Class Navitem

  extended by zk.Object
      extended by zk.Widget
          extended by zul.Widget
              extended by zul.LabelImageWidget
                  extended by zkmax.nav.Navitem

public class Navitem
extends LabelImageWidget

A single choice in a Navbar or Nav element. It acts much like a button but it is rendered on a navbar or nav.

Default Widget.getZclass(): z-navitem.


Field Summary
Fields inherited from class zk.Widget
$weave, auDelay, autag, bindLevel, className, desktop, effects_, firstChild, id, insertingBefore_, inServer, lastChild, nChildren, nextSibling, parent, previousSibling, uuid, widgetName
Fields inherited from class zk.Object
$class, $oid
Method Summary
 String getHref()
          Returns the href that the browser shall jump to, if an user clicks this button.
 String getTarget()
          Returns the target frame or window.
 boolean isDisabled()
          Returns whether it is disabled.
 boolean isSelected()
          Returns whether it is selected.
 void setDisabled(boolean disabled)
          Sets whether it is disabled.
 void setHref(String href)
          Sets the href.
 void setSelected(boolean selected)
          Sets whether it is selected.
 void setTarget(String target)
          Sets the target frame or window.
Methods inherited from class zul.LabelImageWidget
domContent_, domIcon_, domImage_, domLabel_, getHoverImage, getIconSclass, getImage, getImageNode, getLabel, setHoverImage, setIconSclass, setImage, setLabel, updateDomContent_
Methods inherited from class zul.Widget
afterKeyDown_, beforeCtrlKeys_, getContext, getCtrlKeys, getOpenTooltip, getPopup, getTooltip, setContext, setContext, setCtrlKeys, setPopup, setPopup, setTooltip, setTooltip
Methods inherited from class zk.Widget
$, $f, $f, $f, $init, $n, $n, $o, $s, afterAnima_, afterParentChanged_, appendChild, appendChild, beforeParentChanged_, beforeSendAU_, bind_, bind, bindChildren_, bindDoubleTap_, bindSwipe_, bindTapHold_, canActivate, cleanDrag_, clear, clearCache, cloneDrag_, deferRedraw_, deferRedrawHTML_, detach, doBlur_, doClick_, doDoubleClick_, doFocus_, doKeyDown_, doKeyPress_, doKeyUp_, domAttrs_, domClass_, domListen_, doMouseDown_, doMouseEnter_, doMouseLeave_, doMouseMove_, doMouseOut_, doMouseOver_, doMouseUp_, domStyle_, domTextStyleAttr_, domTooltiptext_, domUnlisten_, doResizeScroll_, doRightClick_, doSelect_, doSwipe_, doTooltipOut_, doTooltipOver_, dropEffect_, extraBind_, fire, fireX, focus_, focus, forcerender, fromPageCoord, get, getAction, getCaveNode, getChildAt, getChildIndex, getClass, getDraggable, getDragMessage_, getDragNode, getDragOptions_, getDrop_, getDroppable, getElementsById, getElementsByName, getFirstNode_, getFloatZIndex_, getHeight, getHflex, getId, getLeft, getMold, getOldWidget_, getPage, getRenderdefer, getSclass, getScrollLeft, getScrollTop, getStyle, getTextNode, getTooltiptext, getTop, getTopWidget, getVflex, getWidth, getZclass, getZIndex, hide, ignoreDescendantFloatUp_, ignoreDrag_, initDrag_, insertBefore, insertChildHTML_, isAutoId, isBinding, isFloating_, isListen, isRealVisible, isRealVisible, isVisible, isVisible, isWatchable_, listen, listenOnFitSize_, mimicMouseDown_, newInstance, nextUuid, onAfterSize, onChildAdded_, onChildRemoved_, onChildRenderDefer_, onChildReplaced_, onChildVisible_, onDrop_, redraw, redrawHTML_, register, removeChild, removeChild, removeChildHTML_, removeHTML_, replaceCavedChildren_, replaceChildHTML_, replaceHTML, replaceWidget, rerender, rerender, scrollIntoView, sendAU_, set, set, setAction, setChildren, setDomVisible_, setDraggable, setDroppable, setFloating_, setFloatZIndex_, setHeight, setHflex, setId, setLeft, setListener, setListener, setListeners, setMold, setRenderdefer, setSclass, setScrollLeft, setScrollTop, setStyle, setTooltiptext, setTop, setTopmost, setVflex, setVisible, setWidth, setZclass, setZIndex, shallChildROD_, shallIgnoreClick_, show, smartUpdate, unbind_, unbind, unbindChildren_, unbindDoubleTap_, unbindSwipe_, unbindTapHold_, uncloneDrag_, unlisten, unlistenOnFitSize_, updateDomClass_, updateDomStyle_, uuid, zsync
Methods inherited from class zk.Object
$init, $instanceof, $super, $super, $supers, $supers, afterInit, isAssignableFrom, isInstance, proxy
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public void setHref(String href)
Sets the href.

href -


public String getHref()
Returns the href that the browser shall jump to, if an user clicks this button.

Default: null. If null, the button has no function unless you specify the onClick event listener.

If it is not null, the onClick event won't be sent.



public void setTarget(String target)
Sets the target frame or window.

target - the name of the frame or window to hyperlink.


public String getTarget()
Returns the target frame or window.

Note: it is useful only if href (setHref(_global_.String)) is specified (i.e., use the onClick listener).

Default: null.



public void setDisabled(boolean disabled)
Sets whether it is disabled.

disabled -


public boolean isDisabled()
Returns whether it is disabled.

Default: false.



public void setSelected(boolean selected)
Sets whether it is selected.

selected -


public boolean isSelected()
Returns whether it is selected.

Default: false.


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