Interface DynamicPropertied

All Known Subinterfaces:
DynamicTag, Macro
All Known Implementing Classes:
A, Abbr, AbstractTag, Acronym, Address, Applet, Apply, Area, B, Base, Big, Blockquote, Body, Br, Button, Caption, Center, Cite, Code, Col, Colgroup, ContentTag, Dd, Del, Dfn, Dir, Div, Dl, Dt, Em, Embed, Fieldset, Font, Form, H1, H2, H3, H4, Head, Hr, Html, HtmlMacroComponent, HtmlNativeComponent, I, Iframe, Img, Include, Input, Ins, Isindex, Kbd, Label, Legend, Li, Link, Map, Menu, Meta, Nobr, Object, Ol, Optgroup, Option, P, Pre, Q, Raw, S, Samp, Script, Select, Small, Span, Strong, Style, Sub, Sup, Table, Tbody, Td, Textarea, Tfoot, Th, Thead, Title, Tr, Tt, Ul, Var, XmlMacroComponent, XmlNativeComponent

public interface DynamicPropertied

Represents a component that supports a range of properties. It is used to simplify the design of a component, such that developers need to implement member functions (setter and getter) for each property it supports.


Method Summary
 java.lang.Object getDynamicProperty(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the property value of the specified name.
 boolean hasDynamicProperty(java.lang.String name)
          Returns whether a dynamic property is defined.
 void setDynamicProperty(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value)
          Sets a property with the specified name and value.

Method Detail


boolean hasDynamicProperty(java.lang.String name)
Returns whether a dynamic property is defined.


java.lang.Object getDynamicProperty(java.lang.String name)
Returns the property value of the specified name.


void setDynamicProperty(java.lang.String name,
                        java.lang.Object value)
                        throws WrongValueException
Sets a property with the specified name and value.

If a component supports only String-type values, it could use org.zkoss.lang.Objects.toString() to convert the value to a String instance.


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