Tooltips, Context Menus and Popups

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DocumentationZK Developer's ReferenceUI PatternsTooltips, Context Menus and Popups
Tooltips, Context Menus and Popups

The support of tooltips, context menus and popups are generic. Any components inherited from XulElement can handle them in the same way.

To enable any of them, you have to prepare a component representing the customized look, and then specify this component or its ID in the corresponding properties (such as XulElement.setTooltip(String)) in the target component. Then, when the user triggers it (such as moving the mouse over the target component), the component representing the customized look is shown up.

The component representing the customized look must be a Popup component or one of derives, such as Menupopup, while the target component (which causes the customized look to show up) can be any kind of component.

What Condition API
Tooltips[1] When the user moves the mouse point over the target component for a while XulElement.setTooltip(String) or XulElement.setTooltip(Popup)
Context Menus When the user clicks the right button on the target component XulElement.setContext(String) or XulElement.setContext(Popup)
Popups When the user clicks the left button on the target component XulElement.setPopup(String) or XulElement.setPopup(Popup)

  1. Notice that if you'd like to have different text for the tooltip (rather than a fully customized look), you shall use HtmlBasedComponent.setTooltiptext(String) instead (which is easier to use).


To provide a custom tooltip, you could specify the ID of the custom tooltip in the target component's tooltip (XulElement.setTooltip(String) or XulElement.setTooltip(Popup)). For example,

    <image src="/img/earth.png" tooltip="msg"/>

    <menupopup id="msg">
        <menuitem label="Undo"/>
        <menuitem label="Redo"/> 
        <menu label="Sort">
                <menuitem label="Sort by Name" autocheck="true"/>
                <menuitem label="Sort by Date" autocheck="true"/>

Then, when the user moves the mouse pointer over the image for a while, the menupopup will be shown up as shown below.


The time to wait before showing up the tooltip can be configured. Please refer to ZK Configuration Reference for more information.

Context Menus

Providing a customized context menu is the same, except it uses the context property instead. For example,

        <listitem label="Right Click Me!" context="status"/>

    <popup id="status" width="300px">
            This user is online now !
            <a label="Mail him/her"/>


As shown above, you could use Popup so the context menu is not limited to a menupopup.

Here is another example: context menus versus right clicks.

	<menupopup id="editPopup">
	    <menuitem label="Undo"/>
	    <menuitem label="Redo"/>
	    <menu label="Sort">
	            <menuitem label="Sort by Name" autocheck="true"/>
	            <menuitem label="Sort by Date" autocheck="true"/>
	<label value="Right Click Me!" context="editPopup"/>
	<separator bar="true"/>
	<label value="Right Click Me!" onRightClick="alert(self.value)"/>


Notice that the menupopup is not visible until a user right-clicks on a component that is associated with its’ ID.

Tip: If you want to disable browser's default context menu, you can set the context attribute of a component to a non-existent ID.

The popup component is generic popup and you are able to place any kind of components inside of popup. For example,

	<label value="Right Click Me!" context="any"/>

	<label value="Right Click Me!" context="any"/>
	<popup id="any" width="300px">
	         It can be anything.
	        <toolbarbutton label="ZK" href=""/>


Providing a customized popup is the same, except it uses the popup property instead. For example,

    <label value="Click Me!" popup="status"/>

    <popup id="status" width="300px">
            This user is online now !
            <a label="Mail him/her"/>

Position of Popup

The context-menu/tooltip/popups can be shown by a position from Popup or the location of x and y, you can specify position with the following format:

    <label value="Click Me!" popup="status, at_pointer"/>
    <label value="Click Me!" popup="status, after_pointer"/>
    <label value="Click Me!" popup="status, position=before_start"/><!-- And other 20 positions -->
    <label value="Click Me!" popup="status, x=30, y=30"/><!-- Fixed positions -->

    <popup id="status" width="300px">
            This user is online now !
            <a label="Mail him/her"/>

Check Popup Component for detailed description.

since 6.5.2

Since 6.5.2, the position is now more customizable and can be done by specifying a formula that executes on client side, for example,

    <!-- right down of mouse pointer -->
    <label value="Click Me!" popup="status, x=(zk.currentPointer[0] + 30), y=(zk.currentPointer[1] + 50)"/>

    <popup id="status" width="300px">
            This user is online now !
            <a label="Mail him/her"/>

With x=(zk.currentPointer[0] + 30), y=(zk.currentPointer[1] + 50) arguments, the popup position will be on the bottom right of the current mouse pointer.

Note: The parentheses '()' sign must be required to dynamically calculate position on the client side.

Limitation of iOS


Since there is no mouse move event in iOS, the tooltip won't be shown.

Context Menu

[since 5.0.7]

ZK Client Engine will simulate the context menu, if the user touches the DOM element, associated with the contextmenu property, and holds a while.

Events 1 finger.jpg


Like onClick, ZK Client Engine simulates the click, if the user touches the DOM element associated with the popup property.

For more information, please refer to Safari Developer Library.

Version History

Last Update : 2013/03/08

Version Date Content
5.0.7 May 2011 Context Menus supported with iOS

Last Update : 2013/03/08

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