Uses of Class

Packages that use Array
_global_ The global namespace in JavaScript (i.e., the window object). 
zk ZK JavaScript extension and utilities 
zk.wgt Utilities to handle widgets, such as the information about widgets. 
zkex.grid Additional grid related widgets, such as detail and group. 
zkex.inp Additional input related widgets and utilities, such as color. 
zkex.sel Additional selectable related widgets, such as listgroup. 
zkmax.layout Additional layout related widgets, such as portallayout and tablelayout. The box widgets, such as hbox and vbox. 
zul.db The date related widgets, such as datebox and calendar. 
zul.grid The grid related widgets, such as grid and row. 
zul.inp The input related widgets, such as textbox and combobox. 
zul.sel The selectable widgets, such as listbox and tree. 
zul.wgt The basic widgets, such as button and div. 

Uses of Array in _global_

Subclasses of Array in _global_
 class Offset
          An offset is a two-element array, where the first element is the X coordinate, and the second the Y coordinate.
 class Size
          A size is a two-element array, where the first element is the width, and the second the height.

Methods in _global_ that return Array
static Array jq.$$(String id, String subId)
          Returns an array of DOMElement that matches.
 Array Array.$clone()
          Clones this array.
 Array jqzk.detachChildren()
          Detaches all child elements and return them as an array.
static Array zUtl.frames(Window w)
          Returns all descendant frames of the given window.
 Array jqzk.getSelectionRange()
          Returns the selection range of the specified input-type element.

Methods in _global_ with parameters of type Array
 void Array.$addAll(Array ary)
          Adds all elements of the given array to this array.
static void zAu.createWidgets(Array codes, Function fn, Function filter)
          Creates widgets based on an array of JavaScritp codes generated by Component.redraw() at the server.
 jqzk jqzk.defaultAnimaOpts(Widget wgt, Map opts, Array prop, boolean visible)
          Initializes the animation with the default effect, such as firing the onSize watch.
static void zAu.doCmds(String dtid, Array rs)
          Process the specified commands.
static Map jq.filterTextStyle(Map styles, Array plus)
          Returns the text-relevant style of the specified styles (same as HTMLs.getTextRelevantStyle in Java).
static String jq.filterTextStyle(String style, Array plus)
          Returns the text-relevant style of the specified style (same as HTMLs.getTextRelevantStyle in Java).
static java.lang.Object zk.set(java.lang.Object dst, java.lang.Object src, Array props, boolean ignoreUndefined)
          Sets the given properties from one object to another.
static void zk.setHost(String host, String updURI, Array pkgs)
          Defines the URL of the host for serving the specified packages.
 int jqzk.sumStyles(String areas, Array styles)
          Returns the summation of the specified styles.

Uses of Array in zk

Fields in zk declared as Array
static Array Page.contained
          An array of contained pages (i.e., a standalone ZK page but included by other technology).

Methods in zk that return Array
static Array Widget.getElementsById(String id)
          Returns all elements with the given ID.
static Array Widget.getElementsByName(String name)
          Returns all elements with the given widget name.

Methods in zk with parameters of type Array
 Object Object.$supers(Class klass, String mtd, Array args)
          Invokes a method defined in the superclass with an array of arguments.
 Object Object.$supers(String mtd, Array args)
          Invokes a method defined in the superclass with an array of arguments.
protected  void Widget.bind_(Desktop dt, Skipper skipper, Array after)
          Callback when this widget is bound (aka., attached) to the DOM tree.
protected  void Widget.bindChildren_(Desktop dt, Skipper skipper, Array after)
          Binds the children of this widget.
protected  void Widget.deferRedrawHTML_(Array out)
          Renders a fake DOM element that will replace with the correct element after the deferring time is up.
 void Widget.redraw(Array out)
          Generates the HTML fragment for this widget.
 void Macro.redraw(Array out)
          Generates the HTML fragment for this macro component.
 void Page.redraw(Array out)
          Generates the HTML fragment for this macro component.
protected  void Widget.removeHTML_(Array n)
          Removes the HTML DOM content.
protected  void Widget.replaceCavedChildren_(String subId, Array wgts, String tagBeg, String tagEnd)
          Replaced the child widgets with the specified widgets.
 Widget Widget.setChildren(Array children)
          Appends an array of children.
 void Widget.setListener(Array inf)
          Sets a listener that can be unlistened easily.
protected  void Widget.unbind_(Skipper skipper, Array after)
          Callback when a widget is unbound (aka., detached) from the DOM tree.
protected  void Widget.unbindChildren_(Skipper skipper, Array after)
          Unbinds the children of this widget.

Uses of Array in zk.wgt

Methods in zk.wgt with parameters of type Array
static void WidgetInfo.register(Array infs)
          Registers an arry of widget information.

Uses of Array in zkex.grid

Methods in zkex.grid that return Array
 Array Group.getItems()
          Returns a Array of all Row are grouped by this group.

Uses of Array in zkex.inp

Methods in zkex.inp that return Array
 Array Color.getRGB()
          Returns a color Array in [R,G,B] format, R,G,B are integer

Uses of Array in zkex.sel

Methods in zkex.sel that return Array
 Array Listgroup.getItems()
          Returns a list of all Listitem are grouped by this listgroup.

Uses of Array in zkmax.layout

Methods in zkmax.layout that return Array
 Array Portallayout.getPosition(Panel panel)
          Returns an int array[col, row] that indicates the specified panel located within this portal layout.

Uses of Array in

Methods in with parameters of type Array
protected  String Layout.encloseChildHTML_(Widget child, Array out)
          Enclose child with HTML tag such as DIV, and return a HTML code or add HTML fragments in out array.
protected  String Box.encloseChildHTML_(Widget child, boolean prefixSpace, Array out)
          Enclose child with HTML tag such as TR or TD, and return a HTML code or add HTML fragments in out array.

Uses of Array in zul.db

Methods in zul.db that return Array
 Array Datebox.getDisplayedTimeZones()
          Returns a list of the time zones that will be displayed at the client and allow user to select.

Methods in zul.db with parameters of type Array
static void Renderer.dayView(Calendar wgt, Array out, Map localizedSymbols)
          Renderer the dayView for this calendar
static void Renderer.decadeView(Calendar wgt, Array out, Map localizedSymbols)
          Renderer the decadeView for this calendar
static void Renderer.monthView(Calendar wgt, Array out, Map localizedSymbols)
          Renderer the monthView for this calendar
static void Renderer.yearView(Calendar wgt, Array out, Map localizedSymbols)
          Renderer the yearView for this calendar

Uses of Array in zul.grid

Methods in zul.grid that return Array
 Array Rows.getGroups()
          Returns a list of all Group.

Methods in zul.grid with parameters of type Array
protected  void Grid.redrawEmpty_(Array out)
          a redraw method for the empty message , if you want to customize the message , you could overwrite this.

Uses of Array in zul.inp

Methods in zul.inp that return Array
protected  Array ComboWidget.getPopupSize_()
          Returns [width, height] for the popup if specified by user.

Methods in zul.inp with parameters of type Array
protected  void ComboWidget.redraw_(Array out)
          Utility to implement Widget.redraw(_global_.Array).
protected  void ComboWidget.redrawpp_(Array out)
          Called by ComboWidget.redraw_(_global_.Array) to redraw popup.

Uses of Array in zul.sel

Methods in zul.sel that return Array
 Array Listbox.getGroups()
          Returns a list of all Listgroup.
 Array Tree.getItems()
          Returns a readonly list of all descending Treeitem (children's children and so on).
 Array Treechildren.getItems(Array items)
          Returns a readonly list of all descending Treeitem (children's children and so on).
 Array SelectWidget.getSelectedItems()
          Returns all selected items.

Methods in zul.sel with parameters of type Array
 Array Treechildren.getItems(Array items)
          Returns a readonly list of all descending Treeitem (children's children and so on).
protected  void Listbox.redrawEmpty_(Array out)
          A redraw method for the empty message , if you want to customize the message , you could overwrite this.

Uses of Array in zul.wgt

Methods in zul.wgt that return Array
 Array Radiogroup.getItems()
          Returns the all of radio buttons in this group.

Methods in zul.wgt with parameters of type Array
protected  void Button.renderIcon_(Array out)
          Generates the HTML fragment at the right of the button layout.
protected  void Button.renderInner_(Array out)
          Generates the HTML fragment after the button layout table.

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