ZK 5.0.6 release notes
Released on February 24, 2011.
ZK 5.0.6 is a maintenance release introducing new features such as custom SEO content renderer, a new interactive tree model, and additional built in UI effects on widgets.
Getting Simpler and Richer
- Please see the New Features for more information!
- If you would like to upgrade from an older version the upgrade notes are available here!
Feature Updates
120+ off-the-shelf Ajax components
Tabbox, grid, listbox, tree, menu, combobox, bandbox, datebox, chart,
hbox, vbox, window, slider, paging, audio, image, timer, include, iframe...
Drag-and-drop supported by all components, such that users can drag
components and drop them to any other or particular set of components.
Context menus and customizable tooltips supported by all components,
such that a menu or any popup appears when user click, right-click or
move the mouse over a component.
Customizable sorting of listbox, grid and children of any component
with 100% Java codes (
java.lang.Comparator ).
Auto-completion for combobox.
Load on demand with writing Java codes.
Live data for listbox.
Grids, listboxes and trees with sizable columns.
All components are cloneable and serializable.
Validation and formatting for any input components, such as regular
expression and
$#,##0 .
100% Java API of Google Maps,
and Timeline components.
Event-driven, server-centric model
Ajax requests, application notification, and server push are all managed as events
Event Queue shields developers from the complexity of Ajax and server push, such as multi-thread programming
All events are processed at the server. No hurdle to communicate between clients
and servers.
All events are synchronized. No racing condition to worry about.
ZK User-interface Markup Language (ZUML).
Rich user interface could be designed in ZUML as simple as authoring
HTML pages.
- Powerful yet intuitive control flow by the
if , unless and forEach attribute.
Scripting in EL expressions and your favorite scripting languages,
include but not limited to Java,
Ruby and Groovy.
Hot changes and updates without restarting your Web applications.
Annotations that allow a page to access database with zero Java codes.
Browser history management.
Add states to browser's back button history. Then, users can bookmark
and use the back and forward button to navigate different
states of the same ZK desktop.
Simple yet boundless component model.
POJO components supporting interfaces and clustering. Easy to instantiate and manipulate directly with pure Java,
or injected and managed by an AOP framework, such as Spring
Macro components. Develope full-featured new component
by using other ZUML pages.
Inheritable customization. Developing a new component by extending
existent components.
Seamlessly and easily to encapsulate pure-client components as ZK
components with 100% Java API.
Customizing components with pre-compiled Java classes, or by scripting in
your favorite scripting languages,
include but not limited to Java,
Ruby and Groovy.
The choice is yours.
Simple yet flexible threading model.
Thread-safe component handling.
True server-side Modal dialog.
Suspend and resume event listeners freely.
100% Customizable User-Interface factory.
Loading ZUML pages not only from Web contents but also any repository
such as database.
Customizing the features of sessions, desktops and pages.
What's New
- New Features Tracker
- 3143403: A way to customize the effect of showing/hiding a widget
- 3175503: A way to specify the application's name in zk.xml
- 3138362: Add a Doublespinner comopnent to support double value
- 3159644: Message translated to Slovak. Thank Ondrej Jombik for his contribution
- 3148425: GroupsModelArray shall handle tabular data better
- 3166334: Provide a way to intercept document-level key events
- 2957665: Round mold for Textbox, Decimalbox, Intbox, Longbox and Doublebox
- 3105037: Show the locale format in error messages
- 3148523: Simplify TreeModel (to be the same as Swing's TreeModel)
- 3152268: TreeModel: provide an implementation that is mutable
- 3169396: Tree supports sorting
- 3115054: A way not to use Thread for Event Queue+Server Push
- 3116100: Progressmeter has animation effect
- 3118161: When desktop destroyed, better to force cleanup if timeout
- 3139008: Add Vietnamese language
- 3158054: Optimize UiVisualizer for hug number of updates
- 3161425: Panel's border and framable shall be merged into one
- 2866506: Data Binding shall support GroupsModel with Listbox/Grid
- 3175481: A way to ignore the wiring of zscript and xel globally
- 3166312: A way to know detail of a long exec blocking others
- 3175487: Datebox should fire onChange when select date via Calendar
- 3177275: Listheader should override hflex when sized by end user
- 3179707: Support hflex="min" + span
- 3184415: Grid/Listbox/Tree shall allow to span a specific column
- 3186996: Listbox/tree's nonselectableTags supports "*" to disable all
- 3187996: A way to generate custom SEO content
- Bugs fixed
- 3102812: Using databinding with onCreate event, target is null
- 3109358: Recycle uuid causes image's URI caching in browser
- 3117370: Tree ROD fail
- 3117384: renderdefer fails in tree on IE and Chrome
- 3122159: onChange shall fire immediately for datebox if select a date
- 3131983: EL's param shall not Map if zscript used
- 3131173: Tree checkmark/multiple issue
- 3131458: The column setSortDirection fail with breeze theme
- 3134159: Progressmeter animation error
- 3136243: Bug within JQuery 1.4.3, please upgrade to 1.4.4
- 3136453: H/Vlayout inheritance
- 3136963: doAfterCompose invoke twice when the zul include by setSrc
- 3142509: SelectedIndex fails when listbox(select) contain listhead
- 3142583: include dynamic property doesn't work
- 3132167: In IE6, hflex="min" miscalculate the combobox's width
- 3141549: Hlayout not handle hflex well (onSize not fired if empty)
- 3109311: listbox sizedByContent cause javascript
- 3106676: Datebox allows selection of past days when no empty, no past
- 3126388: Flahschart could not work with type stackcolumn
- 3141610: Unavailable to change Menubar scrolling
- 3118324: Possible bug in Grid with Frozen + Footer + horizontal scroll
- 3150160: listheader hflex="min" give 0 column width
- 3118444: IE 6 Menu popup have wired point
- 3152311: The between constraint of datebox cause infinite loop
- 3154189: The file upload cause NoSuchMethodError with JDK 1.4
- 3153941: Decimalbox didn't compatible with jre / jdk 1.4.x
- 3154168: Doublespinner didn't compatible with jre / jdk 1.4.x
- 3156026: H/Vlayout sync size busy
- 3159604: The font of the button in the caption become smaller
- 3160695: The x/y Axis label of GanttChart was in wrong position
- 3152754: Include#setVisible() has issue with invalidate()
- 3162238: Include fails when set source to null dynamically
- 3151694: decimalbox input 25- cause exception
- 3164504: Hflex will not recalculate when the colum without label
- 3164514: Jasperreport does not close JDBC connection after doReport()
- 3158641: Implementing IdSpace not enough; Client-side shall handle it
- 3085855: Children of Treeitem shown when Treeitem is not visible
- 3132161: Datebox getValue returning date+time
- 3165081: Splitter as first or last child fails when dragged
- 3155985: timer doesn't stop and restart
- 3147518: Memory leak with IE 7 and dynamic Grid Updates
- 3109926: Splitter javascript error in IE8
- 3147909: Listbox of select mold fails inside draggable component (Webkit)
- 3165056: Textbox in popup didn't trigger onblur with Firefox 3.6.x
- 3165646: Right-click shouldn't deselect the one that is selected
- 3161667: Doublebox formatting/rounding bug for near-zero value
- 3165164: onSelect event is not fired when a tab is closed
- 3132199: use hflex="min" in hlayout and div, cause wrong UI
- 3105728: Incorrect Datebox formatting with no year input
- 3105860: Portallayout fails to set Panel's ZIndex on 2nd maximization
- 3166404: The hidden column in a frozen grid will appear
- 3166399: Crawlable feature isn't working when the cnt is in include
- 3165195: Strange dotted line on Menuitem
- 3166478: Portallayout maximize panel, panel behind will sticking out
- 3157031: V/Hlayout with h/vflex calculate wrong value
- 3081580: Toolbarbutton with upload and disabled not work
- 3166875: Failed to invalidate an included page
- 3166909: Javascript error if put a listhead inside a listbox(select)
- 3162596: mesg.TRY_AGAIN not translated in zk.jar
- 3167027: Cannot append a treerow in a treeitem
- 3141977: Navigating paging grid with native elem in it causes error (EE only)
- 3159848: Closing error box does not update InputElement value (ZK 5 part)
- 3168509: Datebox sets wrong date when going from 12/31 to 1/1 next yr
- 3106514: sizedByContent with not visible columns
- 3166874: Clicking on Toolbarbutton in Caption does not blur textbox
- 3147199: ZUL schema not allow tablelayout used in div
- 3107026: Button can't be clicked if locale is TR in IE8
- 3512678: Panel does not resize when its Toolbar toggles visibility
- 3169411: Cannot show custom error message in Spinner
- 3172791: trendy button don't pick up style
- 3172785: None-embedded window shall not affect flex size of its parent component
- 3166485: Height of listbox sync error
- 3175558: Use zkplus JpaUtil can not close default EntityManger
- 3170417: Paging in Tree is broken
- 3176990: Liferay fail to work because wrong zk.wpd url link
- 3147926: Auto-fitting bug
- 3177013: Grid fail shrink/expand, sizedByContent="true", span="true"
- 3175465: Paging tree doesn't render the close node
- 3176345: Splitter's icon doesn't work for mouse-over style on IE6/7/8
- 3177128: Chrome Only. Incorrect scrollbar size
- 3115825: toolbarbutton onClick not fired using 5.0.5 with Liferay
- 3176297: Row's mouse-over style keeps changing in IE6/8
- 3177265: listbox/grid hflex="min" does not work
- 3161535: grid column align doesn't work with breeze theme in IE 7
- 3178065: Menuitem onClick is incorrectly blocked in zkmax
- 3178359: Combobox's popup is positioned wrong in vertical tabbox
- 3147382: confirmClose message under timeout scenario
- 3180189: Sizing on Listbox/Grid with hflex="min" causes expanding
- 3094720: Last child of Hlayout/Vlayout should have no right/bottom padding
- 3180824: Listbox, mold="select", multiple rows
- 3181881: Listbox/Grid sizedByContent="true" cannot resize column
- 3182114: Listbox/Grid columns hflex="1" not correct with hflex="min"
- 2987511: Class extends Map can miss calling Getters in DataBinding
- 3183172: hflex="min" on Grid/Listbox/Tree cause js error
- 3183182: Inconsistent behavior on Grid/Listbox/Tree with hflex="min"
- 3183228: Grid/Listbox/Tree has wrong sizing when header sizable=true
- 3183691: Send response to client cannot found the widget
- 3184673: Separator in Hlayout on IE6 looks strange
- 3184756: A window with a scroll menubar render a wrong sibling
- 3185508: Internal event listener of tree/grid/... not seralized
- 3187231: include is not work when using '~.' & defer without params
- 3184369: Hflex doesn't work with native html table on IE 8
- 1968615: Data binding problem in listfooter inside a nested listbox
- 3189142: Combobox popup width is wrong. IE7 only
- 3189758: Date constraint parsing gives wrong result with end of today