Simple ZK deprecated

From Documentation

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Construct Great UI Fast

Construct a great user interface fast by combining ZK components.


The source of UI above is easy to read.

	<window border="normal" width="400px" style="padding-top:20px;padding-left:20px;" title="Welcome! New User">
		<grid hflex="1">
				<auxheader colspan="2" label="Registration Form" style="font-size:16px" image="../images/picture.png"/>
			<rows >
				<row >
					User Name <textbox hflex="1"/>
				<row >
					Blood Type 
					<combobox hflex="1">
						<comboitem label="A" value="A" image="../images/bloodtypeA.png"/>
						<comboitem label="B" value="B" image="../images/bloodtypeB.png"/>
						<comboitem label="O" value="O" image="../images/bloodtypeO.png"/>
						<comboitem label="AB" value="AB" image="../images/bloodtypeAB.png"/>
				<row >
					Birthday <datebox hflex="1"/>
				<row spans="2" align="center" >
						<checkbox /> Accept Term of Use
				</row >
				<row spans="2" align="right">
						<button label="Reset" />
						<button label="Submit" disabled="true"/>

Control UI Component Directly

Use Java object to change UI dynamically.

When users check "Accept Term of Use" checkbox, we enable "Submit" button. Otherwise we disable the button.

	@Listen("onCheck = checkbox")
	public void changeSubmitStatus(){
		if (acceptTermCheckbox.isChecked()){

Manipulate UI components as what you want.

	@Listen("onClick = button[label='Reset']")
	public void reset(){

Easy Event Handling

Improve User Experience is Simple