Uses of Class

Packages that use Element
org.zkoss.idom The iDOM representation of XML DOM tree. 
org.zkoss.idom.impl Implementation of iDOM. 
org.zkoss.idom.input SAX builder and factory for iDOM. 
org.zkoss.idom.transform XSL Transformer for iDOM. 
org.zkoss.idom.util Utilities that simplifies the use of iDOM. 
org.zkoss.xel.taglib Utilities to access taglibs, aka., the TLD files. 
org.zkoss.xel.util Utilties of XEL expressions. 
org.zkoss.zk.device Device (such as Ajax browsers and mobile devices) relevant classes. 
org.zkoss.zk.scripting Scripting intepreter relevant classes, including interpreter, namespace and so on. 
org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys Internal interfaces of user interfaces and factories (behind the scene). 
org.zkoss.zk.ui.util Utilities to handle user interfaces. 

Uses of Element in org.zkoss.idom

Methods in org.zkoss.idom that return Element
 Element Group.getElement(java.lang.String tname)
          Gets the first Element-type child with the tag name.
 Element Group.getElement(java.lang.String namespace, java.lang.String name, int mode)
          Gets the first Element-type child that matches the giving criteria.
 Element Document.getRootElement()
          Gets the root element.

Methods in org.zkoss.idom that return types with arguments of type Element
 java.util.List<Element> Group.getElements()
          Returns a cloned copy of all element childrens Unlike Group.getChildren() and Group.getElementNames(), the returned list is NOT a 'live-facade' of the real ones.
 java.util.List<Element> Group.getElements(java.lang.String tname)
          Gets a readonly list of children with the tag name.
 java.util.List<Element> Group.getElements(java.lang.String namespace, java.lang.String name, int mode)
          Gets a readonly list of Element-type children that match the giving criteria.

Methods in org.zkoss.idom with parameters of type Element
 void Document.setRootElement(Element root)
          Sets the root element.

Constructors in org.zkoss.idom with parameters of type Element
Document(Element root)
Document(Element root, DocType dt)

Uses of Element in org.zkoss.idom.impl

Methods in org.zkoss.idom.impl that return Element
 Element AbstractGroup.ElementMap.get(java.lang.String name)
          Get the element with name.
 Element AbstractGroup.getElement(java.lang.String tname)
 Element AbstractGroup.getElement(java.lang.String namespace, java.lang.String name, int mode)

Methods in org.zkoss.idom.impl that return types with arguments of type Element
 java.util.List<Element> AbstractGroup.ElementMap.getAll(java.lang.String name)
          Get a readonly list of all elements with name.
 java.util.List<Element> AbstractGroup.getElements()
 java.util.List<Element> AbstractGroup.getElements(java.lang.String tname)
 java.util.List<Element> AbstractGroup.getElements(java.lang.String namespace, java.lang.String name, int mode)

Methods in org.zkoss.idom.impl with parameters of type Element
 void AbstractGroup.ElementMap.put(Element e, Element following)
          Put an element into the map.
 void AbstractGroup.ElementMap.remove(Element e)
          Remove e from the map.

Uses of Element in org.zkoss.idom.input

Methods in org.zkoss.idom.input that return Element
 Element IDOMFactory.newElement(Namespace ns, java.lang.String lname)
          Creates an Element with a namespace.
 Element DefaultIDOMFactory.newElement(Namespace ns, java.lang.String lname)
 Element IDOMFactory.newElement(java.lang.String lname)
          Creates an Element without namespace.
 Element DefaultIDOMFactory.newElement(java.lang.String lname)

Methods in org.zkoss.idom.input with parameters of type Element
 Document IDOMFactory.newDocument(Element rootElement, DocType docType)
          Creates a Document.
 Document DefaultIDOMFactory.newDocument(Element rootElement, DocType docType)

Uses of Element in org.zkoss.idom.transform

Methods in org.zkoss.idom.transform with parameters of type Element
 Document Transformer.transform(Element elm)
          Trasforms an iDOM element and returns the transformed result as another iDOM Document.
 void Transformer.transform(Element elm, javax.xml.transform.Result result)
          Transforms from an iDOM element to a result.

Uses of Element in org.zkoss.idom.util

Methods in org.zkoss.idom.util that return Element
static Element IDOMs.findElement(java.util.List elems, java.lang.String name)
          Returns the first element whose sub-element called "name" has the same content as the name argument, or null if not found.
static Element IDOMs.getFirstElement(Group group)
          Returns the first child element, or null if no child element at all.
static Element IDOMs.getRequiredElement(Element e, java.lang.String elemnm)
          Returns the required element.

Methods in org.zkoss.idom.util with parameters of type Element
static void IDOMs.format(Element e)
          Formats the specified element for better readability by adding white spaces.
static java.lang.String IDOMs.getRequiredAttributeValue(Element e, java.lang.String attrnm)
          Returns the required attribute value.
static Element IDOMs.getRequiredElement(Element e, java.lang.String elemnm)
          Returns the required element.
static java.lang.String IDOMs.getRequiredElementValue(Element e, java.lang.String elemnm)
          Returns the required element value.
static java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> IDOMs.parseParams(Element elm, java.lang.String type, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value)
          Parses a tree of parameter elements into a map.

Method parameters in org.zkoss.idom.util with type arguments of type Element
static void IDOMs.setContents(java.util.Collection<Element> elems, java.lang.Object val)
          Set the contents of elements.

Uses of Element in org.zkoss.xel.taglib

Methods in org.zkoss.xel.taglib with parameters of type Element
static TaglibDefinition Taglibs.load(Element root)
          Loads functions and imports defined in the specified DOM.
static java.util.Map<java.lang.String,Function> Taglibs.loadFunctions(Element root)
          Loads functions defined in the specified DOM.

Uses of Element in org.zkoss.xel.util

Methods in org.zkoss.xel.util with parameters of type Element
static java.lang.String Evaluators.add(Element config)
          Adds an evaluator based on the XML declaration.
 void TaglibMapper.load(java.lang.String prefix, Element root)
          Loads function and class definitions from DOM.

Uses of Element in org.zkoss.zk.device

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.device with parameters of type Element
static void Devices.add(Element config)
          Adds a device based on the XML declaration.

Uses of Element in org.zkoss.zk.scripting

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.scripting with parameters of type Element
static java.lang.String Interpreters.add(Element config)
          Adds an interpreter based on the XML declaration.

Uses of Element in org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys with parameters of type Element
 void ConfigParser.parse(Element root, Configuration config, Locator locator)
          Parses zk.xml, specified by the root element.

Uses of Element in org.zkoss.zk.ui.util

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.util with parameters of type Element
 boolean ConfigParser.parse(Configuration config, Element el)
          Called to parse application-specific elements.

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