ZK Spreadsheet 3.0.0-RC Release Notes
The 1st embeddable Ajax spreadsheet for Java Web application!
Released on August 22, 2013.
ZK Spreadsheet is an embeddable Ajax spreadsheet that delivers rich functionalities of Excel within browsers using pure Java
without the need for any plugins. Version 3.0.0RC is a major upgrade with an API overhaul, new features and bug fixes.
Feature Highlights
What's New
New Features Tracker
- ZSS-253: click component away from Spreadsheet but keeps focus
- ZSS-338: When share book, could the friend focus shows user name of another editor
- ZSS-353: Support zkhead tag in JSP/JSF
- ZSS-388: Support to freeze row of column of sheet
- ZSS-394: Support undo/redo of cell operation
- ZSS-396: provide an API to cut and paste cells at once
Bugs fixed
- ZSS-113: delete sheet's chart cause NPE, xls format only
- ZSS-137: Sheet with chart throw NullPointerException (xls format)
- ZSS-140: Sheet with XYModel chart throw NullPointerException (xls format)
- ZSS-224: text overflow doesn't work correctly
- ZSS-229: Only the last picture can be moved
- ZSS-235: Typo, in toolbar there is 'Outsizde Borders'
- ZSS-237: Exception if rename to same sheet name.
- ZSS-245: Exception when delete columns
- ZSS-246: Exception when toggle auto filter
- ZSS-254: some "accounting" data format causes NullPointerException
- ZSS-255: "data validation" setting causes null pointer exception
- ZSS-257: unsupported charts cause spreadsheet crash.
- ZSS-259: merges cells have missing bottom border when displaying a excel file
- ZSS-260: Data validation doesn't work correctly
- ZSS-261: Math formula SERIESSUM evaluating error
- ZSS-264: Some text formula are not found
- ZSS-265: some Info formulas are not found
- ZSS-266: Info formula "ISERR" is evaluated to a wrong result
- ZSS-267: error evaluating some date formulas
- ZSS-268: get exception if I listen to onValidateDrop
- ZSS-269: error evaluating some financial formulas
- ZSS-275: Range.getRow() return unexpected row number
- ZSS-277: paste a horizontal merged cell in transpose doesn't become a vertical merged cell
- ZSS-286: Focused Cell is getting completely white in IE10
- ZSS-290: after merging and unmerging cells, input and style both work incorrect
- ZSS-291: sorting a group of number with style causes null pointer exception
- ZSS-292: left click row header (or column header) appears context menu
- ZSS-293: vertical merged cells must be selected by clicking first cell
- ZSS-296: "Protect Sheet" doesn't prevents cells from using auto filter
- ZSS-298: perform "clear style" on a merged cell doesn't split it back to original unmerged cells
- ZSS-300: when pasting range overlaps copying range, pasting works incorrectly
- ZSS-301: cut a merged cell and paste to another cell, the original cell doesn't become unmerged cells
- ZSS-302: some rows can only be deleted with twice deletion
- ZSS-304: hiding columns doesn't work
- ZSS-307: move sheet left should not move to first sheet
- ZSS-308: when renaming a sheet, if you click another sheet, the original sheet won't be renamed
- ZSS-314: The dependency "commons-io" is not configured in ZSS
- ZSS-315: paste a text on a merged cell will make the cell unmerged
- ZSS-317: When importing a xlsx file with images exported from Spreadsheet 2nd time, an exception is thrown
- ZSS-318: A Zsshtml project's resource file (excelStyle.css) is not included in compiled result
- ZSS-321: Unsupported formulas cause an exception and crashed
- ZSS-324: Hiding all columns causes non-stopping AU and columns cannot be unhided
- ZSS-325: Cannot copy an area of cells from Excel to Spreadsheet
- ZSS-326: Insert a chart after deleting first chart causes an exception
- ZSS-327: server-side paste data will be replaced by client-side paste
- ZSS-331: select all cell has poor performance even not many cells
- ZSS-332: Chart was moved if I move another chart in different book in different sparesheet in same desktop
- ZSS-333: Preload bug
- ZSS-334: A book can't reset to another book-series
- ZSS-335: When share book, the friend focus color was always change when I switch tab
- ZSS-341: 2 statistical formulas throw NotImplementedException
- ZSS-342: When a ZK defined formula has missing required arguments, it throws NotImplementedException
- ZSS-343: ActiveRangeHelper caches sheet object and doesn't release after reload a book
- ZSS-349: When adding a chart, if selected cells contains errors, spreadsheet throw a runtime exception
- ZSS-351: The validation dialog can't press "yes" button to force input a invalid text when using list validation
- ZSS-352: Can't set share scope of a book if it is not in zk execution.
- ZSS-354: delete the first column of merged cell and alignment of cells will be chaos
- ZSS-355: When given start date is later than end date In NETWORKDAYS(), it returns #NAME?
- ZSS-357: if a file contains #REF! cells, it will throw a exception and can't be rendered when importing such file
- ZSS-358: Exported Excel 2007 file with charts cannot be read by Excel 2007
- ZSS-367: Attribute "ctrlKeys" doesn't work
- ZSS-383: In IE browser, pop-up format dialog (right click on cell) can't be operated.
- ZSS-386: Inserting a picture after deleting first picture causes an exception
- ZSS-387: get js error when resize row height with row freeze
- ZSS-389: Shift cell up doesn't work correctly
- ZSS-390: browser took long time without response if I use freeze panel when select whole row or whole column
- ZSS-391: Filter popup menu is hidden by freeze column
- ZSS-393: Sheet out of sync after cut to different sheet
- ZSS-395: Unmerge cell operation doesn't work when the selected range overlap part of merged range.
- ZSS-397: Once deleting a picture on xlsx format, the exported xlsx file cannot be load by Excel or pictures are incorrect.
- ZSS-398: Sheetbar protectSheet menuitem check state is not correct
- ZSS-406: Spreadsheet doesn't be release when use application share scope
- ZSS-407: Shouldn't allow to drag row/column size in protected sheet
- ZSS-408: Cannot save 2003 format if the file contains auto filter configuration.
- ZSS-410: Undo style action get NPE in 2003
- ZSS-415: Get Exception after save and load a sheet that has comment in 2003
- ZSS-419: if delete two or more rows at once, the exported file will make Excel error when loading