
This package contains ZK and Spring Security custom filters.


Class Summary
ZkAccessDeniedHandler This implementation pop up an error window and show the provided error page or code 403
ZkDisableSessionInvalidateFilter This filter is used to notify ZK's HttpSessionListener not to clean ZK's session when Spring filters such as AuthenticationProcessingFilter and SessionFixationProtectionFilter invalidate the native session.
ZkEnableSessionInvalidateFilter This filter is used to remove the do-not-clean-ZK-session (RENEW_NATIVE_SESSION) notification made by ZkDisableSessionInvalidateFilter.
ZkError403Filter This filter check if this request an ZK Error 403 request caused by ZkAccessDeniedHandler.
ZkExceptionTranslationFilter Default ZkExceptionTranslationFilter used with ZK event exception handling.
ZkExceptionTranslationListener Bridge AuthenticationException thrown inside ZK event processing phase to Spring Security system and make AuthenticationEntryPoint and AccessDeniedHandler Ajaxified.
ZkLoginOKFilter This filter check if this request is a redirect request of successful authentication from ZkAuthenticationEntryPoint.

Package Description

This package contains ZK and Spring Security custom filters.

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