ZK 5.0.8 release notes
Released on Aug 31, 2011.
ZK 5.0.8 is a maintenance release focusing on fixing bugs with introductions to a few new features including an upgrade to support JasperReports 4, an introduction to a new databinding composer, locale improvements for components and others.
Getting Simpler and Richer
- Please see the New Features for more information!
- If you would like to upgrade from an older version the upgrade notes are available here!
Feature Updates
120+ off-the-shelf Ajax components
Tabbox, grid, listbox, tree, menu, combobox, bandbox, datebox, chart,
hbox, vbox, window, slider, paging, audio, image, timer, include, iframe...
Drag-and-drop supported by all components, such that users can drag
components and drop them to any other or particular set of components.
Context menus and customizable tooltips supported by all components,
such that a menu or any popup appears when user click, right-click or
move the mouse over a component.
Customizable sorting of listbox, grid and children of any component
with 100% Java codes (
java.lang.Comparator ).
Auto-completion for combobox.
Load on demand with writing Java codes.
Live data for listbox.
Grids, listboxes and trees with sizable columns.
All components are cloneable and serializable.
Validation and formatting for any input components, such as regular
expression and
$#,##0 .
100% Java API of Google Maps,
and Timeline components.
Event-driven, server-centric model
Ajax requests, application notification, and server push are all managed as events
Event Queue shields developers from the complexity of Ajax and server push, such as multi-thread programming
All events are processed at the server. No hurdle to communicate between clients
and servers.
All events are synchronized. No racing condition to worry about.
ZK User-interface Markup Language (ZUML).
Rich user interface could be designed in ZUML as simple as authoring
HTML pages.
- Powerful yet intuitive control flow by the
if , unless and forEach attribute.
Scripting in EL expressions and your favorite scripting languages,
include but not limited to Java,
Ruby and Groovy.
Hot changes and updates without restarting your Web applications.
Annotations that allow a page to access database with zero Java codes.
Browser history management.
Add states to browser's back button history. Then, users can bookmark
and use the back and forward button to navigate different
states of the same ZK desktop.
Simple yet boundless component model.
POJO components supporting interfaces and clustering. Easy to instantiate and manipulate directly with pure Java,
or injected and managed by an AOP framework, such as Spring
Macro components. Develope full-featured new component
by using other ZUML pages.
Inheritable customization. Developing a new component by extending
existent components.
Seamlessly and easily to encapsulate pure-client components as ZK
components with 100% Java API.
Customizing components with pre-compiled Java classes, or by scripting in
your favorite scripting languages,
include but not limited to Java,
Ruby and Groovy.
The choice is yours.
Simple yet flexible threading model.
Thread-safe component handling.
True server-side Modal dialog.
Suspend and resume event listeners freely.
100% Customizable User-Interface factory.
Loading ZUML pages not only from Web contents but also any repository
such as database.
Customizing the features of sessions, desktops and pages.
What's New
- New Features Tracker
- ZK-214: Add a databinding composer instead of initiator
- 3316591: Allow user to specify error-box position
- 3326788: A way to name the composer GenericAutowireComposer
- ZK-250: Support <?style?> to generate CSS directly without using a component
- 2971889: Way to notify server of JS error
- 3306718: Treeitem allows draggable/droppable (in addion to treerow)
- 3287044: decimalbox/intbox/longbox/doublebox/doublespiner/spinner allows users to specify locale
- 3309539: Timebox and Datebox support different language for different locale
- 3310927: ZK JasperReport support JasperReports 4
- 3315689: Optimize the HtmlMacroComponent
- 3323594: Render on Demand for Grid and Listbox supports setInitSize
- 3327013: A way to log message to the client
- 3355806: Feature Update: custom-attributes shall be allowed to specify page's attrs (without specifying the scope attribute explicity)
- 3307322: Control Keys support backspace
- 3326111: A way to specify fileSizeThreshold for fileupload in zk.xml
- ZK-274: A way to prevent the developers from using zscript
- ZK-310: Support Clients.resize(wgt) to force the client to re-calculate the size, such as hflex/vflex
- ZK-230: org.zkoss.zkplus.embed.Renders provides an option to control whether to generate addtion DOM element for the page
- ZK-240: Optimize the memory footprint of Cell/Listcell/Treecell
- ZK-248: System-level initiator shall be applied to richlet too
- ZK-219: Update zk.Event documentation
- ZK-287: The event instance shall be passed to the callback event listener of EventQueue
- ZK-295: Animation effect of Borderlayout can be configured
- ZK-78: A better Hungarian message file
- ZK-348: iZUML shall use #{} instead of ${} so it is easy to use in a ZUML or JSP page
- Bugs fixed
- 3301375: native component in vbox stretch align show javascript error
- 3303684: Panel sizable has incorrect moving constraint
- 3301517: Double spinner show 0.000000000001
- 3304408: Listbox[mold=select], onChange event not fired in IE6
- 2973303: listbox mold select and selectedIndex -1
- 3306079: Spinner/Doublespinner has unnecessary methods
- 3002530: glitches with autopaging and renderdefer
- 3306824: NullPointer when combobox's model has null
- 3304877: Upload fail when the component with autodisable
- 3308335: Fail to dynamically change the roundingMode for subclass...
- 3309174: Remove items from the model of a non-rod grid cause error
- 3309256: Datebox and Timebox with long format will display wrong
- 3306149: Cannot remove the latest element in grid model (grid in rod)
- 3309632: Upload may incorrectly terminate
- 3307255: Panel in Portallayout missing top and bottom in IE7
- 3310470: Columnlayout does not work with vflex
- 3310055: Timebox issue with daylight saving timezone
- 3309583: Auxheader HTML Error
- 3315594: Vflex fail with a window contain a listbox with rows
- 3317170: Datebox without rod render a incorrect dom (FF3.6 only)
- 3322903: onTimer may cancel onClick request
- 3322892: emptyMessage fail when Grid has height
- 3309557: Rod render the empty content with listbox
- 3322909: emptyMessage fail when Listbox has height
- 3322970: Listhead checkmark state is not synchronized
- 3310020: init(SCfg) of DhtmlLayoutS. breaks contract of GenericSrvlet
- 3307376: The datebox shall fire onError after the error is cleared.
- 3322795: double spinner weird action
- 3322816: Doublespinner cannot accept empty value
- 3306850: doublespinner has weird actions
- 3303770: WrongValueException in Grid with paging mold
- 3314014: Separator bar not showing in IE6
- 3315668: doModal Window sometimes can't close with a cluster weblogic
- 3340252: Set vflex to cell in Vbox cause js error
- 3336745: getBoundingClientRect cause error on IE/FF
- 3323593: Timebox with long format shows meanless "z"
- 3314513: Datebox validate fail with different locale
- 3317729: Textbox with hflex="1" shall occupied column's width (IE)
- 3312936: Panel vflex issue (IE6/7)
- 3309193: Chrome returns wrong margin value on InputElement
- 3310406: ztag selector throws error when mounting
- 3339315: Mesh Element with hflex min causes zero width
- 3316035: Grid with sizedByContent and hflex:min display wrong
- 3345636: Chrome, Set hflex="1" to Datebox do not align with Textbox
- 3309975: Textbox in a draggable component get selection while focus
- 3310017: The textbox's cursor position cannot be changed
- 3313028: Grid hflex fail while the label in a div with FF4
- 3330762: DoubleSpinner's ClassCastException on value get
- 3348943: ZK JPA cause Exception
- 3316030: Column with hflex:min, but it is not real displayed as min
- 3325041: doublespinner can't type in floating number
- 3316543: Only load the first property file
- 3304954: HoverImage doesn't show up in menus
- 3340841: Listitem doesn't show selection if disabled
- 3316665: setVflex to Window calculate a wrong height
- 3306729: vflex of listbox not work well on IE6
- 3310051: Listbox with hflex cannot shorten its width on IE6
- 3301498: Alignment of rows and header broken
- 3357475: Grid with hflex min should imply default header hflex
- 3303877: IE6 only, vflex fail with tabbox
- 3305038: Fileupload.get() cause javascript error
- 3353121: Grid in Tabbox vflex issue, IE7 only
- 3303872: IE8 only, tabpanel disappear after hide then show
- 3303874: IE7 only, the scroll bar do not appear in the tabpanel
- 3306835: can not drag image into listbox on IE9
- 3343388: Set hflex="min" to Groupbox fail
- 3353521: Window render Caption in a wrong place
- 3357573: child in the groupbox cannot resize correctly
- 3345912: IE6 only, use Cell in Grid,it appears a strange line
- 3356022: borderlayout and tabpanel bug
- 3355680: hflex fail in combobox while select options
- 3304968: IE9 only, tab will be hide after open then close
- 3362731: IE Rod, use mouse wheel scrol down to end cause js error
- 3309122: ROD issue when use oncreate
- 3317743: Listbox checkmarks don't work as expected in paging mold
- 3365535: Groupbox default mold hflex min may have wrong size
- 3300935: (ipad)Tooltip shall not appear while taps on a component
- 3314143: Treeitem in a close dot tree does not render correctly
- 3306281: onClick in Flash with IE not working
- 3343001: IE6 7 only, Tree will not increase height when open treeitem
- 3352909: Listbox ROD will not render item in a correct position
- 3354086: Model attribute will not accept a ListModel
- 3343077: IE only, column of Grid and Tree do not sync with scroll bar
- 3316103: InaccessibleWidgetBlockService wrongly blocks Combobox
- 3357641: listbox scroll bar position issue if ROD is true
- 3358505: ZK EE with native failed to invalidate (JS error)
- 3327522: Visible property for borderlayout panels (west, east, etc)
- 3337441: Firefox Listbox Multiselect
- 3363687: Window onCreate fired twice for Execution#sendRedirect()
- ZK-210: Style Tag Ignored in IE6/7/8
- ZK-223: Fine tune ZKThemes and sandbox
- ZK-200: Outside Window border disappear when defer including
- ZK-215: Combobox options width failed in IE
- ZK-56: setSelectedIndex not scroll the selectedItem
- ZK-232: Server push fail in cluster environment
- ZK-159: Hflex fail with nest container
- ZK-182: Header of grid scroll fail after remove the Frozen
- ZK-163: The Flashchart didn't compatible with jre / jdk 1.4.x
- ZK-195: Tree with vflex causes wrong wd in another tree w/ scrollbar
- ZK-171: Listbox/Grid columns hflex="1" not correct with hflex="min"
- ZK-206: Set Hflex="min" to listheader fail, FF5 IE6,7
- ZK-198: Splitter issue with double Borderlayout
- ZK-190: Change style of div in border layout cause error of style
- ZK-236: Borderlayout North/South failed to concern caption height
- ZK-238: Grid with frozen, scrolled then delete frozen, some columns is hidden
- ZK-221: problem with events in firefox 4.x and up
- ZK-241: Hflex fail with grid in grid case
- ZK-244: window cannot maximize when caption changed
- ZK-239: vlayout inner padding issue
- ZK-261: Panelchildren fail to serialize in Panel
- ZK-242: Set postion to window fail with Firefox
- ZK-267: DelegatingVariableResolver cannot be serialize
- ZK-266: Sort call to model not receiving the right parameters
- ZK-269: If listbox with an empty content, the head's size in Opera is wrong
- ZK-281: Hlayout.setSpacing with null or an empty string shall mean auto
- ZK-259: Using custom paging component in grid when autopaging is used
- ZK-275: Window render Caption in a wrong place
- ZK-286: Vlayout shall not appear horizontal scroll bar (hflex)
- ZK-294: < not shown up if it is enclosed in a ZHTML component
- ZK-272: Place component in auxheader is not align with headers'
- ZK-299: Detail component should not initial the width (18px) by default, if the theme is not in classic-blue
- ZK-297: Combox's onSelect will keep to fire when invalidate the component
- ZK-300: Paging mold with listbox cannot change its mold by configuration
- ZK-282: Menuitem with popup is not always worked on IE6 only
- ZK-298: vertical tabbox height is not correct
- ZK-301: Invalidate Borderlayout while west opening cause javascript error
- ZK-306: DefaultTreeModel does not properly synchronize deselection state
- ZK-307: Center fires redudant onSize if borderlayout's isFlex() is true
- ZK-313: Strange behavior of ProgressMeter's setValue
- ZK-58: Desktop.setBookmark does not allow ? character
- ZK-323: Inplace input element may fail when set button visible dynamically
- ZK-343: Frozen column added to Listbox with paging causes problem
- ZK-326: Panelchildren's vflex fail in a model window on IE6
- ZK-338: Timebox cannot auto-change the hour by pressing the arrow icon in zh_TW locale (IE and Webkit only)
- ZK-332: Set disabled to treeitem shall not disable open function
- ZK-337: Disabled Button should not appear pointer cursor
- ZK-355: Listbox's scrollbar position is not currect after invalidate() (zk max only)
- ZK-353: Listbox with listgroup's scrollbar position is not currect after invalidate()
- ZK-352: hflex/vflex wrong calculation with negative leftover size
- ZK-349: Listbox with sizedByContent and hflex="min", the header's size is wrong