Description & Source Code
This example shows a subset of the available charts when using ZK's chart component. Developers specify the chart type (pie, line, bar, etc.) and supply it with a data model. Optionally, a chart can be drawn in 3D, its transparency may be adjusted, and the chart area can accept event registration. For example, a chart drill down method can be triggered by a click or mouse over event.
This feature requires ZK PE or EE
<vlayout apply="org.zkoss.bind.BindComposer" viewModel="@id('vm') @init('demo.chart.other.ChartsVM')"> <chart id="chart" width="520" height="300" fgAlpha="255" paneColor="#ffffff" model="@bind(vm.model)" type="@bind(vm.type)" threeD="@bind(vm.threeD)" onClick="@command('showMessage',msg=event.areaComponent.tooltiptext)" engine="@bind(vm.engine)"/> <hlayout visible="@bind(not empty vm.message)"> You clicked on :<label value="@bind(vm.message)"/> </hlayout> </vlayout> charts_ctrl.zul
<hlayout apply="org.zkoss.bind.BindComposer" viewModel="@id('vm') @init('demo.chart.other.ChartsConfigVM')"> <radiogroup selectedIndex="@save(vm.selectedIndex)" onCheck="@global-command('configChanged',threeD=vm.selected.threeD,type=vm.selected.type)" > <vlayout children="@bind(vm.items)"> <template name="children"> <radio label="@bind(each.label)" checked="@init(forEachStatus.index eq vm.selectedIndex)" /> </template> </vlayout> </radiogroup> </hlayout> ChartsVM.java
package demo.chart.other; import org.zkoss.bind.annotation.BindingParam; import org.zkoss.bind.annotation.Command; import org.zkoss.bind.annotation.GlobalCommand; import org.zkoss.bind.annotation.Init; import org.zkoss.bind.annotation.NotifyChange; import org.zkoss.zkex.zul.impl.JFreeChartEngine; import org.zkoss.zul.ChartModel; public class ChartsVM { boolean threeD; ChartModel model; String type; String message; ChartsEngine engine; @Init public void init() { type = "wind"; threeD = false; model = ChartData.getModel(type); engine = new ChartsEngine(); } public String getType() { return type; } public String getMessage(){ return message; } public boolean isThreeD() { return threeD; } public ChartModel getModel() { return model; } public JFreeChartEngine getEngine() { return engine; } @Command("showMessage") @NotifyChange("message") public void onShowMessage( @BindingParam("msg") String message){ this.message = message; } @GlobalCommand("configChanged") @NotifyChange({"threeD","model","type"}) public void onConfigChanged( @BindingParam("threeD") boolean threeD, @BindingParam("type") String type){ this.threeD = threeD; this.type = type; this.model = ChartData.getModel(type); } } ChartsConfigVM.java
package demo.chart.other; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.zkoss.bind.annotation.Init; public class ChartsConfigVM { int selectedIndex; List<ChartItem> items; @Init public void init() { selectedIndex = 0; items = new ArrayList<ChartItem>(); items.add(new ChartItem("Wind Plot", "wind", false)); items.add(new ChartItem("Ring Chart", "ring", false)); items.add(new ChartItem("Stacked Bar Chart", "stacked_bar", false)); items.add(new ChartItem("Stacked Bar Chart 3D", "stacked_bar", true)); items.add(new ChartItem("Stacked Area Chart", "stacked_area", false)); items.add(new ChartItem("Scatter Chart", "scatter", false)); items.add(new ChartItem("XY Area Chart", "area", false)); items.add(new ChartItem("Step Area Chart", "step_area", false)); items.add(new ChartItem("XY Stacked Area Chart", "stacked_area", false)); items.add(new ChartItem("Histogram Chart", "histogram", false)); } public int getSelectedIndex() { return selectedIndex; } public void setSelectedIndex(int selectedIndex) { this.selectedIndex = selectedIndex; } public ChartItem getSelected(){ if(selectedIndex<0 || selectedIndex>=items.size()) return null; return items.get(selectedIndex); } public List<ChartItem> getItems() { return items; } } ChartData.java
package demo.chart.other; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import org.zkoss.zul.CategoryModel; import org.zkoss.zul.ChartModel; import org.zkoss.zul.PieModel; import org.zkoss.zul.SimpleCategoryModel; import org.zkoss.zul.SimplePieModel; import org.zkoss.zul.SimpleXYModel; import org.zkoss.zul.SimpleXYZModel; import org.zkoss.zul.XYModel; import org.zkoss.zul.XYZModel; public class ChartData { // type to model map static HashMap<String,ChartModel> models = new HashMap<String,ChartModel>(); static { int year = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR) + 1900; // Wind Model XYZModel windmodel = new SimpleXYZModel(); // series, date, direction (0-12), force(0-12) windmodel.addValue("Wind!", new Long(date(1, 3).getTime()), new Double(0d), new Double(10.0)); windmodel.addValue("Wind!", new Long(date(1, 4).getTime()), new Double(1d), new Double(8.5)); windmodel.addValue("Wind!", new Long(date(1, 5).getTime()), new Double(2.0), new Double(10.0)); windmodel.addValue("Wind!", new Long(date(1, 6).getTime()), new Double(3.0), new Double(10.0)); windmodel.addValue("Wind!", new Long(date(1, 7).getTime()), new Double(4.0), new Double(7.0)); windmodel.addValue("Wind!", new Long(date(1, 8).getTime()), new Double(5.0), new Double(10.0)); windmodel.addValue("Wind!", new Long(date(1, 9).getTime()), new Double(6.0), new Double(8.0)); windmodel.addValue("Wind!", new Long(date(1, 10).getTime()), new Double(7.0), new Double(11.0)); windmodel.addValue("Wind!", new Long(date(1, 11).getTime()), new Double(8.0), new Double(10.0)); windmodel.addValue("Wind!", new Long(date(1, 12).getTime()), new Double(9.0), new Double(11.0)); windmodel.addValue("Wind!", new Long(date(1, 13).getTime()), new Double(10.0), new Double(3.0)); windmodel.addValue("Wind!", new Long(date(1, 14).getTime()), new Double(11.0), new Double(9.0)); windmodel.addValue("Wind!", new Long(date(1, 15).getTime()), new Double(12.0), new Double(11.0)); windmodel.addValue("Wind!", new Long(date(1, 16).getTime()), new Double(0.0), new Double(0.0)); models.put("wind", windmodel); PieModel piemodel = new SimplePieModel(); piemodel.setValue("C/C++", new Double(21.2)); piemodel.setValue("VB", new Double(10.2)); piemodel.setValue("Java", new Double(40.4)); piemodel.setValue("PHP", new Double(28.2)); models.put("ring", piemodel); // XY Model XYModel xymodel = new SimpleXYModel(); xymodel.addValue(year - 1 + "", new Integer(20), new Integer(120)); xymodel.addValue(year - 1 + "", new Integer(40), new Integer(135)); xymodel.addValue(year - 1 + "", new Integer(60), new Integer(140)); xymodel.addValue(year - 1 + "", new Integer(80), new Integer(160)); xymodel.addValue(year + "", new Integer(30), new Integer(120)); xymodel.addValue(year + "", new Integer(50), new Integer(135)); xymodel.addValue(year + "", new Integer(70), new Integer(140)); xymodel.addValue(year + "", new Integer(90), new Integer(160)); models.put("scatter", xymodel); models.put("area", xymodel); models.put("step_area", xymodel); models.put("stacked_area", xymodel); models.put("histogram", xymodel); /* Category Model */ CategoryModel categorymodel = new SimpleCategoryModel(); categorymodel.setValue(year - 1 + "", "Q1", new Integer(20)); categorymodel.setValue(year - 1 + "", "Q2", new Integer(35)); categorymodel.setValue(year - 1 + "", "Q3", new Integer(40)); categorymodel.setValue(year - 1 + "", "Q4", new Integer(55)); categorymodel.setValue(year + "", "Q1", new Integer(40)); categorymodel.setValue(year + "", "Q2", new Integer(60)); categorymodel.setValue(year + "", "Q3", new Integer(70)); categorymodel.setValue(year + "", "Q4", new Integer(90)); models.put("stacked_bar", categorymodel); models.put("stacked_area", categorymodel); } public static ChartModel getModel(String type){ return models.get(type); } private static Date date(int month, int day) { Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.set(Calendar.MONTH, month - 1); calendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, day); return calendar.getTime(); } } ChartItem.java
package demo.chart.other; public class ChartItem { String label; String type; boolean threeD; public ChartItem(String label,String type, boolean threeD) { this.label = label; this.type = type; this.threeD = threeD; } public String getLabel() { return label; } public String getType() { return type; } public boolean isThreeD() { return threeD; } } ChartColors.java
package demo.chart; import java.awt.Color; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; public class ChartColors { //main colors public static Color COLOR_1 = new Color(0x3E454C); public static Color COLOR_2 = new Color(0x2185C5); public static Color COLOR_3 = new Color(0x7ECEFD); public static Color COLOR_4 = new Color(0xFFF6E5); public static Color COLOR_5 = new Color(0xFF7F66); //additional colors public static Color COLOR_6 = new Color(0x98D9FF); public static Color COLOR_7 = new Color(0x4689B1); public static Color COLOR_8 = new Color(0xB17C35); public static Color COLOR_9 = new Color(0xFDC77E); public static String toHtmlColor(Color color) { return "#" + toHexColor(color); } public static String toHexColor(Color color) { return StringUtils.leftPad(Integer.toHexString(color.getRGB() & 0xFFFFFF), 6, '0'); } }
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