Processing... Enter keys in filters to narrow down the food search
Description & Source Code
This demo implements a simple filter to narrow down the food items displayed in grid utilising ZK's MVVM databinding. data_filter.zul
<div viewModel="@id('vm') @init('demo.grid.data_filter.FilterViewModel')"> <style src="/widgets/grid/data_filter/style.css" /> <grid model="@load(vm.foodModel)" height="400px"> <auxhead sclass="category-center"> <auxheader label="Healthy Food List" colspan="6" /> </auxhead> <auxhead sclass="category-center"> <auxheader colspan="1"> <span sclass="z-icon-filter"/> <textbox instant="true" width="100px" value="@bind(vm.foodFilter.category)" onChange="@command('changeFilter')" /> </auxheader> <auxheader colspan="1"> <span sclass="z-icon-filter"/> <textbox instant="true" width="100px" value="@bind(vm.foodFilter.name)" onChange="@command('changeFilter')"/> </auxheader> <auxheader colspan="1"> <span sclass="z-icon-filter"/> <textbox instant="true" width="100px" value="@bind(vm.foodFilter.nutrients)" onChange="@command('changeFilter')"/> </auxheader> <auxheader label="Detail Data of Foods" colspan="3" /> </auxhead> <columns> <column width="20%">Category</column> <column width="20%">Name</column> <column width="20%">Top Nutrients</column> <column width="10%">% of Daily</column> <column width="10%">Calories</column> <column width="20%">Quantity</column> </columns> <template name="model"> <row> <label value="@load(each.category)" /> <label value="@load(each.name)" /> <label value="@load(each.topNutrients)" /> <label value="@load(each.dailyPercent)" /> <label value="@load(each.calories)" /> <label value="@load(each.quantity)" /> </row> </template> <foot> <footer span="6" class="footer_right" label="@load(vm.footer)" /> </foot> </grid> </div> FilterViewModel.java
package demo.grid.data_filter; import java.util.List; import org.zkoss.bind.annotation.Command; import org.zkoss.bind.annotation.NotifyChange; import org.zkoss.zul.ListModel; import org.zkoss.zul.ListModelList; import demo.data.FoodData; import demo.data.pojo.Food; public class FilterViewModel { private static final String footerMessage = "A Total of %d Food Items"; private FoodFilter foodFilter = new FoodFilter(); List<Food> currentFood = FoodData.getAllFoods(); public FoodFilter getFoodFilter() { return foodFilter; } public ListModel<Food> getFoodModel() { return new ListModelList<Food>(currentFood); } public String getFooter() { return String.format(footerMessage, currentFood.size()); } @Command @NotifyChange({"foodModel", "footer"}) public void changeFilter() { currentFood = FoodData.getFilterFoods(foodFilter); } } FoodFilter.java
package demo.grid.data_filter; public class FoodFilter { private String category="", name="", nutrients=""; public String getCategory() { return category; } public void setCategory(String category) { this.category = category==null?"":category.trim(); } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name==null?"":name.trim(); } public String getNutrients() { return nutrients; } public void setNutrients(String nutrients) { this.nutrients = nutrients==null?"":nutrients.trim(); } } FoodData.java
package demo.data; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import demo.data.pojo.Food; import demo.grid.data_filter.FoodFilter; public class FoodData { private static List<Food> foods = new ArrayList<Food>(); static { foods.add(new Food("Vegetables", "Asparagus", "Vitamin K", 115, 43, "1 cup - 92 grams")); foods.add(new Food("Vegetables", "Beets", "Folate", 33, 74, "1 cup - 170 grams")); foods.add(new Food("Vegetables", "Bell peppers", "Vitamin C", 291, 24, "1 cup - 92 grams")); foods.add(new Food("Vegetables", "Cauliflower", "Vitamin C", 92, 28, "1 cup - 124 grams")); foods.add(new Food("Vegetables", "Eggplant", "Dietary Fiber", 10, 27, "1 cup - 99 grams")); foods.add(new Food("Vegetables", "Onions", "Chromium", 21, 60, "1 cup - 160 grams")); foods.add(new Food("Vegetables", "Potatoes", "Vitamin C", 26, 132, "1 cup - 122 grams")); foods.add(new Food("Vegetables", "Spinach", "Vitamin K", 1110, 41, "1 cup - 180 grams")); foods.add(new Food("Vegetables", "Tomatoes", "Vitamin C", 57, 37, "1 cup - 180 grams")); foods.add(new Food("Seafood", "Salmon", "Tryptophan", 103, 261, "4 oz - 113.4 grams")); foods.add(new Food("Seafood", "Shrimp", "Tryptophan", 103, 112, "4 oz - 113.4 grams")); foods.add(new Food("Seafood", "Scallops", "Tryptophan", 81, 151, "4 oz - 113.4 grams")); foods.add(new Food("Seafood", "Cod", "Tryptophan", 90, 119, "4 oz - 113.4 grams")); foods.add(new Food("Fruits", "Apples", "Manganese", 33, 61, "1 cup - 160 grams")); foods.add(new Food("Fruits", "Cantaloupe", "Vitamin C", 112, 56, "1 cup - 160 grams")); foods.add(new Food("Fruits", "Grapes", "Manganese", 33, 61, "1 cup - 92 grams")); foods.add(new Food("Fruits", "Pineapple", "Manganese", 128, 75, "1 cup - 155 grams")); foods.add(new Food("Fruits", "Strawberries", "Vitamin C", 24, 48, "1 cup - 150 grams")); foods.add(new Food("Fruits", "Watermelon", "Vitamin C", 24, 48, "1 cup - 152 grams")); foods.add(new Food("Poultry & Lean Meats", "Beef, lean organic", "Tryptophan", 112, 240, "4 oz - 113.4 grams")); foods.add(new Food("Poultry & Lean Meats", "Lamb", "Tryptophan", 109, 229, "4 oz - 113.4 grams")); foods.add(new Food("Poultry & Lean Meats", "Chicken", "Tryptophan", 121, 223, "4 oz - 113.4 grams")); foods.add(new Food("Poultry & Lean Meats", "Venison ", "Protein", 69, 179, "4 oz - 113.4 grams")); foods.add(new Food("Grains", "Corn ", "Vatamin B1", 24, 177, "1 cup - 164 grams")); foods.add(new Food("Grains", "Oats ", "Manganese", 69, 147, "1 cup - 234 grams")); foods.add(new Food("Grains", "Barley ", "Dietary Fiber", 54, 270, "1 cup - 200 grams")); } public static List<Food> getAllFoods() { return new ArrayList<Food>(foods); } public static Food[] getAllFoodsArray() { return foods.toArray(new Food[foods.size()]); } // This Method only used in "Data Filter" Demo public static List<Food> getFilterFoods(FoodFilter foodFilter) { List<Food> somefoods = new ArrayList<Food>(); String cat = foodFilter.getCategory().toLowerCase(); String nm = foodFilter.getName().toLowerCase(); String nut = foodFilter.getNutrients().toLowerCase(); for (Iterator<Food> i = foods.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Food tmp = i.next(); if (tmp.getCategory().toLowerCase().contains(cat) && tmp.getName().toLowerCase().contains(nm) && tmp.getTopNutrients().toLowerCase().contains(nut)) { somefoods.add(tmp); } } return somefoods; } // This Method only used in "Header and footer" Demo public static List<Food> getFoodsByCategory(String category) { List<Food> somefoods = new ArrayList<Food>(); for (Iterator<Food> i = foods.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Food tmp = i.next(); if (tmp.getCategory().equalsIgnoreCase(category)){ somefoods.add(tmp); } } return somefoods; } } Food.java
package demo.data.pojo; public class Food { private String category; private String name; private String topNutrients; private Integer dailyPercent; private Integer calories; private String quantity; public Food(String category, String name, String topNutrients, Integer dailyPercent, Integer calories, String quantity) { this.category = category; this.name = name; this.topNutrients = topNutrients; this.dailyPercent = dailyPercent; this.calories = calories; this.quantity = quantity; } public String getCategory() { return category; } public void setCategory(String category) { this.category = category; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public String getTopNutrients() { return topNutrients; } public void setTopNutrients(String topNutrients) { this.topNutrients = topNutrients; } public Integer getDailyPercent() { return dailyPercent; } public void setDailyPercent(Integer dailyPercent) { this.dailyPercent = dailyPercent; } public Integer getCalories() { return calories; } public void setCalories(Integer calories) { this.calories = calories; } public String getQuantity() { return quantity; } public void setQuantity(String quantity) { this.quantity = quantity; } }
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