Uses of Interface

Packages that use Session HTTP related classes used to do asynchronous updates. 
org.zkoss.zk.ui Interfaces of the common user-interfaces, such as Page and Component
org.zkoss.zk.ui.event The org.zkoss.zk.ui and org.zkoss.zk.ui.event packages are the only packages that component and application developers need to know. 
org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.impl Implementation of Event Queues 
org.zkoss.zk.ui.http HTTP relevant utilities and servlets for implementing user interfaces (implementation only). 
org.zkoss.zk.ui.impl Implementation of user interfaces and factories (implementation only). 
org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys Internal interfaces of user interfaces and factories (behind the scene). 
org.zkoss.zk.ui.util Utilities to handle user interfaces. 
org.zkoss.zkmax.ui.util ZK EE utilities, such as utility to recycle desktops. 

Uses of Session in

Methods in that return Session
 Session AuExtensionRequest.getSession(boolean create)
          Returns the session, or null if no session and create is false.

Methods in with parameters of type Session
protected  Desktop DHtmlUpdateServlet.getDesktop(Session sess, java.lang.String dtid)
          Returns the desktop of the specified ID, or null if not found.
 void DHtmlUpdateServlet.process(Session sess, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, boolean compress)
          Process asynchronous update requests from the client.
protected  Desktop DHtmlUpdateServlet.recoverDesktop(Session sess, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, WebAppCtrl wappc, java.lang.String dtid)
          Recovers the desktop if possible.

Uses of Session in org.zkoss.zk.ui

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui that return Session
static Session Sessions.getCurrent()
          Returns the session for the current thread, or null if not available.
static Session Sessions.getCurrent(boolean create)
          Returns the session for the current thread, or null if not available.
 Session Execution.getSession()
          Returns the session this execution belongs to.
 Session Desktop.getSession()
          Returns the session of this desktop.

Uses of Session in org.zkoss.zk.ui.event

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.event with parameters of type Session
<T extends Event>
EventQueues.lookup(java.lang.String name, Session sess, boolean autoCreate)
          Returns the event queue with the specified name in the give session (i.e., the session scope).
static boolean EventQueues.remove(java.lang.String name, Session sess)
          Removes the event queue of the specified session.

Uses of Session in org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.impl

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.impl with parameters of type Session
<T extends Event>
EventQueueProviderImpl.lookup(java.lang.String name, Session sess, boolean autoCreate)
<T extends Event>
EventQueueProvider.lookup(java.lang.String name, Session sess, boolean autoCreate)
          Returns the event queue with the specified name in the give session (i.e., the scope).
 boolean EventQueueProviderImpl.remove(java.lang.String name, Session sess)
 boolean EventQueueProvider.remove(java.lang.String name, Session sess)
          Removes the event queue of the specified session.

Uses of Session in org.zkoss.zk.ui.http

Classes in org.zkoss.zk.ui.http that implement Session
 class SerializableSession
          Serializable Session.
 class SimpleSession
          A non-serializable implementation of Session.

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.http that return Session
 Session SimpleSessionCache.get(java.lang.Object navsess)
 Session SessionResolverImpl.getSession(boolean create)
static Session WebManager.getSession(javax.servlet.ServletContext ctx, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          Returns the session associated with the specified request request.
static Session WebManager.getSession(javax.servlet.ServletContext ctx, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, boolean create)
          Returns the current HttpSession associated with this request or, if there is no current session and create is true, returns a new session.
 Session SimpleUiFactory.newSession(WebApp wapp, java.lang.Object nativeSess, java.lang.Object request)
 Session SerializableUiFactory.newSession(WebApp wapp, java.lang.Object nativeSess, java.lang.Object request)

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.http with parameters of type Session
static Desktop DesktopRecycles.beforeService(DesktopRecycle dtrc, javax.servlet.ServletContext ctx, Session sess, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, java.lang.String path)
          Called before serving a HTTP request.
 Desktop WebManager.getDesktop(Session sess, javax.servlet.ServletRequest request, javax.servlet.ServletResponse response, java.lang.String path, boolean autocreate)
          Returns the desktop of the specified request, or null if not found and autocreate is false, or it has been redirect or forward to other page.
static int Utils.getFirstDayOfWeek(Session sess)
          Returns the first day of the week of the given session, or -1 if no defined by the application.
protected  boolean DHtmlLayoutServlet.process(Session sess, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, java.lang.String path, boolean bRichlet)
          Process the request.
protected  boolean DHtmlLayoutPortlet.process(Session sess, javax.portlet.RenderRequest request, javax.portlet.RenderResponse response, java.lang.String path, boolean bRichlet)
          Process a portlet request.
 void SimpleSessionCache.put(Session sess)
 void SimpleSessionCache.remove(Session sess)
static java.lang.Object I18Ns.setup(Session sess, javax.servlet.ServletRequest request, javax.servlet.ServletResponse response, java.lang.String charset)
          Sets up the internationalization attributes, including locale and time zone.

Uses of Session in org.zkoss.zk.ui.impl

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.impl that return Session
 Session RequestInfoImpl.getSession()
 Session DesktopImpl.getSession()
 Session AbstractExecution.getSession()

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.impl with parameters of type Session
 DesktopCache SessionDesktopCacheProvider.getDesktopCache(Session sess)
 DesktopCache GlobalDesktopCacheProvider.getDesktopCache(Session sess)
 DesktopCache AbstractWebApp.getDesktopCache(Session sess)
 void SessionDesktopCacheProvider.sessionDestroyed(Session sess)
 void GlobalDesktopCacheProvider.sessionDestroyed(Session sess)
 void AbstractWebApp.sessionDestroyed(Session sess)
 void SimpleDesktopCache.sessionDidActivate(Session sess)
          Invokes DesktopCtrl.sessionDidActivate(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Session) for each desktops it cached.
 void SessionDesktopCacheProvider.sessionDidActivate(Session sess)
          Invokes SessionDesktopCacheProvider.getDesktopCache(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Session)'s DesktopCache.sessionDidActivate(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Session).
 void GlobalDesktopCacheProvider.sessionDidActivate(Session sess)
          Invokes GlobalDesktopCacheProvider.getDesktopCache(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Session)'s DesktopCache.sessionDidActivate(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Session).
 void DesktopImpl.sessionDidActivate(Session sess)
 void AbstractWebApp.sessionDidActivate(Session sess)
          Invokes AbstractWebApp.getDesktopCacheProvider()'s DesktopCacheProvider.sessionDidActivate(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Session).
 void SimpleDesktopCache.sessionWillPassivate(Session sess)
          Invokes DesktopCtrl.sessionWillPassivate(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Session) for each desktops it cached.
 void SessionDesktopCacheProvider.sessionWillPassivate(Session sess)
          Invokes SessionDesktopCacheProvider.getDesktopCache(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Session)'s DesktopCache.sessionWillPassivate(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Session).
 void GlobalDesktopCacheProvider.sessionWillPassivate(Session sess)
          Invokes GlobalDesktopCacheProvider.getDesktopCache(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Session)'s DesktopCache.sessionWillPassivate(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Session).
 void DesktopImpl.sessionWillPassivate(Session sess)
 void AbstractWebApp.sessionWillPassivate(Session sess)
          Invokes AbstractWebApp.getDesktopCacheProvider()'s DesktopCacheProvider.sessionWillPassivate(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Session).

Constructors in org.zkoss.zk.ui.impl with parameters of type Session
RequestInfoImpl(WebApp wapp, Session sess, Desktop desktop, java.lang.Object request, Locator locator)

Uses of Session in org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys that return Session
 Session SessionCache.get(java.lang.Object navsess)
          Retrieves a ZK session from the cache, or null if the ZK session is not stored.
 Session RequestInfo.getSession()
          Returns the session, or null if not available.
 Session SessionResolver.getSession(boolean create)
          Returns the session, or null if no session available and create is false.
static Session SessionsCtrl.getSession(WebApp wapp, java.lang.Object navsess)
          Returns the ZK session associated with the specified native session, or null if not found.
 Session UiFactory.newSession(WebApp wapp, java.lang.Object nativeSess, java.lang.Object request)
          Creates an instance of Session.
static Session SessionsCtrl.newSession(WebApp wapp, java.lang.Object navsess, java.lang.Object request)
          Instantiates a ZK session that is associated with the specified native session and request.

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys with parameters of type Session
 DesktopCache WebAppCtrl.getDesktopCache(Session sess)
          Returns the desktop cache.
 DesktopCache DesktopCacheProvider.getDesktopCache(Session session)
          Returns a desktop cache of the specified session.
 boolean FailoverManager.isRecoverable(Session sess, java.lang.String desktopId)
          Tests whether the specified desktop ID is recoverable.
 void SessionCache.put(Session sess)
          Puts a ZK session to the cache.
 void FailoverManager.recover(Session sess, Execution exec, Desktop desktop)
          Recovers the specified desktop.
 void SessionCache.remove(Session sess)
          Removes the ZK session from the cache.
static boolean SessionsCtrl.requestEnter(Session sess)
          Called when a servlet/portlet starts to serve a request.
static void SessionsCtrl.requestExit(Session sess)
          Called when a servlet/portlet completes the service of a request.
 void WebAppCtrl.sessionDestroyed(Session sess)
          Called when the native session of the specified session has been destroyed
 void DesktopCacheProvider.sessionDestroyed(Session session)
          Called when a session is destroyed.
 void WebAppCtrl.sessionDidActivate(Session sess)
          Notification that the session has just been activated (a.k.a., deserialized).
 void DesktopCtrl.sessionDidActivate(Session sess)
          Notification that the session, which owns this desktop, has just been activated (a.k.a., deserialized) by the Web container.
 void DesktopCacheProvider.sessionDidActivate(Session sess)
          Notification that the session has just been activated (a.k.a., deserialized).
 void DesktopCache.sessionDidActivate(Session sess)
          Notification that the session has just been activated (a.k.a., deserialized).
 void WebAppCtrl.sessionWillPassivate(Session sess)
          Notification that the session is about to be passivated (a.k.a., serialized).
 void DesktopCtrl.sessionWillPassivate(Session sess)
          Notification that the session, which owns this desktop, is about to be passivated (a.k.a., serialized) by the Web container.
 void DesktopCacheProvider.sessionWillPassivate(Session sess)
          Notification that the session is about to be passivated (a.k.a., serialized).
 void DesktopCache.sessionWillPassivate(Session sess)
          Notification that the session is about to be passivated (a.k.a., serialized).
static void SessionsCtrl.setCurrent(Session sess)
          Sets the session for the current thread.

Uses of Session in org.zkoss.zk.ui.util

Fields in org.zkoss.zk.ui.util declared as Session
protected  Session GenericAutowireComposer.session
          Implicit Object; the session.

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.util with parameters of type Session
 void DesktopRecycle.afterRemove(Session sess, Desktop desktop)
          Called after a desktop is removed.
 void SessionCleanup.cleanup(Session sess)
          called when a session is about to be destroyed.
 void SessionActivationListener.didActivate(Session session)
          Called when a session has just been activated.
 void SessionInit.init(Session sess, java.lang.Object request)
          Called when a session is created and initialized.
 void Configuration.invokeRequestInterceptors(Session sess, java.lang.Object request, java.lang.Object response)
          Invokes RequestInterceptor.request(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Session, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) for each relevant listener registered by Configuration.addListener(java.lang.Class).
 void Configuration.invokeSessionCleanups(Session sess)
          Invokes SessionCleanup.cleanup(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Session) for each relevant listener registered by Configuration.addListener(java.lang.Class).
 void Configuration.invokeSessionInits(Session sess, java.lang.Object request)
          Invokes SessionInit.init(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Session, java.lang.Object) for each relevant listener registered by Configuration.addListener(java.lang.Class).
 void RequestInterceptor.request(Session sess, java.lang.Object request, java.lang.Object response)
          Called before a request is processed by ZK Loader or ZK Update Engine.
 void Statistic.sessionCreated(Session sess)
 void Monitor.sessionCreated(Session sess)
          Called when a new session is created.
 void Statistic.sessionDestroyed(Session sess)
 void Monitor.sessionDestroyed(Session sess)
          Called when a session is being destroyed.
 void SessionActivationListener.willPassivate(Session session)
          Called when a session is about to be passivated.
 void SessionSerializationListener.willSerialize(Session session)
          Called when a session is going to serialize this object.

Uses of Session in org.zkoss.zkmax.ui.util

Methods in org.zkoss.zkmax.ui.util with parameters of type Session
 void DesktopRecycle.afterRemove(Session sess, Desktop desktop)
protected  java.util.Map DesktopRecycle.newCache(Session sess)
          Instantiates the cache to hold the recycled desktop for the given session.

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