ZK 8.6.0 release notes
Released on Nov. 7, 2018
ZK 8.6 is a major update that brings you richer experiences than ever! 10+ new components and molds allow you to do more with less efforts. You will come across new input controls such as Rating, Signature and Switch Toggle, and multimedia widgets such as Video, Camera and Barcode.
In addition the breeze-compatible iceblue-compact theme is released along with ZK 8.6 allowing you to effortlessly upgrade your legacy ZK application to a refreshing and modern look and feel in no time!
Richer than Ever
What's New
- New Features
- ZK-136 - Three status checkbox support
- ZK-2756 - Listbox supports listgroup like optgroup in select mold
- ZK-3138 - Data loading indicator for ROD
- ZK-3179 - Toolbar can have an overflow button that contains those buttons weren't able to fit in the toolbar
- ZK-3277 - Implement a Fileupload (using modern APIs)
- ZK-3551 - Menupopup active/highlight position from serverside
- ZK-3845 - Provide a video component
- ZK-3913 - Provide a barcode/QR code component
- ZK-3923 - Provide a Barcode Scanner
- ZK-3930 - Provide a camera component
- ZK-3941 - upgrade jasperreport for the latest japerreport version 6.5
- ZK-3954 - GoldenLayout component
- ZK-3958 - Checkbox add new molds (switch, toggle)
- ZK-3959 - A new component for signing a signature
- ZK-3960 - A rating component
- ZK-3961 - Slider new mold (knob)
- ZK-3962 - A new component that can select a range of image
- ZK-3963 - Organigram component
- ZK-3964 - Iceblue theme compact version
- ZK-3978 - tree rod open node performance
- ZK-3986 - chosenbox updates only the necessary DOM elements
- ZK-3992 - InputWidget uses setSelectionRange instead of select in inputWidget.select()
- ZK-3998 - org.zkoss.zel.Util outputs exceptions to the console directly - change to logger
- ZK-4022 - improve web fragment support
- ZK-4023 - Add strict valid date support to Datebox without lenient mode
- ZK-4028 - Add Navigation Model
- ZK-4046 - a property for reloading Labels when one desktop is created
- ZK-4092 - Add option to select front-facing or user-facing camera to video-enabled components
- ZK-4094 - camera should provide default recording status indicator
- ZK-4096 - LabelLoaderImpl: fine tune logging
- Bugs fixed
- ZK-3288 - Borderlayout not resizing content after toggling autoscroll
- ZK-3588 - frozen + added listheader doesn't update UI properly
- ZK-3647 - Listbox scroll bug after sort with ROD
- ZK-3679 - a custom checked exception is wrapped as OperationException
- ZK-3710 - listfoot does not show when the first listheader is visible="false"
- ZK-3735 - Listbox.getVisibleItemCount() does not reset its value after Listbox.setModel()
- ZK-3752 - browser can't download source map after reloading a page
- ZK-3760 - Navbar submenu appears in the wrong position
- ZK-3826 - Datebox does not display correct range of years
- ZK-3869 - IE11 stackup iframe initially in wrong position
- ZK-3877 - modal window shadow gets removed after clicking to border
- ZK-3879 - listbox autopaging does not work with external paginal
- ZK-3883 - The Grid/Listbox header and context are misaligned after resized
- ZK-3938 - Support screen scaling (chrome) to align column headers
- ZK-3940 - Websockets (error) handling larger incoming messages
- ZK-3977 - ListModel listdatalistener not cleared when component is destroyed
- ZK-3981 - shrink a width with a splitter doesn't work
- ZK-3982 - opened group scrolled out of view
- ZK-3983 - a component doesn't resize correctly with a splitter in a vbox
- ZK-3987 - a label in a cell has a different default color
- ZK-3990 - Datebox throws a javascript error when opening it with a mobile browser
- ZK-3993 - selecting an item doesn't deselect others with a mobile device
- ZK-3994 - Header visibility cause missing cells after 3604
- ZK-3995 - colobox doesn't allow "id" attribute
- ZK-3996 - fragment can't parse Chinese characters
- ZK-3997 - Listbox items not resized after ROD triggers zk.Widget.prototype.replaceCavedChildren_
- ZK-4000 - Failed to drag and drop to a grid with firefox under atlantic theme
- ZK-4001 - new feature title on collapse borderlayout region missing style in some themes
- ZK-4003 - can't get selected item correctly
- ZK-4004 - Invisible columns affect mesh column span width count with flex
- ZK-4007 - position="nocenter" is ignored after moving modal window
- ZK-4008 - Grid renders its column width incorrectly with span=true
- ZK-4010 - invisible listheaders are still visible in IE
- ZK-4011 - invisible columns are still visible in IE
- ZK-4014 - Fragment doesn't support forEach with iterative variable
- ZK-4015 - Bandbox popup doesn't close when it lose focus
- ZK-4016 - HtmlMacroComponent doesn't listen to onCreate event with @Listen
- ZK-4017 - Grid renders nothing after clear() and addAll()
- ZK-4019 - z-columns-bar doesn't have correct width when a scrollbar appears
- ZK-4020 - Grid creates more row than expected
- ZK-4021 - TypeError: ref is undefined after ZK-3943
- ZK-4025 - fragment-component parser fails to parse string-literals with special chars
- ZK-4026 - shadow <if> re-renders too eagerly
- ZK-4030 - popup loading overlay in wrong position
- ZK-4031 - fragment-component table/tr/td problems on IE
- ZK-4032 - zul.sel.ItemIter will return non-item object if all items are visible(false) during init
- ZK-4033 - tree items cause JS error with radiogroup
- ZK-4035 - Failing to set slider hflex in hlayout
- ZK-4036 - @ScopeParam with scopes = Scope.AUTO would look up an attribute in Execution scope
- ZK-4037 - vbox doesn't render its height of children components correctly with splitters
- ZK-4038 - hbox's children shrinks their height unexpectedly after dragging a splitter
- ZK-4039 - a caption inside a borderlayout causes a javascript error
- ZK-4041 - Menubar menupopup display position if height below button is too small is always to the left
- ZK-4043 - Client error with MessageBox / duplicate UUIDs and script elements
- ZK-4044 - 1px column header misalignment on zoomed displays
- ZK-4049 - Zel GetMethod would print ignored exception message
- ZK-4051 - scrollable tabbox tabs breaking in classic themes
- ZK-4053 - open a bandbox but isOpen() still returns false
- ZK-4054 - setOpen() should not change open state of an invisible bandbox
- ZK-4055 - conditional native rendering problems
- ZK-4056 - InputElement select() setSelectionRange() not working in chrome
- ZK-4061 - @HistoryPopState called multiple times
- ZK-4081 - ForEachStatus isLast() returns wrong value
- ZK-4082 - grid loading animation performance impact
- ZK-4083 - IE performance - border-radius styles in iceblue
- ZK-4093 - Child not allowed in org.zkoss.zkmax.zul.Cropper
- ZK-4095 - Add a false positive check threshold on the barcode scanner
- ZK-4112 - Listbox ROD is empty when scroll down
- ZK-4113 - orgitem and orgnode trigger bind / unbind even if not in the dom, cause errors
- ZK-4119 - grid columns misaligned