Uses of Class

Packages that use Widget
zkex.grid Additional grid related widgets, such as detail and group. 
zkex.layout Additional layout related widgets and columlayout. Additional menu related widgets and utilities, such as fisheye. 
zkex.sel Additional selectable related widgets, such as listgroup. 
zkex.utl Additional utility widgets and utilities, such as jasperreport. 
zkmax.layout Additional layout related widgets, such as portallayout and tablelayout. 
zul The ZUL widgets and utilities The box widgets, such as hbox and vbox. 
zul.db The date related widgets, such as datebox and calendar. 
zul.grid The grid related widgets, such as grid and row. 
zul.inp The input related widgets, such as textbox and combobox. 
zul.layout The layout widgets, such as borderlayout. The multimedia widgets, such as applet and audio. The menu related widgets, such as menubar and menuitem. 
zul.mesh The two-dimensional mesh related widgets. 
zul.sel The selectable widgets, such as listbox and tree. The tabbox related widgets, such as tabbox and tabpanel. 
zul.utl The utility widgets, such as iframe and script. 
zul.wgt The basic widgets, such as button and div. 
zul.wnd The window related widgets, such as window and panel. 

Uses of Widget in zkex.grid

Subclasses of Widget in zkex.grid
 class Detail
          The detail component is used to display a detailed section where a master row and multiple detail rows are on the same row.
 class Group
          Adds the ability for single level grouping to the Grid.
 class Groupfoot
          GroupFoot serves as a summary row of group.

Uses of Widget in zkex.layout

Subclasses of Widget in zkex.layout
 class Columnchildren
          The column of Columnlayout.
 class Columnlayout
          A columnlayout lays out a container which can have multiple columns, and each column may contain one or more component.

Uses of Widget in

Subclasses of Widget in
 class Fisheye
          A fisheye item.
 class Fisheyebar
          A fisheye bar is a bar of Fisheye that is a menu similar to the fish eye menu on the Mac OS.

Uses of Widget in zkex.sel

Subclasses of Widget in zkex.sel
 class Listgroup
          Adds the ability for single level grouping to the Listbox.
 class Listgroupfoot
          GroupFooter serves as a summary listitem of listgroup.

Uses of Widget in zkex.utl

Subclasses of Widget in zkex.utl
 class Jasperreport
          The JasperReport component.

Uses of Widget in zkmax.big

Subclasses of Widget in zkmax.big
 class Biglistbox
          A component to handle a huge data sets and provides the same and as many as the functionalities of Listbox including selection, sorting, keystroke navigation, ROD(rendering-on-demand), and so on.

Uses of Widget in zkmax.inp

Subclasses of Widget in zkmax.inp
 class Chosenbox
          A component that similar to Combobox but handle the multi-selection and the select order.

Uses of Widget in zkmax.layout

Subclasses of Widget in zkmax.layout
 class Portalchildren
          The column of Portallayout.
 class Portallayout
          A portal layout lays out a container which can have multiple columns, and each column may contain one or more panel.
 class Tablechildren
          The cell of Tablelayout.
 class Tablelayout
          Tablelayout lay outs a container as an HTML table whose columns can be specified, and rowspan and colspan of its child can also be specified to create complex layouts within the table.

Uses of Widget in zul

Subclasses of Widget in zul
 class LabelImageWidget
          A skeletal implementation for ZUL widgets that support both label and image.
 class UploadManager
          Default file upload manager to manage the uploading files in a panel.

Methods in zul that return Widget
 Widget Widget.setContext(Popup context)
          Sets the ID of the popup (Popup) that should appear when the user right-clicks on the element (aka., context menu).
 Widget Widget.setCtrlKeys(String keys)
          Sets what keystrokes to intercept.
 Widget Widget.setPopup(Popup popup)
          Sets the ID of the popup (Popup) that should appear when the user clicks on the element.
 Widget Widget.setTooltip(Popup popup)
          Sets the ID of the popup (Popup) that should be used as a tooltip window when the mouse hovers over the element for a moment.

Uses of Widget in

Subclasses of Widget in
 class Box
          A box.
 class Splitter
          An element which should appear before or after an element inside a box (Box).

Uses of Widget in zul.db

Subclasses of Widget in zul.db
 class Calendar
          A calendar.
 class Datebox
          An edit box for holding a date.
 class Timebox
          An input box for holding a time (a Date Object, but only Hour & Minute are used.

Uses of Widget in zul.grid

Subclasses of Widget in zul.grid
 class Column
          A single column in a Columns element.
 class ColumnMenupopup
          The Columns' Menu
 class Columns
          Defines the columns of a grid.
 class Foot
          Defines a set of footers (Footer) for a grid (Grid).
 class Footer
          A column of the footer of a grid (Grid).
 class Grid
          A grid is an element that contains both rows and columns elements.
 class Row
          A single row in a Rows element.
 class Rows
          Defines the rows of a grid.

Uses of Widget in zul.inp

Subclasses of Widget in zul.inp
 class Bandbox
          A band box.
 class Bandpopup
          The popup that belongs to a Bandbox instance.
 class Combobox
          A combobox.
 class Comboitem
          An item of a combo box.
 class ComboWidget
          A skeletal implementation for a combo widget.
 class Decimalbox
          An edit box for holding BigDecimal.
 class Doublebox
          An edit box for holding an float point value (double).
 class Doublespinner
          An edit box for holding a constrained double.
 class Errorbox
          A error message box that is displayed as a popup.
 class FormatWidget
          A skeletal implementation for an input box with format.
 class InputWidget
          A skeletal implementation for a input widget.
 class Intbox
          An edit box for holding an integer.
 class Longbox
          An edit box for holding an integer.
 class NumberInputWidget
          A skeletal implementation for number-type input box.
 class Slider
          A slider.
 class Spinner
          An edit box for holding a constrained integer.
 class Textbox
          A textbox.

Uses of Widget in zul.layout

Subclasses of Widget in zul.layout
 class Absolutechildren
          A container component that can contain any other ZK component and can only be contained as direct child of Absolutelayout component.
 class Absolutelayout
          An Absolutelayout component can contain absolute positioned multiple absolutechildren components.
 class Anchorchildren
          The children of Anchorlayout.
 class Anchorlayout
          An anchorlayout lays out a container which can resize it's children base on its width and height
Default Widget.getZclass(): z-anchorlayout.
 class Borderlayout
          A border layout is a layout container for arranging and resizing child components to fit in five regions: north, south, east, west, and center.
 class Center
          A center region of a borderlayout.
 class East
          An east region of a border layout.
 class LayoutRegion
          A layout region in a border layout.
 class North
          A north region of a border layout.
 class South
          A south region of a border layout.
 class West
          A west region of a border layout.

Uses of Widget in

Subclasses of Widget in
 class Applet
          A generic applet component.
 class Audio
          An audio clip.
 class Flash
          A generic flash component.

Uses of Widget in

Subclasses of Widget in
 class Menu
          An element, much like a button, that is placed on a menu bar.
 class Menubar
          A container that usually contains menu elements.
 class Menuitem
          A single choice in a Menupopup element.
 class Menupopup
          A container used to display menus.
 class Menuseparator
          Used to create a separator between menu items.

Uses of Widget in zul.mesh

Subclasses of Widget in zul.mesh
 class Auxhead
          Used to define a collection of auxiliary headers (Auxheader).
 class Auxheader
          An auxiliary header.
 class FooterWidget
          A skeletal implementation for a footer.
 class Frozen
          A frozen component to represent a frozen column or row in grid, like MS Excel.
 class HeaderWidget
          A skeletal implementation for a header.
 class HeadWidget
          A skeletal implementation for headers, the parent of a group of HeaderWidget.
 class MeshWidget
          A skeletal implementation for a mesh widget.
 class Paging
          Paging of long content.
 class SortWidget
          A skeletal implementation for a sortable widget.

Uses of Widget in zul.sel

Subclasses of Widget in zul.sel
 class ItemWidget
          The item widget for Treeitem and Listitem
 class Listbox
          A listbox.
 class Listcell
          A list cell.
 class Listfoot
          A row of Listfooter.
 class Listfooter
          A column of the footer of a list box (Listbox).
 class Listhead
          A list headers used to define multi-columns and/or headers.
 class Listheader
          The list header which defines the attributes and header of a column of a list box.
 class Listitem
          A listitem.
 class Option
          A HTML option tag.
 class Select
          A HTML select tag.
 class SelectWidget
          A skeletal implementation for a select widget.
 class Tree
          A container which can be used to hold a tabular or hierarchical set of rows of elements.
 class Treecell
          A treecell.
 class Treechildren
          A treechildren.
 class Treecol
          A treecol.
 class Treecols
          A treecols.
 class Treefoot
          A row of Treefooter.
 class Treefooter
          A column of the footer of a tree (Tree).
 class Treeitem
          A treeitem.
 class Treerow
          A treerow.

Uses of Widget in

Subclasses of Widget in
 class Tab
          A tab.
 class Tabbox
          A tabbox.
 class Tabpanel
          A tab panel.
 class Tabpanels
          A collection of tab panels.
 class Tabs
          A collection of tabs (Tab).

Uses of Widget in zul.utl

Subclasses of Widget in zul.utl
 class Iframe
          Includes an inline frame.

Uses of Widget in zul.wgt

Subclasses of Widget in zul.wgt
 class A
          The same as HTML A tag.
 class Button
          A button.
 class Captcha
          The generic captcha component.
 class Caption
          A header for a Groupbox.
 class Cell
          The generic cell component to be embedded into Row or Box for fully control style and layout.
 class Chart
          The generic chart component.
 class Checkbox
          A checkbox.
 class Combobutton
          A combo button.
 class Div
          The same as HTML DIV tag.
 class Fileupload
          A fileupload widget is the same as Button
 class Groupbox
          Groups a set of child elements to have a visual effect.
 class Html
          A comonent used to embed the browser native content (i.e., HTML tags) into the output sent to the browser.
 class Idspace
          Just like DIV tag but implements IdSpace.
 class Image
          An image.
 class Imagemap
          An image map.
 class Include
          An include widget
 class Label
          A label.
 class Notification
          A notification widget.
 class Popup
          A container that is displayed as a popup.
 class Progressmeter
          A progress meter is a bar that indicates how much of a task has been completed.
 class Radio
          A radio button.
 class Radiogroup
          A radio group.
 class Selectbox
          A light weight dropdown list.
 class Separator
          A separator.
 class Space
          Space is a Separator with the orient default to "vertical".
 class Span
          The same as HTML SPAN tag.
 class Toolbar
          A toolbar.
 class Toolbarbutton
          A toolbar button.

Uses of Widget in zul.wnd

Subclasses of Widget in zul.wnd
 class Panel
          Panel is a container that has specific functionality and structural components that make it the perfect building block for application-oriented user interfaces.
 class Panelchildren
          Panelchildren is used for Panel component to manage each child who will be shown in the body of Panel.
 class Window
          A window.

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