Uses of Class

Packages that use Map
_global_ The global namespace in JavaScript (i.e., the window object). 
jq DOM event object and utilities 
zk ZK JavaScript extension and utilities 
zk.eff The effects, such as mask and shadow. 
zk.wgt Utilities to handle widgets, such as the information about widgets. 
zk.zuml iZUML utilities. Additional menu related widgets and utilities, such as fisheye. 
zul The ZUL widgets and utilities 
zul.db The date related widgets, such as datebox and calendar. 
zul.grid The grid related widgets, such as grid and row. 
zul.inp The input related widgets, such as textbox and combobox. The multimedia widgets, such as applet and audio. 
zul.wgt The basic widgets, such as button and div. 

Uses of Map in _global_

Subclasses of Map in _global_
 class Dimension
          A dimension.

Fields in _global_ declared as Map
static Map zAu.ajaxSettings
          A map of Ajax default setting used to send the AU requests.

Methods in _global_ that return Map
static Map zk.$default(Map opts, Map defaults)
          Provides the default values for the specified options.
static Map jq.borders()
          A map of the border style names: {l: 'border-left', t: 'border-top'...}.
static Map jq.filterTextStyle(Map styles, Array plus)
          Returns the text-relevant style of the specified styles (same as HTMLs.getTextRelevantStyle in Java).
static Map jq.margins()
          A map of the margin style names: {l: 'margin-left', t: 'margin-top'...}.
static Map jq.paddings()
          A map of the padding style names: {l: 'padding-left', t: 'padding-top'...}.
static Map zUtl.parseMap(String text, String separator, String quote)
          Parses the specifie text into a map.
static Map jq.parseStyle(String style)
          Parses a string-type CSS style into a map of names and values of styles.

Methods in _global_ with parameters of type Map
static Map zk.$default(Map opts, Map defaults)
          Provides the default values for the specified options.
static Class zk.$extends(Class sueprclass, Map members, Map staticMembers)
          Defines a class.
static String zk.ajaxURI(String uri, Map opts)
          Encodes and returns the URI to communicate with the server.
static void jq.alert(String msg, Map opts)
          Shows up a message.
static void zk.beforeUnload(Function fn, Map opts)
          Adds a function that will be executed when the browser is about to unload the document.
 jqzk flags)
          Positions the first selected element at the particular location of the browser window.
static java.lang.Object zk.copy(java.lang.Object dst, java.lang.Object src, Map backup)
          Copies a map of properties (or options) from one object to another and copies the original value to another map.
static java.lang.Object zk.cut(Map props, String nm)
          Retrieves and removes the value of the specified name of the given map.
 jqzk jqzk.defaultAnimaOpts(Widget wgt, Map opts, Array prop, boolean visible)
          Initializes the animation with the default effect, such as firing the onSize watch.
static Class zk.define(Class klass, Map props)
          Defines the setter and getter methods.
static String zUtl.encodeXML(String txt, Map opts)
          Encodes the string to a valid XML string.
static Map jq.filterTextStyle(Map styles, Array plus)
          Returns the text-relevant style of the specified styles (same as HTMLs.getTextRelevantStyle in Java).
static void name, java.lang.Object origin, Map opts, java.lang.Object... vararg)
          Fires an watch that invokes all listeners of the watch.
static void zWatch.fireDown(String name, java.lang.Object origin, Map opts, java.lang.Object... vararg)
          Fires an watch but invokes only the listeners that are a descendant of the specified origin.
static void zUtl.go(String url, Map opts)
          Navigates to the specified URL.
static boolean zUtl.isChar(char cc, Map opts)
          Returns whether the character is according to its opts.
static void zWatch.listen(Map infs)
          Registers watch listener(s).
static String zUtl.mapToString(Map map, String assign, String separator)
          Converts a map to a string
static java.lang.Object zk.override(java.lang.Object dst, Map backup, Map src)
          Overrides the properties of a map.
 jqzk jqzk.position(Dimension dim, String where, Map opts)
          Position the first matched element to the specified location.
 jqzk jqzk.position(DOMElement dim, String where, Map opts)
          Position the first matched element to the specified location.
static void zAu.setErrorURI(Map errors)
          Sets the URI for the errors specified in a map.
static void zAu.setPushErrorURI(Map errors)
          Sets the URI for the server-push related errors specified in a map.
 jqzk jqzk.slideDown(Widget wgt, Map opts)
          Slides down (show) of the matched DOM element(s).
 jqzk jqzk.slideIn(Widget wgt, Map opts)
          Slides in (show) of the matched DOM element(s).
 jqzk jqzk.slideOut(Widget wgt, Map opts)
          Slides out (hide) of the matched DOM element(s).
 jqzk jqzk.slideUp(Widget wgt, Map opts)
          Slides up (hide) of the matched DOM element(s).
static void zWatch.unlisten(Map infs)
          Removes watch listener(s).

Uses of Map in jq

Methods in jq that return Map
static Map Event.filterMetaData(Map data)
          Returns only the properties that are meta data, such as ctrlKey, altKey, ctrlKey and which.
 Map Event.keyData()
          Retrieve the mouse information of a DOM event.
 Map Event.metaData()
          Retrieve the meta-information of a DOM event.
 Map Event.mouseData()
          Retrieve the mouse information of a DOM event.

Methods in jq with parameters of type Map
static Map Event.filterMetaData(Map data)
          Returns only the properties that are meta data, such as ctrlKey, altKey, ctrlKey and which.

Uses of Map in zk

Fields in zk declared as Map
static Map Desktop.all
          A map of all desktops (readonly).
 Map Widget.effects_
          A map of objects that are associated with this widget, and they shall be removed when this widget is unbound (Widget.unbind(zk.Desktop, zk.Skipper)).
 Map Event.opts
          The options (never null).
 Map Draggable.opts
          The options of this draggable.

Methods in zk that return Map
 Map Widget.$f()
          Returns the map of all fellows of this widget.
protected  Map Widget.getDragOptions_(Map map)
          Returns the options used to instantiate Draggable.

Methods in zk with parameters of type Map
static Widget Widget.$(Object n, Map opts)
          Retrieves the widget.
 void Widget.$init(Map props)
          The constructor.
 void Page.$init(Map props, boolean contained)
 void Swipe.$init(Object widget, DOMElement node, Map opts)
          The Constructor.
 void Draggable.$init(Object control, DOMElement node, Map opts)
 void Event.$init(Widget target, String name, Object data, Map opts, Event domEvent)
 void Event.addOptions(Map opts)
          Adds the additions options to Event.opts.
 boolean Widget.canActivate(Map opts)
          Checks if this widget can be activated (gaining focus and so on).
protected  String Widget.domAttrs_(Map no)
          Returns the HTML attributes that is used to generate DOM element of this widget.
protected  String Widget.domClass_(Map no)
          Returns the class name(s) used for the DOM element of this widget.
protected  String Widget.domStyle_(Map no)
          Returns the style used for the DOM element of this widget.
 Event evtnm, Object data, Map opts, int timeout)
          Fire a widget event.
protected  Map Widget.getDragOptions_(Map map)
          Returns the options used to instantiate Draggable.
 boolean Widget.isListen(String evtnm, Map opts)
          Returns if a listener is registered for the specified event.
 boolean Widget.isRealVisible(Map opts)
          Returns if this widget is really visible, i.e., all ancestor widget and itself are visible.
protected  boolean Widget.isWatchable_(String name, Widget p, Map cache)
          Returns if the given watch shall be fired for this widget.
 Widget Widget.listen(Map infos, int priority)
          Registers listener(s) to the specified event.
static Widget Widget.newInstance(String wgtnm, Map props)
          Creates a widget by specifying the widget name.
protected  void Widget.setDomVisible_(DOMElement n, boolean visible, Map opts)
          Changes the visibility of a child DOM content of this widget.
protected  Widget Widget.setFloating_(boolean floating, Map opts)
          Sets a status to indicate if this widget is floating.
 void Widget.setListeners(Map infos)
          Sets the listener a map of listeners.
 Widget Widget.setZIndex(int zIndex, Map opts)
          Sets the Z index.
 void Event.stop(Map opts)
          Stop the event propagation.
 Widget Widget.unlisten(Map infos)
          Removes a listener from the sepcified event.
 void Widget.zsync(Map opts)
          Synchronizes a map of objects that are associated with this widget, and they shall be resized when the size of this widget is changed.

Uses of Map in zk.eff

Methods in zk.eff with parameters of type Map
 void Mask.$init(Map opts)
          The constructor.
 void FullMask.$init(Map opts)
          The constructor of the full mask object.
static void Actions.slideDown(DOMElement n, Map opts)
          Slides down to display this widget.
static void Actions.slideIn(DOMElement n, Map opts)
          Slides in to display this widget.
static void Actions.slideOut(DOMElement n, Map opts)
          Slides out to hide this widget.
static void Actions.slideUp(DOMElement n, Map opts)
          Slides up to hide this widget.

Uses of Map in zk.wgt

Fields in zk.wgt declared as Map
static Map WidgetInfo.all
          A map (Map) of widget informations (readonly).

Uses of Map in zk.zuml

Methods in zk.zuml with parameters of type Map
static Widget Parser.create(Widget parent, String doc, Map args, Function fn)
          Parse the iZUML into widgets
static Widget Parser.createAt(String node, Map opts, Map args, Function fn)
          Parse the iZUML into widgets

Uses of Map in

Methods in that return Map
 Map Fisheyebar.getProximitybox()
          Returns the proximity box

Uses of Map in zul

Fields in zul declared as Map
 Map WScroll.opts
          The opts of this scrollbar controls.

Methods in zul with parameters of type Map
 void WScroll.syncSize(Map opts)
          Syncs the scrolling area and control bar size.

Uses of Map in zul.db

Methods in zul.db with parameters of type Map
static void Renderer.dayView(Calendar wgt, Array out, Map localizedSymbols)
          Renderer the dayView for this calendar
static void Renderer.decadeView(Calendar wgt, Array out, Map localizedSymbols)
          Renderer the decadeView for this calendar
static String Renderer.labelOfWeekOfYear(Calendar wgt, int the, Map localizedSymbols)
          Generates the label of the week of year.
static void Renderer.monthView(Calendar wgt, Array out, Map localizedSymbols)
          Renderer the monthView for this calendar
static void Renderer.yearView(Calendar wgt, Array out, Map localizedSymbols)
          Renderer the yearView for this calendar

Uses of Map in zul.grid

Methods in zul.grid with parameters of type Map
protected  String Row.encloseChildHTML_(Map opts)
          Enclose child with HTML tag with TD and DIV, and return a HTML code or add HTML fragments in out array.

Uses of Map in zul.inp

Methods in zul.inp with parameters of type Map
 void ComboWidget.close(Map opts)
          Closes the list of combo items (Comboitem if it was dropped down.
 void InputWidget.fireOnChange(Map opts)
          Fires the onChange event.
 void opts)
          Drops down the list of combo items (Comboitem.
 void ComboWidget.setOpen(boolean open, Map opts)
          Drops down or closes the list of combo items (Comboitem.

Uses of Map in

Methods in with parameters of type Map
 void Applet.setParams(Map m)
          Sets the params map.

Uses of Map in zul.wgt

Methods in zul.wgt with parameters of type Map
 void Popup.close(Map opts)
          Closes this popup at the client.
 void ref, Offset offset, String position, Map opts)
          Opens the popup.
 void ref, Offset offset, String position, Map opts)
          Opens the popup.
 void Popup.position(Widget ref, Offset offset, String position, Map opts)
          Sets the popup position.
 void Combobutton.setOpen(boolean open, Map opts)
          Drops down or closes the child popup (Popup) (Menupopup, and fire onOpen if it is called with an Event.

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