$ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z _


$() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
A short cut for looking up ZK Widget from jQuery object.
$(Object) - Static method in class zk.Desktop
Returns the desktop of the specified desktop ID, widget, widget UUID, or DOM element.
$(Object, Map) - Static method in class zk.Widget
Retrieves the widget.
$$(String, String) - Static method in class _global_.jq
Returns an array of DOMElement that matches.
$addAll(Array) - Method in class _global_.Array
Adds all elements of the given array to this array.
$camel() - Method in class _global_.String
Returns a copy of this string by converting dashes into a camel-case equivalent.
$class - Variable in class zk.Object
The class that this object belongs to.
$clone() - Method in class _global_.Array
Clones this array.
$contains(Object) - Method in class _global_.Array
Returns true if this list contains the specified element.
$default(Map, Map) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Provides the default values for the specified options.
$equals(Object) - Method in class _global_.Array
Returns whether obj is an array, the length is the same, and each element in obj is the same as each element of this array.
$extends(Class, Map, Map) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Defines a class.
$f(String, boolean) - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the fellow of the specified ID of the ID space that this widget belongs to.
$f(String) - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the fellow of the specified ID of the ID space that this widget belongs to.
$f() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the map of all fellows of this widget.
$import(String, Function) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Imports a package or class, and load it if fn is specified.
$import(String) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Imports a class or a package.
$inc(int) - Method in class _global_.String
Returns a copy of the first character of a string by increasing its value.
$indexOf(Object) - Method in class _global_.Array
Returns the index in this list of the first occurrence of the specified element, or -1 if this list does not contain this element.
$init(Object) - Method in class zk.BigDecimal
$init(String, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class zk.Desktop
$init(Object, DOMElement, Map) - Method in class zk.Draggable
$init(Map) - Method in class zk.eff.FullMask
The constructor of the full mask object.
$init(Map) - Method in class zk.eff.Mask
The constructor.
$init(Widget, String, Object, Map, Event) - Method in class zk.Event
$init(Object) - Method in class zk.Long
$init() - Method in class zk.Object
The constructor.
$init(Map, boolean) - Method in class zk.Page
$init(Object, DOMElement, Map) - Method in class zk.Swipe
The Constructor.
$init(Map) - Method in class zk.Widget
The constructor.
$init(String) - Method in class zkex.inp.Color
$init(Dropupload, String, Object) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.DropUploader
$init(DropUploader, Object) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.DropUploadViewer
$init(Grid) - Method in class zul.grid.RowIter
$init(Object, String, String) - Method in class zul.inp.SimpleConstraint
$init(Object, Widget) - Method in class zul.inp.SimpleDateConstraint
$init() - Method in class zul.mesh.ColumnMenupopup
$init(Listbox) - Method in class zul.sel.ItemIter
$init(Tree) - Method in class zul.sel.TreeItemIter
$init(Widget, DOMElement, String) - Method in class zul.Upload
$init(Upload, String, DOMElement, String) - Method in class zul.Uploader
$init(Uploader, String) - Method in class zul.UploadViewer
$instanceof(Class) - Method in class zk.Object
Determines if this object is an instance of the class represented by the specified Class parameter.
$n(String) - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the child element of the DOM element(s) that this widget is bound to.
$n() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the DOM element that this widget is bound to.
$o() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the owner of the ID space that this widget belongs to, or null if it doesn't belong to any ID space.
$oid - Variable in class zk.Object
The object ID.
$package(String) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Defines a package.
$remove(Object) - Method in class _global_.Array
Removes the specified object from this array.
$s() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the sub zclass name that cache for this widget.
$sub(String) - Method in class _global_.String
Returns the difference between the first character of this string and the first character of the specified string.
$super(Class, String, Object...) - Method in class zk.Object
Invokes a method defined in the superclass with any number of arguments.
$super(String, Object...) - Method in class zk.Object
Invokes a method defined in the superclass with any number of arguments.
$supers(Class, String, Array) - Method in class zk.Object
Invokes a method defined in the superclass with an array of arguments.
$supers(String, Array) - Method in class zk.Object
Invokes a method defined in the superclass with an array of arguments.
$toLocaleString() - Method in class zk.BigDecimal
Returns a Locale-dependent string for this big decimal(for human's eye).
$toLocaleString() - Method in class zk.Long
Returns a Locale-dependent string for this long integer.
$toString() - Method in class zk.BigDecimal
Returns a string for this big decimal (per the original form).
$toString() - Method in class zk.Long
Returns a string for this long integer To have a Locale-dependent string, use Long.$toLocaleString() instead.
$void() - Static method in class _global_.zk
A does-nothing-but-returns-false function.
$weave - Variable in class zk.Widget
The weave controller that is used by ZK Weaver.


A - Class in zul.wgt
The same as HTML A tag.
Absolutechildren - Class in zul.layout
A container component that can contain any other ZK component and can only be contained as direct child of Absolutelayout component.
Absolutelayout - Class in zul.layout
An Absolutelayout component can contain absolute positioned multiple absolutechildren components.
absolutize() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Makes the position of the first selected element as absolute.
Actions - Class in zk.eff
A collection of actions that can be used with Widget.setAction(_global_.String).
addAft(Widget, String...) - Method in class zk.AuCmd1
Adds the widget(s) generated by evaluating the specified JavaScript code snippet after the specified widget (as sibling).
addAft(Widget, String) - Method in class zk.AuCmd1
Adds the widget(s) generated by evaluating the specified JavaScript code snippet after the specified widget (as sibling).
addBfr(Widget, String...) - Method in class zk.AuCmd1
Adds the widget(s) generated by evaluating the specified JavaScript code snippet before the specified widget (as sibling).
addChd(Widget, String...) - Method in class zk.AuCmd1
Adds the widget(s) generated by evaluating the specified JavaScript code snippet as the last child of the specified widget.
addFile(DropUploader) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.DropUploadManager
Adds the file item to upload.
addFile(Uploader) - Method in class zul.UploadManager
Adds the file item to upload.
addOptions(Map) - Method in class zk.Event
Adds the additions options to Event.opts.
addToolbar(String, Toolbar) - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Adds the toolbar of the panel by these names, "tbar", "bbar", and "fbar".
after(Object, Desktop) - Method in class _global_.jq
Insert content after each of the matched elements.
afterAnima_(boolean) - Method in class zk.Widget
Invoked after an animation (e.g., jqzk.slideDown(zk.Widget, _global_.Map)) has finished.
afterAnimate(Function, int) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Executes a function only when no animation is taking place.
afterCloseAnima_() - Method in class zul.wgt.Popup
The handling after the closing effect of popup.
afterInit(Function) - Method in class zk.Object
Specifies a function that shall be called after the object is initialized, i.e., after Object.$init() is called.
afterKeyDown_(Event, boolean) - Method in class zul.Widget
Called after Widget.doKeyDown_(zk.Event) is called and the event propagation is not stopped.
afterLoad(String, Function) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Declares a function that shall be executed only if the specified package(s) are loaded (and zk.loading is 0).
afterLoad(Function) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Declares a function that shall be executed after all requested packages are loaded (i.e., zk.loading is 0).
afterMount(Function, int) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Adds a function that will be executed after the mounting is done.
afterOpenAnima_() - Method in class zul.wgt.Popup
The handling after the opening effect of popup.
afterParentChanged_(Widget) - Method in class zk.Widget
A callback called after the parent has been changed.
afterResize(Function) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Adds a function that will be executed after all of the onSize events are done.
agent - Static variable in class _global_.zk
The user agent of the browser.
air - Static variable in class _global_.zk
Whether it is Adobe AIR.
ajaxErrorHandler(Object, int, String, int) - Static method in class _global_.zAu
Implements this function to be called if the request fails.
ajaxSettings - Static variable in class _global_.zAu
A map of Ajax default setting used to send the AU requests.
ajaxURI(String, Map) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Encodes and returns the URI to communicate with the server.
alert(String, Map) - Static method in class _global_.jq
Shows up a message.
alert(String) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Shows an alert to indicate some error occurs.
alerting - Static variable in class _global_.zk
Indicates whether an OS-level modal dialog is opened.
all - Static variable in class zk.Desktop
A map of all desktops (readonly).
all - Static variable in class zk.wgt.WidgetInfo
A map (Map) of widget informations (readonly).
Anchorchildren - Class in zul.layout
The children of Anchorlayout.
Anchorlayout - Class in zul.layout
An anchorlayout lays out a container which can resize it's children base on its width and height
Default Widget.getZclass(): z-anchorlayout.
animating() - Static method in class _global_.zk
Returns whether there is some animation taking place.
append(Object, Desktop) - Method in class _global_.jq
Append content to inside of every matched element.
appendAttr(String, Object, boolean) - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
Appends an attribute.
appendAttr(String, Object) - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
Appends an attribute.
appendChild(Widget, boolean) - Method in class zk.Widget
Append a child widget with more control.
appendChild(Widget) - Method in class zk.Widget
Append a child widget.
Applet - Class in zul.med
A generic applet component.
appName - Static variable in class _global_.zk
The application's name, which will be initialized as server-side's WebApp.getAppName().
Area - Class in zul.wgt
An area of a Imagemap.
Array - Class in _global_
An array is a special variable, whcih can hold more than one value.
AuCmd0 - Class in zk
The AU command handler for processes commands not related to widgets, sent from the server.
AuCmd1 - Class in zk
The AU command handler for processes commands related to widgets, sent from the server.
auDelay - Static variable in class zk.Widget
The default delay before sending an AU request when Widget.fire(_global_.String, zk.Object, _global_.Map, int) is called (and the server has an ARAP event listener registered).
Audio - Class in zul.med
An audio clip.
auStopped - Variable in class zk.Event
Indicates whether to stop the sending of the AU request to the server.
autag - Variable in class zk.Widget
The AU tag of this widget.
Auxhead - Class in zul.mesh
Used to define a collection of auxiliary headers (Auxheader).
Auxheader - Class in zul.mesh
An auxiliary header.


Bandbox - Class in zul.inp
A band box.
Bandpopup - Class in zul.inp
The popup that belongs to a Bandbox instance.
before(Object, Desktop) - Method in class _global_.jq
Insert content before each of the matched elements.
beforeCtrlKeys_(Event) - Method in class zul.Widget
Called before a control key is pressed.
beforeHideOnUnbind() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Fixes DOM elements when a widget's unbind_ is called and it will hide the DOM element (display="none" or visibility="hidden").
beforeParentChanged_(Widget) - Method in class zk.Widget
A callback called before the parent is changed.
beforeRedraw(Calendar) - Static method in class zul.db.Renderer
Called before Widget.redraw(_global_.Array) is invoked.
beforeSend(String, Event, Desktop) - Static method in class _global_.zAu
Called before sending an AU request.
beforeSendAU_(Widget, Event) - Method in class zk.Widget
Callback before sending an AU request.
beforeUnload(Function, Map) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Adds a function that will be executed when the browser is about to unload the document.
BigDecimal - Class in zk
A big decimal.
Biglistbox - Class in zkmax.big
A component to handle a huge data sets and provides the same and as many as the functionalities of Listbox including selection, sorting, keystroke navigation, ROD(rendering-on-demand), and so on.
bind(Desktop, Skipper) - Method in class zk.Widget
Binds this widget.
bind_(Desktop, Skipper, Array) - Method in class zk.Widget
Callback when this widget is bound (aka., attached) to the DOM tree.
bindChildren_(Desktop, Skipper, Array) - Method in class zk.Widget
Binds the children of this widget.
bindDoubleTap_() - Method in class zk.Widget
Bind double click event to the widget on tablet device.
bindLevel - Variable in class zk.Widget
The bind level (readonly) The level in the widget tree after this widget is bound to a DOM tree (Widget.bind_(zk.Desktop, zk.Skipper, _global_.Array)).
bindSwipe_() - Method in class zk.Widget
Bind swipe event to the widget on tablet device.
bindTapHold_() - Method in class zk.Widget
Bind right click event to the widget on tablet device.
bookmark(String, boolean) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Sets a bookmark
booted - Static variable in class _global_.zk
Indicates whether ZK Client Engine has been booted and created the initial widgets.
borderHeight() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the summation of the border height of the first matched element.
Borderlayout - Class in zul.layout
A border layout is a layout container for arranging and resizing child components to fit in five regions: north, south, east, west, and center.
borders() - Static method in class _global_.jq
A map of the border style names: {l: 'border-left', t: 'border-top'...}.
borderWidth() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the summation of the border width of the first matched element.
Box - Class in zul.box
A box.
build - Static variable in class _global_.zk
The build of ZK, such as '08113021'
busy - Static variable in class _global_.zk
Indicates if the application is busy.
Button - Class in zul.wgt
A button.


calcSize() - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Calculates the size.
Calendar - Class in zul.db
A calendar.
canActivate(Map) - Method in class zk.Widget
Checks if this widget can be activated (gaining focus and so on).
cancel(int) - Method in class zul.Upload
Cancels the fileupload if the fileupload is progressing.
cancel() - Method in class zul.Uploader
Cancels the uploader to upload.
Canvas - Class in zk.canvas
Utilities to create and manipulate the canvas element.
Captcha - Class in zul.wgt
The generic captcha component.
Caption - Class in zul.wgt
A header for a Groupbox.
Cardlayout - Class in zkmax.layout
A layout allow end user change view like change card.
cave - Variable in class zul.Scrollbar
The container object for this scrolling that user can scroll the whole content
Cell - Class in zul.wgt
The generic cell component to be embedded into Row or Box for fully control style and layout.
cellHTML(Calendar, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class zul.db.Renderer
Returns the HTML fragment representing a day cell.
cellIndex() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Retrieves the index of the first selected (table) cell in the cells collection of a (table) row.
cellps0 - Static variable in class _global_.zUtl
A shortcut of ' cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"'.
center(Map) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Positions the first selected element at the particular location of the browser window.
CENTER - Static variable in class zul.layout.Borderlayout
The center layout constraint (middle of container).
Center - Class in zul.layout
A center region of a borderlayout.
cfmClose(String) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Sets the message used to confirm the user when he is closing the browser window.
Chart - Class in zul.wgt
The generic chart component.
Checkbox - Class in zul.wgt
A checkbox.
checkClientSort_(String) - Method in class zul.mesh.SortWidget
Check the status whether can be sort in client side.
checkScrollable() - Method in class zul.menu.Menubar
Returns whether the menubar scrolling is enabled in horizontal orient.
checkValue() - Method in class zul.inp.Doublespinner
Sets bound value if the value out of range
checkValue() - Method in class zul.inp.Spinner
Sets bound value if the value out of range
Chosenbox - Class in zkmax.inp
A component that similar to Combobox but handle the multi-selection and the select order.
Class - Class in zk
Represents a class.
classes() - Static method in class _global_.zk
A map of all classes, Map.
className - Variable in class zk.Desktop
The class name (zk.Desktop).
className - Variable in class zk.Macro
The class name (zk.Macro).
className - Variable in class zk.Native
The class name (zk.Native)
className - Variable in class zk.Page
The class name (zk.Page).
className - Variable in class zk.RefWidget
The class name (zk.RefWidget).
className - Variable in class zk.Widget
The class name of the widget.
cleanDrag_() - Method in class zk.Widget
Cleans up the widget to make it un-draggable.
cleanVisibility() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Cleans, i.e., reset, the visibility (of the CSS style) for the matched elements.
clear() - Method in class zk.Widget
Removes all children.
clear() - Method in class zul.sel.Tree
clears the tree children.
clearBusy() - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Removes the busy message covering the whole browser.
clearBusy(String) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Removes the busy message covering the specified widget.
clearCache() - Method in class zk.Widget
Clears the cached nodes (by Widget.$n(_global_.String)).
clearErrorMessage(boolean, boolean) - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Clears the error message and the error status.
clearSelection() - Static method in class _global_.jq
Clears the current selection in the browser window.
clearSelection() - Method in class zkmax.nav.Navbar
Clears the selection.
clearSelection() - Method in class zul.sel.Select
Clears the selection.
clearSelection() - Method in class zul.sel.SelectWidget
Clears the selection.
clearStyles() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Clears the CSS styles (excluding the inherited styles).
clearWrongValue(String...) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Closes the all error messages related to the specified widgets.
clickPointer - Static variable in class _global_.zk
The last position that the mouse was clicked (including left and right clicks).
clientInfo(String) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Asks the client information.
cloneDrag_(Draggable, Offset) - Method in class zk.Widget
Called to create the visual effect representing what is being dragged.
close() - Method in class zkmax.nav.Nav
Closes the nav.
close(Map) - Method in class zul.inp.ComboWidget
Closes the list of combo items (Comboitem if it was dropped down.
close(String, int) - Static method in class zul.Upload
Closes the fileupload
close() - Method in class zul.wgt.Combobutton
Close the dropdown widget of the Combobutton.
close(Map) - Method in class zul.wgt.Popup
Closes this popup at the client.
closeAnima_() - Method in class zul.wgt.Popup
The effect for closing the popup.
closePalette() - Method in class zkex.inp.Colorbox
Close the palette of this colorbox
closePalette() - Method in class zkex.inp.ContentHandler
Close the palette of colorbox
closePicker() - Method in class zkex.inp.Colorbox
Close the colorpicker of this colorbox
closePicker() - Method in class zkex.inp.ContentHandler
Close the colorpicker of this colorbox
cmd0 - Static variable in class _global_.zAu
The AU command handler that handles commands not related to widgets.
cmd1 - Static variable in class _global_.zAu
The AU command handler that handles commands releated to widgets.
cmOffset() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the cumulative offset of the first matched element from the top left corner of the document.
coerceFromString_(String) - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Coerces the value passed to InputWidget.setValue(java.lang.Object, boolean).
coerceToString_(Object) - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Coerces the value passed to InputWidget.setValue(java.lang.Object, boolean).
Color - Class in zkex.inp
Defines a color for a colorbox (Colorbox).
Colorbox - Class in zkex.inp
A Colorbox used to retrieve an input that the user can select a color.
Colorpalette - Class in zkex.inp
A palette popup window that will appear after click the arrow of the (Colorbox).
Colorpicker - Class in zkex.inp
A picker popup window that will appear after click the color ball of the Colorpalette (Colorpalette).
Column - Class in zul.grid
A single column in a Columns element.
Columnchildren - Class in zkex.layout
The column of Columnlayout.
Columnlayout - Class in zkex.layout
A columnlayout lays out a container which can have multiple columns, and each column may contain one or more component.
ColumnMenupopup - Class in zul.mesh
The Columns' Menu popup
ColumnMenuWidget - Class in zul.mesh
A skeletal implementation for a column menu widget.
Columns - Class in zul.grid
Defines the columns of a grid.
Combobox - Class in zul.inp
A combobox.
Combobutton - Class in zul.wgt
A combo button.
Comboitem - Class in zul.inp
An item of a combo box.
ComboWidget - Class in zul.inp
A skeletal implementation for a combo widget.
confirm() - Static method in class _global_.jq
It is the same as window.confirmconfirmRetry(String, String) - Static method in class _global_.zAu
Called to confirm the user whether to retry, when an error occurs.
contained - Static variable in class zk.Page
An array of contained pages (i.e., a standalone ZK page but included by other technology).
contentAttrs_() - Method in class zul.wgt.Image
This method is required only if IMG is placed in the inner.
ContentHandler - Class in zkex.inp
a content handler of a Menu Available in ZK PE and EE
contentHeight(boolean) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the content height of the element, which substracted the height of its CSS border or padding, unlike jqzk.revisedHeight(int, boolean), the contentHeight will ignore the box-sizing with border-box.
contentWidth(boolean) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the content width of the element, which substracted the width of its CSS border or padding, unlike jqzk.revisedWidth(int, boolean), the contentWidth will ignore the box-sizing with border-box.
Context - Class in zk.canvas
The context of the canvas.
Context() - Constructor for class zk.canvas.Context
control - Variable in class zk.Draggable
The control object for this draggable.
control - Variable in class zul.WScroll
The control object for this scrolling that user can scroll the whole content
copy(Object, Object, Map) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Copies a map of properties (or options) from one object to another and copies the original value to another map.
copy(Object, Object) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Copies a map of properties (or options) from one object to another.
create(int, int) - Static method in class zk.canvas.Canvas
Creates a canvas element.
create(Widget, String, Map, Function) - Static method in class zk.zuml.Parser
Parse the iZUML into widgets
createAt(String, Map, Map, Function) - Static method in class zk.zuml.Parser
Parse the iZUML into widgets
createWidgets(Array, Function, Function) - Static method in class _global_.zAu
Creates widgets based on an array of JavaScritp codes generated by Component.redraw() at the server.
css(DOMElement, String, String) - Static method in class _global_.jq
An override function that provide a way to get the style value where is defined in the CSS file or the style object, rather than the computed value.
css3 - Static variable in class _global_.zk
Whether it supports CSS3.
currentDelta() - Method in class zk.Draggable
[left, right] of this node.
currentFocus - Static variable in class _global_.zk
The widget that gains the focus now, or null if no one gains focus now.
currentModal - Static variable in class _global_.zk
The topmost modal window, or null if no modal window at all.
currentPointer - Static variable in class _global_.zk
The position of the mouse (including mouse move and click).
currentTarget - Variable in class zk.Event
Indicates the target which is handling this event.
cut(Map, String) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Retrieves and removes the value of the specified name of the given map.


d2j(Date) - Static method in class _global_.jq
Marshalls the Date object into a string such that it can be sent back to the server.
data - Variable in class zk.Event
The data which depends on the event.
Date - Class in _global_
The Date object is used to work with dates and times.
Datebox - Class in zul.db
An edit box for holding a date.
DateboxCtrl - Class in zul.db
The extra control for the Datebox.
dayView(Calendar, Array, Map) - Static method in class zul.db.Renderer
Renderer the dayView for this calendar
decadeView(Calendar, Array, Map) - Static method in class zul.db.Renderer
Renderer the decadeView for this calendar
DECIMAL - Static variable in class _global_.zk
The character used for decimal sign.
Decimalbox - Class in zul.inp
An edit box for holding BigDecimal.
decodeXML(String) - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
Decodes the XML string into a normal string.
defaultAnimaOpts(Widget, Map, Array, boolean) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Initializes the animation with the default effect, such as firing the onSize watch.
deferRedraw_(Array) - Method in class zk.Widget
Utilities for handling the so-called render defer (Widget.setRenderdefer(int)).
deferRedrawHTML_(Array) - Method in class zk.Widget
Renders a fake DOM element that will replace with the correct element after the deferring time is up.
define(Class, Map) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Defines the setter and getter methods.
depends(String, String) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Declare a package that must be loaded when loading another package.
Desktop - Class in zk
A desktop.
desktop - Variable in class zk.Widget
The desktop that this widget belongs to (readonly).
destroy() - Method in class zk.Draggable
Destroys this draggable object.
destroy() - Method in class zk.eff.FullMask
Removes the full mask.
destroy() - Method in class zk.eff.Mask
Removes the mask.
destroy() - Method in class zk.Swipe
Destroys this swipe-able object.
destroy() - Method in class zkex.inp.ContentHandler
Destroys the resource of the ContentHandler
destroy() - Method in class zul.inp.Errorbox
Destroys the errorbox
destroy() - Method in class zul.Upload
Destroys the fileupload.
destroy(Object) - Static method in class zul.Upload
Destroys the uploader to upload
destroy(boolean) - Method in class zul.Uploader
Destroys the uploader to upload.
destroy() - Method in class zul.UploadViewer
Destroys the upload viewer.
destroyProgressbox(String) - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
Removes the message box created by zUtl.progressbox(_global_.String, _global_.String, boolean, _global_.String).
detach() - Method in class zk.Widget
Removes this widget (from its parent).
detachChildren() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Detaches all child elements and return them as an array.
Detail - Class in zkex.grid
The detail component is used to display a detailed section where a master row and multiple detail rows are on the same row.
Dimension - Class in _global_
A dimension.
dimension(boolean) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the dimension of the specified element.
disabled(Calendar, int, int, int, Date) - Static method in class zul.db.Renderer
Tests if the specified date is disabled.
disableESC() - Static method in class _global_.zk
Disable the default behavior of ESC.
disableSelection() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Disallows the user to select a portion of its content.
Div - Class in zul.wgt
The same as HTML DIV tag.
DnD - Class in zk
Drag-and-drop utility.
doBlur_(Event) - Method in class zk.Widget
A utility to simplify the listening of onBlur.
doClick_(Event) - Method in class zk.Widget
Called when the user clicks on a widget or a child widget.
doCmds(String, Array) - Static method in class _global_.zAu
Process the specified commands.
doDoubleClick_(Event) - Method in class zk.Widget
Called when the user double-clicks on a widget or a child widget.
doEmbedded() - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Makes this window as embeded with other components (Default).
doFocus_(Event) - Method in class zk.Widget
A utility to simplify the listening of onFocus.
doHighlighted() - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Makes this window as highlited.
doKeyDown_(Event) - Method in class zk.Widget
Called when the user presses down a key when this widget has the focus (Widget.focus(int)).
doKeyPress_(Event) - Method in class zk.Widget
Called when the user presses a key when this widget has the focus (Widget.focus(int)).
doKeyUp_(Event) - Method in class zk.Widget
Called when the user presses up a key when this widget has the focus (Widget.focus(int)).
domAttrs_(Map) - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the HTML attributes that is used to generate DOM element of this widget.
domClass_(Map) - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the class name(s) used for the DOM element of this widget.
domContent_() - Method in class zkex.grid.Group
A combination of icon ([[#domImg_]]) and label ([[#domLabel_]]).
domContent_() - Method in class zul.LabelImageWidget
Returns the HTML content of the label and image.
DOMElement - Class in _global_
Represents a DOM element.
domEvent - Variable in class zk.Event
The DOM event that causes this widget event, or null if not available.
domIcon_() - Method in class zul.LabelImageWidget
Returns the icon font class name with HTML content.
domImage_() - Method in class zkex.grid.Group
Returns the HTML span content.
domImage_() - Method in class zul.LabelImageWidget
Returns the HTML image content.
domLabel_() - Method in class zul.LabelImageWidget
Returns the encoded label.
domListen_(DOMElement, String, Object, String) - Method in class zk.Widget
Registers an DOM event listener for the specified DOM element (aka., node).
doModal() - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Makes this window as a modal dialog.
doMouseDown_(Event) - Method in class zk.Widget
Called when the user presses down the mouse button on this widget (or one of its child widget).
doMouseEnter_(Event) - Method in class zk.Widget
Called when the user moves the mouse pointer on top of a widget (or one of its child widget).
doMouseLeave_(Event) - Method in class zk.Widget
Called when the user moves the mouse pointer out of a root widget.
doMouseMove_(Event) - Method in class zk.Widget
Called when the user moves the mouse pointer over this widget (or one of its child widget).
doMouseOut_(Event) - Method in class zk.Widget
Called when the user moves the mouse pointer out of a widget (or one of its child widget).
doMouseOver_(Event) - Method in class zk.Widget
Called when the user moves the mouse pointer on top of a widget (or one of its child widget).
doMouseUp_(Event) - Method in class zk.Widget
Called when the user presses up the mouse button on this widget (or one of its child widget).
domStopped - Variable in class zk.Event
Indicates whether to stop the native DOM event.
domStyle_(Map) - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the style used for the DOM element of this widget.
domTarget - Variable in class zk.Event
The DOM element that the event is targeting, or null if not available.
domTextStyleAttr_() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the style attribute that contains only the text related CSS styles.
domTooltiptext_() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the tooltiptext for generating the title attribute of the DOM element.
domUnlisten_(DOMElement, String, Object, String) - Method in class zk.Widget
Un-registers an event listener for the specified DOM element (aka., node).
doOverlapped() - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Makes this window as overlapped with other components.
doPopup() - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Makes this window as popup, which is overlapped with other component and auto-hiden when user clicks outside of the window.
doResizeScroll_() - Method in class zk.Widget
Resize zul.Scrollbar size after child added/removed or hide/show.
doRightClick_(Event) - Method in class zk.Widget
Called when the user right-clicks on a widget or a child widget.
doSelect_(Event) - Method in class zk.Widget
Called when the user clicks or right-clicks on widget or a child widget.
doSwipe_(Event) - Method in class zk.Widget
Called when the user swipe left/right/up/down this widget.
doSyncScroll() - Static method in class _global_.jq
To invoke the doSyncScroll method of the registered objects.
doTooltipOut_() - Method in class zk.Widget
Called when the mouse is moved out of this widget.
doTooltipOver_() - Method in class zk.Widget
Called when the mouse is moved over this widget.
Doublebox - Class in zul.inp
An edit box for holding an float point value (double).
Doublespinner - Class in zul.inp
An edit box for holding a constrained double.
doubleValue() - Method in class zul.inp.Doublespinner
Returns the value in double.
download(String) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Asks the client to download the resource at the specified URL.
Draggable - Class in zk
A draggable object used to make a DOM element draggable.
dropEffect_(boolean) - Method in class zk.Widget
Called to have some visual effect when the user is dragging a widget over this widget and this widget is droppable.
Dropupload - Class in zkmax.wgt
A widget can handle drag files into it, and upload files to server.
DropUploader - Class in zkmax.wgt
Default file uploader for Dropupload.
DropUploadManager - Class in zkmax.wgt
Default file upload manager to manage the uploading files in a panel.
Dropuploadprogress - Class in zkmax.wgt
Clone from zul.wgt.Progressmeter.
DropUploadViewer - Class in zkmax.wgt
Default file viewer to see the upload status.


easing() - Static method in class zul.WScroll
Sets the easing animation function for the scrolling effects.
EAST - Static variable in class zul.layout.Borderlayout
The east layout constraint (right side of container).
East - Class in zul.layout
An east region of a border layout.
echo(String) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Asks the client to echo back an AU request, such that the server can return other commands.
echo2(Widget, String, Object) - Method in class zk.AuCmd1
Ask the client to echo back an AU request with the specified evant name and the target widget.
echoGx(String, String, String...) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Ask the client to echo back globally.
effects_ - Variable in class zk.Widget
A map of objects that are associated with this widget, and they shall be removed when this widget is unbound (Widget.unbind(zk.Desktop, zk.Skipper)).
empty() - Method in class _global_.jq
Removes all children of the matched element from the DOM.
enableESC() - Static method in class _global_.zk
Enables the default behavior of ESC (i.e., stop loading from the server).
enableSelection() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Allows the user to select a portion of its content.
encloseChildHTML_(Widget, boolean, Array) - Method in class zul.box.Box
Enclose child with HTML tag such as TR or TD, and return a HTML code or add HTML fragments in out array.
encloseChildHTML_(Widget, Array) - Method in class zul.box.Layout
Enclose child with HTML tag such as DIV, and return a HTML code or add HTML fragments in out array.
encloseChildHTML_(Map) - Method in class zul.grid.Row
Enclose child with HTML tag with TD and DIV, and return a HTML code or add HTML fragments in out array.
encode(int, Event, Desktop) - Static method in class _global_.zAu
Returns the content to send to the server.
encodeXML(String, Map) - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
Encodes the string to a valid XML string.
end(boolean) - Method in class zul.Uploader
Ends the uploader to upload.
endProcessing() - Static method in class _global_.zk
Clears a flag, zk.processing, to indicate that it the processing has done.
endsWith(String) - Method in class _global_.String
Returns whether this string ends with the specified postfix.
enterPressed_(Event) - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Called when the user presses enter when this widget has the focus (Widget.focus(int)).
enterPressed_(Event) - Method in class zul.inp.ComboWidget
Called when the user presses enter when this widget has the focus (Widget.focus(int)).
error(String) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Display an error message to indicate an error.
error(String, String, int) - Static method in class zul.Upload
Shows the error message of the fileupload
Errorbox - Class in zul.inp
A error message box that is displayed as a popup.
errorDismiss() - Static method in class _global_.zk
Closes all error messages shown by zk.error(_global_.String).
escPressed_(Event) - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Called when the user presses escape key when this widget has the focus (Widget.focus(int)).
escPressed_(Event) - Method in class zul.inp.ComboWidget
Called when the user presses escape key when this widget has the focus (Widget.focus(int)).
evalJSON(String) - Static method in class _global_.jq
Decodes a JSON string to a JavaScript object.
Event - Class in jq
A DOM event.
Event - Class in zk
The class representing a widget event (aka., a ZK event).
extraBind_(String, boolean) - Method in class zk.Widget
Associates UUID with this widget.


ff - Static variable in class _global_.zk
Returns the version as double (only the first two part of the version, such as 3.6) if it is Firefox, such as Firefox.
Fileupload - Class in zul.wgt
A fileupload widget is the same as Button
filterMetaData(Map) - Static method in class jq.Event
Returns only the properties that are meta data, such as ctrlKey, altKey, ctrlKey and which.
filterTextStyle(Map, Array) - Static method in class _global_.jq
Returns the text-relevant style of the specified styles (same as HTMLs.getTextRelevantStyle in Java).
filterTextStyle(String, Array) - Static method in class _global_.jq
Returns the text-relevant style of the specified style (same as HTMLs.getTextRelevantStyle in Java).
finish(int) - Method in class zul.Upload
Finishes the fileupload if the fileupload is done.
fire(String, Object, Map, Object...) - Static method in class _global_.zWatch
Fires an watch that invokes all listeners of the watch.
fire(DOMElement, String) - Static method in class jq.Event
Fires a DOM element.
fire(String, Object, Map, int) - Method in class zk.Widget
Fire a widget event.
fireDown(String, Object, Map, Object...) - Static method in class _global_.zWatch
Fires an watch but invokes only the listeners that are a descendant of the specified origin.
fireOnChange(Map) - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Fires the onChange event.
fireOnSelect(Widget) - Method in class zul.sel.SelectWidget
Fires the onSelect event.
fireShown(Widget, int) - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
Fires onBeforeSize, onShow, onFitSize, and onSize
fireSized(Widget, int) - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
Fires beforeSize, onFitSize and onSize
fireX(Event, int) - Method in class zk.Widget
Fire a widget event.
firstChild - Variable in class zk.Widget
The first child, or null if no child at all (readonly).
Fisheye - Class in zkex.menu
A fisheye item.
Fisheyebar - Class in zkex.menu
A fisheye bar is a bar of Fisheye that is a menu similar to the fish eye menu on the Mac OS.
fixAnchor_(int[]) - Method in class zul.sel.SelectWidget
May need fix anchor.
fixFaker_() - Method in class zul.mesh.Auxheader
Nothing to do in the function
fixSelectedIndex() - Method in class zul.wgt.Radiogroup
private method
Flash - Class in zul.med
A generic flash component.
focus(int) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Sets the focus to the first matched element.
focus(Widget) - Method in class zk.AuCmd1
Set the focus to the specified widget.
focus(int) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets the focus to this widget.
focus_(int) - Method in class zk.Widget
Called by Widget.focus(int) to set the focus.
focusOut() - Static method in class _global_.jq
Move the focus out of any element.
Foot - Class in zul.grid
Defines a set of footers (Footer) for a grid (Grid).
Footer - Class in zul.grid
A column of the footer of a grid (Grid).
FooterWidget - Class in zul.mesh
A skeletal implementation for a footer.
forcerender() - Method in class zk.Widget
Forces the rendering if it is deferred.
FormatWidget - Class in zul.inp
A skeletal implementation for an input box with format.
frames(Window) - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
Returns all descendant frames of the given window.
fromPageCoord(int, int) - Method in class zk.Widget
Converts a coordinate related to the browser window into the coordinate related to this widget.
Frozen - Class in zul.mesh
A frozen component to represent a frozen column or row in grid, like MS Excel.
FullMask - Class in zk.eff
A mask covers the browser window fully.
Function - Class in _global_
A function will be executed by an event or by a call to the function.
Fusionchart - Class in zkmax.fusionchartz
The Fusionchart component.


gecko - Static variable in class _global_.zk
Returns the version as double (only the first two part of the version, such as 3.5) if it is Gecko-based browsers, such as Firefox.
get(Object, String) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Retrieves a value from the specified property.
get(String) - Method in class zk.Widget
Retrieves a value from the specified property.
getAction() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the client-side action.
getActivePage() - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Returns the active page (starting from 0).
getActivePage() - Method in class zul.mesh.Paging
Returns the active page (starting from 0).
getAlign() - Method in class zul.box.Box
Returns the alignment of cells of a box in the 'opposite' direction (null, start, center, end).
getAlign() - Method in class zul.grid.Row
Returns the horizontal alignment of the whole row.
getAlign() - Method in class zul.med.Applet
Returns the alignment of an applet according to surrounding elements.
getAlign() - Method in class zul.mesh.FooterWidget
Returns the horizontal alignment of this footer.
getAlign() - Method in class zul.mesh.HeaderWidget
Returns the horizontal alignment of this column.
getAlign() - Method in class zul.utl.Iframe
Deprecated. as of release 6.0.0, use CSS instead.
getAlign() - Method in class zul.wgt.Cell
Returns the horizontal alignment.
getAlign() - Method in class zul.wgt.Div
Deprecated. as of release 6.0.0, use CSS instead.
getAlign() - Method in class zul.wgt.Image
Deprecated. as of release 6.0.0, use CSS instead.
getAlign() - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbar
Returns the alignment of any children added to this toolbar.
getAllowedKeys_() - Method in class zul.inp.NumberInputWidget
Returns a string of keystrokes that are allowed.
getAnchor() - Method in class zul.layout.Anchorchildren
Returns the anchor setting.
getArchive() - Method in class zul.med.Applet
Returns the location of an archive file (URL).
getAscitem() - Method in class zul.mesh.ColumnMenupopup
Returns the menuitem with ascending label
getAttachEdge() - Method in class zkex.menu.Fisheyebar
Returns the attach edge.
getAutodisable() - Method in class zul.menu.Menuitem
Returns a list of component IDs that shall be disabled when the user clicks this menuitem.
getAutodisable() - Method in class zul.wgt.Button
Returns a list of component IDs that shall be disabled when the user clicks this button.
getAutodisable() - Method in class zul.wgt.Checkbox
Returns a list of checkbox component IDs that shall be disabled when the user clicks this checkbox.
getAutodisable() - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbarbutton
Returns a list of component IDs that shall be disabled when the user clicks this button.
getBgcolor() - Method in class zul.med.Flash
Gets the background color of Flash movie.
getBodyWidgetIterator() - Method in class zul.grid.Grid
Returns the tree item iterator.
getBodyWidgetIterator() - Method in class zul.sel.Listbox
Returns the list item iterator.
getBodyWidgetIterator() - Method in class zul.sel.Tree
Returns the tree item iterator.
getBorder() - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Returns the border.
getBorder() - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Returns the border.
getBorder() - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Returns the border.
getCaveNode() - Method in class zk.Widget
Called by Widget.insertChildHTML_(zk.Widget, zk.Widget, zk.Desktop) to to find the location to place the DOM element of the child.
getCell(int, int) - Method in class zul.grid.Grid
Returns the specified cell, or null if not available.
getCharset() - Method in class zul.utl.Script
Returns the character enconding of the source.
getChildAt(int) - Method in class zk.Widget
Return the child widget at the specified index.
getChildIndex() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the child index of this widget.
getClass(String) - Static method in class zk.Widget
Returns the class of the specified widget's name.
getClassName(String) - Static method in class zk.wgt.WidgetInfo
Returns the class name of the widget.
getCmargins() - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Returns the collapsed margins, which is a list of numbers separated by comma.
getCode() - Method in class zul.med.Applet
Return the applet class to run.
getCodebase() - Method in class zul.med.Applet
Return a relative base URL for applets specified in Applet.setCode(_global_.String) (URL).
getCollapse() - Method in class zul.box.Splitter
Returns the collapse of this button.
getColor() - Method in class zkex.inp.Colorbox
Returns the color (in string as #RRGGBB).
getColor() - Method in class zkex.inp.Colorpicker
Returns the color (in string as #RRGGBB).
getCols() - Method in class zkmax.big.Biglistbox
Returns the columns' size of the viewport.
getCols() - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Returns the cols.
getColspan() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Tablechildren
Returns number of columns to span this header.
getColspan() - Method in class zul.mesh.Auxheader
Returns number of columns to span this header.
getColspan() - Method in class zul.sel.Listcell
Returns number of columns to span this cell.
getColspan() - Method in class zul.sel.Treecell
Returns number of columns to span this cell.
getColspan() - Method in class zul.wgt.Cell
Returns number of columns to span.
getColumn() - Method in class zul.grid.Footer
Returns the column that is in the same column as this footer, or null if not available.
getColumns() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Tablelayout
Returns number of rows to span this header.
getColumns() - Method in class zul.mesh.Frozen
Returns the number of columns to freeze.
getColWidth() - Method in class zkmax.big.Biglistbox
Returns the width of the single column Default: 60px
getConstraint() - Method in class zul.db.Calendar
Returns the constraint of this component.
getConstraint() - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Returns the constraint, or null if no constraint at all.
getConstraint() - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Returns the constraint, or null if no constraint at all.
getContent() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Dropupload
Return the content of widget, it's visible depends on detection setting.
getContent() - Method in class zul.inp.Comboitem
Returns the embedded content (i.e., HTML tags) that is shown as part of the description.
getContent() - Method in class zul.menu.Menu
Returns the embedded content (i.e., HTML tags) that is shown as part of the description.
getContent() - Method in class zul.utl.Script
Returns the content of the script element.
getContent() - Method in class zul.utl.Style
Returns the content of this style tag.
getContent() - Method in class zul.wgt.Html
Returns the embedded content (i.e., HTML tags).
getContentSclass() - Method in class zkex.grid.Detail
Returns the style class used for the content block.
getContentSclass() - Method in class zul.wgt.Groupbox
Returns the style class used for the content block of the groupbox.
getContentSclass() - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Returns the style class used for the content block.
getContentStyle() - Method in class zkex.grid.Detail
Returns the CSS style for the content block of the window.
getContentStyle() - Method in class zul.wgt.Groupbox
Returns the CSS style for the content block of the groupbox.
getContentStyle() - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Returns the CSS style for the content block of the window.
getContext() - Method in class zul.Widget
Returns the ID of the popup (Popup) that should appear when the user right-clicks on the element (aka., context menu).
getCoords() - Method in class zul.wgt.Area
Returns the coordination of this area.
getCreateMessage() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Chosenbox
Returns the create message of this component.
getCtrlKeys() - Method in class zul.Widget
Returns what keystrokes to intercept.
getCurpos() - Method in class zul.inp.Slider
Returns the current position of the slider.
getCurrentMargins_() - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Returns the current margins.
getDataXML() - Method in class zkmax.fusionchartz.Fusionchart
Get the XML string of the chart data.
getDataXMLPath() - Method in class zkmax.fusionchartz.Fusionchart
Get the url of the chart data .xml file.
getDateFormat() - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Returns the Date format of the specified format
getDelay() - Method in class zul.utl.Timer
Returns the delay, the number of milliseconds between successive action events.
getDescitem() - Method in class zul.mesh.ColumnMenupopup
Returns the menuitem with descending label
getDescription() - Method in class zul.inp.Comboitem
Returns the description (never null).
getDetection() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Dropupload
Return the setting of drag detection area.
getDir() - Method in class zul.wgt.A
Returns the direction.
getDir() - Method in class zul.wgt.Button
Returns the direction.
getDir() - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbarbutton
Returns the direction.
getDisplayedTimeZones() - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Returns a list of the time zones that will be displayed at the client and allow user to select.
getDraggable() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the identifier of a draggable type for this widget, or null if not draggable.
getDragMessage_() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the message to show when an user is dragging this widget, or null if it prefers to clone the widget with Widget.cloneDrag_(zk.Draggable, _global_.Offset).
getDragNode() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the DOM element of this widget that can be dragged.
getDragOptions_(Map) - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the options used to instantiate Draggable.
getDrop(Draggable, Offset, Event) - Static method in class zk.DnD
Returns the widget to drop to.
getDrop_(Widget) - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the widget if it allows to drop the specified widget (being dragged), or null if not allowed.
getDroppable() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the identifier, or a list of identifiers of a droppable type for this widget, or null if not droppable.
getElementsById(String) - Static method in class zk.Widget
Returns all elements with the given ID.
getElementsByName(String) - Static method in class zk.Widget
Returns all elements with the given widget name.
getElementValue(DOMElement) - Static method in class zk.xml.Utl
Returns the concatenation of the text nodes under the specified DOM element.
getEmptyMessage() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Chosenbox
Returns the emptyMessage, it will be displayed if no selected items while not focused.
getEnclosingTag() - Method in class zk.Macro
Returns the tag name for this macro widget.
getEncodedText() - Method in class zul.wgt.Label
Returns the encoded text.
getErrorMessage() - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Returns the error message that is caused when user entered invalid value, or null if no error at all.
getErrorMesssage() - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Deprecated. use getErrorMessage() instead.
getErrorURI(int) - Static method in class _global_.zAu
Returns the URI for the specified error.
getField(String) - Method in class zul.med.Applet
Returns the value of the specified filed.
getFileItem(String) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.DropUploadManager
Returns the file item.
getFileItem(String) - Method in class zul.UploadManager
Returns the file item.
getFirstCell() - Method in class zul.sel.Treeitem
Returns the first treecell.
getFirstNode_() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the first DOM element of this widget.
getFlags() - Method in class zul.inp.SimpleConstraint
Returns the constraint flags Object which has many attribute about constraint, For example, f.NO_POSITIVE = true.
getFloatZIndex_(DOMElement) - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the z-index of a floating widget.
getFocusCell(DOMElement) - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Returns the index of the cell including the child got focus.
getFormat() - Method in class zul.db.Calendar
Returns the format of this component.
getFormat() - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Returns the full date format of the specified format
getFormat() - Method in class zul.inp.FormatWidget
Returns the format.
getFrozenCols() - Method in class zkmax.big.Biglistbox
Returns the size of the frozen columns.
getGrid() - Method in class zul.grid.Column
Returns the grid that contains this column.
getGrid() - Method in class zul.grid.Columns
Returns the grid that contains this columns.
getGrid() - Method in class zul.grid.Foot
Returns the grid that contains this column.
getGrid() - Method in class zul.grid.Footer
Returns the grid that this belongs to.
getGrid() - Method in class zul.grid.Row
Returns the grid that contains this row.
getGrid() - Method in class zul.grid.Rows
Returns the grid that contains this rows.
getGroup() - Method in class zul.grid.Row
Returns the group that this row belongs to, or null.
getGroupCount() - Method in class zul.grid.Rows
Returns the number of groups.
getGroupCount() - Method in class zul.sel.Listbox
Returns the number of listgroup
getGroupitem() - Method in class zul.mesh.ColumnMenupopup
Returns the menuitem with group label
getGroups() - Method in class zul.grid.Rows
Returns a list of all Group.
getGroups() - Method in class zul.sel.Listbox
Returns a list of all Listgroup.
getHeaderWidget() - Method in class zul.mesh.FooterWidget
Returns the column that is in the same column as this footer, or null if not available.
getHeadWidget() - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Returns the self's head widget.
getHeadWidgetClass() - Method in class zul.grid.Grid
Returns the head widget class.
getHeadWidgetClass() - Method in class zul.sel.Listbox
Returns the head widget class
getHeadWidgetClass() - Method in class zul.sel.Tree
Returns the head widget class. i.e.
getHeight() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the height of this widget.
getHex() - Method in class zkex.inp.Color
Returns the color (in string as #RRGGBB).
getHflex() - Method in class zk.Widget
Return horizontal flex hint of this widget.
getHost(String, boolean) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Returns the URI of the server (so called host) for the specified package.
getHover() - Method in class zul.wgt.Image
Returns the URI of the hover image.
getHoverImage() - Method in class zul.LabelImageWidget
Returns the URI of the hover image.
getHref() - Method in class zkmax.nav.Navitem
Returns the href that the browser shall jump to, if an user clicks this button.
getHref() - Method in class zul.menu.Menuitem
Returns the href.
getHref() - Method in class zul.wgt.A
Returns the href that the browser shall jump to, if an user clicks this button.
getHref() - Method in class zul.wgt.Button
Returns the href that the browser shall jump to, if an user clicks this button.
getHref() - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbarbutton
Returns the href that the browser shall jump to, if an user clicks this button.
getHspace() - Method in class zul.med.Applet
Returns the horizontal spacing around an applet.
getHspace() - Method in class zul.wgt.Image
Deprecated. as of release 6.0.0, use CSS instead.
getHue() - Method in class zkex.inp.Color
Returns the color hue
getIconClass_() - Method in class zul.inp.ComboWidget
Returns the icon class for this combo widget.
getIconSclass() - Method in class zul.LabelImageWidget
Returns the icon font
getId() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the identifier of this widget, or null if not assigned.
getImage() - Method in class zul.LabelImageWidget
Returns the image URI.
getImage() - Method in class zul.sel.Treeitem
Returns the image of the Treecell it contains.
getImageNode() - Method in class zul.LabelImageWidget
Returns the image node if any.
getImageNode() - Method in class zul.wgt.Image
Returns the image node if any.
getIndex() - Method in class zul.tab.Tab
Returns the index of this panel, or -1 if it doesn't belong to any tabs.
getIndex() - Method in class zul.tab.Tabpanel
Returns the index of this panel, or -1 if it doesn't belong to any tabpanels.
getInnerWidth() - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Returns the inner width of this component.
getInplaceCSS() - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Returns the CSS style of inplace if inplace is not null
getInputNode() - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Returns the input node of this widget
getInputType() - Method in class zkex.inp.Colorpicker
Returns the input type of RGB and HSL inputs
getItemAtIndex(int) - Method in class zul.wgt.Radiogroup
Returns the radio button at the specified index.
getItemCount() - Method in class zkex.grid.Group
Returns the number of items.
getItemCount() - Method in class zkex.sel.Listgroup
Returns the number of items.
getItemCount() - Method in class zul.sel.Tree
Returns the number of child Treeitem.
getItemCount() - Method in class zul.sel.Treechildren
Returns the number of child Treeitem including all descendants.
getItemCount() - Method in class zul.wgt.Radiogroup
Returns the number of radio buttons in this group.
getItemHeight() - Method in class zkex.menu.Fisheyebar
Returns the item height of Fisheye.
getItemMaxHeight() - Method in class zkex.menu.Fisheyebar
Returns the item maximal height of Fisheye.
getItemMaxWidth() - Method in class zkex.menu.Fisheyebar
Returns the item maximal width of Fisheye.
getItemPadding() - Method in class zkex.menu.Fisheyebar
Returns the item padding of Fisheye.
getItems() - Method in class zkex.grid.Group
Returns a Array of all Row are grouped by this group.
getItems() - Method in class zkex.sel.Listgroup
Returns a list of all Listitem are grouped by this listgroup.
getItems() - Method in class zul.sel.Tree
Returns a readonly list of all descending Treeitem (children's children and so on).
getItems(Array) - Method in class zul.sel.Treechildren
Returns a readonly list of all descending Treeitem (children's children and so on).
getItems() - Method in class zul.wgt.Radiogroup
Returns the all of radio buttons in this group.
getItemWidth() - Method in class zkex.menu.Fisheyebar
Returns the item width of Fisheye.
getKey() - Method in class zul.Upload
Returns the uuid of the uploader with its sequential number
getLabel() - Method in class zkex.grid.Group
Returns the value of the Label it contains, or null if no such cell.
getLabel() - Method in class zul.LabelImageWidget
Returns the label (never null).
getLabel() - Method in class zul.sel.ItemWidget
Returns the label of the Listcell or Treecell it contains, or null if no such cell.
getLabel() - Method in class zul.sel.Option
Returns the label of the Listcell it contains, or null if no such cell.
getLabel() - Method in class zul.sel.Treeitem
Returns the label of the Treecell it contains, or null if no such cell.
getLabelEdge() - Method in class zkex.menu.Fisheyebar
Returns the label edge.
getLeft() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the left of this widget.
getLevel() - Method in class zul.sel.Treecell
Returns the level this cell is.
getLevel() - Method in class zul.sel.Treeitem
Returns the level this cell is.
getLevel() - Method in class zul.sel.Treerow
Returns the level this cell is.
getLinkedPanel() - Method in class zul.tab.Tab
Returns the panel associated with this tab.
getLinkedTab() - Method in class zul.tab.Tabpanel
Returns the tab associated with this tab panel.
getLinkedTreechildren() - Method in class zul.sel.Treerow
Returns the Treechildren associated with this Treerow.
getLinkedTreerow() - Method in class zul.sel.Treechildren
Returns the Treerow that is associated with this treechildren, or null if no such treerow.
getListbox() - Method in class zul.sel.Listcell
Returns the list box that it belongs to.
getListbox() - Method in class zul.sel.Listfoot
Returns the list box that it belongs to.
getListbox() - Method in class zul.sel.Listfooter
Returns the listbox that this belongs to.
getListbox() - Method in class zul.sel.Listhead
Returns the listbox that this belongs to.
getListbox() - Method in class zul.sel.Listheader
Returns the listbox that this belongs to.
getListbox() - Method in class zul.sel.Listitem
Returns the list box that it belongs to.
getListgroup() - Method in class zul.sel.Listitem
Returns the listgroup that this item belongs to, or null.
getListheader() - Method in class zul.sel.Listcell
Returns the list header that is in the same column as this cell, or null if not available.
getListheader() - Method in class zul.sel.Listfooter
Returns the list header that is in the same column as this footer, or null if not available.
getMargins() - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Returns the margins, which is a list of numbers separated by comma.
getMax() - Method in class zul.inp.SimpleDoubleSpinnerConstraint
Returns the maximum value.
getMax() - Method in class zul.inp.SimpleSpinnerConstraint
Returns the maximum value.
getMaximizedMode() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Portallayout
Returns the mode of the maximized panel.
getMaxlength() - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Returns the maxlength.
getMaxlength() - Method in class zul.sel.Listcell
Returns the maximal length for this cell.
getMaxlength() - Method in class zul.sel.Listfooter
Returns the maximal length for this cell.
getMaxlength() - Method in class zul.sel.Listheader
Returns the maximal length of each item's label.
getMaxlength() - Method in class zul.sel.Option
Returns the maximal length of each item's label.
getMaxlength() - Method in class zul.sel.Select
Returns the maximal length of each item's label.
getMaxlength() - Method in class zul.sel.Treecell
Returns the maximal length of each item's label.
getMaxlength() - Method in class zul.sel.Treecol
Returns the maximal length of each item's label.
getMaxlength() - Method in class zul.sel.Treefooter
Returns the maximal length for this cell.
getMaxlength() - Method in class zul.wgt.Label
Returns the maximal length of the label.
getMaxpos() - Method in class zul.inp.Slider
Returns the maximum position of the slider.
getMaxsize() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Dropupload
Get the max size setting of upload file, unit is "KB".
getMaxsize() - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Returns the maximum size of the resizing element.
getMedia() - Method in class zul.utl.Style
Returns the media dependencies for this style sheet.
getMenubar() - Method in class zul.menu.Menu
Returns the Menubar that contains this menu, or null if not available.
getMenubar() - Method in class zul.menu.Menuitem
Returns the Menubar that contains this menuitem, or null if not available.
getMenubar() - Method in class zul.menu.Menupopup
Returns the Menubar that contains this menuitem, or null if not available.
getMenubar() - Method in class zul.menu.Menuseparator
Returns the Menubar that contains this menuseparator, or null if not available.
getMenupopup() - Method in class zul.mesh.ColumnMenuWidget
Returns the ID of the Menupopup (Menupopup) that should appear when the user clicks on the element.
getMeshBody() - Method in class zul.grid.Column
Returns the rows of the grid that contains this column.
getMeshBody() - Method in class zul.sel.Listheader
Returns the mesh body that this belongs to.
getMeshBody() - Method in class zul.sel.Treecol
Returns the mesh body that this belongs to.
getMeshWidget() - Method in class zul.mesh.FooterWidget
Returns the mesh widget that this belongs to.
getMeshWidget() - Method in class zul.mesh.HeaderWidget
Returns the mesh widget that this belongs to.
getMeshWidget() - Method in class zul.mesh.HeadWidget
Returns the mesh widget that this belongs to.
getMeshWidget() - Method in class zul.sel.ItemWidget
Returns the mesh widget.
getMeshWidget() - Method in class zul.sel.Treeitem
Returns the mesh widget. i.e.
getMin() - Method in class zul.inp.SimpleDoubleSpinnerConstraint
Returns the minimum value.
getMin() - Method in class zul.inp.SimpleSpinnerConstraint
Returns the minimum value.
getMinheight() - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Returns the minimum height.
getMinheight() - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Returns the minimum height.
getMinsize() - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Returns the minimum size of the resizing element.
getMinwidth() - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Returns the minimum width.
getMinwidth() - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Returns the minimum width.
getMode() - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbarbutton
Returns the mode.
getMode() - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Returns the current mode.
getMold() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns this widget's mold.
getName() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Chosenbox
Returns the name of the input of this component.
getName() - Method in class zul.db.Calendar
Returns the name of this component.
getName() - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Returns the name of this component.
getName() - Method in class zul.inp.Slider
Returns the name of this component.
getName() - Method in class zul.sel.Select
Returns the name of this component.
getName() - Method in class zul.sel.SelectWidget
Returns the name of this component.
getName() - Method in class zul.utl.Iframe
Returns the frame name.
getName() - Method in class zul.wgt.Checkbox
Returns the name of this component.
getName() - Method in class zul.wgt.Radio
Returns the name of this radio button.
getName() - Method in class zul.wgt.Radiogroup
Returns the name of this group of radio buttons.
getName() - Method in class zul.wgt.Selectbox
Returns the name of this component.
getNewColor() - Method in class zkex.inp.Colorpicker
Returns the (Color) of user selected
getNoResultsText() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Chosenbox
Returns the no-result text of this component.
getOddRowSclass() - Method in class zkmax.big.Biglistbox
Returns the style class for the odd rows.
getOddRowSclass() - Method in class zul.grid.Grid
Returns the style class for the odd rows.
getOddRowSclass() - Method in class zul.sel.Listbox
Returns the style class for the odd rows.
getOldWidget_(DOMElement) - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the widget associated with the given node element.
getOpen() - Method in class zkmax.nav.Nav
Returns the open.
getOpenTooltip() - Static method in class zul.Widget
Returns the tooltip that is opened, or null if no tooltip is opened.
getOptionIndex_() - Method in class zul.sel.Option
The index for option widget only , not including the listhead.etc
getOrient() - Method in class zkex.menu.Fisheyebar
Returns the orientation of Fisheye.
getOrient() - Method in class zkmax.fusionchartz.Fusionchart
Get the chart orientation (vertical or horizontal)
getOrient() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Cardlayout
Returns the orient.
getOrient() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Scrollview
Returns the orient.
getOrient() - Method in class zkmax.nav.Navbar
Returns the orient.
getOrient() - Method in class zul.box.Box
Returns the orient.
getOrient() - Method in class zul.box.Splitter
Returns the orient.
getOrient() - Method in class zul.inp.Slider
Returns the orient.
getOrient() - Method in class zul.menu.Menubar
Returns the orient.
getOrient() - Method in class zul.tab.Tabbox
Returns the orient.
getOrient() - Method in class zul.wgt.Button
Returns the orient.
getOrient() - Method in class zul.wgt.Radiogroup
Returns the orient.
getOrient() - Method in class zul.wgt.Separator
Returns the orient.
getOrient() - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbar
Returns the orient.
getOrient() - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbarbutton
Returns the orient.
getPack() - Method in class zul.box.Box
Returns the pack alignment of cells of this box (start, center, end) plus an indication stretch option.
getPage() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the page that this widget belongs to, or null if there is no page available.
getPageCount() - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Returns the number of pages.
getPageCount() - Method in class zul.mesh.Paging
Returns the number of pages.
getPageIncrement() - Method in class zul.inp.Slider
Returns the amount that the value of Slider.getCurpos() changes by when the tray of the scroll bar is clicked.
getPageIncrement() - Method in class zul.mesh.Paging
Returns the number of page anchors shall appear at the client.
getPageSize() - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Returns the page size, aka., the number rows per page.
getPageSize() - Method in class zul.mesh.Paging
Returns the page size, aka., the number rows per page.
getPaginal() - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Returns the external Paging widget, if any.
getPagingPosition() - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Returns how to position the paging of the widget at the client screen.
getPanel(int, int) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Portallayout
Returns the specified pnael, or null if not available.
getPanelSpacing() - Method in class zul.tab.Tabbox
Returns the spacing between Tabpanel.
getParentItem() - Method in class zul.sel.Treeitem
Returns the parent tree item, or null if this item is already the top level of the tree.
getPlaceholder() - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Returns the placeholder text
getPopup() - Method in class zul.Widget
Returns the ID of the popup (Popup) that should appear when the user clicks on the element.
getPopupNode_(boolean) - Method in class zul.inp.ComboWidget
Returns the DOM element of the popup.
getPopupSize_() - Method in class zul.inp.ComboWidget
Returns [width, height] for the popup if specified by user.
getPosition() - Method in class zkex.inp.ContentHandler
Returns the position of the Menu that contains this palette popup
getPosition(Panel) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Portallayout
Returns an int array[col, row] that indicates the specified panel located within this portal layout.
getPosition() - Method in class zul.layout.Center
Returns Borderlayout.CENTER.
getPosition() - Method in class zul.layout.East
Returns Borderlayout.EAST.
getPosition() - Method in class zul.layout.North
Returns Borderlayout.NORTH.
getPosition() - Method in class zul.layout.South
Returns Borderlayout.SOUTH.
getPosition() - Method in class zul.layout.West
Returns Borderlayout.WEST.
getPosition() - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Returns how to position the window at the client screen.
getPrecision() - Method in class zk.BigDecimal
Returns the precision.
getPreload() - Method in class zul.med.Audio
Returns whether and how the audio should be loaded.
getProximitybox() - Method in class zkex.menu.Fisheyebar
Returns the proximity box
getPushErrorURI(int) - Static method in class _global_.zAu
Sets the URI for the server-push related error.
getQuality() - Method in class zul.med.Flash
Returns the quality of the Flash movie Default: "high".
getRadiogroup() - Method in class zul.wgt.Radio
Returns Radiogroup that this radio button belongs to.
getRenderdefer() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the number of milliseconds before rendering this component at the client.
getRepos() - Method in class zul.inp.Combobox
Update the value of the input element in this component
getRGB() - Method in class zkex.inp.Color
Returns a color Array in [R,G,B] format, R,G,B are integer
getRounding() - Method in class zul.inp.NumberInputWidget
Returns the rounding mode.
getRowHeight() - Method in class zkmax.big.Biglistbox
Returns the height of the single row.
getRows() - Method in class zkmax.big.Biglistbox
Returns the rows' size of the viewport.
getRows() - Method in class zul.inp.Textbox
Returns the rows.
getRows() - Method in class zul.sel.Select
Returns the rows.
getRows() - Method in class zul.sel.SelectWidget
Returns the rows.
getRowspan() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Tablechildren
Returns number of rows to span this header.
getRowspan() - Method in class zul.mesh.Auxheader
Returns number of rows to span this header.
getRowspan() - Method in class zul.wgt.Cell
Returns number of rows to span.
getSaturation() - Method in class zkex.inp.Color
Returns the color saturation
getScale() - Method in class zul.inp.Decimalbox
Returns the precision scale.
getSclass() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the CSS class of this widget.
getScrolling() - Method in class zul.utl.Iframe
Deprecated. as of release 7.0.0, use CSS instead.
getScrollLeft() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the scoll left of the associated DOM element of this widget.
getScrollPosH(Widget) - Static method in class zul.mesh.Scrollbar
Return the horizontal scroll position of the body element of given MeshWidget.
getScrollPosV(Widget) - Static method in class zul.mesh.Scrollbar
Return the vertical scroll position of the body element of given MeshWidget.
getScrollTop() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the scoll top of the associated DOM element of this widget.
getSelectedIndex() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Chosenbox
Returns the index of the selected item (-1 if no one is selected).
getSelectedIndex() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Cardlayout
Returns the index of the widget in view port.
getSelectedIndex() - Method in class zul.sel.Select
Returns the index of the selected item (-1 if no one is selected).
getSelectedIndex() - Method in class zul.sel.SelectWidget
Returns the index of the selected item (-1 if no one is selected).
getSelectedIndex() - Method in class zul.tab.Tabbox
Returns the selected index.
getSelectedIndex() - Method in class zul.wgt.Radiogroup
Returns the index of the selected radio button (-1 if no one is selected).
getSelectedIndex() - Method in class zul.wgt.Selectbox
Returns the index of the selected item (-1 if no one is selected).
getSelectedItem() - Method in class zkmax.nav.Navbar
Returns the selected item.
getSelectedItem() - Method in class zul.sel.SelectWidget
Returns the selected item.
getSelectedItem() - Method in class zul.wgt.Radiogroup
Returns the selected radio button.
getSelectedItems() - Method in class zul.sel.SelectWidget
Returns all selected items.
getSelectedPanel() - Method in class zul.tab.Tabbox
Returns the selected tab panel.
getSelectedTab() - Method in class zul.tab.Tabbox
Returns the selected tab.
getSelectionRange() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the selection range of the specified input-type element.
getSeparator() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Chosenbox
Returns the separate chars of this component.
getShape() - Method in class zul.wgt.Area
Returns the shape of this area.
getSize() - Method in class zul.layout.Center
The size can't be returned in this component.
getSize() - Method in class zul.layout.East
Returns the size of this region.
getSize() - Method in class zul.layout.North
Returns the size of this region.
getSize() - Method in class zul.layout.South
Returns the size of this region.
getSize() - Method in class zul.layout.West
Returns the size of this region.
getSlidingtext() - Method in class zul.inp.Slider
Returns the sliding text.
getSortAscending() - Method in class zul.mesh.SortWidget
Returns the ascending sorter, or null if not available.
getSortDescending() - Method in class zul.mesh.SortWidget
Returns the descending sorter, or null if not available.
getSortDirection() - Method in class zul.mesh.SortWidget
Returns the sort direction.
getSpacing() - Method in class zul.box.Box
Returns the spacing between adjacent children, or null if the default spacing is used.
getSpacing() - Method in class zul.box.Layout
Returns the spacing between adjacent children, or null if the default spacing is used.
getSpacing() - Method in class zul.wgt.Separator
Returns the spacing.
getSpan() - Method in class zul.mesh.FooterWidget
Returns number of columns to span this footer.
getSpan() - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Return column span hint of this widget.
getSpans() - Method in class zul.grid.Row
Returns the spans, which is a list of numbers separated by comma.
getSrc() - Method in class zul.med.Audio
Returns the src.
getSrc() - Method in class zul.med.Flash
Gets the source path of Flash movie
getSrc() - Method in class zul.utl.Script
Returns the URI of the source that contains the script codes.
getSrc() - Method in class zul.utl.Style
Returns the URI of an external style sheet.
getSrc() - Method in class zul.wgt.Image
Returns the source URI of the image.
getStart() - Method in class zul.mesh.Frozen
Returns the start position of the scrollbar.
getStep() - Method in class zul.inp.Doublespinner
Return the step of double spinner
getStep() - Method in class zul.inp.Spinner
Return the step of spinner
getStyle() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the CSS style of this widget
getTabbox() - Method in class zul.tab.Tab
Returns the tabbox owns this component.
getTabbox() - Method in class zul.tab.Tabpanel
Returns the tabbox owns this component.
getTabbox() - Method in class zul.tab.Tabpanels
Returns the tabbox owns this component.
getTabbox() - Method in class zul.tab.Tabs
Returns the tabbox owns this component.
getTabindex() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Chosenbox
Returns the tab order of the input of this component.
getTabindex() - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Returns the tab order of this component.
getTabindex() - Method in class zul.sel.Select
Returns the tab order of this component.
getTabindex() - Method in class zul.wgt.A
Returns the tab order of this component.
getTabindex() - Method in class zul.wgt.Button
Returns the tab order of this component.
getTabindex() - Method in class zul.wgt.Checkbox
Returns the tab order of this component.
getTabindex() - Method in class zul.wgt.Selectbox
Returns the tab order of this component.
getTabindex() - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbarbutton
Returns the tab order of this component.
getTabpanels() - Method in class zul.tab.Tabbox
Returns the tabpanels that this tabbox owns.
getTabs() - Method in class zul.tab.Tabbox
Returns the tabs that this tabbox owns.
getTarget() - Method in class zkmax.nav.Navitem
Returns the target frame or window.
getTarget() - Method in class zul.menu.Menuitem
Returns the target frame or window.
getTarget() - Method in class zul.wgt.A
Returns the target frame or window.
getTarget() - Method in class zul.wgt.Button
Returns the target frame or window.
getTarget() - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbarbutton
Returns the target frame or window.
getText() - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Returns the text representing the value in the given format, or an empty etring if value is null
getTextNode() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the DOM element that is used to hold the text, or null if this widget doesn't show any text.
getTime() - Method in class zul.db.Calendar
Returns the Date that is assigned to this component.
getTimeFormat() - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Returns the Time format of the specified format
getTimeZone() - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Returns the time zone that this date box belongs to.
getTimeZoneLabel() - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Returns the label of the time zone
getTitle() - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Returns the title.
getTitle() - Method in class zul.wgt.Groupbox
Returns the title of the groupbox.
getTitle() - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Returns the title.
getTitle() - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Returns the title.
getToolbar() - Method in class zul.tab.Tabbox
Returns the auxiliary toolbar that this tabbox owns.
getTooltip() - Method in class zul.Widget
Returns the ID of the popup (Popup) that should be used as a tooltip window when the mouse hovers over the element for a moment.
getTooltiptext() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the tooltip text of this widget.
getTop() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the top of this widget.
getTopWidget() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the top widget, which is the first floating ancestor, or null if no floating ancestor.
getTotalSize() - Method in class zul.mesh.Paging
Returns the total number of items.
getTree() - Method in class zul.sel.Treecell
Return the tree that owns this cell.
getTree() - Method in class zul.sel.Treechildren
Returns the Tree instance containing this element.
getTree() - Method in class zul.sel.Treecol
Returns the tree that it belongs to.
getTree() - Method in class zul.sel.Treecols
Returns the tree that it belongs to.
getTree() - Method in class zul.sel.Treefoot
Returns the tree that it belongs to.
getTree() - Method in class zul.sel.Treefooter
Returns the tree that this belongs to.
getTree() - Method in class zul.sel.Treeitem
Returns the Tree.
getTree() - Method in class zul.sel.Treerow
Returns the Tree instance containing this element.
getTreecol() - Method in class zul.sel.Treecell
Returns the tree col associated with this cell, or null if not available.
getTreecol() - Method in class zul.sel.Treefooter
Returns the tree header that is in the same column as this footer, or null if not available.
getType() - Method in class zkmax.fusionchartz.Fusionchart
Get the chart's type.
getType() - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Returns the type.
getType() - Method in class zul.inp.Textbox
Returns the type.
getType() - Method in class zul.wgt.Button
Returns the button type.
getUnformater() - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Returns the unformater.
getUnformater() - Method in class zul.db.Timebox
Returns the unformater.
getUpload() - Method in class zul.menu.Menuitem
Returns non-null if this button is used for file upload, or null otherwise.
getUpload() - Method in class zul.wgt.Button
Returns non-null if this button is used for file upload, or null otherwise.
getUpload() - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbarbutton
Returns non-null if this button is used for file upload, or null otherwise.
getValign() - Method in class zul.box.Hlayout
Returns the current valign.
getValign() - Method in class zul.grid.Row
Returns the vertical alignment of the whole row.
getValign() - Method in class zul.mesh.FooterWidget
Returns the vertical alignment of this footer.
getValign() - Method in class zul.mesh.HeaderWidget
Returns the vertical alignment of this grid.
getValign() - Method in class zul.wgt.Cell
Returns the vertical alignment.
getValue() - Method in class zkex.inp.Color
Returns the color value
getValue() - Method in class zkex.inp.Colorbox
Returns the value of color Default: #000000
getValue() - Method in class zul.db.Calendar
Returns the value that is assigned to this component.
getValue() - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Returns the value in the String format.
getValue() - Method in class zul.menu.Menuitem
Returns the value.
getValue() - Method in class zul.sel.ItemWidget
Returns the value.
getValue() - Method in class zul.sel.Option
Returns the value.
getValue() - Method in class zul.wgt.Checkbox
Returns the value.
getValue() - Method in class zul.wgt.Label
Returns the value.
getValue() - Method in class zul.wgt.Progressmeter
Returns the current value of the progress meter.
getVersion(String) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Returns the version of the specified package, or null if not available.
getVersion() - Method in class zul.med.Flash
Returns the expected version of the Flash player.
getVflex() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns vertical flex hint of this widget.
getViewerClass() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Dropupload
Retrun the custom upload viewer class name.
getVisibleItemCount() - Method in class zul.grid.Rows
Returns the number of visible descendant Row.
getVspace() - Method in class zul.med.Applet
Returns the vertical spacing around an applet.
getVspace() - Method in class zul.wgt.Image
Deprecated. as of release 6.0.0, use CSS instead.
getWidget() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.DropUploader
Return the widget which the uploader belongs to.
getWidget() - Method in class zul.Uploader
Returns the widget which the uploader belongs to.
getWidth() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the width of this widget.
getWmode() - Method in class zul.med.Flash
Returns the Window mode property of the Flash movie Default: "transparent".
getX() - Method in class zul.layout.Absolutechildren
Returns the current "x" position within parent container component
getY() - Method in class zul.layout.Absolutechildren
Returns the current "y" position within parent container component
getZclass() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the ZK Cascading Style class(es) for this widget.
getZIndex() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the Z index.
ghost(Draggable, Offset, String) - Static method in class zk.DnD
Ghost the DOM element being dragged.
go(String, Map) - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
Navigates to the specified URL.
go(DOMElement, int) - Static method in class zul.mesh.Paging
Goes to the active page according to the page number.
Grid - Class in zul.grid
A grid is an element that contains both rows and columns elements.
Group - Class in zkex.grid
Adds the ability for single level grouping to the Grid.
group(boolean, Event) - Method in class zul.grid.Column
Groups and sorts the rows (Row) based on SortWidget.getSortAscending().
group(boolean, Event) - Method in class zul.sel.Listheader
Groups and sorts the items (Listitem) based on SortWidget.getSortAscending().
Groupbox - Class in zul.wgt
Groups a set of child elements to have a visual effect.
Groupfoot - Class in zkex.grid
GroupFoot serves as a summary row of group.
GROUPING - Static variable in class _global_.zk
The character used for thousands separator.
groupSelect - Variable in class zul.sel.Listbox
Whether to allow Listgroup to be selected Default: false


handle - Variable in class zk.Draggable
The DOM element that represents the handle that the user can drag the whole element (Draggable.node.
hasGroup() - Method in class zul.grid.Grid
Returns whether the grid has group.
hasGroup() - Method in class zul.grid.Rows
Returns whether Group exists.
hasGroup() - Method in class zul.sel.Listbox
Returns whether listgroup exists.
hasHScroll() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Tests if the first matched DOM element has the horizontal scrollbar
hasNext() - Method in class zul.grid.RowIter
Returns true if the iteration has more elements
hasNext() - Method in class zul.sel.ItemIter
Returns true if the iteration has more elements
hasNext() - Method in class zul.sel.TreeItemIter
Returns true if the iteration has more elements
hasVScroll() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Tests if the first matched DOM element has the vertical scrollbar
head() - Static method in class _global_.jq
Returns the head element of this document.
HeaderWidget - Class in zul.mesh
A skeletal implementation for a header.
HeadWidget - Class in zul.mesh
A skeletal implementation for headers, the parent of a group of HeaderWidget.
height - Variable in class _global_.Dimension
The height.
hide() - Method in class _global_.jq
Hides all matched elements from the DOM.
hide() - Method in class zk.eff.FullMask
Hide the full mask.
hide() - Method in class zk.eff.Mask
Hide the mask.
hide() - Method in class zk.Widget
Makes this widget invisible.
Hlayout - Class in zul.box
A horizontal layout.
Html - Class in zul.wgt
A comonent used to embed the browser native content (i.e., HTML tags) into the output sent to the browser.


i0 - Static variable in class _global_.zUtl
A shortcut of '<i style="height:0;width:0"/>'.
id - Variable in class zk.Widget
The identifier of this widget, or null if not assigned (readonly).
Idspace - Class in zul.wgt
Just like DIV tag but implements IdSpace.
ie - Static variable in class _global_.zk
Returns the DOM API's version if the browser is Internet Explorer, or null if not.
ie6_ - Static variable in class _global_.zk
Whether it is Internet Exploer 6 (excluding 7 or others).
ie7 - Static variable in class _global_.zk
Whether it is Internet Exploer 7 or later.
ie7_ - Static variable in class _global_.zk
Whether it is Internet Exploer 7 (excluding 8 or others).
ie8 - Static variable in class _global_.zk
Whether it is Internet Exploer 8 or later.
ie8c - Static variable in class _global_.zk
Whether it is Internet Exploer 8 or later, and running in Internet Explorer 7 compatible mode.
ie9 - Static variable in class _global_.zk
Whether it is Internet Exploer 9 or later.
iex - Static variable in class _global_.zk
Returns the browser's version as double (only the first two part of the version, such as 8) if the browser is Internet Explorer, or null if not.
Iframe - Class in zul.utl
Includes an inline frame.
ignoreDescendantFloatUp_() - Method in class zk.Widget
A widget call this function of its ancestor if it wants to know whether its ancestor prefer ignore float up event of it self.
ignoreDrag_(Draggable) - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns if the location that an user is trying to drag is allowed.
Image - Class in zul.wgt
An image.
Imagemap - Class in zul.wgt
An image map.
img0 - Static variable in class _global_.zUtl
A shortcut of '<img style="height:0;width:0"/>'.
inAccordionMold() - Method in class zul.tab.Tabbox
Returns whether it is in the accordion mold.
Include - Class in zul.wgt
An include widget
indexOfItem(ItemWidget) - Method in class zul.sel.SelectWidget
Returns the index of the ItemWidget
infoText_() - Method in class zul.mesh.Paging
Returns the information text of the paging, if Paging.isDetailed() is enabled.
init(Widget) - Static method in class zul.mesh.Scrollbar
Initialize the scrollbar of MeshWidget.
initDrag_() - Method in class zk.Widget
Initializes the widget to make it draggable.
innerHeight() - Static method in class _global_.jq
Returns the width of the viewport (visible part) of the browser window.
innerWidth() - Static method in class _global_.jq
Returns the height of the viewport (visible part) of the browser window.
innerX() - Static method in class _global_.jq
Returns the X coordination of the visible part of the browser window.
innerY() - Static method in class _global_.jq
Returns the Y coordination of the visible part of the browser window.
inPagingMold() - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Returns whether the widget is in paging mold.
inPanelMold() - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbar
Returns whether is in panel mold or not.
InputCtrl - Class in zul.inp
The extra control for the InputWidget.
InputWidget - Class in zul.inp
A skeletal implementation for a input widget.
inRoundedMold() - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Returns whether is in rounded mold or not.
inScaleMold() - Method in class zul.inp.Slider
Return whether this widget in scale mold
inSelectMold() - Method in class zul.sel.Listbox
Returns whether the HTML's select tag is used.
insertBefore(Widget, Widget) - Method in class zk.Widget
Inserts a child widget before the reference widget (the sibling argument).
insertChildHTML_(Widget, Widget, Desktop) - Method in class zk.Widget
Inserts the HTML content generated by the specified child widget before the reference widget (the before argument).
insertingBefore_ - Variable in class zk.Widget
Indicates an invocation of Widget.appendChild(zk.Widget, boolean) is made by Widget.insertBefore(zk.Widget, zk.Widget).
inServer - Variable in class zk.Widget
Whether this widget has a peer component (readonly).
inSphereMold() - Method in class zul.inp.Slider
Return whether this widget in sphere mold
Intbox - Class in zul.inp
An edit box for holding an integer.
intsToString(int[]) - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
Converts an integer array to a string (separated by comma).
intValue() - Method in class zul.inp.Intbox
Returns the value in int.
intValue() - Method in class zul.inp.Spinner
Returns the value in int.
invoke(Widget, String, Object...) - Method in class zk.AuCmd1
Invokes the specifed method of the specified widget.
invoke() - Method in class zul.med.Applet
Invokes the function of the applet running at the client.
isAncestor(DOMElement, DOMElement) - Static method in class _global_.jq
Tests if one element (p) is an ancestor of another (c).
isAncestor(Object, Object) - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
Returns if one is ancestor of the other.
isAssignableFrom(Class) - Method in class zk.Class
Determines if the class by this Class object is either the same as, or is a superclass of, the class represented by the specified Class parameter.
isAssignableFrom(Class) - Static method in class zk.Object
Determines if the class by this Class object is either the same as, or is a superclass of, the class represented by the specified Class parameter.
isAutocheck() - Method in class zul.menu.Menuitem
Returns whether the menuitem check mark will update each time the menu item is selected.
isAutoCols() - Method in class zkmax.big.Biglistbox
Returns whether enables the auto adjusting cols size.
isAutocomplete() - Method in class zul.inp.Combobox
Returns whether to automatically complete this text box by matching the nearest item (Comboitem.
isAutodrop() - Method in class zul.inp.ComboWidget
Returns whether to automatically drop the list if users is changing this text box.
isAutodrop() - Method in class zul.menu.Menubar
Returns whether to automatically drop down menus if user moves mouse over it.
isAutodrop() - Method in class zul.wgt.Combobutton
Returns whether to automatically drop the list if users is changing this text box.
isAutohide() - Method in class zul.mesh.Paging
Returns whether to automatically hide this component if there is only one page available.
isAutohide() - Method in class zul.utl.Iframe
Returns whether to automatically hide this component if a popup or dropdown is overlapped with it.
isAutoId(String) - Static method in class zk.Widget
Deprecated. we cannot really detect at the client if UUID is generated automatically.
isAutopaging() - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Returns whether turn on auto-paging facility when mold is "paging".
isAutoplay() - Method in class zul.med.Audio
Returns whether to auto start playing the audio.
isAutoplay() - Method in class zul.med.Flash
Return true if the Flash movie starts playing automatically Default: true
isAutoRows() - Method in class zkmax.big.Biglistbox
Returns whether enables the auto adjusting rows size.
isAutoscroll() - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Returns whether enable overflow scrolling.
isBar() - Method in class zul.wgt.Separator
Returns whether to display a visual bar as the separator.
isBinding() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns whether this widget is being bound to DOM.
isBothPaging() - Method in class zul.mesh.Paging
Returns whether the paging is in both mold. i.e.
isButtonVisible() - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Returns whether the button (on the right of the textbox) is visible.
isButtonVisible() - Method in class zul.db.Timebox
Returns whether the button (on the right of the textbox) is visible.
isButtonVisible() - Method in class zul.inp.ComboWidget
Returns whether the button (on the right of the textbox) is visible.
isButtonVisible() - Method in class zul.inp.Doublespinner
Returns whether the button (on the right of the textbox) is visible.
isButtonVisible() - Method in class zul.inp.Spinner
Returns whether the button (on the right of the textbox) is visible.
isChar(char, Map) - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
Returns whether the character is according to its opts.
isCheckable() - Method in class zul.sel.ItemWidget
Returns whether it is checkable.
isChecked() - Method in class zul.menu.Menuitem
Returns whether it is checked.
isChecked() - Method in class zul.wgt.Checkbox
Returns whether it is checked.
isChecked() - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbarbutton
Returns whether it is checked.
isCheckmark() - Method in class zul.menu.Menuitem
Returns whether the check mark shall be displayed in front of each item.
isCheckmark() - Method in class zul.sel.SelectWidget
Returns whether the check mark shall be displayed in front of each item.
isClass(Object) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Returns if the given JS object is a class (Class).
isClosable() - Method in class zul.tab.Tab
Returns whether this tab is closable.
isClosable() - Method in class zul.wgt.Groupbox
Returns whether user can open or close the group box.
isClosable() - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Returns whether to show a close button on the title bar.
isClosable() - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Returns whether to show a close button on the title bar.
isCloseVisible() - Method in class zul.wgt.Caption
Whether to generate a close button.
isCollapsible() - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Returns whether set the initial display to collapse.
isCollapsible() - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Returns whether to show a toggle button on the title bar.
isCollapsibleVisible() - Method in class zul.wgt.Caption
Whether to generate a collapsible button.
isColumnsgroup() - Method in class zul.mesh.ColumnMenuWidget
Returns whether to enable grouping of the widget with the header context menu.
isColumnshide() - Method in class zul.mesh.ColumnMenuWidget
Returns whether to enable hiding of the widget with the header context menu.
isComment() - Method in class zul.wgt.Include
Returns whether to generate the included content inside the HTML comment.
isContainer() - Method in class zul.sel.Treeitem
Returns whether the element is to act as a container which can have child elements.
isControls() - Method in class zul.med.Audio
Returns whether to display the audio controls.
isCreatable() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Chosenbox
Returns whether can create new item, The input will considered to be a new item if it is not exist and this property is true.
isDetailed() - Method in class zkmax.nav.Nav
Returns whether to show index of items in the current nav
isDetailed() - Method in class zul.mesh.Paging
Returns whether to show the detailed info, such as Paging.getTotalSize().
isDisabled() - Method in class zkex.inp.Colorbox
Returns whether it is disabled.
isDisabled() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Chosenbox
Returns whether it is disabled.
isDisabled() - Method in class zkmax.nav.Navitem
Returns whether it is disabled.
isDisabled() - Method in class zul.inp.Comboitem
Returns whether it is disabled.
isDisabled() - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Returns whether it is disabled.
isDisabled() - Method in class zul.menu.Menuitem
Returns whether it is disabled.
isDisabled() - Method in class zul.sel.ItemWidget
Returns whether it is disabled.
isDisabled() - Method in class zul.sel.Option
Returns whether it is disabled.
isDisabled() - Method in class zul.sel.Select
Returns whether it is disabled.
isDisabled() - Method in class zul.tab.Tab
Returns whether this tab is disabled.
isDisabled() - Method in class zul.wgt.A
Returns whether it is disabled.
isDisabled() - Method in class zul.wgt.Button
Returns whether it is disabled.
isDisabled() - Method in class zul.wgt.Checkbox
Returns whether it is disabled.
isDisabled() - Method in class zul.wgt.Selectbox
Returns whether it is disabled.
isDisabled() - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbarbutton
Returns whether it is disabled.
isEmpty() - Method in class zul.sel.Treeitem
Returns whether this element contains no child elements.
isFinish() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.DropUploader
Return the upload is finish or not.
isFinish(Widget) - Static method in class zul.Upload
Returns the fileupload of the widget whether is finish or not.
isFixFrozenCols() - Method in class zkmax.big.Biglistbox
Returns whether to fix the frozen columns.
isFlex() - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Returns whether to grow and shrink vertical/horizontal to fit their given space, so called flexibility.
isFloatable() - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Returns whether to float the panel to display it inline where it is rendered.
isFloating_() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns if this widget is floating.
isFrameRequired() - Static method in class zul.tab.TabRenderer
Check the Tab whether to render the frame
isFrameRequired(Panel) - Static method in class zul.wnd.PanelRenderer
Check the panel whether to render the rounded frame.
isHorizontal() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Cardlayout
Return if orient is horizontal or not.
isHorizontal() - Method in class zul.tab.Tabbox
Returns whether it is a horizontal tabbox.
isIgnoredDragForErrorbox(Draggable, Offset, Event) - Static method in class zul.inp.InputCtrl
Returns whether to ignore the dragdrop for errorbox
isImageLoading() - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
Checks whether all the loading images are finish.
isInplace() - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Returns whether enable the inplace-editing.
isInput() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Tests if all elements are input elements (including textarea).
isInstance(Object) - Method in class zk.Class
Determines if the specified Object is assignment-compatible with this Class.
isInstance(Object) - Static method in class zk.Object
Determines if the specified Object is assignment-compatible with this Class.
isInstant() - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Returns whether to send onChange event as soon as user types in the input.
isLenient() - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Returns whether or not date/time parsing is to be lenient.
isListen(String, Map) - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns if a listener is registered for the specified event.
isLoaded(String, boolean) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Tests if a package is loaded (or being loaded).
isLoop() - Method in class zul.med.Audio
Returns whether to play the audio repeatedly.
isLoop() - Method in class zul.med.Flash
Returns true if the Flash movie plays repeatly.
isMaximizable() - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Returns whether to display the maximizing button and allow the user to maximize the panel.
isMaximizable() - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Returns whether to display the maximizing button and allow the user to maximize the window.
isMaximized() - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Returns whether the panel is maximized.
isMaximized() - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Returns whether the window is maximized.
isMaximizeVisible() - Method in class zul.wgt.Caption
Whether to generate a maximize button.
isMayscript() - Method in class zul.med.Applet
Returns whether the applet is allowed to access the scripting object.
isMinimizable() - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Returns whether to display the minimizing button and allow the user to minimize the panel.
isMinimizable() - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Returns whether to display the minimizing button and allow the user to minimize the window.
isMinimized() - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Returns whether the panel is minimized.
isMinimized() - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Returns whether the window is minimized.
isMinimizeVisible() - Method in class zul.wgt.Caption
Whether to generate a minimize button.
isModel() - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Returns whether the widget is in model mode or not.
isMovable() - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Returns whether to move the panel to display it inline where it is rendered.
isMultiline() - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Returns whether it is multiline.
isMultiline() - Method in class zul.inp.Textbox
Returns whether it is multiline.
isMultiline() - Method in class zul.wgt.Label
Returns whether to preserve the new line and the white spaces at the begining of each line.
isMultiple() - Method in class zul.sel.Select
Returns whether multiple selections are allowed.
isMultiple() - Method in class zul.sel.SelectWidget
Returns whether multiple selections are allowed.
isMuted() - Method in class zul.med.Audio
Returns whether to mute the audio.
isNative() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Dropupload
Return the setting that treat the upload file as binary or not.
isNowrap() - Method in class zul.grid.Row
Returns the nowrap.
isObject(Object) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Returns whether the given JS object is a ZK object (Object).
isOpen() - Method in class zkex.grid.Detail
Returns whether the detail is open.
isOpen() - Method in class zkex.grid.Group
Returns whether this container is open.
isOpen() - Method in class zkex.inp.ContentHandler
Returns whether the content is open
isOpen() - Method in class zkex.sel.Listgroup
Returns whether this container is open.
isOpen() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Chosenbox
Returns the open status of drop down list.
isOpen() - Method in class zul.box.Splitter
Returns whether it is open (i.e., not collapsed.
isOpen() - Method in class zul.inp.ComboWidget
Returns whether the list of combo items is open
isOpen() - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Returns whether it is open (i.e., not collapsed.
isOpen() - Method in class zul.sel.Treeitem
Returns whether this container is open.
isOpen() - Method in class zul.wgt.Combobutton
Returns whether the list of combo items is open
isOpen() - Method in class zul.wgt.Groupbox
Returns whether this groupbox is open.
isOpen() - Method in class zul.wgt.Popup
Returns whether the popup is visible.
isOpen() - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Returns whether this Panel is open.
isOutOfRange(boolean, Date) - Method in class zul.db.Calendar
Check whether the date is out of range between 1900~2100 years
isOverlapped(Offset, Offset, Offset, Offset, int) - Static method in class _global_.jq
Returns if the specified rectangles are overlapped with each other.
isOverlapped(Offset, Offset, Offset, Offset) - Static method in class _global_.jq
Returns if the specified rectangles are overlapped with each other.
isOverlapped(DOMElement, int) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Tests if the first matched element is overlapped with the specified element.
isPopup() - Method in class zul.menu.Menuseparator
Returns whether parent is a Menupopup
isPre() - Method in class zul.wgt.Label
Returns whether to preserve the white spaces, such as space, tab and new line.
isPreservedFocus(Widget) - Static method in class zul.db.DateboxCtrl
Returns whether to preserve the focus state.
isPreservedFocus(Widget) - Static method in class zul.inp.InputCtrl
Returns whether to preserve the focus state.
isPreservedMouseMove(Widget) - Static method in class zul.inp.InputCtrl
Returns whether to preserve the mousemove state.
isReadonly() - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Returns whether it is readonly.
isRealVisible(boolean) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns whether the first match element is really visible.
isRealVisible(Map) - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns if this widget is really visible, i.e., all ancestor widget and itself are visible.
isRealVisible() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns if this widget is really visible, i.e., all ancestor widget and itself are visible.
isRepeats() - Method in class zul.utl.Timer
Returns whether the timer shall send Event repeatly.
isRunning() - Method in class zul.utl.Timer
Returns whether this timer is running.
isScrollable() - Method in class zul.menu.Menubar
Returns whether the menubar scrolling is enabled.
isScrollIntoView() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Checks whether the element is shown in the current viewport.
isSelected() - Method in class zkmax.nav.Navitem
Returns whether it is selected.
isSelected() - Method in class zul.sel.ItemWidget
Returns whether it is selected.
isSelected() - Method in class zul.sel.Option
Returns whether it is selected.
isSelected() - Method in class zul.tab.Tab
Returns whether this tab is selected.
isSelected() - Method in class zul.tab.Tabpanel
Returns whether this tab panel is selected.
isSelected() - Method in class zul.wgt.Radio
Returns whether it is selected.
isShadow() - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Returns whether to show the shadow of an overlapped/popup/modal window.
isSizable() - Method in class zul.mesh.HeadWidget
Returns whether the width of the child column is sizable.
isSizable() - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Returns whether the panel is sizable.
isSizable() - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Returns whether the window is sizable.
isSizedByContent() - Method in class zul.box.Box
Returns whether sizing the cell's size by its content.
isSizedByContent() - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Returns whether sizing the widget column width by its content.
isSortable_() - Method in class zul.mesh.HeaderWidget
Returns whether the widget is sortable or not.
isSplittable() - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Returns whether enable the split functionality.
isStripeable_() - Method in class zkex.grid.Group
Returns whether is stripeable or not.
isStripeable_() - Method in class zkex.grid.Groupfoot
Returns whether is stripeable or not.
isStripeable_() - Method in class zkex.sel.Listgroup
Returns whether is stripeable or not.
isStripeable_() - Method in class zkex.sel.Listgroupfoot
Returns whether is stripeable or not.
isStripeable_() - Method in class zul.grid.Row
Returns whether is stripeable or not.
isStripeable_() - Method in class zul.sel.ItemWidget
Returns whether is stripeable or not.
isTabbable() - Method in class zul.inp.Textbox
Returns whether TAB is allowed.
isTabscroll() - Method in class zul.tab.Tabbox
Returns whether the tab scrolling is enabled.
isThreeD() - Method in class zkmax.fusionchartz.Fusionchart
Whether a 3d chart.
isTimeZonesReadonly() - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Returns whether the list of the time zones to display is readonly.
isTopmost() - Method in class zul.menu.Menu
Returns whether this is an top-level menu, i.e., not owning by another Menupopup.
isTopmost() - Method in class zul.menu.Menuitem
Returns whether this is an top-level menu, i.e., not owning by another Menupopup.
isTopmost() - Method in class zul.sel.Treechildren
Returns whether this treechildren is topmost.
isVertical() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Cardlayout
Return if orient is vertical or not.
isVertical() - Method in class zul.box.Box
Returns whether it is a vertical box.
isVertical() - Method in class zul.box.Splitter
Returns if it is a vertical box.
isVertical() - Method in class zul.inp.Slider
Returns whether it is a vertical slider.
isVertical() - Method in class zul.tab.Tabbox
Returns whether it is a vertical tabbox.
isVertical() - Method in class zul.wgt.Separator
Returns whether it is a vertical separator.
isVertical_() - Method in class zul.box.Layout
Returns whether the layout is vertical
isVisible(boolean) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns whether the first matched element is visible.
isVisible() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns whether the first matched element is visible.
isVisible(boolean) - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns if this widget is visible
isVisible() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns if this widget is visible
isWatchable_(String, Widget, Map) - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns if the given watch shall be fired for this widget.
isWeekOfYear() - Method in class zul.db.Calendar
Returns whether enable to show the week number within the current year or not.
isWeekOfYear() - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Returns whether enable to show the week number in the current calendar or not.
ItemIter - Class in zul.sel
The listitem iterator.
itemIterator() - Method in class zul.sel.Listbox
Returns the list item iterator.
itemIterator() - Method in class zul.sel.Tree
Returns the tree item iterator.
ItemWidget - Class in zul.sel
The item widget for Treeitem and Listitem


j2d(String) - Static method in class _global_.jq
Unmarshalls the string back to a Date object.
Jasperreport - Class in zkex.utl
The JasperReport component.
jq - package jq
DOM event object and utilities
jq - Class in _global_
Represents the object returned by the jq function.
jq - Variable in class _global_.jqzk
The associated instance of jq, the object returned by jq(...)
jqzk - Class in _global_
Represents the object returned by the zk function, or by jq.zk.


keyCapture - Static variable in class _global_.zk
The widget that captures the keystrokes.
keyData() - Method in class jq.Event
Retrieve the mouse information of a DOM event.


Label - Class in zul.wgt
A label.
LabelImageWidget - Class in zul
A skeletal implementation for ZUL widgets that support both label and image.
labelOfWeekOfYear(Calendar, int, Map) - Static method in class zul.db.Renderer
Generates the label of the week of year.
lastChild - Variable in class zk.Widget
The last child, or null if no child at all (readonly).
Layout - Class in zul.box
A skeleton of Vlayout and Hlayout.
LayoutRegion - Class in zul.layout
A layout region in a border layout.
left - Variable in class _global_.Dimension
The left coordinate.
Listbox - Class in zul.sel
A listbox.
Listcell - Class in zul.sel
A list cell.
listen(Map) - Static method in class _global_.zWatch
Registers watch listener(s).
listen(Map, int) - Method in class zk.Widget
Registers listener(s) to the specified event.
listenOnFitSize_() - Method in class zk.Widget
Listens to onFitSize event.
Listfoot - Class in zul.sel
A row of Listfooter.
Listfooter - Class in zul.sel
A column of the footer of a list box (Listbox).
Listgroup - Class in zkex.sel
Adds the ability for single level grouping to the Listbox.
Listgroupfoot - Class in zkex.sel
GroupFooter serves as a summary listitem of listgroup.
Listhead - Class in zul.sel
A list headers used to define multi-columns and/or headers.
Listheader - Class in zul.sel
The list header which defines the attributes and header of a column of a list box.
Listitem - Class in zul.sel
A listitem.
load(String, Desktop, Function) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Loads the specified package(s).
load(String, Function) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Loads the specified package(s).
loadAll(Function, boolean) - Static method in class zk.wgt.WidgetInfo
Loads all packages requires by all widgets.
loadImage(String) - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
Loads an image before ZK client engine to calculate the widget's layout.
loading - Static variable in class _global_.zk
The number of widget packages (i.e., JavaScript files) being loaded (and not yet complete).
loadScript(String, String, String) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Loads a JavaScript file.
loadXML(String, Function) - Static method in class zk.xml.Utl
Loads XML from the resource at the specified URL.
log(Object...) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Logs an message for debugging purpose.
log(String) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Logs the message.
Long - Class in zk
A long integer.
Longbox - Class in zul.inp
An edit box for holding an integer.


Macro - Class in zk
A macro widget.
makeVParent() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Creates a virtual parent for the specified element.
Map - Class in _global_
A map in Javascript is as follows.
mapToString(Map, String, String) - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
Converts a map to a string
marginHeight() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the summation of the margin height of the first matched element.
margins() - Static method in class _global_.jq
A map of the margin style names: {l: 'margin-left', t: 'margin-top'...}.
marginWidth() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the summation of the margin width of the first matched element.
Mask - Class in zk.eff
Applies the mask over the specified element to indicate it is busy.
Menu - Class in zul.menu
An element, much like a button, that is placed on a menu bar.
Menubar - Class in zul.menu
A container that usually contains menu elements.
Menuitem - Class in zul.menu
A single choice in a Menupopup element.
Menupopup - Class in zul.menu
A container used to display menus.
Menuseparator - Class in zul.menu
Used to create a separator between menu items.
MeshWidget - Class in zul.mesh
A skeletal implementation for a mesh widget.
metaData() - Method in class jq.Event
Retrieve the meta-information of a DOM event.
mimicMouseDown_(Widget, boolean) - Static method in class zk.Widget
Called to mimic the mouse down event fired by the browser.
MINUS - Static variable in class _global_.zk
The character used to represent minus sign.
monthView(Calendar, Array, Map) - Static method in class zul.db.Renderer
Renderer the monthView for this calendar
mounting - Static variable in class _global_.zk
Whether ZK Client Engine has been mounting the peer widgets.
mouseCapture - Static variable in class _global_.zk
The widget that captures the mouse events.
mouseData() - Method in class jq.Event
Retrieve the mouse information of a DOM event.
moveBy(int, int) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Moves the browser window.
moveTo(int, int) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Moves the browser window to the specified location


name - Variable in class zk.Event
The event name, such as 'onChange'.
Native - Class in zk
A native widget.
Nav - Class in zkmax.nav
A container is used to display navitems, it should be placed inside a Navbar.
Navbar - Class in zkmax.nav
A container that usually contains nav elements.
Navitem - Class in zkmax.nav
A single choice in a Navbar or Nav element.
nChildren - Variable in class zk.Widget
The number of children (readonly).
ncols(boolean) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the number of columns of a row.
newFrame(String, String, String) - Static method in class _global_.jq
Creates an IFRAME element with the specified ID, src and style.
newHidden(String, String, DOMElement) - Static method in class _global_.jq
Creates a HIDDEN element
newInstance(String, Map) - Static method in class zk.Widget
Creates a widget by specifying the widget name.
newStackup(DOMElement, String, DOMElement) - Static method in class _global_.jq
Creates a 'stackup' (actually, an iframe) that makes an element (with position:absolute) shown above others.
next() - Method in class zul.grid.RowIter
Returns the next element in the iteration.
next() - Method in class zul.sel.ItemIter
Returns the next element in the iteration.
next() - Method in class zul.sel.TreeItemIter
Returns the next element in the iteration.
nextItem(Widget) - Method in class zul.sel.Listbox
Returns the next item.
nextSibling - Variable in class zk.Widget
The next sibling, or null if this widget is the last child (readonly).
nextUuid() - Static method in class zk.Widget
Returns the next unique UUID for a widget.
node - Variable in class zk.Draggable
The DOM element that is draggable (the whole element).
nodeName(DOMElement, String) - Static method in class _global_.jq
Returns if the node name of the specified element is the same as one of the specified name (case insensitive).
nodeName(DOMElement) - Static method in class _global_.jq
Returns the node name of the specified element in the lower case.
nonCaptionSkipper - Static variable in class zk.Skipper
An instance of Skipper that can be used to skip the rerendering of child widgets except the caption.
NORTH - Static variable in class zul.layout.Borderlayout
The north layout constraint (top of container).
North - Class in zul.layout
A north region of a border layout.
Notification - Class in zul.wgt
A notification widget.
now() - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
Deprecated. As of release 5.0.6, replaced with jq.now().
NumberInputWidget - Class in zul.inp
A skeletal implementation for number-type input box.


Object - Class in zk
The root of the class hierarchy.
obsolete(String, String) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Shows an error to indicate the desktop is timeout.
Offset - Class in _global_
An offset is a two-element array, where the first element is the X coordinate, and the second the Y coordinate.
offsetHeight() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the offset height.
offsetLeft() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the offset left.
offsetTop() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the offset top.
offsetWidth() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the offset width.
onAfterSize() - Method in class zk.Widget
Called to fire the onAfterSize event.
onChangingDelay - Static variable in class zul.inp.InputWidget
The delay for sending the onChanging event (unit: milliseconds).
onChangingForced - Static variable in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Whether to send at least one the onChanging event if it is listened and the content is ever changed.
onChildAdded_(Widget) - Method in class zk.Widget
A callback called after a child has been added to this widget.
onChildRemoved_(Widget) - Method in class zk.Widget
A callback called after a child has been removed to this widget.
onChildRenderDefer_(Widget) - Method in class zk.Widget
A callback called after a child has been delay rendered.
onChildReplaced_(Widget, Widget) - Method in class zk.Widget
A callback called after a child has been replaced.
onChildVisible_(Widget) - Method in class zk.Widget
A callback called after a child's visibility is changed (i.e., Widget.setVisible(boolean) was called).
onclick() - Static method in class zul.wgt.Imagemap
Called by imagemap-done.html.
onDrop_(Draggable, Event) - Method in class zk.Widget
Called to fire the onDrop event.
onError() - Static method in class _global_.zAu
Register a listener that will be called when the Ajax request failed.
onGroup() - Method in class zul.grid.Column
It invokes Column.group(boolean, zk.Event) to group list items and maintain SortWidget.getSortDirection().
onGroup() - Method in class zul.sel.Listheader
It invokes Listheader.group(boolean, zk.Event) to group list items and maintain SortWidget.getSortDirection().
onIframeURLChange(String, String) - Method in class _global_._global_
Callback when the URL/bookmark of an iframe has been changed.
onScroll(Widget) - Method in class zul.inp.Errorbox
Reset the position on scroll
onStripe(Event) - Method in class zkex.grid.Detail
A callback function for changing stripe
onSyncScroll(Object) - Static method in class _global_.jq
To register one object for the doSyncScroll invocation.
onzsync(Object) - Static method in class _global_.jq
To register one object for the zsync invocation.
open(boolean, boolean) - Method in class zkex.grid.Detail
Do open and close behave of the detail
open() - Method in class zkmax.nav.Nav
Opens and displays the navitem that belongs to the nav.
open(Widget, String) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.DropUploadManager
Opens the file manager to show.
open(Map) - Method in class zul.inp.ComboWidget
Drops down the list of combo items (Comboitem.
open() - Method in class zul.menu.Menu
Opens the menupopup that belongs to the menu.
open(Widget, String) - Method in class zul.UploadManager
Opens the file manager to show.
open() - Method in class zul.wgt.Combobutton
Open the dropdown widget of the Combobutton.
open(String, Offset, String, Map) - Method in class zul.wgt.Popup
Opens the popup.
open(Widget, Offset, String, Map) - Method in class zul.wgt.Popup
Opens the popup.
openAnima_() - Method in class zul.wgt.Popup
The effect for opening the popup.
openContent() - Method in class zkex.inp.ContentHandler
Show the Menupopup when click the Menu
openPalette() - Method in class zkex.inp.Colorbox
Open the palette of this colorbox
openPalette() - Method in class zkex.inp.ContentHandler
Open the palette of colorbox
openPicker() - Method in class zkex.inp.Colorbox
Open the colorpicker of this colorbox
openPicker() - Method in class zkex.inp.ContentHandler
Open the colorpicker of this colorbox
opera - Static variable in class _global_.zk
Returns the version as double (only the first two part of the version, such as 10.1) if it is Opera, or null if not.
Option - Class in zul.sel
A HTML option tag.
opts - Variable in class zk.Draggable
The options of this draggable.
opts - Variable in class zk.Event
The options (never null).
opts - Variable in class zul.Scrollbar
The opts of this scrollbar controls.
opts - Variable in class zul.WScroll
The opts of this scrollbar controls.
outer(Widget, String) - Method in class zk.AuCmd1
Replaces the widget with the widget(s) generated by evaluating the specified JavaScript code snippet.
outOfRangeValue() - Method in class zul.inp.SimpleDateConstraint
Returns the message about out of range value
override(Object, String, Object) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Overrides a particular method or data member.
override(Function, Function) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Overrides a particular method.
override(Object, Map, Map) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Overrides the properties of a map.


Package - Class in zk
Represents a ZK JavaScript package.
padBorderHeight() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the summation of the padding width and the border height of the first matched element.
padBorderWidth() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the summation of the padding height and the border width of the first matched element.
paddingHeight() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the summation of the padding height of the first matched element.
paddings() - Static method in class _global_.jq
A map of the padding style names: {l: 'padding-left', t: 'padding-top'...}.
paddingWidth() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the summation of the padding width of the first matched element.
Page - Class in zk
A page.
Paging - Class in zul.mesh
Paging of long content.
Panel - Class in zul.wnd
Panel is a container that has specific functionality and structural components that make it the perfect building block for application-oriented user interfaces.
Panelchildren - Class in zul.wnd
Panelchildren is used for Panel component to manage each child who will be shown in the body of Panel.
PanelRenderer - Class in zul.wnd
The renderer used to render a panel.
parent - Variable in class zk.Widget
The parent, or null if this widget has no parent (readonly).
parseConstraint_(String) - Method in class zul.inp.SimpleConstraint
Parses a constraint into an Object attribute.
parseFloat(String) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Parses a string to a floating number.
parseInt(String, int) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Parses a string to an integer.
parseMap(String, String, String) - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
Parses the specifie text into a map.
Parser - Class in zk.zuml
The parser of using iZUML(Client-side ZUML).
parseStyle(String) - Static method in class _global_.jq
Parses a string-type CSS style into a map of names and values of styles.
parseXML(String) - Static method in class zk.xml.Utl
Parses and returns the XML document from the specified text.
pause() - Method in class zul.med.Audio
Pauses the audio at the client.
PER_MILL - Static variable in class _global_.zk
The character used for mille percent sign.
PERCENT - Static variable in class _global_.zk
The character used for percent sign.
play() - Method in class zul.med.Audio
Plays the audio at the client.
play() - Method in class zul.utl.Timer
Starts the timer.
Popup - Class in zul.wgt
A container that is displayed as a popup.
Portalchildren - Class in zkmax.layout
The column of Portallayout.
Portallayout - Class in zkmax.layout
A portal layout lays out a container which can have multiple columns, and each column may contain one or more panel.
position(DOMElement, String, Map) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Position the first matched element to the specified location.
position(Dimension, String, Map) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Position the first matched element to the specified location.
position(Widget, Offset, String, Map) - Method in class zul.wgt.Popup
Sets the popup position.
prepend(Object, Desktop) - Method in class _global_.jq
Prepend content to the inside of every matched element.
presize_() - Method in class zul.inp.ComboWidget
Extra handling for min size of popup widget.
previousItem(Widget) - Method in class zul.sel.Listbox
Returns the previous item.
previousSibling - Variable in class zk.Widget
The previous sibling, or null if this widget is the first child (readonly).
print() - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Prints the content of the browser window.
procDelay - Static variable in class _global_.zk
The delay before showing the processing prompt (unit: milliseconds).
process(String, String) - Static method in class _global_.zAu
Processes the AU response sent from the server.
processing() - Static method in class _global_.zAu
Returns whether ZK Client Engine is busy for processing something, such as mounting the widgets, processing the AU responses and on.
processing - Static variable in class _global_.zk
Whether Client Engine is processing something, such as processing an AU response.
progressbox(String, String, boolean, String) - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
Creates a message box to indicate something is being processed
Progressmeter - Class in zul.wgt
A progress meter is a bar that indicates how much of a task has been completed.
proxy(Function) - Method in class zk.Object
Proxies a member function such that it can be called with this object in a context that this object is not available.
px(Integer) - Static method in class _global_.jq
Converting an integer to a string ending with "px".
px0(Integer) - Static method in class _global_.jq
Converting an integer a string ending with "px".


Radio - Class in zul.wgt
A radio button.
Radiogroup - Class in zul.wgt
A radio group.
redirect(String, String) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Redirects to the specified URL.
redoCSS(int) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Forces the browser to redo (re-apply) CSS of all matched elements.
redoSrc() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Forces the browser to re-load the resource specified in the src attribute for all matched elements.
redraw(Array) - Method in class zk.Macro
Generates the HTML fragment for this macro component.
redraw(Array) - Method in class zk.Page
Generates the HTML fragment for this macro component.
redraw(Array) - Method in class zk.Widget
Generates the HTML fragment for this widget.
redraw_(Array) - Method in class zul.inp.ComboWidget
Utility to implement Widget.redraw(_global_.Array).
redrawEmpty_(Array) - Method in class zul.grid.Grid
a redraw method for the empty message , if you want to customize the message , you could overwrite this.
redrawEmpty_(Array) - Method in class zul.sel.Listbox
A redraw method for the empty message , if you want to customize the message , you could overwrite this.
redrawHTML_(Skipper, boolean) - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the HTML fragment of this widget.
redrawpp_(Array) - Method in class zul.inp.ComboWidget
Called by ComboWidget.redraw_(_global_.Array) to redraw popup.
RefWidget - Class in zk
A reference widget.
register(Array) - Static method in class zk.wgt.WidgetInfo
Registers an arry of widget information.
register(String, boolean) - Static method in class zk.Widget
Registers a widget class.
relativize() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Makes the position of the element as relative.
remove() - Method in class _global_.jq
Removes all matched elements from the DOM.
removeChild(Widget, boolean) - Method in class zk.Widget
Removes a child with more control.
removeChild(Widget) - Method in class zk.Widget
Removes a child.
removeChildHTML_(Widget, boolean) - Method in class zk.Widget
Removes the corresponding DOM content of the specified child.
removeFile(DropUploader) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.DropUploadManager
Removes the file item.
removeFile(Uploader) - Method in class zul.UploadManager
Removes the file item.
removeHTML_(Array) - Method in class zk.Widget
Removes the HTML DOM content.
removeItemAt(int) - Method in class zul.wgt.Radiogroup
Removes the child radio button in the list box at the given index.
Renderer - Class in zul.db
The renderer used to render a calendar.
renType(String, String) - Static method in class zk.xml.Utl
Renames the type embedded in an URL For example, zk.xml.Utl.renType("/zkdemo/img/whatever-off.gif", "on"); //return "/zkdemo/img/whatever-on.gif" as shown above, it assumes the type is embedded after dash (-).
replaceCavedChildren_(String, Array, String, String) - Method in class zk.Widget
Replaced the child widgets with the specified widgets.
replaceCavedChildrenInOrder_(String) - Method in class zul.mesh.SortWidget
Replaced the child widgets with the specified order.
replaceChildHTML_(Widget, DOMElement, Desktop, Skipper) - Method in class zk.Widget
Replaces the DOM element(s) of the specified child widget.
replaceHTML(Object, Desktop, Skipper) - Method in class zk.Widget
Replaces the specified DOM element with the HTML content generated this widget.
replaceWidget(Widget) - Method in class zk.Widget
Replaces this widget with the specified one.
replaceWith(Widget, Desktop, Skipper) - Method in class _global_.jq
Replaces the match elements with the specified HTML, DOM or Widget.
repos() - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Re-position the window based on the value of Window.getPosition().
requestPath - Variable in class zk.Desktop
The request path.
rerender(int) - Method in class zk.Widget
Re-renders after the specified time (milliseconds).
rerender(Skipper) - Method in class zk.Widget
Re-renders the DOM element(s) of this widget.
resendTimeout - Static variable in class _global_.zk
The timeout for re-sending AU request (unit: milliseconds).
resize() - Method in class zul.layout.Borderlayout
Re-sizes this layout component.
resizeBy(int, int) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Resizes the browser window.
resizeTo(int, int) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Resizes the browser window to the specified size.
resizeWgt(Widget) - Method in class zk.AuCmd1
Ask the client to re-cacluate the size of the given widget.
restore(Widget, Object) - Method in class zk.Skipper
Restores the DOM elements that are detached (i.e., skipped) by Skipper.skip(zk.Widget, _global_.String).
revisedHeight(int, boolean) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the revised (calibrated) height, which subtracted the height of its CSS border or padding, for the first matched element if the box-sizing is not in the border-box mode.
revisedOffset(Offset) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Converts the specified offset in the element's coordinate to to the browser window's coordinateReturns the revised (calibrated) offset, i.e., the offset of the element related to the screen.
revisedOffset() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the revised (i.e., browser's coordinate) offset of the selected element.
revisedWidth(int, boolean) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the revised (calibrated) width, which subtracted the width of its CSS border or padding, for the first matched element if the box-sizing is not in the border-box mode.
rightSelect - Variable in class zul.sel.SelectWidget
Whether to change a list item selection on right click Default: true (unless the server changes the setting)
rm(Widget) - Method in class zk.AuCmd1
Removes the widget.
RoundUtl - Class in zul.inp
The RoundUtl used to adjust the display of the rounded input.
Row - Class in zul.grid
A single row in a Rows element.
RowIter - Class in zul.grid
The row iterator.
Rows - Class in zul.grid
Defines the rows of a grid.


safari - Static variable in class _global_.zk
Returns the version as double (only the first two part of the version, such as 533.1) if it is Safari-based, or null if not.
scale(int) - Method in class zk.Long
Scales the number as value * 10 ^ digits.
script(String) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Executes the JavaScript.
Script - Class in zul.utl
A component to generate script codes that will be evaluated at the client.
Scrollbar - Class in zul.mesh
The extra Scrollbar for the MeshWidget.
Scrollbar - Class in zul
A Scrollbar used to replace browser native scrollbar on Mesh Element to navigate the content, such as Grid/Listbox/Tree.
scrollbarWidth() - Static method in class _global_.jq
Returns the width of the scrollbar
scrollBy(int, int) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Scrolls the content of the browser window.
scroller - Variable in class zul.Scrollbar
The content inside container object that will be scrolled.
scrollIntoView(DOMElement) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Causes the first matched element to scroll into view.
scrollIntoView(String) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Scrolls the widget or an DOM element into the view
scrollIntoView() - Method in class zk.Widget
Makes this widget visible in the browser window by scrolling ancestors up or down, if necessary.
scrollOffset() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Calculates the cumulative scroll offset of the first matched element in nested scrolling containers.
scrollTo() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Scrolls the browser window to make the first matched element visible.
scrollTo(int, int) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Scrolls the contents of the browser window to the specified location.
Scrollview - Class in zkmax.layout
A container that can scroll containing elements.
select(int) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Selects the first matched element.
select(Widget, int, int) - Method in class zk.AuCmd1
Selects all text of the specified widget.
select(int, int) - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Selects the whole text in this input.
Select - Class in zul.sel
A HTML select tag.
selectAll(boolean, Event) - Method in class zul.sel.SelectWidget
Selects all items.
Selectbox - Class in zul.wgt
A light weight dropdown list.
selectItem(Option) - Method in class zul.sel.Select
Deselects all of the currently selected items and selects the given item.
selectItem(ItemWidget) - Method in class zul.sel.SelectWidget
Deselects all of the currently selected items and selects the given item.
SelectWidget - Class in zul.sel
A skeletal implementation for a select widget.
send(Event, int) - Static method in class _global_.zAu
Sends an AU request and appends it to the end if there is other pending AU requests.
sendAhead(Event, int) - Static method in class _global_.zAu
Sends an AU request by placing in front of any other pending request.
sendAU_(Event, int) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sends an AU request to the server.
sendNow(Desktop) - Static method in class _global_.zAu
Enforces all pending AU requests of the specified desktop to send immediately
sendResult(String, String, int) - Static method in class zul.Upload
Sends the upload result to server.
Separator - Class in zul.wgt
A separator.
set(Object, Object, Array, boolean) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Sets the given properties from one object to another.
set(Object, String, Object, Object) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Assigns a value to the specified property.
set(String, Object, Object) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets a property.
set(String, Object) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets a property.
setAction(String) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets the client-side action.
setActivePage(int) - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Sets the active page (starting from 0).
setActivePage(int) - Method in class zul.mesh.Paging
Sets the active page (starting from 0).
setAlign(String) - Method in class zul.box.Box
Sets the alignment of cells of this box in the 'opposite' direction (start, center, end, stretch).
setAlign(String) - Method in class zul.grid.Row
Sets the horizontal alignment of the whole row.
setAlign(String) - Method in class zul.med.Applet
Sets the alignment of an applet according to surrounding elements.
setAlign(String) - Method in class zul.mesh.FooterWidget
Sets the horizontal alignment of this footer.
setAlign(String) - Method in class zul.mesh.HeaderWidget
Sets the horizontal alignment of this column.
setAlign(String) - Method in class zul.utl.Iframe
Deprecated. as of release 6.0.0, use CSS instead.
setAlign(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Cell
Sets the horizontal alignment.
setAlign(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Div
Deprecated. as of release 6.0.0, use CSS instead.
setAlign(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Image
Deprecated. as of release 6.0.0, use CSS instead.
setAlign(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbar
Sets the alignment of any children added to this toolbar.
setAnchor(String) - Method in class zul.layout.Anchorchildren
Sets the width, height relative to parent, anchorlayout.
setArchive(String) - Method in class zul.med.Applet
Sets the location of an archive file (URL).
setAttachEdge(String) - Method in class zkex.menu.Fisheyebar
Sets the attach edge.
setAttr(Widget, String, Object) - Method in class zk.AuCmd1
Sets the attribute of a widget.
setAutocheck(boolean) - Method in class zul.menu.Menuitem
Sets whether the menuitem check mark will update each time the menu item is selected.
setAutoCols(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.big.Biglistbox
Sets whether enables the auto adjusting cols size.
setAutocomplete(boolean) - Method in class zul.inp.Combobox
Sets whether to automatically complete this text box by matching the nearest item (Comboitem.
setAutodisable(String) - Method in class zul.menu.Menuitem
Sets whether to disable the button after the user clicks it.
setAutodisable(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Button
Sets whether to disable the button after the user clicks it.
setAutodisable(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Checkbox
Sets whether to disable the checkbox after the user clicks it.
setAutodisable(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbarbutton
Sets whether to disable the button after the user clicks it.
setAutodrop(boolean) - Method in class zul.inp.ComboWidget
Sets whether to automatically drop the list if users is changing this text box.
setAutodrop(boolean) - Method in class zul.menu.Menubar
Sets whether to automatically drop down menus if user moves mouse over it.
setAutodrop(boolean) - Method in class zul.wgt.Combobutton
Sets whether to automatically drop the list if users is changing this text box.
setAutohide(boolean) - Method in class zul.mesh.Paging
Sets whether to automatically hide this component if there is only one page available.
setAutohide(boolean) - Method in class zul.utl.Iframe
Sets whether to automatically hide this component if a popup or dropdown is overlapped with it.
setAutopaging(boolean) - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Sets whether turn on auto-paging facility when mold is "paging".
setAutoplay(boolean) - Method in class zul.med.Audio
Sets whether to auto start playing the audio.
setAutoplay(boolean) - Method in class zul.med.Flash
Sets wether to play the Flash movie automatically.
setAutoRows(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.big.Biglistbox
Sets whether enables the auto adjusting rows size.
setAutoscroll(boolean) - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Sets whether enable overflow scrolling.
setBar(boolean) - Method in class zul.wgt.Separator
Sets whether to display a visual bar as the separator.
setBgcolor(String) - Method in class zul.med.Flash
Sets the background color of Flash movie.
setBorder(String) - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Sets the border (either none or normal).
setBorder(String) - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Sets the border.
setBorder(String) - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Sets the border (either none or normal).
setButtonVisible(boolean) - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Sets whether the button (on the right of the textbox) is visible.
setButtonVisible(boolean) - Method in class zul.db.Timebox
Sets whether the button (on the right of the textbox) is visible.
setButtonVisible(boolean) - Method in class zul.inp.ComboWidget
Sets whether the button (on the right of the textbox) is visible.
setButtonVisible(boolean) - Method in class zul.inp.Doublespinner
Sets whether the button (on the right of the textbox) is visible.
setButtonVisible(boolean) - Method in class zul.inp.Spinner
Sets whether the button (on the right of the textbox) is visible.
setCharset(String) - Method in class zul.utl.Script
Sets the character encoding of the source.
setCheckable(boolean) - Method in class zul.sel.ItemWidget
Sets whether it is checkable.
setChecked(boolean) - Method in class zul.menu.Menuitem
Sets whether it is checked.
setChecked(boolean) - Method in class zul.wgt.Checkbox
Sets whether it is checked.
setChecked(boolean) - Method in class zul.wgt.Radio
Sets the radio is checked and unchecked the others in the same radio group (Radiogroup
setChecked(boolean) - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbarbutton
Sets whether it is checked.
setCheckmark(boolean) - Method in class zul.menu.Menuitem
Sets whether the check mark shall be displayed in front of each item.
setCheckmark(boolean) - Method in class zul.sel.SelectWidget
Sets whether the check mark shall be displayed in front of each item.
setChildren(Array) - Method in class zk.Widget
Appends an array of children.
setClosable(boolean) - Method in class zul.tab.Tab
Sets whether this tab is closable.
setClosable(boolean) - Method in class zul.wgt.Groupbox
Sets whether user can open or close the group box.
setClosable(boolean) - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Sets whether to show a close button on the title bar.
setClosable(boolean) - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Sets whether to show a close button on the title bar.
setCmargins(String) - Method in class zul.layout.Center
Center region can't be enabled the collapsed margin functionality.
setCmargins(String) - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Sets the collapsed margins for the element "0,1,2,3" that direction is "top,left,right,bottom"
setCode(String) - Method in class zul.med.Applet
Sets the applet class to run.
setCodebase(String) - Method in class zul.med.Applet
Sets a relative base URL for applets specified in Applet.setCode(_global_.String) (URL).
setCollapse(String) - Method in class zul.box.Splitter
Sets the collapse of this button.
setCollapsible(boolean) - Method in class zul.layout.Center
Center region can't be enabled the collapse functionality.
setCollapsible(boolean) - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Sets whether set the initial display to collapse.
setCollapsible(boolean) - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Sets whether to show a toggle button on the title bar.
setColor(String) - Method in class zkex.inp.Colorbox
Sets the color
setColor(String) - Method in class zkex.inp.Colorpalette
Sets the color
setColor(String) - Method in class zkex.inp.Colorpicker
Sets the color
setCols(int) - Method in class zkmax.big.Biglistbox
Sets the columns' size of the viewport.
setCols(int) - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Sets the cols.
setColspan(int) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Tablechildren
Sets the number of columns to span this header.
setColspan(int) - Method in class zul.mesh.Auxheader
Sets the number of columns to span this header.
setColspan(int) - Method in class zul.sel.Listcell
Sets the number of columns to span this cell.
setColspan(int) - Method in class zul.sel.Treecell
Sets the number of columns to span this cell.
setColspan(int) - Method in class zul.wgt.Cell
Sets the number of columns to span.
setColumns(int) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Tablelayout
Sets the number of columns.
setColumns(int) - Method in class zul.mesh.Frozen
Sets the number of columns to freeze.
setColumnsgroup(boolean) - Method in class zul.mesh.ColumnMenuWidget
Sets whether to enable grouping of the widget with the header context menu.
setColumnshide(boolean) - Method in class zul.mesh.ColumnMenuWidget
Sets whether to enable hiding of the widget with the header context menu.
setColWidth(String) - Method in class zkmax.big.Biglistbox
Sets the width of the single column.
setComment(boolean) - Method in class zul.wgt.Include
Sets whether to generate the included content inside the HTML comment.
setConstraint(String) - Method in class zul.db.Calendar
Set the date limit for this component with yyyyMMdd format, such as 20100101 is mean Jan 01 2010 Example: between 20091201 and 20091231 before 20091201 after 20091231
setConstraint(String) - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Sets the constraint.
setConstraint(String) - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Sets the constraint.
setContent(String) - Method in class zkex.inp.ContentHandler
Sets the embedded content (i.e., HTML tags) that is shown as part of the description.
setContent(String) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Dropupload
Set the content of widget.
setContent(String) - Method in class zul.inp.Comboitem
Sets the embedded content (i.e., HTML tags) that is shown as part of the description.
setContent(String) - Method in class zul.menu.Menu
Sets the embedded content (i.e., HTML tags) that is shown as part of the description.
setContent(String) - Method in class zul.utl.Script
Sets the content of the script element.
setContent(String) - Method in class zul.utl.Style
Sets the content of this style tag.
setContent(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Html
Sets the embedded content (i.e., HTML tags).
setContentSclass(String) - Method in class zkex.grid.Detail
Sets the style class used for the content block.
setContentSclass(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Groupbox
Sets the style class used for the content block.
setContentSclass(String) - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Sets the style class used for the content block.
setContentStyle(String) - Method in class zkex.grid.Detail
Sets the CSS style for the content block of the window.
setContentStyle(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Groupbox
Sets the CSS style for the content block of the groupbox.
setContentStyle(String) - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Sets the CSS style for the content block of the window.
setContext(Popup) - Method in class zul.Widget
Sets the ID of the popup (Popup) that should appear when the user right-clicks on the element (aka., context menu).
setContext(String) - Method in class zul.Widget
Sets the ID of the popup (Popup) that should appear when the user right-clicks on the element (aka., context menu).
setControls(boolean) - Method in class zul.med.Audio
Sets whether to display the audio controls.
setCoords(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Area
Sets the coords of this area.
setCreatable(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.inp.Chosenbox
Sets whether can create new item.
setCreateMessage(String) - Method in class zkmax.inp.Chosenbox
Sets the create message of this component.
setCtrlKeys(String) - Method in class zul.Widget
Sets what keystrokes to intercept.
setCurpos(int) - Method in class zul.inp.Slider
Sets the current position of the slider.
setDataXML(String) - Method in class zkmax.fusionchartz.Fusionchart
Sets the XML string for render the chart data.
setDataXMLPath(String) - Method in class zkmax.fusionchartz.Fusionchart
Set the url of the chart data .xml file.
setDelay(int) - Method in class zul.utl.Timer
Sets the delay, the number of milliseconds between successive action events.
setDescription(String) - Method in class zul.inp.Comboitem
Sets the description.
setDetailed(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.nav.Nav
Sets whether to show index of items in the current nav
setDetailed(boolean) - Method in class zul.mesh.Paging
Sets whether to show the detailed info, such as Paging.getTotalSize().
setDetection(String) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Dropupload
Set drag detection area.
setDir(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.A
Sets the direction.
setDir(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Button
Sets the direction.
setDir(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbarbutton
Sets the direction.
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class zkex.inp.Colorbox
Sets whether it is disabled.
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.inp.Chosenbox
Sets whether it is disabled.
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.nav.Navitem
Sets whether it is disabled.
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class zul.inp.Comboitem
Sets whether it is disabled.
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Sets whether it is disabled.
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class zul.menu.Menuitem
Sets whether it is disabled.
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class zul.sel.ItemWidget
Sets whether it is disabled.
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class zul.sel.Option
Sets whether it is disabled.
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class zul.sel.Select
Sets whether it is disabled.
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class zul.tab.Tab
Sets whether this tab is disabled.
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class zul.wgt.A
Sets whether it is disabled.
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class zul.wgt.Button
Sets whether it is disabled.
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class zul.wgt.Checkbox
Sets whether it is disabled.
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class zul.wgt.Selectbox
Sets whether it is disabled.
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbarbutton
Sets whether it is disabled.
setDisplayedTimeZones(String) - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Sets a catenation of a list of the time zones' ID, separated by comma, that will be displayed at the client and allow user to select.
setDomVisible_(DOMElement, boolean, Map) - Method in class zk.Widget
Changes the visibility of a child DOM content of this widget.
setDraggable(String) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets the identifier of a draggable type for this widget.
setDroppable(String) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets the identifier, or a list of identifiers of a droppable type for this widget.
setEmptyMessage(String) - Method in class zkmax.inp.Chosenbox
Sets the emptyMessage.
setEnclosingTag(String) - Method in class zk.Macro
Sets the tag name for this macro widget
setErrorMessage(String) - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Marks this widget's value is wrong and show the error message.
setErrorURI(Map) - Static method in class _global_.zAu
Sets the URI for the errors specified in a map.
setErrorURI(int, String) - Static method in class _global_.zAu
Sets the URI for the specified error.
setField(String, String) - Method in class zul.med.Applet
Sets the value of the specified filed.
setFixFrozenCols(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.big.Biglistbox
Sets to fix the frozen columns, if true, meaning the user cannot change the size of the frozen columns dynamically.
setFlex(boolean) - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Sets whether to grow and shrink vertical/horizontal to fit their given space, so called flexibility.
setFloatable(boolean) - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Sets whether to float the panel to display it inline where it is rendered.
setFloating_(boolean, Map) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets a status to indicate if this widget is floating.
setFloatZIndex_(DOMElement, int) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets the z-index for a floating widget.
setFormat(String) - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Sets the date format.
setFormat(String) - Method in class zul.inp.FormatWidget
Sets the format.
setFrozenCols(int) - Method in class zkmax.big.Biglistbox
Sets the size of the frozen columns.
setHeight(String) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets the height of this widget.
setHeight(String) - Method in class zul.layout.Center
The height can't be specified in this component because its height is determined by other region components (North or South).
setHeight(String) - Method in class zul.layout.East
The height can't be specified in this component because its height is determined by other region components (North or South).
setHeight(String) - Method in class zul.layout.West
The height can't be specified in this component because its height is determined by other region components (North or South).
setHeight(String) - Method in class zul.wnd.Panelchildren
This method is unsupported.
setHex(String) - Method in class zkex.inp.Color
verify the format of color string, and sets the color
setHflex(String) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets horizontal flexibility hint of this widget.
setHost(String, String, Array) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Defines the URL of the host for serving the specified packages.
setHover(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Image
Sets the image URI.
setHoverImage(String) - Method in class zul.LabelImageWidget
Sets the image URI.
setHref(String) - Method in class zkmax.nav.Navitem
Sets the href.
setHref(String) - Method in class zul.menu.Menuitem
Sets the href.
setHref(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.A
Sets the href.
setHref(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Button
Sets the href.
setHref(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbarbutton
Sets the href.
setHspace(String) - Method in class zul.med.Applet
Sets the horizontal spacing around an applet.
setHspace(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Image
Deprecated. as of release 6.0.0, use CSS instead.
setHSV(int, int, int) - Method in class zkex.inp.Color
Stes the color hsv
setIconSclass(String) - Method in class zul.LabelImageWidget
Sets the icon font
setId(String) - Method in class zk.Desktop
This method is voided (does nothing) since the desktop's ID can be changed.
setId(String) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets the identifier of this widget.
setImage(String) - Method in class zul.LabelImageWidget
Sets the image URI.
setImage(String) - Method in class zul.sel.Listitem
Sets the image of the Listcell it contains.
setImage(String) - Method in class zul.sel.Treeitem
Sets the image of the Treecell it contains.
setInnerWidth(String) - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Sets the inner width of this component.
setInplace(boolean) - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Sets to enable the inplace-editing function that the look and feel is like a label.
setInstant(boolean) - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Sets whether to send onChange event as soon as user types in the input.
setItemHeight(int) - Method in class zkex.menu.Fisheyebar
Sets the item height of Fisheye.
setItemMaxHeight(int) - Method in class zkex.menu.Fisheyebar
Sets the item maximal height of Fisheye.
setItemMaxWidth(int) - Method in class zkex.menu.Fisheyebar
Sets the item maximal width of Fisheye.
setItemPadding(int) - Method in class zkex.menu.Fisheyebar
Sets the item padding of Fisheye.
setItemWidth(int) - Method in class zkex.menu.Fisheyebar
Sets the item width of Fisheye.
setLabel(String) - Method in class zul.LabelImageWidget
Sets the label.
setLabel(String) - Method in class zul.sel.Listitem
Sets the label of the Listcell it contains.
setLabel(String) - Method in class zul.sel.Treeitem
Sets the label of the Treecell it contains.
setLabelEdge(String) - Method in class zkex.menu.Fisheyebar
Sets the label edge.
setLeft(String) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets the left of this widget.
setLenient(boolean) - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Sets whether or not date/time parsing is to be lenient.
setListener(String, Function) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets a listener It is designed to be called from server.
setListener(Array) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets a listener that can be unlistened easily.
setListeners(Map) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets the listener a map of listeners.
setLoop(boolean) - Method in class zul.med.Audio
Sets whether to play the audio repeatedly.
setLoop(boolean) - Method in class zul.med.Flash
Sets whether the Flash movie plays repeatly
setMargins(String) - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Sets margins for the element "0,1,2,3" that direction is "top,left,right,bottom"
setMax(double) - Method in class zul.inp.SimpleDoubleSpinnerConstraint
Set the maximum value.
setMax(int) - Method in class zul.inp.SimpleSpinnerConstraint
Set the maximum value.
setMaximizable(boolean) - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Sets whether to display the maximizing button and allow the user to maximize the panel, when a panel is maximized, the button will automatically change to a restore button with the appropriate behavior already built-in that will restore the panel to its previous size.
setMaximizable(boolean) - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Sets whether to display the maximizing button and allow the user to maximize the window, when a window is maximized, the button will automatically change to a restore button with the appropriate behavior already built-in that will restore the window to its previous size.
setMaximized(boolean) - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Sets whether the panel is maximized, and then the size of the panel will depend on it to show a appropriate size.
setMaximized(boolean) - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Sets whether the window is maximized, and then the size of the window will depend on it to show a appropriate size.
setMaximizedMode(String) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Portallayout
Sets the mode of the panel to maximize according to "whole" or "column".
setMaxlength(int) - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Sets the maxlength.
setMaxlength(int) - Method in class zul.sel.Listheader
Sets the maximal length of each item's label.
setMaxlength(int) - Method in class zul.sel.Select
Sets the maximal length of each item's label.
setMaxlength(int) - Method in class zul.sel.Treecol
Sets the maximal length of each item's label.
setMaxlength(int) - Method in class zul.wgt.Label
Sets the maximal length of the label.
setMaxpos(int) - Method in class zul.inp.Slider
Sets the maximum position of the slider.
setMaxsize(int) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Dropupload
Set the max size of upload file, unit is "KB".
setMaxsize(int) - Method in class zul.layout.Center
Center region can't be enabled the maxsize.
setMaxsize(int) - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Sets the maximum size of the resizing element.
setMayscript(boolean) - Method in class zul.med.Applet
Sets whether the applet is allowed to access the scripting object.
setMedia(String) - Method in class zul.utl.Style
Sets the media dependencies for this style sheet.
setMenupopup(String) - Method in class zul.mesh.ColumnMenuWidget
Sets the ID of the menupopup (Menupopup) that should appear when the user clicks on the element of each column.
setMin(double) - Method in class zul.inp.SimpleDoubleSpinnerConstraint
Set the minimum value.
setMin(int) - Method in class zul.inp.SimpleSpinnerConstraint
Set the minimum value.
setMinheight(int) - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Sets the minimum height in pixels allowed for this panel.
setMinheight(int) - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Sets the minimum height in pixels allowed for this window.
setMinimizable(boolean) - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Sets whether to display the minimizing button and allow the user to minimize the panel.
setMinimizable(boolean) - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Sets whether to display the minimizing button and allow the user to minimize the window.
setMinimized(boolean) - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Sets whether the panel is minimized.
setMinimized(boolean) - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Sets whether the window is minimized.
setMinsize(int) - Method in class zul.layout.Center
Center region can't be enabled the minsize.
setMinsize(int) - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Sets the minimum size of the resizing element.
setMinwidth(int) - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Sets the minimum width in pixels allowed for this panel.
setMinwidth(int) - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Sets the minimum width in pixels allowed for this window.
setMode(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbarbutton
Sets the mode.
setMode(String) - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Sets the mode to overlapped, popup, modal, embedded or highlighted.
setModel(boolean) - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Sets whether the widget is in model mode.
setMold(String) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets this widget's mold.
setMovable(boolean) - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Sets whether to move the panel to display it inline where it is rendered.
setMultiline(boolean) - Method in class zul.inp.Textbox
Sets whether it is multiline.
setMultiline(boolean) - Method in class zul.wgt.Label
Sets whether to preserve the new line and the white spaces at the begining of each line.
setMultiple(boolean) - Method in class zul.sel.Select
Sets whether multiple selections are allowed.
setMultiple(boolean) - Method in class zul.sel.SelectWidget
Sets whether multiple selections are allowed.
setMuted(boolean) - Method in class zul.med.Audio
Sets whether to mute the audio.
setName(String) - Method in class zkmax.inp.Chosenbox
Sets the name of the input of this component.
setName(String) - Method in class zul.db.Calendar
Sets the name of this component.
setName(String) - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Sets the name of this component.
setName(String) - Method in class zul.inp.Slider
Sets the name of this component.
setName(String) - Method in class zul.sel.Select
Sets the name of this component.
setName(String) - Method in class zul.sel.SelectWidget
Sets the name of this component.
setName(String) - Method in class zul.utl.Iframe
Sets the frame name.
setName(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Checkbox
Sets the name of this component.
setName(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Radiogroup
Sets the name of this group of radio buttons.
setName(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Selectbox
Sets the name of this component.
setNative() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Dropupload
Set the setting that treat the upload file as binary or not.
setNoResultsText(String) - Method in class zkmax.inp.Chosenbox
Sets the no-result text of this component.
setNowrap(boolean) - Method in class zul.grid.Row
Sets the nowrap.
setOddRowSclass(String) - Method in class zkmax.big.Biglistbox
Sets the style class for the odd rows.
setOddRowSclass(String) - Method in class zul.grid.Grid
Sets the style class for the odd rows.
setOddRowSclass(String) - Method in class zul.sel.Listbox
Sets the style class for the odd rows.
setOpen(boolean) - Method in class zkex.grid.Detail
Sets whether the detail is open.
setOpen(boolean) - Method in class zkex.grid.Group
Sets whether this container is open.
setOpen(boolean) - Method in class zkex.sel.Listgroup
Sets whether this container is open.
setOpen(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.inp.Chosenbox
Sets the drop down list open status, and open/close drop down list as need.
setOpen(Boolean) - Method in class zkmax.nav.Nav
Sets the open.
setOpen(boolean, Offset) - Method in class zul.box.Splitter
Opens or collapses the splitter.
setOpen() - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Drops down or closes the calendar to select a date.
setOpen(boolean, Map) - Method in class zul.inp.ComboWidget
Drops down or closes the list of combo items (Comboitem.
setOpen(boolean) - Method in class zul.layout.Center
Center region can't be closed.
setOpen(boolean) - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Opens or collapses the splitter.
setOpen(boolean) - Method in class zul.sel.Treeitem
Sets whether this container is open.
setOpen(boolean, Map) - Method in class zul.wgt.Combobutton
Drops down or closes the child popup (Popup) (Menupopup, and fire onOpen if it is called with an Event.
setOpen(boolean) - Method in class zul.wgt.Groupbox
Opens or closes this groupbox.
setOpen(boolean) - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Opens or closes this Panel.
setOrient(String) - Method in class zkex.menu.Fisheyebar
Sets the orientation of Fisheye.
setOrient(String) - Method in class zkmax.fusionchartz.Fusionchart
Set the chart orientation.
setOrient(String) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Cardlayout
Set the orient.
setOrient(String) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Scrollview
Sets the orient.
setOrient(String) - Method in class zkmax.nav.Navbar
Sets the orient.
setOrient(String) - Method in class zul.inp.Slider
Sets the orient.
setOrient(String) - Method in class zul.menu.Menubar
Sets the orient.
setOrient(String) - Method in class zul.tab.Tabbox
Sets the orient.
setOrient(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Button
Sets the orient.
setOrient(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Radiogroup
Sets the orient.
setOrient(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Separator
Sets the orient.
setOrient(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbar
Sets the orient.
setOrient(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbarbutton
Sets the orient.
setPack(String) - Method in class zul.box.Box
Sets the alignment of cells of this box (start, center, end) plus an stretch option.
setPageCount(int) - Method in class zul.mesh.Paging
Sets the number of pages.
setPageIncrement(int) - Method in class zul.inp.Slider
Sets the amount that the value of Slider.getCurpos() changes by when the tray of the scroll bar is clicked.
setPageIncrement(int) - Method in class zul.mesh.Paging
Sets the number of page anchors shall appear at the client.
setPageSize(int) - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Sets the page size, aka., the number rows per page.
setPageSize(int) - Method in class zul.mesh.Paging
Sets the page size, aka., the number rows per page.
setPaginal(Paging) - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Sets the external Paging widget.
setPagingPosition(String) - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Sets how to position the paging of the widget at the client screen.
setPanel(Panel, int, int) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Portallayout
Sets the specified panel via the position(col and row).
setPanelSpacing(String) - Method in class zul.tab.Tabbox
Sets the spacing between Tabpanel.
setParam(String, String) - Method in class zul.med.Applet
Sets the param.
setParams(Map) - Method in class zul.med.Applet
Sets the params map.
setPlaceholder(String) - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Sets the placeholder text that is displayed when input is empty.
setPopup(Popup) - Method in class zul.Widget
Sets the ID of the popup (Popup) that should appear when the user clicks on the element.
setPopup(String) - Method in class zul.Widget
Sets the ID of the popup (Popup) that should appear when the user clicks on the element.
setPosition(String) - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Sets how to position the window at the client screen.
setPre(boolean) - Method in class zul.wgt.Label
Sets whether to preserve the white spaces, such as space, tab and new line.
setPrecision(int) - Method in class zk.BigDecimal
Sets the precision
setPreload(String) - Method in class zul.med.Audio
Sets whether and how the audio should be loaded.
setPushErrorURI(Map) - Static method in class _global_.zAu
Sets the URI for the server-push related errors specified in a map.
setPushErrorURI(int, String) - Static method in class _global_.zAu
Sets the URI for the server-push related error.
setQuality(String) - Method in class zul.med.Flash
Sets the quality of the Flash movie.
setRadiogroup(Radiogroup) - Method in class zul.wgt.Radio
Sets Radiogroup that this radio button belongs to.
setReadonly(boolean) - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Sets whether it is readonly.
setRenderdefer(int) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets the number of milliseconds before rendering this component at the client.
setRepeats(boolean) - Method in class zul.utl.Timer
Sets whether the timer shall send Event repeatly.
setRGB(int, int, int) - Method in class zkex.inp.Color
Sets the color into the color value of this widget in rgb integer
setRounding(int) - Method in class zul.inp.NumberInputWidget
Sets the rounding mode.
setRowHeight(String) - Method in class zkmax.big.Biglistbox
Sets the height of the single row.
setRows(int) - Method in class zkmax.big.Biglistbox
Sets the rows' size of the viewport.
setRows(int) - Method in class zul.inp.Textbox
Sets the rows.
setRows(int) - Method in class zul.sel.Select
Sets the rows.
setRows(int) - Method in class zul.sel.SelectWidget
Sets the rows.
setRowspan(int) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Tablechildren
Sets the number of rows to span this header.
setRowspan(int) - Method in class zul.mesh.Auxheader
Sets the number of rows to span this header.
setRowspan(int) - Method in class zul.wgt.Cell
Sets the number of rows to span.
setRunning(boolean) - Method in class zul.utl.Timer
Start or stops the timer.
setScale(int) - Method in class zul.inp.Decimalbox
Sets the precision scale.
setSclass(String) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets the CSS class of this widget.
setScriptLoaded(String) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Notify ZK that the name of the JavaScript file is loaded.
setScrollable(boolean) - Method in class zul.menu.Menubar
Sets whether to enable the menubar scrolling
setScrolling(String) - Method in class zul.utl.Iframe
Deprecated. as of release 7.0.0, use CSS instead.
setScrollLeft(int) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets the scoll left of the associated DOM element of this widget.
setScrollTop(int) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets the scoll top of the associated DOM element of this widget.
setSelectAll(boolean, Event) - Method in class zul.sel.SelectWidget
Selects all items.
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.nav.Navitem
Sets whether it is selected.
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class zul.sel.ItemWidget
Sets whether it is selected.
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class zul.sel.Option
Sets whether it is selected.
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class zul.tab.Tab
Sets whether this tab is selected.
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class zul.wgt.Radio
Sets whether it is selected.
setSelectedIndex(int) - Method in class zkmax.inp.Chosenbox
Selects the item with the given index.
setSelectedIndex(int) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Cardlayout
Assign the index of widget will be shown.
setSelectedIndex(int) - Method in class zul.sel.Select
Deselects all of the currently selected items and selects the item with the given index.
setSelectedIndex(int) - Method in class zul.sel.SelectWidget
Deselects all of the currently selected items and selects the item with the given index.
setSelectedIndex(int) - Method in class zul.tab.Tabbox
Sets the selected index.
setSelectedIndex(int) - Method in class zul.wgt.Radiogroup
Deselects all of the currently selected radio button and selects the radio button with the given index.
setSelectedIndex(int) - Method in class zul.wgt.Selectbox
Selects the item with the given index.
setSelectedItem(Navitem) - Method in class zkmax.nav.Navbar
Deselects all of the currently selected items and selects the given item.
setSelectedItem(ItemWidget) - Method in class zul.sel.SelectWidget
Deselects all of the currently selected items and selects the given item.
setSelectedItem(Radio) - Method in class zul.wgt.Radiogroup
Deselects all of the currently selected radio buttons and selects the given radio button.
setSelectedPanel(Tabpanel) - Method in class zul.tab.Tabbox
Sets the selected tab panel.
setSelectedTab(Tab) - Method in class zul.tab.Tabbox
Sets the selected tab.
setSelectionRange(int, int) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Sets the selection range of the specified input-type element.
setSeparator(String) - Method in class zkmax.inp.Chosenbox
Sets the separate chars of this component.
setShadow(boolean) - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Sets whether to show the shadow of an overlapped/popup/modal window.
setShape(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Area
Sets the shape of this area.
setSizable(boolean) - Method in class zul.mesh.HeadWidget
Sets whether the width of the child column is sizable.
setSizable(boolean) - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Sets whether the panel is sizable.
setSizable(boolean) - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Sets whether the window is sizable.
setSize(String) - Method in class zul.layout.Center
The size can't be specified in this component.
setSize(String) - Method in class zul.layout.East
Sets the size of this region.
setSize(String) - Method in class zul.layout.North
Sets the size of this region.
setSize(String) - Method in class zul.layout.South
Sets the size of this region.
setSize(String) - Method in class zul.layout.West
Sets the size of this region.
setSizedByContent(boolean) - Method in class zul.box.Box
Sets whether sizing the cell's size by its content.
setSizedByContent(boolean) - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Sets whether sizing the widget column width by its content.
setSlidingtext(String) - Method in class zul.inp.Slider
Sets the sliding text.
setSort(String) - Method in class zul.mesh.SortWidget
Sets the type of the sorter.
setSortAscending(String) - Method in class zul.mesh.SortWidget
Sets the ascending sorter with "client", "auto", or null for no sorter for the ascending order.
setSortDescending(String) - Method in class zul.mesh.SortWidget
Sets the descending sorter with "client", "auto", or null for no sorter for the descending order.
setSortDirection(String) - Method in class zul.mesh.SortWidget
Sets the sort direction.
setSpacing(String) - Method in class zul.box.Box
Sets the spacing between adjacent children.
setSpacing(String) - Method in class zul.box.Layout
Sets the spacing between adjacent children.
setSpacing(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Separator
Sets the spacing.
setSpan(int) - Method in class zul.mesh.FooterWidget
Sets the number of columns to span this footer.
setSpan(String) - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Sets column span hint of this mesh widget.
setSpans(String) - Method in class zul.grid.Row
Sets the spans, which is a list of numbers separated by comma.
setSplittable(boolean) - Method in class zul.layout.Center
Center region can't be enabled the split functionality.
setSplittable(boolean) - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Sets whether enable the split functionality.
setSrc(String) - Method in class zul.med.Audio
Sets the src.
setSrc(String) - Method in class zul.med.Flash
Sets the source path of Flash movie and redraw the component
setSrc(String) - Method in class zul.utl.Script
Sets the URI of the source that contains the script codes.
setSrc(String) - Method in class zul.utl.Style
Sets the URI of an external style sheet.
setSrc(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Image
Sets the source URI of the image.
setStart(int) - Method in class zul.mesh.Frozen
Sets the start position of the scrollbar.
setStep(double) - Method in class zul.inp.Doublespinner
Set the step of dobule spinner
setStep(int) - Method in class zul.inp.Spinner
Set the step of spinner
setStyle(String) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets the CSS style of this widget.
setStyles() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Deprecated. As of release 5.0.2, use jq.css(map) instead
setTabbable(boolean) - Method in class zul.inp.Textbox
Sets whether TAB is allowed.
setTabindex(int) - Method in class zkmax.inp.Chosenbox
Sets the tab order of the input of this component.
setTabindex(int) - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Sets the tab order of this component.
setTabindex(int) - Method in class zul.sel.Select
Sets the tab order of this component.
setTabindex(int) - Method in class zul.wgt.A
Sets the tab order of this component.
setTabindex(int) - Method in class zul.wgt.Button
Sets the tab order of this component.
setTabindex(int) - Method in class zul.wgt.Checkbox
Sets the tab order of this component.
setTabindex(int) - Method in class zul.wgt.Selectbox
Sets the tab order of this component.
setTabindex(int) - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbarbutton
Sets the tab order of this component.
setTabscroll(boolean) - Method in class zul.tab.Tabbox
Sets whether to eable the tab scrolling
setTarget(String) - Method in class zkmax.nav.Navitem
Sets the target frame or window.
setTarget(String) - Method in class zul.menu.Menuitem
Sets the target frame or window.
setTarget(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.A
Sets the target frame or window.
setTarget(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Button
Sets the target frame or window.
setTarget(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbarbutton
Sets the target frame or window.
setText(String) - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Sets the text representing the value in the given format.
setThreeD(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.fusionchartz.Fusionchart
Set true to show three dimensional graph (If a type of chart got no 3d peer, this is ignored).
setTimeZone(String) - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Sets the time zone that this date box belongs to.
setTimeZonesReadonly(boolean) - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Sets whether the list of the time zones to display is readonly.
setTitle(String) - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Sets the title.
setTitle(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Groupbox
Sets the title of the groupbox.
setTitle(String) - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Sets the title.
setTitle(String) - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Sets the title.
setTooltip(Popup) - Method in class zul.Widget
Sets the ID of the popup (Popup) that should be used as a tooltip window when the mouse hovers over the element for a moment.
setTooltip(String) - Method in class zul.Widget
Sets the ID of the popup (Popup) that should be used as a tooltip window when the mouse hovers over the element for a moment.
setTooltiptext(String) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets the tooltip text of this widget.
setTop(String) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets the top of this widget.
setTopmost() - Method in class zk.Widget
Makes this widget as topmost.
setTotalSize(int) - Method in class zul.mesh.Paging
Sets the total number of items.
setType(String) - Method in class zkmax.fusionchartz.Fusionchart
Set the chart's type (Chart.PIE, Chart.BAR, Chart.LINE, etc.).
setType(String) - Method in class zul.inp.Textbox
Sets the type.
setType(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Button
Sets the button type.
setUnformater(String) - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Sets the unformater function.
setUnformater(String) - Method in class zul.db.Timebox
Sets the unformater function.
setUpload(String) - Method in class zul.menu.Menuitem
Sets the JavaScript class at the client to handle the upload if this button is used for file upload.
setUpload(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Button
Sets the JavaScript class at the client to handle the upload if this button is used for file upload.
setUpload(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbarbutton
Sets the JavaScript class at the client to handle the upload if this button is used for file upload.
setValign(String) - Method in class zul.box.Hlayout
Sets the vertical-align to top or bottom.
setValign(String) - Method in class zul.grid.Row
Sets the vertical alignment of the whole row.
setValign(String) - Method in class zul.mesh.FooterWidget
Sets the vertical alignment of this footer.
setValign(String) - Method in class zul.mesh.HeaderWidget
Sets the vertical alignment of this grid.
setValign(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Cell
Sets the vertical alignment of this grid.
setValue(String) - Method in class zkex.inp.Colorbox
Sets the value of color
setValue(Date) - Method in class zul.db.Calendar
Assigns a value to this component.
setValue(Object, boolean) - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Sets the value in the String format(assumes no locale issue).
setValue(String) - Method in class zul.menu.Menuitem
Sets the value.
setValue(String) - Method in class zul.sel.ItemWidget
Sets the value.
setValue(String) - Method in class zul.sel.Option
Sets the value.
setValue(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Checkbox
Sets the value.
setValue(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Label
Sets the value.
setValue(int) - Method in class zul.wgt.Progressmeter
Sets the current value of the progress meter.
setVersion(String, String) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Sets the version of the specified package.
setVersion(String) - Method in class zul.med.Flash
Sets the expected version of the Flash player.
setVflex(String) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets vertical flexibility hint of this widget.
setViewerClass(String) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Dropupload
Set the custom upload viewer class name, if was not specified, will use ZK default upload viewer.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets whether this widget is visible.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class zul.layout.Center
This component can't be hidden.
setVspace(String) - Method in class zul.med.Applet
Sets the vertical spacing around an applet.
setVspace(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Image
Deprecated. as of release 6.0.0, use CSS instead.
setWeekOfYear(boolean) - Method in class zul.db.Calendar
Sets whether enable to show the week number within the current year or not.
setWeekOfYear(boolean) - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Sets whether enable to show the week number in the current calendar or not.
setWidth(String) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets the width of this widget.
setWidth(String) - Method in class zul.layout.Center
The width can't be specified in this component because its width is determined by other region components (West or East).
setWidth(String) - Method in class zul.layout.North
The width can't be specified in this component because its width is determined by other region components (West or East).
setWidth(String) - Method in class zul.layout.South
The width can't be specified in this component because its width is determined by other region components (West or East).
setWidth() - Method in class zul.sel.Treecell
The width can't be specified in this component.
setWidth(String) - Method in class zul.wnd.Panelchildren
This method is unsupported.
setWmode(String) - Method in class zul.med.Flash
Sets the Window Mode property of the Flash movie for transparency, layering, and positioning in the browser.
setX(int) - Method in class zul.layout.Absolutechildren
Sets current "x" position within parent container component.
setY(int) - Method in class zul.layout.Absolutechildren
Sets current "y" position within parent container component.
setZclass(String) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets the ZK Cascading Style class(es) for this widget.
setZIndex(int, Map) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets the Z index.
Shadow - Class in zk.eff
The shadow effect.
shallCheckBorder(Window) - Static method in class zul.wnd.WindowRenderer
Returns whether to check the border's height.
shallChildROD_() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns whether a new child shall be ROD.
shallIgnoreClick_(Event) - Method in class zk.Widget
Check whether to ignore the click which might be caused by Widget.doClick_(zk.Event) Widget.doRightClick_(zk.Event), or Widget.doDoubleClick_(zk.Event).
shallIgnoreESC() - Static method in class _global_.zAu
Returns whether to ignore the ESC keystroke.
shallIgnoreSelect_(Event, ItemWidget) - Method in class zul.sel.SelectWidget
Returns whether to ignore the selection.
shallIgnoreSelect_(Event, ItemWidget) - Method in class zul.sel.Tree
Returns whether to ignore the selection.
shallStackup_() - Method in class zul.wgt.Popup
Returns whether to instantiate a stackup when Popup.open(_global_.String, _global_.Offset, _global_.String, _global_.Map) is called.
shallUpdate_(Widget) - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Returns shall be update or not
show() - Method in class _global_.jq
Shows all matched elements from the DOM.
show() - Method in class zk.Widget
Makes this widget visible.
show() - Method in class zul.inp.Errorbox
Opens the popup.
show() - Static method in class zul.wgt.Notification
Shows a notification.
showBusy(String) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Shows the busy message covering the whole browser window.
showBusy(String, String) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Shows the busy message covering the specified widget.
showError(String, String, String, Throwable) - Static method in class _global_.zAu
Called to shown an error if a severe error occurs.
showError_(String) - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Create a Errorbox widget, and show the error message
showNotification(String, String, String, String, int, boolean) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Shows a notifaction popup.
SimpleConstraint - Class in zul.inp
The default constraint supporting no empty, regular expressions and so on.
SimpleDateConstraint - Class in zul.inp
A simple date constraint.
SimpleDoubleSpinnerConstraint - Class in zul.inp
A simple double spinner constraint.
SimpleSpinnerConstraint - Class in zul.inp
A simple spinner constraint.
Size - Class in _global_
A size is a two-element array, where the first element is the width, and the second the height.
skip(Widget, String) - Method in class zk.Skipper
Skips all or subset of the descendant (child) widgets of the specified widget.
skipped(Widget, Widget) - Method in class zk.Skipper
Returns whether the specified child widget will be skipped by Skipper.skip(zk.Widget, _global_.String).
Skipper - Class in zk
A skipper is an object working with Widget.rerender(int) to rerender portion(s) of a widget (rather than the whole widget).
slideDown(Widget, Map) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Slides down (show) of the matched DOM element(s).
slideDown(DOMElement, Map) - Static method in class zk.eff.Actions
Slides down to display this widget.
slideDown_(DOMElement) - Method in class zul.inp.ComboWidget
Slides down the drop-down list.
slideIn(Widget, Map) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Slides in (show) of the matched DOM element(s).
slideIn(DOMElement, Map) - Static method in class zk.eff.Actions
Slides in to display this widget.
slideOut(Widget, Map) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Slides out (hide) of the matched DOM element(s).
slideOut(DOMElement, Map) - Static method in class zk.eff.Actions
Slides out to hide this widget.
Slider - Class in zul.inp
A slider.
slideUp(Widget, Map) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Slides up (hide) of the matched DOM element(s).
slideUp(DOMElement, Map) - Static method in class zk.eff.Actions
Slides up to hide this widget.
slideUp_(DOMElement) - Method in class zul.inp.ComboWidget
Slides up the drop-down list.
smartUpdate(String, Object, int) - Method in class zk.Widget
Smart-updates a property of the peer component associated with this widget, running at the server, with the specified value.
snap_(Offset) - Method in class zk.Draggable
Snaps the dragging position.
sort(String, Event) - Method in class zul.mesh.SortWidget
Sorts the data.
sorting(Object, Object, boolean) - Method in class zul.mesh.SortWidget
The default implementation to compare the data.
SortWidget - Class in zul.mesh
A skeletal implementation for a sortable widget.
SOUTH - Static variable in class zul.layout.Borderlayout
The south layout constraint (bottom of container).
South - Class in zul.layout
A south region of a border layout.
Space - Class in zul.wgt
Space is a Separator with the orient default to "vertical".
spaceless - Static variable in class _global_.zk
Indicates whether Widget.id is always the same as Widget.uuid.
Span - Class in zul.wgt
The same as HTML SPAN tag.
Spinner - Class in zul.inp
An edit box for holding a constrained integer.
Splitter - Class in zul.box
An element which should appear before or after an element inside a box (Box).
stamp() - Static method in class _global_.zk
Logs the information of all stamps made by zk.stamp(String, boolean).
stamp(String, boolean) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Make a time stamp for this momemt; used for performance tuning.
start(Object) - Static method in class zul.Upload
Starts the uploader to upload a file.
start() - Method in class zul.Uploader
Starts the uploader to upload
startProcessing(int) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Set a flag, zk.processing, to indicate that it starts a processing.
startsWith(String) - Method in class _global_.String
Returns whether this string starts with the specified prefix.
stateless(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Declares the desktop is used for the stateless context.
stop() - Method in class jq.Event
Stops the event propagation.
stop(Event) - Static method in class jq.Event
Stops the event propagation of the specified event.
stop(Map) - Method in class zk.Event
Stop the event propagation.
stop() - Method in class zul.med.Audio
Stops the audio at the client.
stop() - Method in class zul.utl.Timer
Stops the timer.
stopped - Variable in class zk.Event
Indicates whether the event propagation is stopped.
String - Class in _global_
A string.
stringToInts(String, int) - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
Converts a string separated by comma to an array of integers.
stripe() - Method in class zul.grid.Rows
Stripes the class for each row.
stripe() - Method in class zul.sel.Listbox
Stripes the class for each item.
Style - Class in zul.utl
The style component used to specify CSS styles for the owner desktop.
submit() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Submit the selected form.
submit(String) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Submit a form.
sumStyles(String, Array) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the summation of the specified styles.
Swipe - Class in zk
A swipe object used to make a DOM element swipe-able.
sync(int) - Static method in class zk.Desktop
Checks if any desktop becomes invalid, and removes the invalid desktops.
sync() - Method in class zk.eff.FullMask
Synchronizes the visual states of the full mask with the specified element and the browser window.
sync() - Method in class zk.eff.Mask
Synchronizes the visual states of the mask with the specified element and the browser window.
sync() - Method in class zul.Upload
Synchronizes the visual states of the element with fileupload
syncAttr() - Method in class zkex.menu.Fisheyebar
Synchronize the zk attributes
syncColMenu() - Method in class zul.mesh.ColumnMenupopup
Synchronizes the menu
syncColMenu() - Method in class zul.mesh.ColumnMenuWidget
Synchronizes the menu of this widget.
syncSize() - Method in class zul.box.Layout
Synchronizes the size immediately.
syncSize() - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Synchronizes the size immediately.
syncSize() - Method in class zul.tab.Tabbox
Synchronizes the size immediately.
syncSize(Map) - Method in class zul.WScroll
Syncs the scrolling area and control bar size.
syncWidth() - Method in class zul.inp.Doublespinner
Synchronizes the input element's width of this component
syncWidth() - Static method in class zul.inp.RoundUtl
Synchronizes the input element's width of this component


Tab - Class in zul.tab
A tab.
Tabbox - Class in zul.tab
A tabbox.
Tablechildren - Class in zkmax.layout
The cell of Tablelayout.
Tablelayout - Class in zkmax.layout
Tablelayout lay outs a container as an HTML table whose columns can be specified, and rowspan and colspan of its child can also be specified to create complex layouts within the table.
Tabpanel - Class in zul.tab
A tab panel.
Tabpanels - Class in zul.tab
A collection of tab panels.
TabRenderer - Class in zul.tab
The renderer used to render a Tab.
Tabs - Class in zul.tab
A collection of tabs (Tab).
target - Variable in class zk.Event
The target widget (readonly).
textAttrs_() - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Attributes for the text control.
Textbox - Class in zul.inp
A textbox.
textSize(String) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the size of the text if it is placed inside the first matched element.
Timebox - Class in zul.db
An input box for holding a time (a Date Object, but only Hour & Minute are used.
Timer - Class in zul.utl
Fires one or more timer after a specified delay.
tipDelay - Static variable in class _global_.zk
The delay before showing a tooltip (unit: milliseconds).
title(String) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Changes the brower window's titile.
titleHTML(Calendar, Array, Map) - Static method in class zul.db.Renderer
Generates the title of the content HTML.
titleOfWeekOfYear(Calendar) - Static method in class zul.db.Renderer
Generates the title of the week of year.
today(String) - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
Returns today.
today(boolean) - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
Returns today.
toggleItemSelection(Option) - Method in class zul.sel.Select
If the specified item is selected, it is deselected.
toJSON(Object, Object) - Static method in class _global_.jq
Encodes a JavaScript object to a JSON string.
Toolbar - Class in zul.wgt
A toolbar.
Toolbarbutton - Class in zul.wgt
A toolbar button.
top - Variable in class _global_.Dimension
The top coordinate.
toStyleOffset(int, int) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Converts an offset (x,y) from absolute coordination to the element's style coordination, such that you can assign them to the style (el.style).
Tree - Class in zul.sel
A container which can be used to hold a tabular or hierarchical set of rows of elements.
Treecell - Class in zul.sel
A treecell.
Treechildren - Class in zul.sel
A treechildren.
Treecol - Class in zul.sel
A treecol.
Treecols - Class in zul.sel
A treecols.
Treefoot - Class in zul.sel
A row of Treefooter.
Treefooter - Class in zul.sel
A column of the footer of a tree (Tree).
Treeitem - Class in zul.sel
A treeitem.
TreeItemIter - Class in zul.sel
Tree item iterator.
Treerow - Class in zul.sel
A treerow.
trim() - Method in class _global_.String
Returns a copy of the string, with leading and trailing whitespace omitted.


unbind(Desktop, Skipper) - Method in class zk.Widget
Unbinds this widget.
unbind_(Skipper, Array) - Method in class zk.Widget
Callback when a widget is unbound (aka., detached) from the DOM tree.
unbindChildren_(Skipper, Array) - Method in class zk.Widget
Unbinds the children of this widget.
unbindDoubleTap_() - Method in class zk.Widget
Unbind double click event to the widget on tablet device.
unbindSwipe_() - Method in class zk.Widget
Unbind swipe event to the widget on tablet device.
unbindTapHold_() - Method in class zk.Widget
Unbind right click event to the widget on tablet device.
uncloneDrag_(Draggable) - Method in class zk.Widget
Undo the visual effect created by Widget.cloneDrag_(zk.Draggable, _global_.Offset).
undoVParent() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Undoes the creation of a virtual parent of the first matched element.
unError() - Static method in class _global_.zAu
Unregister a listener for handling errors.
unlisten(Map) - Static method in class _global_.zWatch
Removes watch listener(s).
unlisten(Map) - Method in class zk.Widget
Removes a listener from the sepcified event.
unlistenAll(String) - Static method in class _global_.zWatch
Removes all listener of the specified watch.
unlistenOnFitSize_() - Method in class zk.Widget
Unlistens to onFitSize event.
unloading - Static variable in class _global_.zk
Indicates whether the browser is unloading this document.
unSyncScroll(Object) - Static method in class _global_.jq
To unregister one object for the doSyncScroll invocation.
unzsync(Object) - Static method in class _global_.jq
To unregister one object for the zsync invocation.
update(int, int) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.DropUploadViewer
Updates the status of the file being uploaded.
update(int, int) - Method in class zul.Uploader
Updates the status of the file being uploaded.
update(int, int) - Method in class zul.UploadViewer
Updates the status of the file being uploaded.
updateCells_() - Method in class zul.sel.Listheader
Updates the cells according to the listheader
updateChange_() - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Updates the change to server by firing onChange if necessary.
updateDomClass_() - Method in class zk.Widget
Updates the DOM element's CSS class.
updateDomContent_() - Method in class zul.LabelImageWidget
Updates the DOM tree for the modified label and image.
updateDomStyle_() - Method in class zk.Widget
Updates the DOM element's style.
updateFile(DropUploader, int, int) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.DropUploadManager
Updates the status of the file item.
updateFile(Uploader, int, int) - Method in class zul.UploadManager
Updates the status of the file item.
updateMesh_(String, Object) - Method in class zul.mesh.HeaderWidget
Updates the whole mesh widget.
Upload - Class in zul
Helper class for implementing the fileupload.
Uploader - Class in zul
Default file uploader for the upload widget.
UploadManager - Class in zul
Default file upload manager to manage the uploading files in a panel.
UploadViewer - Class in zul
Default file viewer to see the upload status.
Utl - Class in zk.xml
Utilities for parsing XML and others.
uuid(Widget, String) - Method in class zk.AuCmd1
Rename UUID.
uuid - Variable in class zk.Widget
uuid(String) - Static method in class zk.Widget
Converts an ID of a DOM element to UUID.


validate(Widget, Object) - Method in class zul.inp.SimpleConstraint
validation for flag, validate date if val is date
validate_(Object) - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Make the SimpleConstraint calls the validate for val, if SimpleConstraint is exist
validateStrict(String) - Method in class zul.inp.Combobox
called by SimpleConstraint
version - Static variable in class _global_.zk
The version of ZK, such as '5.0.0'
vflexHeight() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the maximal allowed height of the first matched element.
viewportOffset() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the X/Y coordinates of the first matched element relative to the viewport.
Vlayout - Class in zul.box
A vertical layout.
vparentNode(boolean) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the virtual parent of the first matched element.


WEST - Static variable in class zul.layout.Borderlayout
The west layout constraint (left side of container).
West - Class in zul.layout
A west region of a border layout.
Widget - Class in zk
A widget, i.e., an UI object.
Widget - Class in zul
The base class for ZUL widget.
widget - Variable in class zul.WScroll
The widget object that owns the control object.
WidgetInfo - Class in zk.wgt
Information of widgets.
widgetName - Variable in class zk.Desktop
The widget name (desktop).
widgetName - Variable in class zk.Macro
The widget name (macro).
widgetName - Variable in class zk.Native
The widget name (native).
widgetName - Variable in class zk.Page
The widget name (page).
widgetName - Variable in class zk.RefWidget
The widget name (refWidget).
widgetName - Variable in class zk.Widget
The widget name of the widget.
width - Variable in class _global_.Dimension
The width.
Window - Class in _global_
Window object representing an open window in a browser.
Window() - Constructor for class _global_.Window
Window - Class in zul.wnd
A window.
WindowRenderer - Class in zul.wnd
The renderer used to render a window.
wrongValue(Object...) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Shows the error messages for the specified widgets.
WScroll - Class in zul
A wave Scrollbar used to scroll the specific content and provides four controls to navigate the content, such as Home/Previous/Next/End, and also supports the mousewheel control.


XMLHttpRequest - Class in _global_
The XMLHttpRequest specification defines an API that provides scripted client functionality for transferring data between a client and a server.
XMLHttpRequest() - Constructor for class _global_.XMLHttpRequest


yearView(Calendar, Array, Map) - Static method in class zul.db.Renderer
Renderer the yearView for this calendar


zAu - Class in _global_
The AU Engine used to send the AU requests to the server and to process the AU responses.
zk - package zk
ZK JavaScript extension and utilities
zk - Variable in class _global_.jq
The associated instance of jqzk that provides additional utilities to jQuery.
zk - Class in _global_
A collection of ZK core utilities.
zk(Event, Widget) - Static method in class jq.Event
Converts a DOM event (Event) to a ZK event (Event).
zk.canvas - package zk.canvas
Canvas - 2D command-based drawing.
zk.eff - package zk.eff
The effects, such as mask and shadow.
zk.wgt - package zk.wgt
Utilities to handle widgets, such as the information about widgets.
zk.xml - package zk.xml
XML utilities.
zk.zuml - package zk.zuml
iZUML utilities.
zkex.grid - package zkex.grid
Additional grid related widgets, such as detail and group.
zkex.inp - package zkex.inp
Additional input related widgets and utilities, such as color.
zkex.layout - package zkex.layout
Additional layout related widgets and columlayout.
zkex.menu - package zkex.menu
zkex.sel - package zkex.sel
Additional selectable related widgets, such as listgroup.
zkex.utl - package zkex.utl
Additional utility widgets and utilities, such as jasperreport.
zkmax.big - package zkmax.big
zkmax.fusionchartz - package zkmax.fusionchartz
zkmax.inp - package zkmax.inp
zkmax.layout - package zkmax.layout
Additional layout related widgets, such as portallayout and tablelayout.
zkmax.nav - package zkmax.nav
zkmax.wgt - package zkmax.wgt
zsync() - Static method in class _global_.jq
To invoke the zsync method of the registered objects.
zsync(Map) - Method in class zk.Widget
Synchronizes a map of objects that are associated with this widget, and they shall be resized when the size of this widget is changed.
zul - package zul
The ZUL widgets and utilities
zul.box - package zul.box
The box widgets, such as hbox and vbox.
zul.db - package zul.db
The date related widgets, such as datebox and calendar.
zul.grid - package zul.grid
zul.inp - package zul.inp
The input related widgets, such as textbox and combobox.
zul.layout - package zul.layout
The layout widgets, such as borderlayout.
zul.med - package zul.med
The multimedia widgets, such as applet and audio.
zul.menu - package zul.menu
The menu related widgets, such as menubar and menuitem.
zul.mesh - package zul.mesh
The two-dimensional mesh related widgets.
zul.sel - package zul.sel
The selectable widgets, such as listbox and tree.
zul.tab - package zul.tab
The tabbox related widgets, such as tabbox and tabpanel.
zul.utl - package zul.utl
The utility widgets, such as iframe and script.
zul.wgt - package zul.wgt
The basic widgets, such as button and div.
zul.wnd - package zul.wnd
The window related widgets, such as window and panel.
zUtl - Class in _global_
The basic utilties.
zWatch - Class in _global_
An utility to manage watches.


_global_ - package _global_
The global namespace in JavaScript (i.e., the window object).
_global_ - Class in _global_
It is not really a class but a collection of global functions and variables.

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