Package org.zkoss.zul

Class Include

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Cloneable, Component, AfterCompose, DynamicPropertied, Includer, Scope, IdSpace, ComponentCtrl

    public class Include
    extends XulElement
    implements Includer, DynamicPropertied, AfterCompose, IdSpace
    Includes the result generated by any servlet, not limited to a ZUML page.

    Non-XUL extension.

    If this component is the only child of its parent, the default width and height will become 100%.

    The instant mode

    In the instant mode, the page to be included are loaded 'instantly' with Execution.createComponents(org.zkoss.zk.ui.metainfo.PageDefinition, org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component, java.util.Map<?, ?>) when afterCompose() is called. Furthermore, the components are created as the child components of this include component (like a macro component).


    • The instant mode is supported automatically if the include component is created by a ZUML page. If you want to create it programmatically, you have to invoke afterCompose() after assigning the source (setSrc(java.lang.String)).
    • The instant mode doesn't support setProgressing(boolean) nor setLocalized(boolean)
    • The directives of the included page won't be included. It means <?style?> won't be evaluated. Thus, if you want to embed JavaScript files or codes in a page that might be included, it is better to use the script component (Script).

    The defer mode

    In the defer mode (the only mode supported by ZK prior to 3.6.2), the page is included by servlet container (the include method of javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher) in the render phase (i.e., after all components are created). The page can be any servlet; not limited to a ZUML page.

    If it is eventually another ZUML page, a ZK page (Page) is created and added to the current desktop. You can access them only via inter-page API (seePath).

    Notice that if a non-ZUML page, such as HTML fragment, is included, the content might be evaluated before ZK widgets are instantiated and rendered (so-called mounted). Thus, the embedded JavaScript code might be evaluated early. If you prefer to run them later, you could either use zk.afterMount(function(){...}) to defer the execute, or specify the custom attribute called org.zkoss.zul.include.html.defer to true.

    The auto mode (default)

    In the auto mode, the include component decides the mode based on the name specified in the src property (setSrc(java.lang.String)). If src is ended with the extension named .zul or .zhtml, the instant mode is assumed. Otherwise, the defer mode is assumed. Notice that if a query string is specified, the defer mode is assumed, too.

    Notice that invoking setProgressing(boolean) or setLocalized(boolean) with true will imply the defer mode (if the mode is auto).

    Backward Compatibility: Since 3.6.2, there are three modes: auto (default), instant and defer. The behavior prior to 3.6.2 is the same as the defer mode. The default mode is auto since 5.0. However, you can change it to defer by specifying a library property named org.zkoss.zul.include.mode (for backward compatibility).

    Passing Parameters

    There are two ways to pass parameters to the included page:

    First, since ZK 3.0.4, you can use setDynamicProperty(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object), or, in ZUL,

    <include src="/WEB-INF/mypage" arg="something"/>

    Second, you can use the query string:

    <include src="/WEB-INF/mypage?arg=something"/>

    With the query string, you can pass only the String values. and the parameter can be accessed by Execution.getParameter(java.lang.String) or javax.servlet.ServletRequest's getParameter. Or, you can access it with the param variable in EL expressions.

    On the other hand, the dynamic properties (setDynamicProperty(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object)) are passed to the included page thru the request's attributes You can pass any type of objects you want. In the included page, you can access them by use of Execution.getAttribute(java.lang.String) or javax.servlet.ServletRequest's getAttribute. Or, you can access with the requestScope variable in EL expressions.

    Macro Component versus Include

    If the include component is in the instant mode, it is almost the same as a macro component. On the other hand, if in the defer mode, they are different:
    1. Include (in defer mode) could include anything include ZUML, JSP or any other servlet, while a macro component could embed only a ZUML page.
    2. If Include (in defer mode) includes a ZUML page, a Page instance is created which is owned by Include. On the other hand, a macro component makes the created components as the direct children -- i.e., you can browse them with Component.getChildren().
    3. Include (in defer mode) creates components in the Rendering phase, while a macro component creates components in HtmlMacroComponent.afterCompose().
    4. invalidate() (in defer mode) will cause it to re-include the page (and then recreate the page if it includes a ZUML page). However, AbstractComponent.invalidate() just causes it to redraw and update the content at the client -- like any other component does. To re-create, you have to invoke HtmlMacroComponent.recreate().

    In additions to macro and Include, you can use the fulfill attribute as follows: <div fulfill="=/my/foo.zul">...</div>

    Custom Attribute

    [default: false] Whether to defer the rendering of non-ZUML page until all widgets are instantiated and rendered at client (so-called mounted).
    See Also:
    Iframe, Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • Include

        public Include()
      • Include

        public Include​(java.lang.String src)
    • Method Detail

      • getProgressing

        public boolean getProgressing()
        Returns whether to show the MZul.PLEASE_WAIT message before a long operation.

        Default: false.

      • onEchoInclude

        public void onEchoInclude()
        Internal use only.
      • getSrc

        public java.lang.String getSrc()
        Returns the src.

        Default: null.

      • setSrc

        public void setSrc​(java.lang.String src)
        Sets the src.

        If src is changed, the whole component is invalidate. Thus, you want to smart-update, you have to override this method.

        src - the source URI. If null or empty, nothing is included. You can specify the source URI with the query string and they will become a parameter that can be accessed by use of Execution.getParameter(java.lang.String) or javax.servlet.ServletRequest's getParameter. For example, if "/a.zul?b=c" is specified, you can access the parameter with ${param.b} in a.zul.
        See Also:
        setDynamicProperty(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object)
      • getMode

        public java.lang.String getMode()
        Returns the inclusion mode. There are three modes: auto, instant and defer. The behavior prior to 3.6.2 is the same as the defer mode.

        Default: auto (since 5.0.0).

      • setMode

        public void setMode​(java.lang.String mode)
                     throws WrongValueException
        Sets the inclusion mode.
        mode - the inclusion mode: auto, instant or defer.
      • getEnclosingTag

        public java.lang.String getEnclosingTag()
        Returns the name of the enclosing tag.

        Default: div

      • setEnclosingTag

        public void setEnclosingTag​(java.lang.String tag)
        Sets the the name of the enclosing tag

        Default: div

      • isLocalized

        public boolean isLocalized()
        Returns whether the source depends on the current Locale. If true, it will search xxx_en_US.yyy, xxx_en.yyy and xxx.yyy for the proper content, where src is assumed to be xxx.yyy.

        Default: false;

      • setLocalized

        public void setLocalized​(boolean localized)
        Sets whether the source depends on the current Locale.
      • isComment

        public boolean isComment()
        Returns whether to generate the included content inside the HTML comment.

        Default: false.

        It is useful if you want to include non-HTML content. For example,

        <include src="a.xml" comment="true"/>
        Then, it will generate
        <div id="uuid">
         //the content of a.xml

        Notice that it is ignored in the instance mode (getMode()).

      • setComment

        public void setComment​(boolean comment)
        Sets whether to generate the included content inside the HTML comment.
        See Also:
      • getChildPage

        public Page getChildPage()
        Description copied from interface: Includer
        Returns the child page.
        Specified by:
        getChildPage in interface Includer
      • setChildPage

        public void setChildPage​(Page page)
        Description copied from interface: Includer
        Sets the child page.

        Used only for implementing an includer component (such as Include).

        Note: the child page is actually maintained by the included page, so the implementation of this method needs only to store the page in a transient member.

        Notice that, like Includer.setRenderingResult(java.lang.String), it is called only if the included page is a ZUML document.

        Specified by:
        setChildPage in interface Includer
      • setRenderingResult

        public void setRenderingResult​(java.lang.String result)
        Description copied from interface: Includer
        Sets the rendering result It is called when the child page (Includer.getChildPage()) has been rendered. The includer can then generate it to the output in the way it'd like.

        Used only for implementing an includer component (such as Include).

        Notice that, like Includer.setChildPage(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Page), it is called only if the included page is a ZUML document.

        Specified by:
        setRenderingResult in interface Includer
      • onAfterCompose

        public void onAfterCompose()
      • afterCompose

        public void afterCompose()
        Description copied from interface: AfterCompose
        Invokes after ZK loader creates this component, initializes it and composes all its children, if any.
        Specified by:
        afterCompose in interface AfterCompose
      • hasDynamicProperty

        public boolean hasDynamicProperty​(java.lang.String name)
        Returns whether a dynamic property is defined.
        Specified by:
        hasDynamicProperty in interface DynamicPropertied
      • getDynamicProperties

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> getDynamicProperties()
        Description copied from interface: DynamicPropertied
        Returns all available dynamic properties.
        Specified by:
        getDynamicProperties in interface DynamicPropertied
      • setDynamicProperty

        public void setDynamicProperty​(java.lang.String name,
                                       java.lang.Object value)
        Adds a dynamic property that will be passed to the included page via the request's attribute.

        For example, if setDynamicProperty("abc", new Integer(4)) is called, then the included page can retrieved the abc property by use of ${}

        Specified by:
        setDynamicProperty in interface DynamicPropertied
      • clearDynamicProperties

        public void clearDynamicProperties()
        Removes all dynamic properties.
      • invalidate

        public void invalidate()
        Invalidates this component. It works for both the instant and defer mode. Notice that all children will be detached (the instant mode) and the page will be reloaded (and new children will be created).
        Specified by:
        invalidate in interface Component
        invalidate in class AbstractComponent