Uses of Interface

Packages that use WebApp Requests and responsed used to communicate between client and server, called asynchronous updates. HTTP related classes used to do asynchronous updates. 
org.zkoss.zk.ui Interfaces of the common user-interfaces, such as Page and Component
org.zkoss.zk.ui.event The org.zkoss.zk.ui and org.zkoss.zk.ui.event packages are the only packages that component and application developers need to know. 
org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.impl Implementation of Event Queues 
org.zkoss.zk.ui.http HTTP relevant utilities and servlets for implementing user interfaces (implementation only). 
org.zkoss.zk.ui.impl Implementation of user interfaces and factories (implementation only). 
org.zkoss.zk.ui.metainfo Metainfo representing pages and languages (implementation only). 
org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys Internal interfaces of user interfaces and factories (behind the scene). 
org.zkoss.zk.ui.util Utilities to handle user interfaces. HTTP related classes used to do asynchronous updates. 
org.zkoss.zkmax.init Initialization of zkmax 
org.zkoss.zkplus.hibernate Utilities to support Hibernate

Uses of WebApp in

Methods in with parameters of type WebApp
 boolean AuDecoder.isIgnorable(java.lang.Object request, WebApp wapp)
          Returns if the request is ignorable when an error occurs.

Uses of WebApp in

Methods in with parameters of type WebApp
static AuExtension DHtmlUpdateServlet.addAuExtension(WebApp wapp, java.lang.String prefix, AuExtension extension)
          Adds an AU extension and associates it with the specified prefix, even before DHtmlUpdateServlet is started.
 void DHtmlUpdateServlet.denoteSessionTimeout(WebApp wapp, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, boolean compress)
          Denote HTTP 410 Session timeout response
static AuExtension DHtmlUpdateServlet.getAuExtension(WebApp wapp, java.lang.String prefix)
          Returns the AU extension that is associated the specified prefix.
static DHtmlUpdateServlet DHtmlUpdateServlet.getUpdateServlet(WebApp wapp)
          Returns the update servlet of the specified application, or null if not loaded yet.

Uses of WebApp in org.zkoss.zk.ui

Fields in org.zkoss.zk.ui declared as WebApp
protected static WebApp WebApps._wapp
          The application for the whole installation.

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui that return WebApp
static WebApp WebApps.getCurrent()
          Returns this Web application, or null if not available.
 WebApp Session.getWebApp()
          Returns the Web application that this session belongs to.
 WebApp RichletConfig.getWebApp()
          Returns the web application that the richlet belongs to.
 WebApp Desktop.getWebApp()
          Returns the Web application this desktop belongs to.
 WebApp WebApp.getWebApp(java.lang.String uripath)
          Returns the WebApp that corresponds to a specified URL on the server, or null if either none exists or the container wishes to restrict this access..

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui with parameters of type WebApp
static Component[] Executions.createComponents(WebApp wapp, PageDefinition pagedef, java.util.Map<?,?> arg)
          Creates components that don't belong to any page from the specified page definition.
static Component[] Executions.createComponents(WebApp wapp, java.lang.String uri, java.util.Map<?,?> arg)
          Creates components that don't belong to any page from a page file specified by an URI.
static Component[] Executions.createComponentsDirectly(WebApp wapp, Document content, java.lang.String extension, java.util.Map<?,?> arg)
          Creates components that don't belong to any page from the raw content specified by a DOM tree.
static Component[] Executions.createComponentsDirectly(WebApp wapp, reader, java.lang.String extension, java.util.Map<?,?> arg)
          Creates components that don't belong to any page from the raw content read from the specified reader.
static Component[] Executions.createComponentsDirectly(WebApp wapp, java.lang.String content, java.lang.String extension, java.util.Map<?,?> arg)
          Creates components that don't belong to any page from the raw content specified by a string.
static PageDefinition Executions.getPageDefinition(WebApp wapp, java.lang.String uri)
          Returns the page definition from the page file specified by an URI.
 PageDefinition Executions.getPageDefinitionDirectly(WebApp wapp, Document content, java.lang.String extension)
          Converts the specified page content, in DOM, to a page definition.
 PageDefinition Executions.getPageDefinitionDirectly(WebApp wapp, reader, java.lang.String extension)
          Reads the raw content from a reader and converts it into a page definition.
 PageDefinition Executions.getPageDefinitionDirectly(WebApp wapp, java.lang.String content, java.lang.String extension)
          Converts the specified page content to a page definition.

Uses of WebApp in org.zkoss.zk.ui.event

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.event with parameters of type WebApp
<T extends Event>
EventQueues.lookup(java.lang.String name, WebApp wapp, boolean autoCreate)
          Returns the event queue with the specified name in the give application (i.e., the application scope).
static boolean EventQueues.remove(java.lang.String name, WebApp wapp)
          Removes the event queue of the specified application.

Uses of WebApp in org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.impl

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.impl with parameters of type WebApp
<T extends Event>
EventQueueProviderImpl.lookup(java.lang.String name, WebApp wapp, boolean autoCreate)
<T extends Event>
EventQueueProvider.lookup(java.lang.String name, WebApp wapp, boolean autoCreate)
          Returns the event queue with the specified name in the give application (i.e., the scope).
 boolean EventQueueProviderImpl.remove(java.lang.String name, WebApp wapp)
 boolean EventQueueProvider.remove(java.lang.String name, WebApp wapp)
          Removes the event queue of the specified application.

Uses of WebApp in org.zkoss.zk.ui.http

Classes in org.zkoss.zk.ui.http that implement WebApp
 class SimpleWebApp
          A servlet-based Web application.

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.http that return WebApp
 WebApp WebManager.getWebApp()
          Returns the Web application.
 WebApp SimpleSession.getWebApp()
static WebApp WebManager.getWebApp(javax.servlet.ServletContext ctx)
          Returns the Web application of the specified context.
 WebApp SimpleWebApp.getWebApp(java.lang.String uripath)
static WebApp WebManager.getWebAppIfAny(javax.servlet.ServletContext ctx)
          Returns the Web application of the specified context, or null if not available.

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.http with parameters of type WebApp
 void SimpleSessionCache.destroy(WebApp wapp)
static WebManager WebManager.getWebManager(WebApp wapp)
          Returns the Web manager of the specified WebApp.
static WebManager WebManager.getWebManagerIfAny(WebApp wapp)
          Returns the Web manager of the specified WebApp, or null if not found.
 void SimpleSessionCache.init(WebApp wapp)
 Session SimpleUiFactory.newSession(WebApp wapp, java.lang.Object nativeSess, java.lang.Object request)
 Session SerializableUiFactory.newSession(WebApp wapp, java.lang.Object nativeSess, java.lang.Object request)
static void Utils.updateDebugJS(WebApp wapp, boolean debug)
          Update the status of debug-js.

Constructors in org.zkoss.zk.ui.http with parameters of type WebApp
SerializableSession(WebApp wapp, javax.servlet.http.HttpSession hsess, java.lang.Object request)
SerializableSession(WebApp wapp, java.lang.Object hsess, java.lang.Object request)
          Constructs a ZK session with either a HTTP session or a Portlet session.
SimpleSession(WebApp wapp, javax.servlet.http.HttpSession hsess, java.lang.Object request)
          Constructs a ZK session with a HTTP session.
SimpleSession(WebApp wapp, java.lang.Object navsess, java.lang.Object request)
          Constructs a ZK session with either a HTTP session or a Portlet session.

Uses of WebApp in org.zkoss.zk.ui.impl

Classes in org.zkoss.zk.ui.impl that implement WebApp
 class AbstractWebApp
          A skeletal implementation of WebApp.

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.impl that return WebApp
 WebApp RichletConfigImpl.getWebApp()
 WebApp RequestInfoImpl.getWebApp()
 WebApp DesktopImpl.getWebApp()

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.impl with parameters of type WebApp
 void UiEngineImpl.start(WebApp wapp)
 void SessionDesktopCacheProvider.start(WebApp wapp)
 void GlobalDesktopCacheProvider.start(WebApp wapp)
 void AbstractUiFactory.start(WebApp wapp)
 void UiEngineImpl.stop(WebApp wapp)
 void SessionDesktopCacheProvider.stop(WebApp wapp)
 void GlobalDesktopCacheProvider.stop(WebApp wapp)
 void AbstractUiFactory.stop(WebApp wapp)

Constructors in org.zkoss.zk.ui.impl with parameters of type WebApp
DesktopImpl(WebApp wapp, java.lang.String updateURI, java.lang.String path, java.lang.String deviceType, java.lang.Object request)
RequestInfoImpl(WebApp wapp, Session sess, Desktop desktop, java.lang.Object request, Locator locator)
RichletConfigImpl(WebApp wapp, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> params)

Uses of WebApp in org.zkoss.zk.ui.metainfo

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.metainfo with parameters of type WebApp
static Locator PageDefinitions.getLocator(WebApp wapp, java.lang.String path)
          Returns the locator for the specified context.
static PageDefinition PageDefinitions.getPageDefinition(WebApp wapp, Locator locator, java.lang.String path)
          Returns the page definition of the specified path, or null if not found or failed to parse.
static PageDefinition PageDefinitions.getPageDefinitionDirectly(WebApp wapp, Locator locator, Document doc, java.lang.String extension)
          Returns the page definition of the specified raw content in DOM; never null.
static PageDefinition PageDefinitions.getPageDefinitionDirectly(WebApp wapp, Locator locator, reader, java.lang.String extension)
          Returns the page definition of the raw content from the specified reader; never null.
static PageDefinition PageDefinitions.getPageDefinitionDirectly(WebApp wapp, Locator locator, java.lang.String content, java.lang.String extension)
          Returns the page definition of the specified raw content; never null.

Constructors in org.zkoss.zk.ui.metainfo with parameters of type WebApp
Parser(WebApp wapp, Locator locator)

Uses of WebApp in org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys that return WebApp
 WebApp RequestInfo.getWebApp()
          Returns the Web application; never null.
 WebApp WebAppFactory.newWebApp(java.lang.Object ctx, Configuration config)
          Instantiates the instance of WebApp.

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys with parameters of type WebApp
 void SessionCache.destroy(WebApp wapp)
          Destroys the session cache
static Session SessionsCtrl.getSession(WebApp wapp, java.lang.Object navsess)
          Returns the ZK session associated with the specified native session, or null if not found.
static java.util.List<StyleSheet> HtmlPageRenders.getStyleSheets(Execution exec, WebApp wapp, java.lang.String deviceType)
          Returns a list of StyleSheet that shall be generated to the client for the specified execution.
 void SessionCache.init(WebApp wapp)
          Initializes the session cache.
 Session UiFactory.newSession(WebApp wapp, java.lang.Object nativeSess, java.lang.Object request)
          Creates an instance of Session.
static Session SessionsCtrl.newSession(WebApp wapp, java.lang.Object navsess, java.lang.Object request)
          Instantiates a ZK session that is associated with the specified native session and request.
static java.lang.String HtmlPageRenders.outLangJavaScripts(Execution exec, WebApp wapp, java.lang.String deviceType)
          Returns HTML tags to include all JavaScript files and codes that are required when loading a ZUML page (never null).
static java.lang.String HtmlPageRenders.outLangStyleSheets(Execution exec, WebApp wapp, java.lang.String deviceType)
          Returns HTML tags to include all style sheets that are defined in all languages of the specified device (never null).
static java.lang.String HtmlPageRenders.outZkTags(Execution exec, WebApp wapp, java.lang.String deviceType)
          Generates and returns the ZK specific HTML tags such as stylesheet and JavaScript.
static void WebAppsCtrl.setCurrent(WebApp wapp)
          Sets the Web application for this installation.
 void UiFactory.start(WebApp wapp)
          Starts this factory.
 void UiEngine.start(WebApp wapp)
          Starts the engine.
 void FailoverManager.start(WebApp wapp)
          Starts the failover manager.
 void DesktopCacheProvider.start(WebApp wapp)
          Starts the provider.
 void UiFactory.stop(WebApp wapp)
          Stops this factory.
 void UiEngine.stop(WebApp wapp)
          Stops the engine.
 void FailoverManager.stop(WebApp wapp)
          Stops the failover manager.
 void DesktopCacheProvider.stop(WebApp wapp)
          Stops the provider.

Uses of WebApp in org.zkoss.zk.ui.util

Fields in org.zkoss.zk.ui.util declared as WebApp
protected  WebApp GenericAutowireComposer.application
          Implicit Object; the web application.

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.util that return WebApp
 WebApp Configuration.getWebApp()
          Returns the Web application that this configuration belongs to, or null if it is not associated yet.

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.util with parameters of type WebApp
 void WebAppCleanup.cleanup(WebApp wapp)
          called when a ZK application is about to be destroyed.
 void WebAppInit.init(WebApp wapp)
          Called when a ZK application is created and initialized.
 void Configuration.setWebApp(WebApp wapp)
          Associates it with a web application.

Uses of WebApp in

Methods in with parameters of type WebApp
static void AuDownloader.init(WebApp wapp)
          Initializes the downloader.

Uses of WebApp in org.zkoss.zkmax.bind.impl

Methods in org.zkoss.zkmax.bind.impl with parameters of type WebApp
static void Init.init(WebApp wapp)

Uses of WebApp in org.zkoss.zkmax.init

Methods in org.zkoss.zkmax.init with parameters of type WebApp
 void WebAppInit.init(WebApp wapp)

Uses of WebApp in org.zkoss.zkplus.hibernate

Methods in org.zkoss.zkplus.hibernate with parameters of type WebApp
 void HibernateSessionFactoryListener.cleanup(WebApp wapp)
 void HibernateSessionFactoryListener.init(WebApp app)

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