ZK Spreadsheet 3.5-RC Release Notes
The 1st embeddable Ajax spreadsheet for Java Web application!
Released on April 01, 2014.
ZK Spreadsheet is an embeddable Ajax spreadsheet that delivers rich functionalities of Excel within browsers using pure Java
without the need for any plugins. Version 3.5.0 is a major upgrade in model implementation alongside several new features and bug fixes.
Feature Highlights
What's New
New Features Tracker
- ZSS-623: Support handling row/column style
- ZSS-634: Support chart and picture operation for XLS format
Bugs fixed
- ZSS-350: When using cell validation with cell list, the drop-down list won't update after the referred cells changed
- ZSS-574: spreadsheet doesn't display pie chart of demo_sample.xlsx
- ZSS-581: Formula lost to update after rename 2 sheet
- ZSS-582: Can't display chart after rename the sheet name to dot(.)
- ZSS-583: NullPointerException when the sheet has hyperlinks with empty URL
- ZSS-584: after delet left-top corner of a merged cell, background color disappears
- ZSS-585: Java SE 5 Compliance
- ZSS-587: wrong gridline display after delete column
- ZSS-588: get exception when import xls
- ZSS-589: Hidden rows are still displayed in IE
- ZSS-590: Chart shows to another sheet after delete sheet
- ZSS-591: Get console exception after delete sheet
- ZSS-592: Insert row/column on freeze panel with Range API is a illegal operation but doesn't get any information from server and cause js error
- ZSS-593: Spreadsheet doesn't be released immediately after close tab in collaboration
- ZSS-594: wrong display when insert/delete row/column in freeze column/row panel
- ZSS-595: Perform insert row operation on rows cover freezed row and non-freezed row will cause js error
- ZSS-596: Possible memory leak when formula evaluation
- ZSS-597: formula out update sync after insert/delete
- ZSS-598: Cell doesn't display correctly
- ZSS-600: First time right click shows empty context menu
- ZSS-601: Once I use right click context menu on sheet bar, it will never work again
- ZSS-602: Horizontal alignment dropdown in context menu doesn't show any items after one click on it
- ZSS-603: Color dropdown in context menu displays incorrectly after I click it one time
- ZSS-604: After change cell alignment twice times will cause right click event doesn't show context menu
- ZSS-605: Spreadsheet doesn't fit in screen with hflex, vflex is 1 and show scroll bar
- ZSS-608: Copy a single cell to a merge cell cause unexpected result
- ZSS-612: Cannot sort files name value in ZSS app "Open Book Dialog"
- ZSS-616: Selection box is displayed at wrong position
- ZSS-617: After spreadsheet loads a book, a mask is blocking the sheet
- ZSS-618: Bad performance when setting hug among of data in collaboration mode
- ZSS-619: Wrong evaluation result after insert/delete
- ZSS-620: Large response data when update a big region with same style
- ZSS-622: Spreadsheet toolbar function not work correctly if creating the instance at runtime
- ZSS-626: Formula result is not correct after insert/delete cells
- ZSS-627: Paste format doesn't work
- ZSS-630: when setting font style via context menu, first click doesn't work
- ZSS-633: Importer doesn't import custom column width for XLS format
- ZSS-635: Set row height or column width with empty value will cause NPE
- ZSS-636: Insert a chart with all blank cells, but the chart contains value
- ZSS-637: Cannot export XLS format
- ZSS-639: a formula refer to one cell at other sheet with freeze panel. change the refered cell cause JS error
- ZSS-640: cells with formula in freeze panels didn't be update after changing refered cells
- ZSS-642: Spreadsheet throws an exception when exporting PDF with charts
- ZSS-643: Wrong cell value and display after undo