ZK Spring 3.1.1
Released on Sep 25, 2012.
Getting Simpler and Richer
Feature Highlight
- Spring 3.0 support
- Separation into three JAR files
- Spring Core
- Spring Security 3.1 Support
- Spring Webflow
The following benefits can be leveraged by ZK Spring integration:
Spring MVC Framework
- Seamlessly access Spring managed beans in EL, zscript and data binding
- Complete lightweight container providing automated configuration and wiring of application objects
- Common abstraction layer for transaction management
- JDBC abstraction layer
- Integration with Toplink, Hibernate and JDO
- Aspect-orientated programming functionality
Spring Security
- Ability to customize or extend parts of the security system
- Keeps your application objects free of security code
- HTTP request authorization
- Multiple options for enforcing access-controls such as EJB3 security annotations
- Open ID support
- HTTP BASIC and Digest authentication supported
- Various back-end credential storage methods supported such as a database or XML file
- SHA and MD5 password encoding with optional salting
- Database caching to prevent extra queries
- Security for Web Flow
What's New
Bug fixes:
- ZKSPRING-34: NullPointerException is sometimes thrown by ZkComponentFactoryBean
- ZKSPRING-35: ZkEventSecurityBeanDefinitionParser.getStandardFilter() fails to get Spring standard filter's BeanDefinition
- ZKSPRING-36: zkspring-security will show login dialog when request a zul without access control