktopRecycle.afterRemove(Session sess, Desktop desktop)
 void DesktopRecycle.afterService(Desktop desktop)
 boolean DesktopRecycle.beforeRemove(Execution exec, Desktop desktop, int cause)
protected static java.lang.String DesktopRecycle.getURI(Desktop desktop)
          Returns the request URI of the desktop.
protected  boolean DesktopRecycle.shallCache(Desktop desktop, java.lang.String uri, int cause)
          Returns whether to cache the desktop of the specified URI, such that we can reuse it later.
protected  boolean DesktopRecycle.shallExpunge(Desktop desktop, java.lang.String uri, int secElapsed)
          Returns whether to remove it from the cache.
protected  boolean DesktopRecycle.shallReuse(Desktop desktop, java.lang.String uri, int secElapsed)
          Returns whether to re-use the cached desktop.

Uses of Desktop in org.zkoss.zkplus.databind

Methods in org.zkoss.zkplus.databind with parameters of type Desktop
 void AnnotateDataBinder.init(Desktop desktop, boolean defaultConfig)
          Initialization that read all binding annotations of the components inside the specified desktop.

Constructors in org.zkoss.zkplus.databind with parameters of type Desktop
AnnotateDataBinder(Desktop desktop)
          Constructor that read all binding annotations of the components inside the specified desktop.
AnnotateDataBinder(Desktop desktop, boolean defaultConfig)
          Constructor that read all binding annotations of the components inside the specified desktop.

Uses of Desktop in org.zkoss.zkplus.embed

Methods in org.zkoss.zkplus.embed that return Desktop
static Desktop Bridge.getDesktop(javax.servlet.ServletContext svlctx, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, java.lang.String dtid)
          Returns the desktop of the given desktop ID, or null if not found.

Methods in org.zkoss.zkplus.embed with parameters of type Desktop
static Bridge Bridge.start(javax.servlet.ServletContext svlctx, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, Desktop desktop)
          Starts an execution.

Constructors in org.zkoss.zkplus.embed with parameters of type Desktop
Bridge(javax.servlet.ServletContext svlctx, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, Desktop desktop)

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