Uses of Class

Packages that use DOMElement
_global_ The global namespace in JavaScript (i.e., the window object). 
jq DOM event object and utilities 
zk ZK JavaScript extension and utilities 
zk.canvas Canvas - 2D command-based drawing. 
zk.eff The effects, such as mask and shadow. 
zk.xml XML utilities. 
zul The container related widgets, such as window, groupbox, tabpanel, panelchildren. 
zul.inp The input related widgets, such as textbox and combobox. 
zul.mesh The two-dimensional mesh related widgets. 
zul.wgt The basic widgets, such as button and div. 

Uses of DOMElement in _global_

Methods in _global_ that return DOMElement
static DOMElement jq.head()
          Returns the head element of this document.
static DOMElement jq.newFrame(String id, String src, String style)
          Creates an IFRAME element with the specified ID, src and style.
static DOMElement jq.newHidden(String name, String value, DOMElement parent)
          Creates a HIDDEN element
static DOMElement jq.newStackup(DOMElement el, String id, DOMElement anchor)
          Creates a 'stackup' (actually, an iframe) that makes an element (with position:absolute) shown above others.
 DOMElement jqzk.vparentNode(boolean real)
          Returns the virtual parent of the first matched element.

Methods in _global_ with parameters of type DOMElement
static String jq.css(DOMElement elem, String name, String extra)
          An override function that provide a way to get the style value where is defined in the CSS file or the style object, rather than the computed value.
static boolean jq.isAncestor(DOMElement p, DOMElement c)
          Tests if one element (p) is an ancestor of another (c).
 boolean jqzk.isOverlapped(DOMElement el, int the)
          Tests if the first matched element is overlapped with the specified element.
static DOMElement jq.newHidden(String name, String value, DOMElement parent)
          Creates a HIDDEN element
static DOMElement jq.newStackup(DOMElement el, String id, DOMElement anchor)
          Creates a 'stackup' (actually, an iframe) that makes an element (with position:absolute) shown above others.
static String jq.nodeName(DOMElement el)
          Returns the node name of the specified element in the lower case.
static boolean jq.nodeName(DOMElement el, String tag1)
          Returns if the node name of the specified element is the same as one of the specified name (case insensitive).
 jqzk jqzk.position(DOMElement dim, String where, Map opts)
          Position the first matched element to the specified location.
 jqzk jqzk.scrollIntoView(DOMElement parent)
          Causes the first matched element to scroll into view.

Uses of DOMElement in jq

Methods in jq with parameters of type DOMElement
static void el, String evtnm)
          Fires a DOM element.

Uses of DOMElement in zk

Fields in zk declared as DOMElement
 DOMElement Event.domTarget
          The DOM element that the event is targeting, or null if not available.
 DOMElement Draggable.handle
          The DOM element that represents the handle that the user can drag the whole element (Draggable.node.
 DOMElement Draggable.node
          The DOM element that is draggable (the whole element).

Methods in zk that return DOMElement
 DOMElement Widget.$n()
          Returns the DOM element that this widget is bound to.
 DOMElement Widget.$n(String subId)
          Returns the child element of the DOM element(s) that this widget is bound to.
protected  DOMElement Widget.cloneDrag_(Draggable drag, Offset ofs)
          Called to create the visual effect representing what is being dragged.
 DOMElement Widget.getCaveNode()
          Called by Widget.insertChildHTML_(zk.Widget, zk.Widget, zk.Desktop) to to find the location to place the DOM element of the child.
 DOMElement Widget.getDragNode()
          Returns the DOM element of this widget that can be dragged.
protected  DOMElement Widget.getFirstNode_()
          Returns the first DOM element of this widget.
 DOMElement Widget.getTextNode()
          Returns the DOM element that is used to hold the text, or null if this widget doesn't show any text.
static DOMElement DnD.ghost(Draggable drag, Offset ofs, String msg)
          Ghost the DOM element being dragged.
 DOMElement Skipper.skip(Widget wgt, String skipId)
          Skips all or subset of the descendant (child) widgets of the specified widget.

Methods in zk with parameters of type DOMElement
 void Draggable.$init(Object control, DOMElement node, Map opts)
 void Swipe.$init(Object widget, DOMElement node, Map opts)
          The Constructor.
protected  Widget Widget.domListen_(DOMElement node, String evtnm, Object fn, String keyword)
          Registers an DOM event listener for the specified DOM element (aka., node).
protected  Widget Widget.domUnlisten_(DOMElement node, String evtnm, Object fn, String keyword)
          Un-registers an event listener for the specified DOM element (aka., node).
protected  void Widget.getFloatZIndex_(DOMElement node)
          Returns the z-index of a floating widget.
protected  void Widget.getOldWidget_(DOMElement n)
          Returns the widget associated with the given node element.
protected  void Widget.replaceChildHTML_(Widget child, DOMElement n, Desktop dt, Skipper skipper)
          Replaces the DOM element(s) of the specified child widget.
protected  void Widget.setDomVisible_(DOMElement n, boolean visible, Map opts)
          Changes the visibility of a child DOM content of this widget.
protected  void Widget.setFloatZIndex_(DOMElement node, int zi)
          Sets the z-index for a floating widget.

Uses of DOMElement in zk.canvas

Methods in zk.canvas that return DOMElement
static DOMElement Canvas.create(int width, int height)
          Creates a canvas element.

Uses of DOMElement in zk.eff

Methods in zk.eff with parameters of type DOMElement
static void Actions.slideDown(DOMElement n, Map opts)
          Slides down to display this widget.
static void Actions.slideIn(DOMElement n, Map opts)
          Slides in to display this widget.
static void Actions.slideOut(DOMElement n, Map opts)
          Slides out to hide this widget.
static void Actions.slideUp(DOMElement n, Map opts)
          Slides up to hide this widget.

Uses of DOMElement in zk.xml

Methods in zk.xml that return DOMElement
static DOMElement Utl.loadXML(String url, Function callback)
          Loads XML from the resource at the specified URL.
static DOMElement Utl.parseXML(String text)
          Parses and returns the XML document from the specified text.

Methods in zk.xml with parameters of type DOMElement
static String Utl.getElementValue(DOMElement el)
          Returns the concatenation of the text nodes under the specified DOM element.

Uses of DOMElement in zul

Fields in zul declared as DOMElement
 DOMElement Scrollbar.cave
          The container object for this scrolling that user can scroll the whole content
 DOMElement WScroll.control
          The control object for this scrolling that user can scroll the whole content
 DOMElement Scrollbar.scroller
          The content inside container object that will be scrolled.

Methods in zul that return DOMElement
 DOMElement LabelImageWidget.getImageNode()
          Returns the image node if any.

Methods in zul with parameters of type DOMElement
 void Uploader.$init(Upload upload, String id, DOMElement form, String flnm)
 void Upload.$init(Widget wgt, DOMElement parent, String clsnm)

Uses of DOMElement in zul.inp

Methods in zul.inp that return DOMElement
 DOMElement InputWidget.getInputNode()
          Returns the input node of this widget
protected  DOMElement ComboWidget.getPopupNode_(boolean inner)
          Returns the DOM element of the popup.

Methods in zul.inp with parameters of type DOMElement
protected  void ComboWidget.slideDown_(DOMElement pp)
          Slides down the drop-down list.
protected  void ComboWidget.slideUp_(DOMElement pp)
          Slides up the drop-down list.

Uses of DOMElement in zul.mesh

Methods in zul.mesh with parameters of type DOMElement
 int MeshWidget.getFocusCell(DOMElement el)
          Returns the index of the cell including the child got focus.
static void Paging.go(DOMElement anc, int pagenumber)
          Goes to the active page according to the page number.

Uses of DOMElement in zul.wgt

Methods in zul.wgt that return DOMElement
 DOMElement Image.getImageNode()
          Returns the image node if any.

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