Uses of Class

Packages that use Draggable
zk ZK JavaScript extension and utilities 
zul.inp The input related widgets, such as textbox and combobox. 

Uses of Draggable in zk

Methods in zk with parameters of type Draggable
protected  DOMElement Widget.cloneDrag_(Draggable drag, Offset ofs)
          Called to create the visual effect representing what is being dragged.
static Widget DnD.getDrop(Draggable drag, Offset pt, Event evt)
          Returns the widget to drop to.
static DOMElement DnD.ghost(Draggable drag, Offset ofs, String msg)
          Ghost the DOM element being dragged.
protected  boolean Widget.ignoreDrag_(Draggable pt)
          Returns if the location that an user is trying to drag is allowed.
protected  void Widget.onDrop_(Draggable drag, Event evt)
          Called to fire the onDrop event.
protected  void Widget.uncloneDrag_(Draggable drag)
          Undo the visual effect created by Widget.cloneDrag_(zk.Draggable, _global_.Offset).

Uses of Draggable in zul.inp

Methods in zul.inp with parameters of type Draggable
static boolean InputCtrl.isIgnoredDragForErrorbox(Draggable dg, Offset pointer, Event evt)
          Returns whether to ignore the dragdrop for errorbox

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