Package org.zkoss.zk.ui.util

Utilities to handle user interfaces.


Interface Summary
AggregationListener A listener to gather some non-predefined listeners
Callback<T> A callback interface to execute in some circumstance.
CharsetFinder Represents a class that decides the character set based on the content type and the real content.
ComponentActivationListener Used to notify an object stored in a component, when the session is going to be deactivated or has been activated.
ComponentCloneListener Used to notify an object stored in a component, when the component is cloned.
ComponentSerializationListener Used to notify an object stored in a component, when the component is going to be serialized or has been deserialized.
Composer<T extends Component> Represents a composer to initialize a component (or a component of tree) when ZK loader is composing a component.
ComposerExt<T extends Component> An addition interface implemented with Composer to provide more control.
Condition A condition to test with.
ConfigParser A configuration parser is an application-specific parser to parse the configurations in zk.xml.
DesktopActivationListener Used to notify an object stored in a desktop, when the session is going to be deactivated or has been activated.
DesktopCleanup Used to clean up a desktop.
DesktopInit Used to initialize a desktop when it is created.
DesktopRecycle Used to recycle the desktop (Desktop).
DesktopSerializationListener Used to notify an object stored in a desktop, when the desktop is going to be serialized or has been deserialized.
EventInterceptor The event interceptor used to intercept the processing of events.
ExecutionCleanup Used to clean up an execution.
ExecutionInit Used to initialize an execution when it is created.
ExecutionMonitor An application-level listener to know when an execution is activated, deactivated, or waiting for activation.
ForEach Used to denote a collection of elements.
ForEachStatus Represents the runtime information of each iteration caused by ForEach.
FullComposer A decorative interface used with Composer (and/or ComposerExt) to indicate that it requires the full control.
Initiator Implemented by an initiator that will be invoked if it is specified in the init directive.
InitiatorExt An extra interface that can be implemented with Initiator to have the better control.
Monitor A listener to monitor the status of ZK engine.
PageActivationListener Used to notify an object stored in a page, when the session is going to be deactivated or has been activated.
PageSerializationListener Used to notify an object stored in a page, when the page is going to be serialized or has been deserialized.
PerformanceMeter An application-level listener to measure the performance of the processing of client requests.
RequestInterceptor Used to intercept the requests for the ZK Loader and Update Engine.
SessionActivationListener Used to notify an object stored in a session, when the session is going to be deactivated or has been activated.
SessionCleanup Used to clean up a session.
SessionInit Used to initialize a session when it is created.
SessionSerializationListener Used to notify an object stored in a session, when the session is going to be serialized or has been deserialized.
Template Represents a UI template that is used to create components.
ThemeProvider Used to replace the theme defined in the language definitions (lang.xml and lang-addon.xml) and the configuration (the theme-uri elements in web.xml).
UiLifeCycle Used to intercept the life cycle of UI, such as Component being attached.
URIInterceptor Used to intercept the loading of ZUML pages associated with the specified URI.
WebAppCleanup Used to initialize a ZK application when it about to be destroyed.
WebAppInit Used to initialize a ZK application when it is created.

Class Summary
Clients Utilities to send AuResponse to the client.
Composition Composition manager that compose the given components into a whole page per the "insert" components and "define" components annotations.
ConditionImpl An utility to simplify the implementation of Condition.
Configuration The ZK configuration.
ConventionWires Utilities to wire variables by name conventions.
DataHandlerInfo A data handler info for Configuration to use.
ForEachImpl An implementation of ForEach.
GenericAutowireComposer<T extends Component> A skeletal composer that you can extend and write intuitive onXxx event handler methods with "auto-wired" accessible variable objects such as implicit objects, components, and external resolvable variables in a ZK zuml page.
GenericComposer<T extends Component> A skeletal composer that you can extend and write intuitive onXxx event handler methods; this class will registers onXxx events to the supervised component automatically.
GenericForwardComposer<T extends Component> A skeletal composer that you can extend and write intuitive onXxx$myid event handler methods with auto event forwarding and "auto-wired" accessible variable objects such as embedded objects, components, and external resolvable variables in a ZK zuml page; this class will add forward condition to the myid source component and forward source onXxx event received by the source myid component to the target onXxx$myid event (as defined in this composer) of the supervised target component; of course it will also registers onXxx$myid events to the supervised component and wire all accessible variable objects to this composer by calling setXxx() method or set xxx field value directly per the variable name.
GenericInitiator A skeletal implementation that provides does-nothing for all methods, such that the deriving class needs only to implement the required method.
Statistic An implementation of Monitor to accumulate statistic data in memory.
ThemeProvider.Aide Utilities to help the implementation of ThemeProvider to manipulate the URI such that it is able to use a different URI for a different theme.
URIInfo Represents an URI and how to use the URI.

Package org.zkoss.zk.ui.util Description

Utilities to handle user interfaces.

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