Description & Source Code
This sample demonstrates how border layout can be used to define complex layouts. complex_border_layout.zul
<zk> <style> .breeze .complex-layout, .breeze .complex-layout .z-south, .breeze .complex-layout .z-west { background: #F7F7F7; } .z-borderlayout { background: #FFFFFF } .complex-layout .z-north { background: #008BB6; } .complex-layout .z-north > div { padding: 5px; } img.complex-layout-header-img { padding: 0 10px; } .complex-layout-header-label { position: relative; top: -30px; padding-left: 40px; font-size: 24px; color: White; font-weight: bold; } .inner-border, .inner-border .z-north, .inner-border .z-west, .inner-border .z-south, .inner-border .z-east { background: #FFFFFF; } .dl-link { text-decoration: none; cursor: pointer; } </style> <div viewModel="@id('vm') @init('demo.layout.complex_border_layout.ComplexBorderlayoutViewModel')"> <borderlayout sclass="complex-layout" height="810px"> <north size="90px" border="0"> <div> <div style="float:right"> <textbox sclass="demo-search-inp" value="@bind(vm.search)" /> <button label="Search ZK Resource" onClick="@command('search')" /> </div> <image sclass="complex-layout-header-img" src="/images/ZK-Logo.gif" /> <label sclass="complex-layout-header-label" value="ZK Project" /> </div> </north> <!-- Sidebar --> <west width="200px" border="0" vflex="1" splittable="true" margins="0,5,0,0"> <vlayout spacing="0"> <panel width="100%" border="normal" title="Navigation"> <panelchildren style="padding:5px;"> <vlayout> <toolbarbutton label="Home" /> <toolbarbutton label="Sitemap" /> <toolbarbutton label="Statement of Direction" /> <toolbarbutton label="ZK Team" /> <toolbarbutton label="Releases" /> <toolbarbutton label="Calender" /> </vlayout> </panelchildren> </panel> <panel width="100%" border="normal" title="Why ZK ? "> <panelchildren> <html> <![CDATA[ <ul> <li>Productivity</li> <li>Security</li> <li>Performance</li> <li>Totally Control</li> <li>Auto Testing</li> <li>Scalability</li> <li>Flexibility</li> </ul> ]]> </html> </panelchildren> </panel> <panel width="100%" border="normal" title="Features"> <panelchildren> <html> <![CDATA[ <ul> <li>Server+client Fusion</li> <li>Ajax-as-a-Service</li> <li>The Event Queue</li> <li>jQuery Based</li> <li>SEO Friendly</li> <li>Auto Testing</li> </ul> ]]> </html> </panelchildren> </panel> </vlayout> </west> <east width="130px" title="Quick Links" vflex="true"> <vlayout> <html> <![CDATA[ <ul> <li>Tutorial</li> <li>Docs</li> <li>ZK vs GWT</li> <li>ZK vs Ajax JSF</li> <li>Forum</li> <li>FAQ</li> <li>Contact us</li> </ul> ]]> </html> <vlayout style="text-align:center;"> <a href="http://www.zkoss.org/download/zk/ce" sclass="dl-link" target="_zkdemo"> <image src="/images/DownloadNow.jpg" /> </a> <toolbarbutton label="Download" href="http://www.zkoss.org/download/zk/ce" target="_zkdemo" /> </vlayout> </vlayout> </east> <!-- Content --> <center> <borderlayout sclass="inner-border"> <north border="0" height="4%" margins="2,3,0,0"> <label value="HOME" style="font-size:20px;" /> </north> <center border="0" margins="0,3,3,3"> <panel title="Reference" border="normal" height="100%"> <panelchildren> <grid style="border:0;"> <rows> <row> <div> <image src="/images/Java_Logo.png" /> <separator orient="vertical" /> <toolbarbutton label="Java Doc" /> </div> </row> <row> <div> <image src="/img/Centigrade-Widget-Icons/Calendar-16x16.png" /> <separator orient="vertical" /> <toolbarbutton label="Project Calendar" /> </div> </row> <row> <div> <image src="/img/Centigrade-Widget-Icons/BookBlue-16x16.png" /> <separator orient="vertical" /> <toolbarbutton label="ZK Essentials" /> </div> </row> <row> <div> <image src="/img/Centigrade-Widget-Icons/BookGreen-16x16.png" /> <separator orient="vertical" /> <toolbarbutton label="Developer's Reference" /> </div> </row> <row> <div> <image src="/img/Centigrade-Widget-Icons/BookBrown-16x16.png" /> <separator orient="vertical" /> <toolbarbutton label="Component Essentials" /> </div> </row> <row> <div> <image src="/img/Centigrade-Widget-Icons/Booklet-16x16.png" /> <separator orient="vertical" /> <toolbarbutton label="Style Guide" /> </div> </row> <row> <div> <image src="/img/Centigrade-Widget-Icons/Envelope-16x16.png" /> <separator orient="vertical" /> <toolbarbutton label="Mailing Lists" /> </div> </row> <row> <div> <image src="/images/twitter_16.png" /> <separator orient="vertical" /> <toolbarbutton label="Twitter" /> </div> </row> <row> <div> <image src="/images/linkedin_16.png" /> <separator orient="vertical" /> <toolbarbutton label="LinkedIn" /> </div> </row> <row> <div> <image src="/images/rss_16.png" /> <separator orient="vertical" /> <toolbarbutton label="RSS" /> </div> </row> </rows> </grid> </panelchildren> </panel> </center> <east border="0" width="50%" margins="0,0,3,3"> <panel title="Customer Overview" border="normal" height="100%" hflex="1"> <panelchildren> Continent Contribution to Total Visitors <grid height="100%" model="@load(vm.contributions)"> <columns> <column label="category" width="80px" /> <column label="value" /> </columns> <template name="model"> <row> <label value="@load(each.area)" /> <intbox value="@bind(each.value)" onChange="@command('updatePieModel')" /> </row> </template> </grid> </panelchildren> </panel> </east> <south border="1" height="37%" margins="0,0,3,3"> <panel border="normal"> <panelchildren style="overflow:auto;"> <chart id="mychart" title="User Location" type="pie" threeD="true" fgAlpha="128" model="@load(vm.pieModel)" onClick="@command('displayArea')" /> </panelchildren> </panel> </south> </borderlayout> </center> <south size="40px" border="0" style="background: none repeat scroll 0 0 ;"> <toolbar mold="panel" align="center"> <toolbarbutton label="Sign in" /> <toolbarbutton label="Home" /> <toolbarbutton label="Sitemap" /> <toolbarbutton label="Terms" /> <toolbarbutton label="Report Abuse" /> <toolbarbutton label="Print" /> <separator orient="vertical" bar="true" /> Powered by ZK ${desktop.webApp.version} ZK Borderlayout </toolbar> </south> </borderlayout> </div> </zk> ComplexBorderlayoutViewModel.java
package demo.layout.complex_border_layout; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.zkoss.bind.annotation.Command; import org.zkoss.bind.annotation.ContextParam; import org.zkoss.bind.annotation.ContextType; import org.zkoss.bind.annotation.Init; import org.zkoss.bind.annotation.NotifyChange; import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component; import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Executions; import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.MouseEvent; import org.zkoss.zk.ui.util.Clients; import org.zkoss.zul.Area; import org.zkoss.zul.PieModel; import org.zkoss.zul.SimplePieModel; public class ComplexBorderlayoutViewModel { private static final String searchUrl = "http://www.zkoss.org/doc/searchresult.jsp?cx=008321236477929467003%3A63kdpeqkkvw&cof=FORID%3A11&q="; private String search; private List<Contribution> contributions = new ArrayList<Contribution>(); private PieModel pieModel; @Init public void init() { contributions.add(new Contribution("Europe", 31)); contributions.add(new Contribution("Africa", 4)); contributions.add(new Contribution("Americas", 25)); contributions.add(new Contribution("Oceania", 4)); contributions.add(new Contribution("Asia", 29)); contributions.add(new Contribution("Others", 4)); createPieModel(); } private void createPieModel() { pieModel = new SimplePieModel(); for (Contribution contribution : contributions) { pieModel.setValue(contribution.getArea(), contribution.getValue()); } } public String getSearch() { return search; } public void setSearch(String search) { this.search = search; } public PieModel getPieModel() { return pieModel; } public List<Contribution> getContributions() { return contributions; } @Command public void search() { if(StringUtils.isEmpty(search)) { Clients.showNotification("Search field must not be empty"); } else { Executions.getCurrent().sendRedirect(searchUrl.concat(search), "_zk"); } } @Command public void displayArea(@ContextParam(ContextType.TRIGGER_EVENT) MouseEvent event) { Component component = event.getAreaComponent(); if (component instanceof Area) { Area area = (Area) component; Clients.alert(area.getAttribute("entity") + ":" + area.getTooltiptext()); } } @Command @NotifyChange("pieModel") public void updatePieModel() { createPieModel(); } public static class Contribution { private String area; private int value; public Contribution(String country, int value) { super(); this.area = country; this.value = value; } public String getArea() { return area; } public void setArea(String area) { this.area = area; } public int getValue() { return value; } public void setValue(int value) { this.value = value; } } }
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