Uses of Class

Packages that use String
_global_ The global namespace in JavaScript (i.e., the window object). 
jq DOM event object and utilities 
zk ZK JavaScript extension and utilities 
zk.wgt Utilities to handle widgets, such as the information about widgets. 
zk.xml XML utilities. 
zk.zuml iZUML utilities. 
zkex.grid Additional grid related widgets, such as detail and group. 
zkex.inp Additional input related widgets and utilities, such as color. Additional menu related widgets and utilities, such as fisheye. 
zkex.sel Additional selectable related widgets, such as listgroup. 
zkmax.layout Additional layout related widgets, such as portallayout and tablelayout. 
zul The ZUL widgets and utilities The box widgets, such as hbox and vbox. 
zul.db The date related widgets, such as datebox and calendar. 
zul.grid The grid related widgets, such as grid and row. 
zul.inp The input related widgets, such as textbox and combobox. 
zul.layout The layout widgets, such as borderlayout. The multimedia widgets, such as applet and audio. The menu related widgets, such as menubar and menuitem. 
zul.mesh The two-dimensional mesh related widgets. 
zul.sel The selectable widgets, such as listbox and tree. The tabbox related widgets, such as tabbox and tabpanel. 
zul.utl The utility widgets, such as iframe and script. 
zul.wgt The basic widgets, such as button and div. 
zul.wnd The window related widgets, such as window and panel. 

Uses of String in _global_

Fields in _global_ declared as String
static String zk.agent
          The user agent of the browser.
static String zk.appName
          The application's name, which will be initialized as server-side's WebApp.getAppName().
static String
          The build of ZK, such as '08113021'
static String zUtl.cellps0
          A shortcut of ' cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"'.
static String zUtl.i0
          A shortcut of '<i style="height:0;width:0"/>'.
static String zUtl.img0
          A shortcut of '<img style="height:0;width:0"/>'.
static String zk.version
          The version of ZK, such as '5.0.0'

Methods in _global_ that return String
 String String.$camel()
          Returns a copy of this string by converting dashes into a camel-case equivalent.
 String String.$inc(int diff)
          Returns a copy of the first character of a string by increasing its value.
 String String.$sub(String cc)
          Returns the difference between the first character of this string and the first character of the specified string.
static String zk.ajaxURI(String uri, Map opts)
          Encodes and returns the URI to communicate with the server.
static String zAu.beforeSend(String uri, Event aureq, Desktop dt)
          Called before sending an AU request.
static String jq.css(DOMElement elem, String name, String extra)
          An override function that provide a way to get the style value where is defined in the CSS file or the style object, rather than the computed value.
static String jq.d2j(Date d)
          Marshalls the Date object into a string such that it can be sent back to the server.
static String zUtl.decodeXML(String txt)
          Decodes the XML string into a normal string.
static String zAu.encode(int j, Event aureq, Desktop dt)
          Returns the content to send to the server.
static String zUtl.encodeXML(String txt, Map opts)
          Encodes the string to a valid XML string.
static String jq.filterTextStyle(String style, Array plus)
          Returns the text-relevant style of the specified style (same as HTMLs.getTextRelevantStyle in Java).
static String zAu.getErrorURI(int code)
          Returns the URI for the specified error.
static String zk.getHost(String pkg, boolean js)
          Returns the URI of the server (so called host) for the specified package.
static String zAu.getPushErrorURI(int code)
          Sets the URI for the server-push related error.
static String zk.getVersion(String pkg)
          Returns the version of the specified package, or null if not available.
static String zUtl.intsToString(int[] ary)
          Converts an integer array to a string (separated by comma).
static String zUtl.mapToString(Map map, String assign, String separator)
          Converts a map to a string
static String jq.nodeName(DOMElement el)
          Returns the node name of the specified element in the lower case.
static String jq.px(java.lang.Integer v)
          Converting an integer to a string ending with "px".
static String jq.px0(java.lang.Integer v)
          Converting an integer a string ending with "px".
 String String.trim()
          Returns a copy of the string, with leading and trailing whitespace omitted.

Methods in _global_ with parameters of type String
static Array jq.$$(String id, String subId)
          Returns an array of DOMElement that matches.
static java.lang.Object zk.$import(String name)
          Imports a class or a package.
static java.lang.Object zk.$import(String name, Function fn)
          Imports a package or class, and load it if fn is specified.
static Package zk.$package(String name)
          Defines a package.
 String String.$sub(String cc)
          Returns the difference between the first character of this string and the first character of the specified string.
static void zk.afterLoad(String pkgs, Function func)
          Declares a function that shall be executed only if the specified package(s) are loaded (and zk.loading is 0).
static String zk.ajaxURI(String uri, Map opts)
          Encodes and returns the URI to communicate with the server.
static void jq.alert(String msg, Map opts)
          Shows up a message.
static void zUtl.appendAttr(String nm, java.lang.Object val)
          Appends an attribute.
static void zUtl.appendAttr(String nm, java.lang.Object val, boolean force)
          Appends an attribute.
static String zAu.beforeSend(String uri, Event aureq, Desktop dt)
          Called before sending an AU request.
static boolean zAu.confirmRetry(String msgCode, String msg2)
          Called to confirm the user whether to retry, when an error occurs.
static String jq.css(DOMElement elem, String name, String extra)
          An override function that provide a way to get the style value where is defined in the CSS file or the style object, rather than the computed value.
static java.lang.Object zk.cut(Map props, String nm)
          Retrieves and removes the value of the specified name of the given map.
static String zUtl.decodeXML(String txt)
          Decodes the XML string into a normal string.
static void zk.depends(String a, String b)
          Declare a package that must be loaded when loading another package.
static void zUtl.destroyProgressbox(String id)
          Removes the message box created by zUtl.progressbox(_global_.String, _global_.String, boolean, _global_.String).
static void zAu.doCmds(String dtid, Array rs)
          Process the specified commands.
static String zUtl.encodeXML(String txt, Map opts)
          Encodes the string to a valid XML string.
 boolean String.endsWith(String postfix)
          Returns whether this string ends with the specified postfix.
static void zk.error(String msg)
          Display an error message to indicate an error.
static java.lang.Object jq.evalJSON(String s)
          Decodes a JSON string to a JavaScript object.
static String jq.filterTextStyle(String style, Array plus)
          Returns the text-relevant style of the specified style (same as HTMLs.getTextRelevantStyle in Java).
static void name, java.lang.Object origin, Map opts, java.lang.Object... vararg)
          Fires an watch that invokes all listeners of the watch.
static void zWatch.fireDown(String name, java.lang.Object origin, Map opts, java.lang.Object... vararg)
          Fires an watch but invokes only the listeners that are a descendant of the specified origin.
static java.lang.Object zk.get(java.lang.Object o, String name)
          Retrieves a value from the specified property.
static String zk.getHost(String pkg, boolean js)
          Returns the URI of the server (so called host) for the specified package.
static String zk.getVersion(String pkg)
          Returns the version of the specified package, or null if not available.
static void zUtl.go(String url, Map opts)
          Navigates to the specified URL.
static boolean zk.isLoaded(String pkg, boolean loading)
          Tests if a package is loaded (or being loaded).
static Date jq.j2d(String s)
          Unmarshalls the string back to a Date object.
static boolean zk.load(String pkg, Desktop dt, Function func)
          Loads the specified package(s).
static boolean zk.load(String pkg, Function func)
          Loads the specified package(s).
static void zUtl.loadImage(String url)
          Loads an image before ZK client engine to calculate the widget's layout.
static zk zk.loadScript(String src, String name, String charset)
          Loads a JavaScript file.
static String zUtl.mapToString(Map map, String assign, String separator)
          Converts a map to a string
static DOMElement jq.newFrame(String id, String src, String style)
          Creates an IFRAME element with the specified ID, src and style.
static DOMElement jq.newHidden(String name, String value, DOMElement parent)
          Creates a HIDDEN element
static DOMElement jq.newStackup(DOMElement el, String id, DOMElement anchor)
          Creates a 'stackup' (actually, an iframe) that makes an element (with position:absolute) shown above others.
static boolean jq.nodeName(DOMElement el, String tag1)
          Returns if the node name of the specified element is the same as one of the specified name (case insensitive).
 void _global_.onIframeURLChange(String uuid, String url)
          Callback when the URL/bookmark of an iframe has been changed.
static java.lang.Object zk.override(java.lang.Object dst, String nm, java.lang.Object val)
          Overrides a particular method or data member.
static double zk.parseFloat(String v)
          Parses a string to a floating number.
static int zk.parseInt(String v, int b)
          Parses a string to an integer.
static Map zUtl.parseMap(String text, String separator, String quote)
          Parses the specifie text into a map.
static Map jq.parseStyle(String style)
          Parses a string-type CSS style into a map of names and values of styles.
 jqzk jqzk.position(Dimension dim, String where, Map opts)
          Position the first matched element to the specified location.
 jqzk jqzk.position(DOMElement dim, String where, Map opts)
          Position the first matched element to the specified location.
static void zAu.process(String cmd, String data)
          Processes the AU response sent from the server.
static void zUtl.progressbox(String id, String msg, boolean mask, String icon)
          Creates a message box to indicate something is being processed
static java.lang.Object zk.set(java.lang.Object o, String name, java.lang.Object value, java.lang.Object extra)
          Assigns a value to the specified property.
static void zAu.setErrorURI(int code, String uri)
          Sets the URI for the specified error.
static void zk.setHost(String host, String updURI, Array pkgs)
          Defines the URL of the host for serving the specified packages.
static void zAu.setPushErrorURI(int code, String uri)
          Sets the URI for the server-push related error.
static void zk.setScriptLoaded(String name)
          Notify ZK that the name of the JavaScript file is loaded.
static void zk.setVersion(String pkg, String ver)
          Sets the version of the specified package.
static void zAu.showError(String msgCode, String msg2, String cmd, java.lang.Throwable ex)
          Called to shown an error if a severe error occurs.
static void zk.stamp(String name, boolean noAutoLog)
          Make a time stamp for this momemt; used for performance tuning.
 boolean String.startsWith(String prefix)
          Returns whether this string starts with the specified prefix.
static Desktop zk.stateless(String dtid, String contextURI, String updateURI, String reqURI)
          Declares the desktop is used for the stateless context.
static int[] zUtl.stringToInts(String text, int defaultValue)
          Converts a string separated by comma to an array of integers.
 int jqzk.sumStyles(String areas, Array styles)
          Returns the summation of the specified styles.
 Size jqzk.textSize(String text)
          Returns the size of the text if it is placed inside the first matched element.
static Date fmt)
          Returns today.
static void zWatch.unlistenAll(String name)
          Removes all listener of the specified watch.

Uses of String in jq

Methods in jq with parameters of type String
static void el, String evtnm)
          Fires a DOM element.

Uses of String in zk

Fields in zk declared as String
 String Widget.autag
          The AU tag of this widget.
 String Desktop.className
          The class name (zk.Desktop).
 String Widget.className
          The class name of the widget.
 String Macro.className
          The class name (zk.Macro).
 String Native.className
          The class name (zk.Native)
 String Page.className
          The class name (zk.Page).
 String RefWidget.className
          The class name (zk.RefWidget).
          The identifier of this widget, or null if not assigned (readonly).
          The event name, such as 'onChange'.
 String Desktop.requestPath
          The request path.
 String Widget.uuid
          The UUID.
 String Desktop.widgetName
          The widget name (desktop).
 String Widget.widgetName
          The widget name of the widget.
 String Macro.widgetName
          The widget name (macro).
 String Native.widgetName
          The widget name (native).
 String Page.widgetName
          The widget name (page).
 String RefWidget.widgetName
          The widget name (refWidget).

Methods in zk that return String
 String BigDecimal.$toLocaleString()
          Returns a Locale-dependent string for this big decimal(for human's eye).
 String Long.$toLocaleString()
          Returns a Locale-dependent string for this long integer.
 String BigDecimal.$toString()
          Returns a string for this big decimal (per the original form).
 String Long.$toString()
          Returns a string for this long integer To have a Locale-dependent string, use Long.$toLocaleString() instead.
protected  String Widget.domAttrs_(Map no)
          Returns the HTML attributes that is used to generate DOM element of this widget.
protected  String Widget.domClass_(Map no)
          Returns the class name(s) used for the DOM element of this widget.
protected  String Widget.domStyle_(Map no)
          Returns the style used for the DOM element of this widget.
protected  String Widget.domTextStyleAttr_()
          Returns the style attribute that contains only the text related CSS styles.
protected  String Widget.domTooltiptext_()
          Returns the tooltiptext for generating the title attribute of the DOM element.
 String Widget.getAction()
          Returns the client-side action.
 String Widget.getDraggable()
          Returns the identifier of a draggable type for this widget, or null if not draggable.
protected  String Widget.getDragMessage_()
          Returns the message to show when an user is dragging this widget, or null if it prefers to clone the widget with Widget.cloneDrag_(zk.Draggable, _global_.Offset).
 String Widget.getDroppable()
          Returns the identifier, or a list of identifiers of a droppable type for this widget, or null if not droppable.
 String Macro.getEnclosingTag()
          Returns the tag name for this macro widget.
 String Widget.getHeight()
          Returns the height of this widget.
 String Widget.getHflex()
          Return horizontal flex hint of this widget.
 String Widget.getId()
          Returns the identifier of this widget, or null if not assigned.
 String Widget.getLeft()
          Returns the left of this widget.
 String Widget.getMold()
          Returns this widget's mold.
 String Widget.getSclass()
          Returns the CSS class of this widget.
 String Widget.getStyle()
          Returns the CSS style of this widget
 String Widget.getTooltiptext()
          Returns the tooltip text of this widget.
 String Widget.getTop()
          Returns the top of this widget.
 String Widget.getVflex()
          Returns vertical flex hint of this widget.
 String Widget.getWidth()
          Returns the width of this widget.
 String Widget.getZclass()
          Returns the ZK Cascading Style class(es) for this widget.
static String Widget.nextUuid()
          Returns the next unique UUID for a widget.
protected  String Widget.redrawHTML_(Skipper skipper, boolean trim)
          Returns the HTML fragment of this widget.
static String Widget.uuid(String subId)
          Converts Converts an ID of a DOM element to UUID.

Methods in zk with parameters of type String
 Widget Widget.$f(String id)
          Returns the fellow of the specified ID of the ID space that this widget belongs to.
 Widget Widget.$f(String id, boolean global)
          Returns the fellow of the specified ID of the ID space that this widget belongs to.
 void Desktop.$init(String dtid, String contextURI, String updateURI, String reqURI, boolean stateless)
 void Event.$init(Widget target, String name, Object data, Map opts, Event domEvent)
 DOMElement Widget.$n(String subId)
          Returns the child element of the DOM element(s) that this widget is bound to.
 Object Object.$super(Class klass, String mtd, Object... vararg)
          Invokes a method defined in the superclass with any number of arguments.
 Object Object.$super(String mtd, Object... vararg)
          Invokes a method defined in the superclass with any number of arguments.
 Object Object.$supers(Class klass, String mtd, Array args)
          Invokes a method defined in the superclass with an array of arguments.
 Object Object.$supers(String mtd, Array args)
          Invokes a method defined in the superclass with an array of arguments.
 void AuCmd1.addAft(Widget wgt, String... codes)
          Adds the widget(s) generated by evaluating the specified JavaScript code snippet after the specified widget (as sibling).
 void AuCmd1.addAft(Widget wgt, String code)
          Adds the widget(s) generated by evaluating the specified JavaScript code snippet after the specified widget (as sibling).
 void AuCmd1.addBfr(Widget wgt, String... codes)
          Adds the widget(s) generated by evaluating the specified JavaScript code snippet before the specified widget (as sibling).
 void AuCmd1.addChd(Widget wgt, String... codes)
          Adds the widget(s) generated by evaluating the specified JavaScript code snippet as the last child of the specified widget.
 void AuCmd0.alert(String msg)
          Shows an alert to indicate some error occurs.
 void AuCmd0.bookmark(String bk, boolean replace)
          Sets a bookmark
 void AuCmd0.cfmClose(String msg)
          Sets the message used to confirm the user when he is closing the browser window.
 void AuCmd0.clearBusy(String uuid)
          Removes the busy message covering the specified widget.
 void AuCmd0.clearWrongValue(String... any)
          Closes the all error messages related to the specified widgets.
 void AuCmd0.clientInfo(String dtid)
          Asks the client information.
protected  Widget Widget.domListen_(DOMElement node, String evtnm, Object fn)
          Registers an DOM event listener for the specified DOM element (aka., node).
protected  Widget Widget.domUnlisten_(DOMElement node, String evtnm, Object fn)
          Un-registers an event listener for the specified DOM element (aka., node).
 void url)
          Asks the client to download the resource at the specified URL.
 void AuCmd0.echo(String dtid)
          Asks the client to echo back an AU request, such that the server can return other commands.
 void AuCmd1.echo2(Widget wgt, String evtnm, Object data)
          Ask the client to echo back an AU request with the specified evant name and the target widget.
 void AuCmd0.echoGx(String evtnm, String data, String... any)
          Ask the client to echo back globally.
 void AuCmd0.echoGx(String evtnm, String data, String... any)
          Ask the client to echo back globally.
protected  void Widget.extraBind_(String uuid, boolean add)
          Associates UUID with this widget.
 Event evtnm, Object data, Map opts, int timeout)
          Fire a widget event.
 Object Widget.get(String name)
          Retrieves a value from the specified property.
static Class Widget.getClass(String wgtnm)
          Returns the class of the specified widget's name.
static Array Widget.getElementsById(String id)
          Returns all elements with the given ID.
static Array Widget.getElementsByName(String name)
          Returns all elements with the given widget name.
static DOMElement DnD.ghost(Draggable drag, Offset ofs, String msg)
          Ghost the DOM element being dragged.
 void AuCmd1.invoke(Widget wgt, String func, Object... vararg)
          Invokes the specifed method of the specified widget.
static boolean Widget.isAutoId(String uuid)
          Deprecated. we cannot really detect at the client if UUID is generated automatically.
 boolean Widget.isListen(String evtnm, Map opts)
          Returns if a listener is registered for the specified event.
protected  boolean Widget.isWatchable_(String name, Widget p, Map cache)
          Returns if the given watch shall be fired for this widget.
 void AuCmd0.log(String msg)
          Logs the message.
static Widget Widget.newInstance(String wgtnm, Map props)
          Creates a widget by specifying the widget name.
 void AuCmd0.obsolete(String dtid, String msg)
          Shows an error to indicate the desktop is timeout.
 void AuCmd1.outer(Widget wgt, String code)
          Replaces the widget with the widget(s) generated by evaluating the specified JavaScript code snippet.
 void AuCmd0.redirect(String url, String target)
          Redirects to the specified URL.
static void Widget.register(String clsnm, boolean blankPreserved)
          Registers a widget class.
protected  void Widget.replaceCavedChildren_(String subId, Array wgts, String tagBeg, String tagEnd)
          Replaced the child widgets with the specified widgets.
 void AuCmd0.script(String script)
          Executes the JavaScript.
 void AuCmd0.scrollIntoView(String id)
          Scrolls the widget or an DOM element into the view
 Widget Widget.set(String name, Object value)
          Sets a property.
 Widget Widget.set(String name, Object value, Object extra)
          Sets a property.
 void Widget.setAction(String action)
          Sets the client-side action.
 void AuCmd1.setAttr(Widget wgt, String name, Object value)
          Sets the attribute of a widget.
 Widget Widget.setDraggable(String draggable)
          Sets the identifier of a draggable type for this widget.
 Widget Widget.setDroppable(String droppable)
          Sets the identifier, or a list of identifiers of a droppable type for this widget.
 void Macro.setEnclosingTag(String tag)
          Sets the tag name for this macro widget
 Widget Widget.setHeight(String height)
          Sets the height of this widget.
 void Widget.setHflex(String flex)
          Sets horizontal flexibility hint of this widget.
 Widget Desktop.setId(String id)
          This method is voided (does nothing) since the desktop's ID can be changed.
 Widget Widget.setId(String id)
          Sets the identifier of this widget.
 Widget Widget.setLeft(String left)
          Sets the left of this widget.
 void Widget.setListener(String evt, Function fn)
          Sets a listener It is designed to be called from server.
 Widget Widget.setMold(String mold)
          Sets this widget's mold.
 Widget Widget.setSclass(String sclass)
          Sets the CSS class of this widget.
 Widget Widget.setStyle(String style)
          Sets the CSS style of this widget.
 Widget Widget.setTooltiptext(String title)
          Sets the tooltip text of this widget.
 Widget Widget.setTop(String top)
          Sets the top of this widget.
 void Widget.setVflex(String flex)
          Sets vertical flexibility hint of this widget.
 Widget Widget.setWidth(String width)
          Sets the width of this widget.
 Widget Widget.setZclass(String zclass)
          Sets the ZK Cascading Style class(es) for this widget.
 void AuCmd0.showBusy(String msg)
          Shows the busy message covering the whole browser window.
 void AuCmd0.showBusy(String uuid, String msg)
          Shows the busy message covering the specified widget.
 void AuCmd0.showNotification(String msg, String pid, String ref, String pos, int dur)
          Shows a notifaction popup.
 DOMElement Skipper.skip(Widget wgt, String skipId)
          Skips all or subset of the descendant (child) widgets of the specified widget.
 Widget Widget.smartUpdate(String name, Object value, int timeout)
          Smart-updates a property of the peer component associated with this widget, running at the server, with the specified value.
 void AuCmd0.submit(String id)
          Submit a form.
 void AuCmd0.title(String title)
          Changes the brower window's titile.
static String Widget.uuid(String subId)
          Converts Converts an ID of a DOM element to UUID.
 void AuCmd1.uuid(Widget wgt, String newId)
          Rename UUID.

Uses of String in zk.wgt

Methods in zk.wgt that return String
static String WidgetInfo.getClassName(String wgtnm)
          Returns the class name of the widget.

Methods in zk.wgt with parameters of type String
static String WidgetInfo.getClassName(String wgtnm)
          Returns the class name of the widget.

Uses of String in zk.xml

Methods in zk.xml that return String
static String Utl.getElementValue(DOMElement el)
          Returns the concatenation of the text nodes under the specified DOM element.
static String Utl.renType(String url, String type)
          Renames the type embedded in an URL For example, zk.xml.Utl.renType("/zkdemo/img/whatever-off.gif", "on"); //return "/zkdemo/img/whatever-on.gif" as shown above, it assumes the type is embedded after dash (-).

Methods in zk.xml with parameters of type String
static DOMElement Utl.loadXML(String url, Function callback)
          Loads XML from the resource at the specified URL.
static DOMElement Utl.parseXML(String text)
          Parses and returns the XML document from the specified text.
static String Utl.renType(String url, String type)
          Renames the type embedded in an URL For example, zk.xml.Utl.renType("/zkdemo/img/whatever-off.gif", "on"); //return "/zkdemo/img/whatever-on.gif" as shown above, it assumes the type is embedded after dash (-).

Uses of String in zk.zuml

Methods in zk.zuml with parameters of type String
static Widget Parser.create(Widget parent, String doc, Map args, Function fn)
          Parse the iZUML into widgets
static Widget Parser.createAt(String node, Map opts, Map args, Function fn)
          Parse the iZUML into widgets

Uses of String in zkex.grid

Methods in zkex.grid that return String
protected  String Group.domImage_()
          Returns the HTML span content.
 String Detail.getContentSclass()
          Returns the style class used for the content block.
 String Detail.getContentStyle()
          Returns the CSS style for the content block of the window.

Methods in zkex.grid with parameters of type String
 void Detail.setContentSclass(String scls)
          Sets the style class used for the content block.
 void Detail.setContentStyle(String style)
          Sets the CSS style for the content block of the window.

Uses of String in zkex.inp

Methods in zkex.inp that return String
 String Colorbox.getColor()
          Returns the color (in string as #RRGGBB).
 String PickerPop.getColor()
          Returns the color (in string as #RRGGBB).
 String Color.getHex()
          Returns the color (in string as #RRGGBB).
 String Colorbox.getValue()
          Returns the value of color Default: #000000

Methods in zkex.inp with parameters of type String
 void Color.$init(String hex)
 void PalettePop.setColor(String color)
          Sets the color
 void Colorbox.setColor(String color)
          Sets the color
 void PickerPop.setColor(String hex)
          Sets the color
 void ContentHandler.setContent(String content)
          Sets the embedded content (i.e., HTML tags) that is shown as part of the description.
 boolean Color.setHex(String color)
          verify the format of color string, and sets the color
 void Colorbox.setValue(String value)
          Sets the value of color

Uses of String in

Methods in that return String
 String Fisheyebar.getAttachEdge()
          Returns the attach edge.
 String Fisheyebar.getLabelEdge()
          Returns the label edge.
 String Fisheyebar.getOrient()
          Returns the orientation of Fisheye.

Methods in with parameters of type String
 void Fisheyebar.setAttachEdge(String attachEdge)
          Sets the attach edge.
 void Fisheyebar.setLabelEdge(String labelEdge)
          Sets the label edge.
 void Fisheyebar.setOrient(String orient)
          Sets the orientation of Fisheye.

Uses of String in zkex.sel

Methods in zkex.sel that return String
 String Listgroup.getLabel()
          Returns the label of the Listcell it contains, or null if no such cell.

Uses of String in zkmax.big

Methods in zkmax.big that return String
 String Biglistbox.getColWidth()
          Returns the width of the single column Default: 60px
 String Biglistbox.getOddRowSclass()
          Returns the style class for the odd rows.
 String Biglistbox.getRowHeight()
          Returns the height of the single row.

Methods in zkmax.big with parameters of type String
 void Biglistbox.setColWidth(String colWidth)
          Sets the width of the single column.
 Biglistbox Biglistbox.setOddRowSclass(String oddRowSclass)
          Sets the style class for the odd rows.
 void Biglistbox.setRowHeight(String rowHeight)
          Sets the height of the single row.

Uses of String in zkmax.fusionchartz

Methods in zkmax.fusionchartz that return String
 String Fusionchart.getDataXML()
          Get the XML string of the chart data.
 String Fusionchart.getDataXMLPath()
          Get the url of the chart data .xml file.
 String Fusionchart.getOrient()
          Get the chart orientation (vertical or horizontal)
 String Fusionchart.getType()
          Get the chart's type.

Methods in zkmax.fusionchartz with parameters of type String
 void Fusionchart.setDataXML(String XMLString)
          Sets the XML string for render the chart data.
 void Fusionchart.setDataXMLPath(String url)
          Set the url of the chart data .xml file.
 void Fusionchart.setOrient(String orient)
          Set the chart orientation.
 void Fusionchart.setType(String type)
          Set the chart's type (Chart.PIE, Chart.BAR, Chart.LINE, etc.).

Uses of String in zkmax.inp

Methods in zkmax.inp that return String
 String Chosenbox.getCreateMessage()
          Returns the create message of this component.
 String Chosenbox.getEmptyMessage()
          Returns the emptyMessage, it will be displayed if no selected items while not focused.
 String Chosenbox.getName()
          Returns the name of the input of this component.
 String Chosenbox.getNoResultsText()
          Returns the no-result text of this component.
 String Chosenbox.getSeparator()
          Returns the separate chars of this component.

Methods in zkmax.inp with parameters of type String
 void Chosenbox.setCreateMessage(String createMessage)
          Sets the create message of this component.
 void Chosenbox.setEmptyMessage(String emptyMessage)
          Sets the emptyMessage.
 void Chosenbox.setName(String name)
          Sets the name of the input of this component.
 void Chosenbox.setNoResultsText(String noResultsText)
          Sets the no-result text of this component.
 void Chosenbox.setSeparator(String createMessage)
          Sets the separate chars of this component.

Uses of String in zkmax.layout

Methods in zkmax.layout that return String
 String Portallayout.getMaximizedMode()
          Returns the mode of the maximized panel.

Methods in zkmax.layout with parameters of type String
 void Portallayout.setMaximizedMode(String mode)
          Sets the mode of the panel to maximize according to "whole" or "column".

Uses of String in zul

Methods in zul that return String
protected  String LabelImageWidget.domContent_()
          Returns the HTML content of the label and image.
protected  String LabelImageWidget.domImage_()
          Returns the HTML image content.
protected  String LabelImageWidget.domLabel_()
          Returns the encoded label.
 String Widget.getContext()
          Returns the ID of the popup (Popup) that should appear when the user right-clicks on the element (aka., context menu).
 String Widget.getCtrlKeys()
          Returns what keystrokes to intercept.
 String LabelImageWidget.getHoverImage()
          Returns the URI of the hover image.
 String LabelImageWidget.getImage()
          Returns the image URI.
 String Upload.getKey()
          Returns the uuid of the uploader with its sequential number
 String LabelImageWidget.getLabel()
          Returns the label (never null).
 String Widget.getPopup()
          Returns the ID of the popup (Popup) that should appear when the user clicks on the element.
 String Widget.getTooltip()
          Returns the ID of the popup (Popup) that should be used as a tooltip window when the mouse hovers over the element for a moment.

Methods in zul with parameters of type String
 void UploadViewer.$init(Uploader uplder, String flnm)
 void Uploader.$init(Upload upload, String id, DOMElement form, String flnm)
 void Upload.$init(Widget wgt, DOMElement parent, String clsnm)
static void Upload.close(String uuid, int sid)
          Closes the fileupload
static void Upload.error(String msg, String uuid, int sid)
          Shows the error message of the fileupload
 Div UploadManager.getFileItem(String id)
          Returns the file item.
 void wgt, String position)
          Opens the file manager to show.
static void Upload.sendResult(String uuid, String contentId, int sid)
          Sends the upload result to server.
 void Widget.setContext(String context)
          Sets the ID of the popup (Popup) that should appear when the user right-clicks on the element (aka., context menu).
 Widget Widget.setCtrlKeys(String keys)
          Sets what keystrokes to intercept.
 void LabelImageWidget.setHoverImage(String src)
          Sets the image URI.
 void LabelImageWidget.setImage(String image)
          Sets the image URI.
 void LabelImageWidget.setLabel(String label)
          Sets the label.
 void Widget.setPopup(String popup)
          Sets the ID of the popup (Popup) that should appear when the user clicks on the element.
 void Widget.setTooltip(String tooltip)
          Sets the ID of the popup (Popup) that should be used as a tooltip window when the mouse hovers over the element for a moment.

Uses of String in

Methods in that return String
protected  String Layout.encloseChildHTML_(Widget child, Array out)
          Enclose child with HTML tag such as DIV, and return a HTML code or add HTML fragments in out array.
protected  String Box.encloseChildHTML_(Widget child, boolean prefixSpace, Array out)
          Enclose child with HTML tag such as TR or TD, and return a HTML code or add HTML fragments in out array.
 String Box.getAlign()
          Returns the alignment of cells of a box in the 'opposite' direction (null, start, center, end).
 String Splitter.getCollapse()
          Returns the collapse of this button.
 String Box.getOrient()
          Returns the orient.
 String Splitter.getOrient()
          Returns the orient.
 String Box.getPack()
          Returns the pack alignment of cells of this box (start, center, end) plus an indication stretch option.
 String Box.getSpacing()
          Returns the spacing between adjacent children, or null if the default spacing is used.
 String Layout.getSpacing()
          Returns the spacing between adjacent children, or null if the default spacing is used.
 String Hlayout.getValign()
          Returns the current valign.

Methods in with parameters of type String
 void Box.setAlign(String align)
          Sets the alignment of cells of this box in the 'opposite' direction (start, center, end, stretch).
 void Splitter.setCollapse(String collapse)
          Sets the collapse of this button.
 void Box.setPack(String pack)
          Sets the alignment of cells of this box (start, center, end) plus an stretch option.
 void Box.setSpacing(String spacing)
          Sets the spacing between adjacent children.
 void Layout.setSpacing(String spacing)
          Sets the spacing between adjacent children.
 void Hlayout.setValign(String valign)
          Sets the vertical-align to top or bottom.

Uses of String in zul.db

Methods in zul.db that return String
static String Renderer.cellHTML(Calendar cal, int y, int m, int day, int monthofs)
          Returns the HTML fragment representing a day cell.
 String Datebox.getConstraint()
          Returns the constraint, or null if no constraint at all.
 String Calendar.getConstraint()
          Returns the constraint of this component.
 String Datebox.getDateFormat()
          Returns the Date format of the specified format
 String Datebox.getFormat()
          Returns the full date format of the specified format
 String Calendar.getFormat()
          Returns the format of this component.
 String Calendar.getName()
          Returns the name of this component.
 String Datebox.getTimeFormat()
          Returns the Time format of the specified format
 String Datebox.getTimeZone()
          Returns the time zone that this date box belongs to.
 String Datebox.getTimeZoneLabel()
          Returns the label of the time zone
 String Datebox.getUnformater()
          Returns the unformater.
 String Timebox.getUnformater()
          Returns the unformater.

Methods in zul.db with parameters of type String
 void Datebox.setConstraint(String cst)
          Sets the constraint.
 void Calendar.setConstraint(String constraint)
          Set the date limit for this component with yyyyMMdd format, such as 20100101 is mean Jan 01 2010 Example: between 20091201 and 20091231 before 20091201 after 20091231
 void Datebox.setDisplayedTimeZones(String dtzones)
          Sets a catenation of a list of the time zones' ID, separated by comma, that will be displayed at the client and allow user to select.
 void Datebox.setFormat(String format)
          Sets the date format.
 void Calendar.setName(String name)
          Sets the name of this component.
 void Datebox.setTimeZone(String timezone)
          Sets the time zone that this date box belongs to.
 void Datebox.setUnformater(String unf)
          Sets the unformater function.
 void Timebox.setUnformater(String unf)
          Sets the unformater function.

Uses of String in zul.fchart

Methods in zul.fchart that return String
 String Flashchart.getChartStyle()
          Returns the content style.
 String Flashchart.getJsonModel()
          Returns a concatenation of a list of the model's attribute of chart, separated by comma.
 String Flashchart.getJsonSeries()
          Returns a concatenation of a list of the model's series of chart, separated by comma.
 String Flashchart.getType()
          Returns the type of chart

Methods in zul.fchart with parameters of type String
 void Flashchart.setChartStyle(String chartStyle)
          Sets the content style of flashchart.
 void Flashchart.setJsonModel(String jsonModel)
          Sets a concatenation of a list of model of chart, separated by comma.
 void Flashchart.setJsonSeries(String jsonModel)
          Sets a concatenation of a list of the model's series of chart, separated by comma.
 void Flashchart.setType(String type)
          Sets the type of chart.

Uses of String in zul.grid

Methods in zul.grid that return String
protected  String Row.encloseChildHTML_(Map opts)
          Enclose child with HTML tag with TD and DIV, and return a HTML code or add HTML fragments in out array.
 String Row.getAlign()
          Returns the horizontal alignment of the whole row.
 String Columns.getMenupopup()
          Returns the ID of the Menupopup (Menupopup) that should appear when the user clicks on the element.
 String Grid.getOddRowSclass()
          Returns the style class for the odd rows.
 String Row.getSpans()
          Returns the spans, which is a list of numbers separated by comma.
 String Row.getValign()
          Returns the vertical alignment of the whole row.

Methods in zul.grid with parameters of type String
 void Row.setAlign(String align)
          Sets the horizontal alignment of the whole row.
 void Columns.setMenupopup(String mpop)
          Sets the ID of the menupopup (Menupopup) that should appear when the user clicks on the element of each column.
 void Grid.setOddRowSclass(String scls)
          Sets the style class for the odd rows.
 void Row.setSpans(String spans)
          Sets the spans, which is a list of numbers separated by comma.
 void Row.setValign(String valign)
          Sets the vertical alignment of the whole row.

Uses of String in zul.inp

Methods in zul.inp that return String
protected  String InputWidget.coerceFromString_(String value)
          Coerces the value passed to InputWidget.setValue(java.lang.Object, boolean).
protected  String InputWidget.coerceToString_(java.lang.Object value)
          Coerces the value passed to InputWidget.setValue(java.lang.Object, boolean).
protected  String NumberInputWidget.getAllowedKeys_()
          Returns a string of keystrokes that are allowed.
 String Comboitem.getContent()
          Returns the embedded content (i.e., HTML tags) that is shown as part of the description.
 String Comboitem.getDescription()
          Returns the description (never null).
 String InputWidget.getErrorMesssage()
          Returns the error message that is caused when user entered invalid value, or null if no error at all.
 String FormatWidget.getFormat()
          Returns the format.
 String InputWidget.getInplaceCSS()
          Returns the CSS style of inplace if inplace is not null
 String InputWidget.getName()
          Returns the name of this component.
 String Slider.getName()
          Returns the name of this component.
 String Slider.getOrient()
          Returns the orient.
 String Slider.getSlidingtext()
          Returns the sliding text.
 String InputWidget.getText()
          Returns the text representing the value in the given format, or an empty etring if value is null
 String Textbox.getType()
          Returns the type.
 String InputWidget.getType()
          Returns the type.
 String InputWidget.getValue()
          Returns the value in the String format.
 String SimpleDateConstraint.outOfRangeValue()
          Returns the message about out of range value
protected  String InputWidget.textAttrs_()
          Attributes for the text control.

Methods in zul.inp with parameters of type String
 void SimpleConstraint.$init(java.lang.Object a, String b, String c)
protected  String InputWidget.coerceFromString_(String value)
          Coerces the value passed to InputWidget.setValue(java.lang.Object, boolean).
protected  void SimpleConstraint.parseConstraint_(String cst)
          Parses a constraint into an Object attribute.
 void InputWidget.setConstraint(String cst)
          Sets the constraint.
 void Comboitem.setContent(String content)
          Sets the embedded content (i.e., HTML tags) that is shown as part of the description.
 void Comboitem.setDescription(String desc)
          Sets the description.
 void InputWidget.setErrorMessage(String msg)
          Marks this widget's value is wrong and show the error message.
 void FormatWidget.setFormat(String format)
          Sets the format.
 void InputWidget.setName(String name)
          Sets the name of this component.
 void Slider.setName(String name)
          Sets the name of this component.
 void Slider.setOrient(String orient)
          Sets the orient.
 void Slider.setSlidingtext(String slidingtext)
          Sets the sliding text.
 void InputWidget.setText(String txt)
          Sets the text representing the value in the given format.
 void Textbox.setType(String type)
          Sets the type.
 void owner, String msg)
          Opens the popup.
protected  void InputWidget.showError_(String msg)
          Create a Errorbox widget, and show the error message
 void Combobox.validateStrict(String val)
          called by SimpleConstraint

Uses of String in zul.layout

Fields in zul.layout declared as String
static String Borderlayout.CENTER
          The center layout constraint (middle of container).
static String Borderlayout.EAST
          The east layout constraint (right side of container).
static String Borderlayout.NORTH
          The north layout constraint (top of container).
static String Borderlayout.SOUTH
          The south layout constraint (bottom of container).
static String Borderlayout.WEST
          The west layout constraint (left side of container).

Methods in zul.layout that return String
 String Anchorchildren.getAnchor()
          Returns the anchor setting.
 String LayoutRegion.getBorder()
          Returns the border.
 String LayoutRegion.getCmargins()
          Returns the collapsed margins, which is a list of numbers separated by comma.
 String LayoutRegion.getMargins()
          Returns the margins, which is a list of numbers separated by comma.
 String Center.getPosition()
          Returns Borderlayout.CENTER.
 String South.getPosition()
          Returns Borderlayout.SOUTH.
 String East.getPosition()
          Returns Borderlayout.EAST.
 String West.getPosition()
          Returns Borderlayout.WEST.
 String North.getPosition()
          Returns Borderlayout.NORTH.
 String Center.getSize()
          The size can't be returned in this component.
 String South.getSize()
          Returns the size of this region.
 String East.getSize()
          Returns the size of this region.
 String West.getSize()
          Returns the size of this region.
 String North.getSize()
          Returns the size of this region.
 String LayoutRegion.getTitle()
          Returns the title.

Methods in zul.layout with parameters of type String
 void Anchorchildren.setAnchor(String anchor)
          Sets the width, height relative to parent, anchorlayout.
 void LayoutRegion.setBorder(String border)
          Sets the border (either none or normal).
 void Center.setCmargins(String cmargins)
          Center region can't be enabled the collapsed margin functionality.
 void LayoutRegion.setCmargins(String cmargins)
          Sets the collapsed margins for the element "0,1,2,3" that direction is "top,left,right,bottom"
 void Center.setHeight(String height)
          The height can't be specified in this component because its height is determined by other region components (North or South).
 void East.setHeight(String height)
          The height can't be specified in this component because its height is determined by other region components (North or South).
 void West.setHeight(String height)
          The height can't be specified in this component because its height is determined by other region components (North or South).
 void LayoutRegion.setMargins(String margins)
          Sets margins for the element "0,1,2,3" that direction is "top,left,right,bottom"
 void Center.setSize(String size)
          The size can't be specified in this component.
 void South.setSize(String size)
          Sets the size of this region.
 void East.setSize(String size)
          Sets the size of this region.
 void West.setSize(String size)
          Sets the size of this region.
 void North.setSize(String size)
          Sets the size of this region.
 void LayoutRegion.setTitle(String title)
          Sets the title.
 void Center.setWidth(String width)
          The width can't be specified in this component because its width is determined by other region components (West or East).
 void South.setWidth(String width)
          The width can't be specified in this component because its width is determined by other region components (West or East).
 void North.setWidth(String width)
          The width can't be specified in this component because its width is determined by other region components (West or East).

Uses of String in

Methods in that return String
 String Audio.getAlign()
          Returns the alignment.
 String Applet.getAlign()
          Returns the alignment of an applet according to surrounding elements.
 String Applet.getArchive()
          Returns the location of an archive file (URL).
 String Flash.getBgcolor()
          Gets the background color of Flash movie.
 String Audio.getBorder()
          Returns the width of the border.
 String Applet.getCode()
          Return the applet class to run.
 String Applet.getCodebase()
          Return a relative base URL for applets specified in Applet.setCode(_global_.String) (URL).
 String Applet.getField(String name)
          Returns the value of the specified filed.
 String Applet.getHspace()
          Returns the horizontal spacing around an applet.
 String Flash.getQuality()
          Returns the quality of the Flash movie Default: "high".
 String Audio.getSrc()
          Returns the src.
 String Flash.getSrc()
          Gets the source path of Flash movie
 String Flash.getVersion()
          Returns the expected version of the Flash player.
 String Applet.getVspace()
          Returns the vertical spacing around an applet.
 String Flash.getWmode()
          Returns the Window mode property of the Flash movie Default: "transparent".

Methods in with parameters of type String
 String Applet.getField(String name)
          Returns the value of the specified filed.
 void Audio.setAlign(String align)
          Sets the alignment: one of top, texttop, middle, absmiddle, bottom, absbottom, baseline, left, right and center.
 void Applet.setAlign(String align)
          Sets the alignment of an applet according to surrounding elements.
 void Applet.setArchive(String archive)
          Sets the location of an archive file (URL).
 void Flash.setBgcolor(String bgcolor)
          Sets the background color of Flash movie.
 void Audio.setBorder(String border)
          Sets the width of the border.
 void Applet.setCode(String code)
          Sets the applet class to run.
 void Applet.setCodebase(String codebase)
          Sets a relative base URL for applets specified in Applet.setCode(_global_.String) (URL).
 void Applet.setField(String name, String value)
          Sets the value of the specified filed.
 void Applet.setHspace(String hspace)
          Sets the horizontal spacing around an applet.
 void Applet.setParam(String nm, String val)
          Sets the param.
 void Flash.setQuality(String quality)
          Sets the quality of the Flash movie.
 void Audio.setSrc(String src)
          Sets the src.
 void Flash.setSrc(String src)
          Sets the source path of Flash movie and redraw the component
 void Flash.setVersion(String version)
          Sets the expected version of the Flash player.
 void Applet.setVspace(String vspace)
          Sets the vertical spacing around an applet.
 void Flash.setWmode(String wmode)
          Sets the Window Mode property of the Flash movie for transparency, layering, and positioning in the browser.

Uses of String in

Methods in that return String
 String Menuitem.getAutodisable()
          Returns a list of component IDs that shall be disabled when the user clicks this menuitem.
 String Menu.getContent()
          Returns the embedded content (i.e., HTML tags) that is shown as part of the description.
 String Menuitem.getHref()
          Returns the href.
 String Menubar.getOrient()
          Returns the orient.
 String Menuitem.getTarget()
          Returns the target frame or window.
 String Menuitem.getUpload()
          Returns non-null if this button is used for file upload, or null otherwise.
 String Menuitem.getValue()
          Returns the value.

Methods in with parameters of type String
 void Menuitem.setAutodisable(String autodisable)
          Sets whether to disable the button after the user clicks it.
 void Menu.setContent(String content)
          Sets the embedded content (i.e., HTML tags) that is shown as part of the description.
 void Menuitem.setHref(String href)
          Sets the href.
 void Menubar.setOrient(String orient)
          Sets the orient.
 void Menuitem.setTarget(String target)
          Sets the target frame or window.
 void Menuitem.setUpload(String upload)
          Sets the JavaScript class at the client to handle the upload if this button is used for file upload.
 void Menuitem.setValue(String value)
          Sets the value.

Uses of String in zul.mesh

Methods in zul.mesh that return String
 String HeaderWidget.getAlign()
          Returns the horizontal alignment of this column.
 String FooterWidget.getAlign()
          Returns the horizontal alignment of this footer.
 String HeaderWidget.getColAttrs()
          Returns the column attributes. i.e.
 String MeshWidget.getInnerWidth()
          Returns the inner width of this component.
 String MeshWidget.getPagingPosition()
          Returns how to position the paging of the widget at the client screen.
 String SortWidget.getSortAscending()
          Returns the ascending sorter, or null if not available.
 String SortWidget.getSortDescending()
          Returns the descending sorter, or null if not available.
 String SortWidget.getSortDirection()
          Returns the sort direction.
 String MeshWidget.getSpan()
          Return column span hint of this widget.
 String HeaderWidget.getValign()
          Returns the vertical alignment of this grid.
 String FooterWidget.getValign()
          Returns the vertical alignment of this footer.
protected  String Paging.infoText_()
          Returns the information text of the paging, if Paging.isDetailed() is enabled.

Methods in zul.mesh with parameters of type String
protected  boolean SortWidget.checkClientSort_(String ascending)
          Check the status whether can be sort in client side.
protected  void SortWidget.replaceCavedChildrenInOrder_(String ascending)
          Replaced the child widgets with the specified order.
 void HeaderWidget.setAlign(String align)
          Sets the horizontal alignment of this column.
 void FooterWidget.setAlign(String align)
          Sets the horizontal alignment of this footer.
 void MeshWidget.setInnerWidth(String innerWidth)
          Sets the inner width of this component.
 void MeshWidget.setPagingPosition(String pagingPosition)
          Sets how to position the paging of the widget at the client screen.
 void SortWidget.setSort(String type)
          Sets the type of the sorter.
 void SortWidget.setSortAscending(String sortAscending)
          Sets the ascending sorter with "client", "auto", or null for no sorter for the ascending order.
 void SortWidget.setSortDescending(String sortDescending)
          Sets the descending sorter with "client", "auto", or null for no sorter for the descending order.
 void SortWidget.setSortDirection(String sortDir)
          Sets the sort direction.
 void MeshWidget.setSpan(String span)
          Sets column span hint of this mesh widget.
 void HeaderWidget.setValign(String valign)
          Sets the vertical alignment of this grid.
 void FooterWidget.setValign(String valign)
          Sets the vertical alignment of this footer.
 boolean SortWidget.sort(String ascending, Event evt)
          Sorts the data.
protected  void HeaderWidget.updateMesh_(String name, java.lang.Object value)
          Updates the whole mesh widget.

Uses of String in zul.sel

Methods in zul.sel that return String
 String Treeitem.getImage()
          Returns the image of the Treecell it contains.
 String Option.getLabel()
          Returns the label of the Listcell it contains, or null if no such cell.
 String ItemWidget.getLabel()
          Returns the label of the Listcell or Treecell it contains, or null if no such cell.
 String Treeitem.getLabel()
          Returns the label of the Treecell it contains, or null if no such cell.
 String SelectWidget.getName()
          Returns the name of this component.
 String Select.getName()
          Returns the name of this component.
 String Listbox.getOddRowSclass()
          Returns the style class for the odd rows.
 String Option.getValue()
          Returns the value.
 String ItemWidget.getValue()
          Returns the value.

Methods in zul.sel with parameters of type String
 void Listitem.setImage(String image)
          Sets the image of the Listcell it contains.
 Treeitem Treeitem.setImage(String image)
          Sets the image of the Treecell it contains.
 void Listitem.setLabel(String label)
          Sets the label of the Listcell it contains.
 void Treeitem.setLabel(String label)
          Sets the label of the Treecell it contains.
 void SelectWidget.setName(String name)
          Sets the name of this component.
 void Select.setName(String name)
          Sets the name of this component.
 Listbox Listbox.setOddRowSclass(String oddRowSclass)
          Sets the style class for the odd rows.
 void Option.setValue(String value)
          Sets the value.
 void ItemWidget.setValue(String value)
          Sets the value.

Uses of String in

Methods in that return String
 String Tabbox.getOrient()
          Returns the orient.
 String Tabbox.getPanelSpacing()
          Returns the spacing between Tabpanel.

Methods in with parameters of type String
 void Tabbox.setOrient(String orient)
          Sets the orient.
 void Tabbox.setPanelSpacing(String panelSpacing)
          Sets the spacing between Tabpanel.

Uses of String in zul.utl

Methods in zul.utl that return String
 String Iframe.getAlign()
          Deprecated. as of release 6.0.0, use CSS instead.
 String Script.getCharset()
          Returns the character enconding of the source.
 String Style.getContent()
          Returns the content of this style tag.
 String Script.getContent()
          Returns the content of the script element.
 String Style.getMedia()
          Returns the media dependencies for this style sheet.
 String Iframe.getName()
          Returns the frame name.
 String Iframe.getScrolling()
          Return the scroll bars.
 String Style.getSrc()
          Returns the URI of an external style sheet.
 String Script.getSrc()
          Returns the URI of the source that contains the script codes.

Methods in zul.utl with parameters of type String
 void Iframe.setAlign(String align)
          Deprecated. as of release 6.0.0, use CSS instead.
 void Script.setCharset(String charset)
          Sets the character encoding of the source.
 void Style.setContent(String content)
          Sets the content of this style tag.
 void Script.setContent(String content)
          Sets the content of the script element.
 void Style.setMedia(String media)
          Sets the media dependencies for this style sheet.
 void Iframe.setName(String name)
          Sets the frame name.
 void Iframe.setScrolling(String scrolling)
          Define scroll bars
 void Style.setSrc(String src)
          Sets the URI of an external style sheet.
 void Script.setSrc(String src)
          Sets the URI of the source that contains the script codes.

Uses of String in zul.wgt

Methods in zul.wgt that return String
 String Toolbar.getAlign()
          Returns the alignment.
 String Div.getAlign()
          Deprecated. as of release 6.0.0, use CSS instead.
 String Image.getAlign()
          Deprecated. as of release 6.0.0, use CSS instead.
 String Cell.getAlign()
          Returns the horizontal alignment.
 String Button.getAutodisable()
          Returns a list of component IDs that shall be disabled when the user clicks this button.
 String Checkbox.getAutodisable()
          Returns a list of checkbox component IDs that shall be disabled when the user clicks this checkbox.
 String Toolbarbutton.getAutodisable()
          Returns a list of component IDs that shall be disabled when the user clicks this button.
 String Html.getContent()
          Returns the embedded content (i.e., HTML tags).
 String Groupbox.getContentSclass()
          Returns the style class used for the content block of the groupbox.
 String Groupbox.getContentStyle()
          Returns the CSS style for the content block of the groupbox.
 String Area.getCoords()
          Returns the coordination of this area.
 String Button.getDir()
          Returns the direction.
 String A.getDir()
          Returns the direction.
 String Toolbarbutton.getDir()
          Returns the direction.
 String Label.getEncodedText()
          Returns the encoded text.
 String Image.getHover()
          Returns the URI of the hover image.
 String Button.getHref()
          Returns the href that the browser shall jump to, if an user clicks this button.
 String A.getHref()
          Returns the href that the browser shall jump to, if an user clicks this button.
 String Toolbarbutton.getHref()
          Returns the href that the browser shall jump to, if an user clicks this button.
 String Image.getHspace()
          Deprecated. as of release 6.0.0, use CSS instead.
 String Toolbarbutton.getMode()
          Returns the mode.
 String Radio.getName()
          Returns the name of this radio button.
 String Checkbox.getName()
          Returns the name of this component.
 String Selectbox.getName()
          Returns the name of this component.
 String Radiogroup.getName()
          Returns the name of this group of radio buttons.
 String Toolbar.getOrient()
          Returns the orient.
 String Button.getOrient()
          Returns the orient.
 String Separator.getOrient()
          Returns the orient.
 String Toolbarbutton.getOrient()
          Returns the orient.
 String Radiogroup.getOrient()
          Returns the orient.
 String Area.getShape()
          Returns the shape of this area.
 String Separator.getSpacing()
          Returns the spacing.
 String Image.getSrc()
          Returns the source URI of the image.
 String Button.getTarget()
          Returns the target frame or window.
 String A.getTarget()
          Returns the target frame or window.
 String Toolbarbutton.getTarget()
          Returns the target frame or window.
 String Groupbox.getTitle()
          Returns the title of the groupbox.
 String Button.getType()
          Returns the button type.
 String Button.getUpload()
          Returns non-null if this button is used for file upload, or null otherwise.
 String Toolbarbutton.getUpload()
          Returns non-null if this button is used for file upload, or null otherwise.
 String Cell.getValign()
          Returns the vertical alignment.
 String Label.getValue()
          Returns the value.
 String Checkbox.getValue()
          Returns the value.
 String Image.getVspace()
          Deprecated. as of release 6.0.0, use CSS instead.

Methods in zul.wgt with parameters of type String
 void ref, Offset offset, String position, Map opts)
          Opens the popup.
 void ref, Offset offset, String position, Map opts)
          Opens the popup.
 void Popup.position(Widget ref, Offset offset, String position, Map opts)
          Sets the popup position.
 void Toolbar.setAlign(String align)
          Sets the alignment: one of left, center, right, ustify,
 void Div.setAlign(String align)
          Deprecated. as of release 6.0.0, use CSS instead.
 void Image.setAlign(String align)
          Deprecated. as of release 6.0.0, use CSS instead.
 void Cell.setAlign(String align)
          Sets the horizontal alignment.
 void Button.setAutodisable(String autodisable)
          Sets whether to disable the button after the user clicks it.
 void Checkbox.setAutodisable(String autodisable)
          Sets whether to disable the checkbox after the user clicks it.
 void Toolbarbutton.setAutodisable(String autodisable)
          Sets whether to disable the button after the user clicks it.
 void Html.setContent(String content)
          Sets the embedded content (i.e., HTML tags).
 void Groupbox.setContentSclass(String contentSclass)
          Sets the style class used for the content block.
 void Groupbox.setContentStyle(String contentStyle)
          Sets the CSS style for the content block of the groupbox.
 void Area.setCoords(String coords)
          Sets the coords of this area.
 void Button.setDir(String dir)
          Sets the direction.
 void A.setDir(String dir)
          Sets the direction.
 void Toolbarbutton.setDir(String dir)
          Sets the direction.
 void Image.setHover(String hover)
          Sets the image URI.
 void Button.setHref(String href)
          Sets the href.
 void A.setHref(String href)
          Sets the href.
 void Toolbarbutton.setHref(String href)
          Sets the href.
 void Image.setHspace(String hspace)
          Deprecated. as of release 6.0.0, use CSS instead.
 void Toolbarbutton.setMode(String mode)
          Sets the mode.
 void Checkbox.setName(String name)
          Sets the name of this component.
 void Selectbox.setName(String name)
          Sets the name of this component.
 void Radiogroup.setName(String name)
          Sets the name of this group of radio buttons.
 void Toolbar.setOrient(String orient)
          Sets the orient.
 void Button.setOrient(String orient)
          Sets the orient.
 void Separator.setOrient(String orient)
          Sets the orient.
 void Toolbarbutton.setOrient(String orient)
          Sets the orient.
 void Radiogroup.setOrient(String orient)
          Sets the orient.
 void Area.setShape(String shape)
          Sets the shape of this area.
 void Separator.setSpacing(String spacing)
          Sets the spacing.
 void Image.setSrc(String src)
          Sets the source URI of the image.
 void Button.setTarget(String target)
          Sets the target frame or window.
 void A.setTarget(String target)
          Sets the target frame or window.
 void Toolbarbutton.setTarget(String target)
          Sets the target frame or window.
 void Groupbox.setTitle(String title)
          Sets the title of the groupbox.
 void Button.setType(String type)
          Sets the button type.
 void Button.setUpload(String upload)
          Sets the JavaScript class at the client to handle the upload if this button is used for file upload.
 void Toolbarbutton.setUpload(String upload)
          Sets the JavaScript class at the client to handle the upload if this button is used for file upload.
 void Cell.setValign(String valign)
          Sets the vertical alignment of this grid.
 void Label.setValue(String value)
          Sets the value.
 void Checkbox.setValue(String value)
          Sets the value.
 void Image.setVspace(String vspace)
          Deprecated. as of release 6.0.0, use CSS instead.

Uses of String in zul.wnd

Methods in zul.wnd that return String
 String Window.getBorder()
          Returns the border.
 String Panel.getBorder()
          Returns the border.
 String Window.getContentSclass()
          Returns the style class used for the content block.
 String Window.getContentStyle()
          Returns the CSS style for the content block of the window.
 String Window.getMode()
          Returns the current mode.
 String Window.getPosition()
          Returns how to position the window at the client screen.
 String Window.getTitle()
          Returns the title.
 String Panel.getTitle()
          Returns the title.

Methods in zul.wnd with parameters of type String
 boolean Panel.addToolbar(String name, Toolbar toolbar)
          Adds the toolbar of the panel by these names, "tbar", "bbar", and "fbar".
 void Window.setBorder(String border)
          Sets the border (either none or normal).
 void Panel.setBorder(String border)
          Sets the border.
 void Window.setContentSclass(String contentSclass)
          Sets the style class used for the content block.
 void Window.setContentStyle(String contentStyle)
          Sets the CSS style for the content block of the window.
 void Panelchildren.setHeight(String height)
          This method is unsupported.
 void Window.setMode(String name)
          Sets the mode to overlapped, popup, modal, embedded or highlighted.
 void Window.setPosition(String pos)
          Sets how to position the window at the client screen.
 void Window.setTitle(String title)
          Sets the title.
 void Panel.setTitle(String title)
          Sets the title.
 void Panelchildren.setWidth(String width)
          This method is unsupported.

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