ZK 2.3.1
Released on May 2, 2007.
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Getting Simpler and Richer
New Feature Highlight
- New (and simpler) way to customize the display of error messages.
- Support the file download that opens a Save dialog at the client
to let the user download arbitary file from the server.
- A new component called
captcha is added
to simplify the use of CAPTCHA.
- Java Interpreter (based on BeanShell)
supports hierachical scopes, aka., nest scopes.
- Many more...
- See also New Features of ZK 2.3.1.
Feature Updates
76 XUL and 82 HTML off-the-shelf components.
Tabbox, grid, listbox, tree, menu, combobox, bandbox, datebox, chart,
hbox, vbox, window, slider, paging, audio, image, timer, include, iframe...
Drag-and-drop supported by all components, such that users can drag
components and drop them to any other or particular set of components.
Context menus and customizable tooltips supported by all components,
such that a menu or any popup appears when user click, right-click or
move the mouse over a component.
Customizable sorting of listbox, grid and children of any component
with 100% Java codes (
java.lang.Comparator ).
Auto-completion for combobox.
Live data for listbox.
Grids, listboxes and trees with sizable columns.
All components are cloneable and serializable.
Validation and formatting for any input components, such as regular
expression and
$#,##0 .
100% Java API of Google Maps,
and Timeline components.
Event-driven, server-centric model
More than 20 events are supported:
onChange , onChanging ,
onScroll , onSelect , onShow ,
onZIndex ...
All events are processed at the server. No hurdle to communicate between clients
and servers.
All events are synchronized. No racing condition to worry about.
ZK User-interface Markup Language (ZUML).
Rich user interface could be designed in ZUML as simple as authoring
HTML pages.
- Powerful yet intuitive control flow by the
if , unless and forEach attribute.
Scripting in EL expressions and your favorite scripting languages,
include but not limited to Java,
Ruby and Groovy.
Hot changes and updates without restarting your Web applications.
Annotations that allow a page to acess database with zero Java codes.
Browser history management.
Add states to browser's back button history. Then, users can bookmark
and use the back and forward button to navigate different
states of the same ZK desktop.
Simple yet boundless component model.
Macro components. Developing a full-feature new component
by using another ZUML pages.
Inheritable customization. Developing a new component by extending
existent components.
Seamlessly and easily to encapsulate pure-client components as ZK
components with 100% Java API.
Customizing components with pre-compiled Java classes, or by scripting in
your favorite scripting languages,
include but not limited to Java,
Ruby and Groovy.
The choice is yours.
Simple yet flexible threading model.
Thread-safe component handling.
True server-side Modal dialog.
Suspend and resume event listeners freely.
100% Customizable User-Interface factory.
Loading ZUML pages not only from Web contents but also any repository
such as database.
Customizing the features of sessions, desktops and pages.
What's New
- New Features:
- 1698249: A way to customize the error box withouot writing JavaScript
- 1690498: A way to download a file from server with save as dialog
- 1663482: BeanShell shall support hierachical scopes like 2.2 does
- 1688892: A way to abandom Milieu
- 1699729: Adds the deferred option to zscript
- 1686198: A way to specify custom attributes in lang addon
- 1688093: Remove Component's param since it's redundant to custom-attribute
- 1686617: generate onClientInfo when browser size changes
- 1687371: button and checkbox suport DoubleClick
- 1689560: Add Events.sendEvent(Event evt)
- 1684148: support captcha component
- 1693686: Rightclick shall select the list item if it is not selected
- 1692783: ListModelConverter coerce empty Listmodel from null
- 1692772: a way to limit live-threads
- 1696799: doModal shall be allowed if not in processing an event
- 1642306: Position overlapped/popup widows at center, left, right...
- 1698195: Translate messages to Swedish. Thank Easit AB (http://www.easit.com) for his contribution.
- 1699225: Translate messages to Turkish. Thank Kursat Kurt for his contribution.
- 1699073: A way to prevent removing a desktop when user browse away
- 1617806: A way to support custom failover mechanism
- 1704040: Add onSelection event to InputElement
- 1705531: Textbox supports setSelectionRange
- 1704040: Add onSelection event to InputElement
- 1705715: InputElement's clearErrorMessage shall be public
- 1704194: Get value without validation -- getRawValue and getRawText
- 1708577: A way to control default encoding of the uploaded text file
- 1708000: ListModelXxx support Listbox and Grid sorting
- 1708615: Upgrade to jFreechart 1.0.5
- 1708616: Upgrade to jRuby 0.9.9
- 1710373: ListModelConverter should accept BindingListModel
- 1710542: Make AImage serializable
- Bug fixes:
- 1682844: Java 1.4.2 compatibility problem with StringBuffer.insert
- 1685165: bundled asm.jar imcompatibility with ZK 2.3
- 1686521: IE6 only. Opaque round corner of Window title
- 1686278: Rightclick event request's dtid param is null (with Liferay)
- 1687233: Grid creates blank row into wrong place when model changed
- 1673839: zkFilter doesn't handle redirect response properly
- 1688261: Groupbox/window caption wrong behavoir when null
- 1688071: tabpanel incorrectly rendered in FF2.x
- 1689346: Listbox Databind broken in 2007-03-27
- 1688200: Variable Resolver in Macro Components broken
- 1690524: animation onshow, onhide fail to apply on menupopup
- 1690399: ListModel out of sync when Listbox sorted
- 1692660: Resize the width of a child of hbox doesn't work properly
- 1690992: Hbox doesn't render correctly if a cell is invisble
- 1690583: popup incorrectly rendered when attached to
- 1698190: Constraint in zscript cannot access components by name
- 1694879: Fileupload of txt file not working
- 1699786: Execution.isAsyncUpdate(null) shall return if in async-updat
- 1702216: DHtmllayoutFilter cannot parsing DOCTYPE
- 1701319: setVisible method is not working for Vbox
- 1698981: The constraint doesn't works when assing value first
- 1701986: The error msgbox remains even if error is corrected
- 1697214: in TAB:slider always in left position even if curpos changed
- 1706019: Bandbox validation on firing always
- 1706290: Menu and comobox in popup causes unexpected dismiss
- 1707153: Menu and comobox doesn't work properly in a context popup
- 1707254: Menu and comobobox in bandbox causes unexpected dismiss
- 1704072: Can not work with spring 2.0.x
- 1692495: Invisible iframe in tab incorrectly handled on FF2.0
- 1708752: org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys.ConfigParser Typo
- 1684164: Readonly attribute on checkbox doesn't works
- 1709788: databind with checkboxes
- 1710412: Window border incorrect if height specified and shown later
- 1710552: No need to hide iframe if it is HTML
- 1710697: Unable to add style dynamically (IE only)
- 1707818: Validate in onChange failed to check for 2nd onblur
- 1710946: Comobox not allow shift+tab if autodrop (Safari only)
Upgrade Notes
org.zkoss.zul.Constraint is simplified while
org.zkoss.zul.ClientConstraint and
org.zkoss.zul.CustomConstraint are added to
have better control.
- The way to sort listbox/grid with live data is changed:
implements ListModelExt instead of overriding the sort method.
Refer to the dev's guide for details.
- To embed an iframe with contents other than HTML (such as PDF), you
have to specify autohide to true.
<iframe autohide="true" src="my.pdf"/>
UiFactory 's newComponent() adds an extra argument, clsnm.
- Milieu and InstanceDefinition are removed. ComponentInfo is added.
- A component has a reference to the component definition
- ComponentInfo represents a node in a ZUML page.
It is used to create a component, but the component doesn't
have any reference to it once created.
- max-event-threads is renamed to max-spare-threads
- onModal is no longer sent to the error page. Developers have to
mode="modal" explicity.
- The protected getRawValue method of InputElement is renamed to
- Execution.isAsyncUpdate(null) means whether the execution is
asynchronous updating a page (rather than creating a new page).
- The readonly property for checkbox, button and listbox is removed,
since it is not applicable.
- 10.1.0 on Nov. 12, 2024
- 10.0.2 on Sep. 6, 2024
- on Jul. 2, 2024
- 10.0.1 on Jun. 14, 2024
- 10.0.0 on Feb. 27, 2024
- 9.6.5 on Mar. 5, 2024
- 10.0.0-Beta on Oct. 18, 2023
- 9.6.4 on May 16, 2023
- 9.6.3 on Oct. 25, 2022
- on May 30, 2022
- on May 30, 2022
- on May 30, 2022
- on May 30, 2022
- 9.6.2 on May 24, 2022
- 9.6.1 on Jan. 11, 2022
- on Aug. 30, 2021
- 9.6.0 on Aug. 10, 2021
- on Apr. 29, 2021
- on Apr. 8, 2021
- on Mar. 23, 2021
- on Mar. 23, 2021
- 9.5.1 on Mar. 9, 2021
- on Nov. 24, 2020
- on Oct. 13, 2020
- on Oct. 7, 2020
- 9.5.0 on Sep. 29, 2020
- 9.1.0 on Jun. 16, 2020
- on Jun. 10, 2020
- on Jun. 10, 2020
- on Jun. 10, 2020
- on Jun. 10, 2020
- on May 19, 2020
- on May 5, 2020
- 9.0.1 on Apr. 21, 2020
- 8.6.4 on Feb. 4, 2020
- 9.0.0 on Dec. 10, 2019
- 8.6.3 on Sep. 24, 2019
- 8.6.2 on Jun. 25, 2019
- 8.6.1 on Mar. 5, 2019
- on Nov. 20, 2018
- 8.6.0 on Nov. 7, 2018
- on Aug. 28, 2018
- 8.5.2 on Jul. 31, 2018
- on Apr. 10, 2018
- on Mar. 20, 2018
- 8.5.1 on Mar. 6, 2018
- 8.5.0 on Oct. 31, 2017
- 8.0.5 on May 16, 2017
- on Feb. 14, 2017
- on Jan. 24, 2017
- 8.0.4 on Jan. 10, 2017
- on Oct. 18, 2016
- on Oct. 18, 2016
- on Oct. 12, 2016
- 8.0.3 on Sep. 26, 2016
- on May 31, 2016
- 8.0.2 on May 24, 2016
- 7.0.8 on Mar. 29, 2016
- on Feb. 2, 2016
- 7.0.7 on Dec. 15, 2015
- 8.0.0 on Oct. 06, 2015
- on Aug. 19, 2015
- 7.0.6 on Aug 11, 2015
- on Jul. 30, 2015
- 6.5.8 on Jun. 23, 2015
- 8.0.0 RC on May 26, 2015
- on Apr. 29, 2015
- on Apr. 28, 2015
- 7.0.5 on Mar. 24, 2015
- 7.0.4 on Dec. 10, 2014
- on Nov. 05, 2014
- on Nov. 05, 2014
- on Oct. 15, 2014
- 7.0.3 on Sep. 02, 2014
- 6.5.7 on Aug. 12, 2014
- 7.0.2 on May 27, 2014
- 6.5.6 on May 06, 2014
- 7.0.1 on Feb. 25, 2014
- 6.5.5 on Dec. 30, 2013
- 7.0.0 on Nov. 26, 2013
- 6.5.4 on Oct. 28, 2013
- 7.0.0-RC on Oct. 22, 2013
- 6.5.3 on Sep. 17, 2013
- 7.0.0 Preview on Aug. 13, 2013
- 6.5.2 on Mar. 26, 2013
- on Dec. 13, 2012
- 6.5.1 on Dec. 05, 2012
- 6.5.0 on Sep. 12, 2012
- on Nov. 07, 2012
- 6.0.3 on Oct. 30 24, 2012
- 6.0.2 on Jul. 24, 2012
- 6.0.1 on May 02, 2012
- 5.0.12 on Nov. 06, 2012
- 5.0.11 on Mar. 27, 2012
- 5.0.10 on Jan. 03, 2012
- 6.0.0 on Feb. 14, 2012
- 6.0.0 RC2 on Dec. 06, 2011
- 6.0.0 RC on Nov. 15, 2011
- 5.0.9 on Oct. 18, 2011
- 5.0.8 on Aug. 31, 2011
- 5.0.7 on May. 11, 2011
- 5.0.6 on Feb. 24, 2011
- 5.0.5 on Nov. 2, 2010
- 5.0.4 on Aug. 31, 2010
- 5.0.3 on Jun. 29, 2010
- 5.0.2 on May 12, 2010
- 5.0.1 on Mar. 16, 2010
- 3.6.4 on Mar. 16, 2010
- 5.0.0 on Jan. 26, 2010
- 5.0.0 RC2 on Dec. 8, 2009
- 3.6.3 on Nov. 3, 2009
- 5.0.0 RC on Sep. 28, 2009
- 3.6.2 on Jun. 23, 2009
- 3.6.1 on Apr. 28, 2009
- 3.0.9 on Mar. 16, 2009
- 3.6.0 on Mar. 2, 2009
- 3.5.2 on Dec. 8, 2008
- 3.5.1 on Oct. 8, 2008
- 3.0.8 on Oct. 8, 2008
- 3.5.0 on Sep. 10, 2008
- 3.0.7 on Aug. 1, 2008
- 3.0.6 on Jun. 24, 2008
- 2.4.3 on Jun. 23, 2008
- 3.0.5 on Apr. 30, 2008
- 3.0.4 on Mar. 25, 2008
- 3.0.3 on Feb. 01, 2008
- 3.0.2 on Jan. 22, 2008
- 2.4.2 on Dec. 19, 2007
- 3.0.1 on Dec. 17, 2007
- 3.0.0 on Nov. 6, 2007
- 2.4.1 on Jul. 6, 2007
- 2.4.0 on Jun. 8, 2007
- 2.3.1 on May 2, 2007
- 2.3.0 on Mar. 20, 2007
- 2.2.1 on Jan. 2, 2007
- 2.2.0 on Dec. 13, 2006
- 2.1.3 on Oct. 24, 2006
- 2.1.2 on Oct. 3, 2006
- 2.1.1 on Sep. 19, 2006
- 2.1.0 on Aug. 28, 2006
- 2.0.1 on Jun. 26, 2006
- 2.0.0 on Jun. 13, 2006
- 1.1.0 on Mar. 20, 2006
- 1.0.0 on Feb. 27, 2006