Package zkmax.layout

Additional layout related widgets, such as portallayout and tablelayout.


Class Summary
Cardlayout A layout allow end user change view like change card.
Portalchildren The column of Portallayout.
Portallayout A portal layout lays out a container which can have multiple columns, and each column may contain one or more panel.
Rowchildren It is used for placing elements inside the grid created by rowlayout.
Rowlayout Divide the parent container into a row of equal-width columns separated by spacings.
Scrollview A container that can scroll containing elements.
Tablechildren The cell of Tablelayout.
Tablelayout Tablelayout lay outs a container as an HTML table whose columns can be specified, and rowspan and colspan of its child can also be specified to create complex layouts within the table.

Package zkmax.layout Description

Additional layout related widgets, such as portallayout and tablelayout.

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